Chapter Thirteen: Free at Last
The light poured into my blue eyes as they blinked open. A dingy yellow floral curtain blew lightly from the wind of an open window. The soreness of my face and on the tender skin of my ass served as painful reminders of the night before. The peeling yellow floral wallpaper of the room matched the curtains and I found myself sitting up in a bed, taking in my new surroundings. Soft yellow sheets and blankets covered my naked form for the first time since Master acquired me.
The dark wood frame of the bed squeaked loudly as I slip off the mattress, my bare feet hitting the smooth plans of the floor. I slowly approached the dusty antique dresser that sat across from the bed and I could see the reflection of myself in the mirror that was fastened to the wall behind it. I stared at the raven haired girl with a swollen left eye that was black and blue from the smack that I had received to the face. I barely recognized myself anymore. I wasn’t even sure who or what I was. It was then that I noticed something missing.
My hands flew up to my graceful neck to see if it was true; the shock collar that had ruled my life for so long was in fact missing. I had almost forgotten what my bare neck looked like, much less felt like as I ran my fingers over my delicate skin, feeling the lines and marks embedded in my flesh from so many months of being Collared.
The worn wooden door to the room groaned open and I spied my Master standing silently in the doorway. My knees quickly dropped to the tattered rug beneath my feet and I pressed my head to the floor in the greet pose. I arched my back and raised my ass, my anus pulsing and sucking on the plug that filled my rectum.
He took a deep breath and moved to the edge of the bed. Master patted an open space on the quilt next to where he sat and said “come sit next to me.” I rose and moved to the bed, the chains that connected my labia rings to my thigh bands tugged at the delicate criminal folds of my sex with each careful step. I took my place on the bed and enjoyed the gentle touch of the soft comfortable beneath my tender bruised rear. I felt confusion and the pit of dread that had resided in my tummy since the previous night continued to grow to a point in which I felt nauseous. He gently rubbed my slender arm with his thick fingers, sliding them up to my smooth shoulders and softly touching my neck.
“I’ve been up all night thinking and trying to figure things out. I’m sorry I hit you. It shouldn’t have happened, I just lost my temperature and I took it out on you, I was wrong and I hope you can forgive me,” he said with a sorrowful look in his eyes. “I swear it’ll never happen again. I care for you more than you can ever know.”
I nodded, feeling the regret in His voice as he continued. “I want for you to trust me completely. I want for you to know that I love you more than anything. I wish for you to stay with me but I need to know that you’re wit me because you want to be. If you say the word I’ll rip up the slave contract that you signed and give you your freedom. We’ll change your name back to what it was before and remove your slave registration. I would do all of that for you because I want you to be happy. If that means you won’t be at my feet, it would sadden and disappoint me beyond measure, but I only want what’s best for you.”
Tears welled up in my eyes. I thought for sure I would be in trouble and it pained me to know that my Master was feeling this way. I didn’t want to leave my Master, quite the contrary; I would never leave him. He was the entire reason for my existence. He was my universe. How could I possibly survive in the world without being at his feet and on his leanh? I was his animal, his possession and I couldn’t understand why that would ever change. I jiggled my tits and the bells that dangled from my erect pink nipples rang out in a clear indication of my desire to speak.
“You may speakfreely,” he said to me as he tenderly combined my long dark hair through his fat digits.
“The Cunt feels terrible that it disappointed its Master. It can’t express how much it hurt the Cunt to know that its Master was unhappy with it. The Cunt only exists for its Master and his pleasure. If the Cunt can’t do that then what purpose does the Cunt serve? The Cunt loves its Master and is devoted to him and trusts him completely with its body and its life. It knows its Master will only make the best decisions for it.” The words left my full red lips and it felt as if the weight of despair that I had been feeling had lifted. I told my Master what I was thinking and given what he said, I felt confident that once again he would allow me to serve him.
A smile formed on his lips and for a moment I thought for certain his eyes became watery as well. “Your devotion to me is very pleasant, I am very proud to own you. You are a wonderful animal and I’m overwhelmed to know that you want toStill as my property.” His voice was getting shadowy as he tried to maintain his composition but his words flowed like honey and sent tingles of pleasure through my spine. “Some things will change but rest assured that certain other things will stay in place. You no doubt have noticed that I’ve removed your collar. I trust you and I know that you no longer need the threat of punishment in order to be obedient.”
