Trappers Bend Ch. 07.5 – Interlude

Byron was dealing with something every parent has to deal with sooner or later: an adolescent becomes a headstrong young adult. That comes with risks at any rate, but for a family of slaves, the risks were worse than most. Even with his own father forced to live abroad out of reach of extradition, he’d been lucky so far — things could go much worse for a trainer who understands a girl.

When Dane saw Ana coming on command, taking degradation and pain like a pro, and responding meekly to the idea that she’d spend her life as a slave, he’d just seen a natural submissive showing her gifts. And he wasn’t wrong — not entirely. Ana fell into the role naturally. There was some part of her that liked it, and she accepted that part almost instinctively.

Those kinds of girls could be the most dangerous.

Training a girl who fought back was straightforward, because she experienced a conflict: either she’d escape, or she’d be broken and enveloped. All a trainer had to do was be consistent, apply sufficient rewards and punishments, and sooner or later, she’d be his entirely.

But if a girl took to the submission too easily, it might not conflict with her desire for freedom. She’d simply fall into her role as completely as she could, until she found just the right opportunity to attack or escape. And her hapless master, thinking her broken to his will, wouldn’t even see it coming

Byron hadn’t seen Ana’s act of rebellion, but he’d seen her soon afterwards. She didn’t act like a girl who’d been recently thwarted by someone she desperately wanted to escape, but like a bystander to her own actions, baffled that she’d ever resisted at all.

He hurt her next rebellion would be cleverer and better thought out. Her luxury, helpless sensitivity seemed to hide a kind of sang froid, and Dane was falling for it entirely. Byron didn’t want to intervene more than necessary, but he was damned if he’d let the two of them get caught because his boy was tooinfatuated to listen.

The boy had good instincts at least. He’d picked up on Ana’s triggers quickly, and had done a great job of harnessing her desire to protect her friends to deepen her submission and cooperation. But it all just felt a little too easy to Byron, and that made him nervous.

He quietly descended the stairs, and switched the light on in the living room. Ana’s beautiful body twitched gently in the frame, her breasts and belly undulating, and her breath whistling through the nose holes in the hood. In the quiet of the room, he could just barely make out the buzz of the vibrator, rising and falling, but could follow it in the subtle motions of her body.

She seemed to drift off to sleep as the viruses tapered away to nothing, as if they were one device. Slick tights twitched gently in her sleep, as he knelt down before her, inhaling the sweet scent.

Byron enjoyed women, but at this stage of training, sex was usually just a tool to him. Even the blowjob from Ana, enjoyable as it had been, was mostly a way to evaluate her reactions and push her training a little further. But as the vibrator slowly came to life and the captive hips began their ceaseless, helpless grind, he was seized by an almost violent desire to take her.

But no, he’d been trying to install responsibility in the boy, and that included respect for another’s property. It would be bad enough when Dane learned about the allies his father had recruited, and the ways they were keeping things running smoothly behind the scenes. Using the toy’s cunt without Dane’s permission would be unprofessional, even if they were only playing at Byron being Dane’s underling.

Dane had only consented to Byron using his hands on the slave’s lower holes, so that would have to do for now.

Byron stroked a finger along Ana’s thigh, and wiped it on her face under her nose. The girl pulled back and then made a series of little grunts, like coughts. He had no idea what she was trying to communicate. It didn’t even occur to him to wonder — she wouldn’t be bound and gagged if her mouth held any interest to him.

He simply kept his eyes on the wet little cunt, watching as it returned to caressing its vibrator, its custodian no doubt aware that modesty was simply not an option at the moment.

Byron smiled to himself. Although his concerns, Ana was a very good girl. If he Couldn’t take her right now, at least he could give her a reward. Carefully, he adjusted the vibrator, angling it so that the end stretched her opening just a little. For a moment she twitched and grunted, not sure how to proceed or whether she even appreciated the help. Then, with a shaking sight, she pulled on her legs, thrusting down and spreading herself ever so slightly around the end of the vibe.

He reached between her legs and scratched her rectum gently with his fingerprint, watching her twitch and squeeze the bulbous end of the vibrator with an alarmed grunt. She pulled back as his finger left, and hung in place.

He gripped her lips on either side of the vibrator, giving her a rough tug to show her where she was expected to move. He chuckled to himself at the outraged little grunt, as she tried to pull away, then the hooting and shaking as the silly girl shocked her own clip, then triggered her shock collar.

He gave her another tug, and this time she followed him, hesitantly, pressing down again, her breath still heaving. Then he scratched her rectum lightly, making her squeeze the head again. He saw her stomach flutter and her thighs shake, and heard a shy little moan. She’d liked that one. He rubbed her stomach affectionately to encourage her.

Soon they fell into a rhythm, Ana pulling the little cunt down for him and Byron rewarding her with a little squeeze. As she went, he traced his fingers over her, gathering lube between clances, and gradually began to insert the tip of his finger into her rear.

He could tell she wasn’t thrilled about this development at first. She made a few unhappy little grunts and tried to squeeze her cheeks together to keep him out. But really, she was just being a bit forgotten. A pinch here, and a slap there, and she remembered what was expected of her.

Soon, the slave was pulling so hard in rhythm that she was rattling the cross with each little thrust. Her body flushed and shook beautifully with the effort. She seemed to know exactly how loud she could be by now, letting out exclusivecing little whiles as if begging Byron for a release that by this point, he completely agreed that she deserved.

And then it happened. He wasn’t sure if she bumped the clip shocker first and then called out, or got a little too loud and earned a shock from the collar, causing her to inadvertently shock her clip. Whatever it was, it broke her rhythm entirely just when she was approaching the edge, leaving her sobbing and trembling in her bonds.

Byron rubbed her stomach affectionately, feeling the urge to console her and wondering if he were getting soft in his age. Intellectually, he knew it was no one’s fault but hers. He’d already spent half an hour trying to help the needy little slave cum, tolerating her little complaints and rebellions quite good-naturally. And she’d repair him by derailing his hard work twice now.

At this point, any more help would feel like rewarding carelessness. Perhaps this would teach her to be a bit more attentive next time one of her custodians offered her a reward. And anyway, he really should be getting back to bed.

Byron adjusted the vibrator back into position and patted her on the chef.

“Be more careful next time, cunt,” he murmured into her ear.


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