I smiled and nodded. In fact I hadn’t received a punishment shock from the collar in months. Obedience had guided my actions and would continue to do so. He leaned over and opened a drawer in the nightstand next to the bed, pulling out a shiny chrome collar with four thick rings, one in each quadrant of the heavy metal circle.
“I want this to be your new slave collar. It has no shocks or devices on it, but you will feel the weight of it whenever you are awake, reminding you of what you are and where your proper place is. It will give me a place to leash and occasionallyRestrain you. It will become a part of you just as your shock collar did. Will you accept this gift on your neck and show the world that you are my willing property?”
My lips quivered into a crooked smile. I boldly leaned forward and gently pressed my lips to those of my Master. “The Cunt would be honored to have this beautiful collar locked on its neck Master.” If I didn’t know better it was almost as if I had been proposed to, and in its own way the collar was a wedding ring. It served as a symbol of my commitment to my Master and his to me.
He breathed a sight of relief as he directed me to hold up my silky raven hair and he gave the smooth skin of my slender neck a warm breathed kiss as he wrapped the cold metal collar around it. My reprieve of having my neck free was short lived indeed, yet once again feeling the pressure on my skin and the heavy weight on my body seemed natural. He clicked the collar in place and secured the closure latch with a small padlock. “There.Now you’re mine forever. You’ll always be my devoted faithful pet until the end of time.”
A strong wave of tingles flowed through my body at my Master’s words. He found me pleasure once more and my love and devotion had earned such feelings in him in return. I revealed in his praise as my heart beat with joy once more.
“I won’t make you stay down in the basement anymore, but you will Maintain obedience to your rules as you have, assume your positions when commanded to and to repeat your mantras. If there’s anything you need, you may jiggle your udders and I will give you permission to ask. Do you understand?”
“Yes Master, the Cunt understandings and is grateful to Master for owning it.”
The next few days went by quickly. I was required to carry on with my Edging sessions four times a day and Master allowed me to watch bondage porn on the television in the living room as I masturbated. I persisted in eating from my dog bowl in the eat position, but now my food and wat bowls were kept in the kitchen and I enjoyed the way the front ring of my shiny new collar would click against the glossy bowl as my tongue flowed across the smooth metal. Master continued to keep my tight little pumped anus plugged most of the time, giving me an enema every morning to properly clean me out.
I still wasn’t allowed to use a toilet to pee, but Master did put a bucket in the bathroom for me to use and he even allowed me to use the shower to bathe each evening. The biggest change came at night. I slept in the bed with my Master, under the sheets and everything. Not next to him of course, that would be silly. My place was at the foot of the bed with my head between his legs and his sex organ in my mouth.
His cock had to stay in my mouth from the time he fell asleep until he woke up. Usually it was soft and I would suck on it like a pacifier. I was like a baby and I found it to be so soothing that I found myself falling asleep faster and more easily with it in my mouth. Usually at some point in the middle of the night he would get hard in his sleep and the erect cock filling my mouth would wake me up. Normally I would just continue to suck on it like it was a sweet cherry lollipop, but sometimes I’d start moving my soft saliva covered tongue along it while carefully bobbing my head, being sure not to move too much as that would make the thick rings clock loudly against the gleaming metal of my slave collar. Sometimes I would even be rewarded with the gift of his semen as he would cum in his sleep, and I would secretly enjoy his gooey prize in my mouth until I sucked it down to my tummy, my Master none the wiser.
He continued to keep my delicate pink labium spread via my thigh bands and he generally graced my pussy and ass with his cock on a daily basis. Sometimes when he would do his coding work on the computer in his office, I would be positioned under his desk with his cock in my mouth. I’m fairly certain that at this point I must have spent at least half my day joyfully sucking on Master’s cock, and I was in heaven as a result. I was well used, fulfilled and happy and so was my Master. It was a natural fit and I was grateful for every moment of it.
Chapter Fourteen: Fun at the Farm
A week had passed since the aftermath of the party that changed my life. I sat in my Master’s rusted Toyota, watching a blur of trees pass by as we travelled up the highway. I wasn’t blindfolded this time and I revealed in the sights and sounds of the outside world. I was naked of course except for the platform stripper heels which graced my small feet. I had come to realize that being exposed and on display was my natural state. Wearing clothes didn’t make any sense after all. I was born naked, why shouldn’t I live naked? I loved that I could show my little body off and that doing so made my Master proud to own me.
I keep my legs spread as wide as possible. I had nothing to hide and there was no room for modestyin the Cunt’s life after all. My wet little cock sleep was one of the most natural things that existed. There was no shame in revealing it to the world. Wasn’t it society that had kept me a prisoner? That had made me think that I shouldn’t express my sexuality or enjoy the sensings in my fuck hole? I had never been as free as I was now as my Master’s owned cunt.
Master’s hand rested comfortably on the leather band that circled my left leg, his thick fingers gently struggling the soft skin of my inner thigh, teasing dangerously close to my moist sex which was spread wide by the piercings in my labium and the chains that connected to them.
My Master insisted that I perform two edging sessions before we left the house in order to ensure that I would be extra wet and all the more plumant and obedient. We were nearing the end of our expedition to Bryan and Anna’s farm and Master was excited about showing me off in a far safer environment than what we experienced on our previousexcursion. My brain was most certainly coated in the pink fog of arousal as evidenced by the punchle of moisture that my exposed cunny was creating on the seat beneath me. As excited as I was about being out, it was hard not to think about things that weren’t directly related to sex; I would have gladly humped anything for relief if only given the permission to do so.
We pulled up to the quaint white Farmhouse that sat at the end of a particularly long driveway two hours after our journey had commenced and within seconds of me pushing open the creaking car door I spied Anna bursting through the door of the house to come greet us. Her blonde hair bounced around her shoulders with each stride and her hands were swinging in the air wildly as she waved with delight. She looked like a vision dressed in the same shiny black latex corset that adorned her body for the party along with a pair of gleaming patent leather thigh high boots and form fitting glossy black latex panties.
Myhigh heels pressed into the gravel driveway which crunched loudly with each careful step I took. I had barely cleared the back of the car before she was on top of me, flinging her arms around my naked body and pulling me close to her. My bare udders squished against the stiff corset that adorned her small body as she pressed her soft lips gently to mine. “I am so thrilled that you were able to come today, we’re going to have so much fun, aren’t we?” She exclaimed as she ran her slender fingers through my long dark hair.
“Yes Ma’am,” I answered as she took my hand in hers and we walked together towards a barn on the far side of an open green field.
“We’re not going to have any of that Ma’am stuff today, you’ll call me Mistress Anna, understand?”
“Yes Mistress Anna,” I nodded, my bright blue eyes affixed on her form as she walked. Maybe it was the pink fog or maybe I was just a sexual creation now, but being so close to this beautiful dominatrix made my insides tingle.The warmth of her hand against mine and the way she gave my bare rear a hard squeeze as we walked left me with a strong desire to be obedient for her and to show what a good slave I could be.
“It’s great to see you again Adam. Bryan is already waiting for us in the barn,” she said as we walked along the path with my Master trudging along behind. Although the fact that it wasn’t a particularly hot day, he was already breathing hard and sweat began to drip from his reddened skin not even halfway to the structure.
“It’s Arnie,” he corrected through loud wheezing breaths.
“Look at that greous body of yours,” she said to me with glee as her hand slide up to my hip, pulling me into her as we walked. “You are going to become such a beautiful ponygirl for me.”
We reached the barn and Anna opened a small door. “There’s a really comfy bench outside next to the barn that you can go to relax on Arnie,” she said pointing in the direction of the suggested seating area. “Thistack room here is pretty small and besides, I’m sure you don’t mind if your cunt and I have a little girl time, do you?”
Master kicked the gravel path with his foot and let out a sight of displeasure. “Actually I…”
Anna quickly shoved me through the doorway and shut the tack room door, cutting my Master off and muffling whatever he was trying to say. Inside the small space was a variety of impressive equipment; leather straps, whips, sex toys and other instruments hung neatly from the walls in a carefully organized display of debauchery. It was like being in some kind of a cowboy themeed adult sex shop.
“Let’s get you into your tack,” she said with a white toothed grin. Anna fidgeted with my shiny metal slave collar until she discovered the lock that held it in place. “Well, I guess that’s staying put. No matter, we’ll work around it. On the other hand, this will most certainly have to go,” she said as she pushed the small of my back to force me to bend over and clenched the jeweled cap of my anal plug, gently twisting and pulling until it came out of my rectum with a pop, leaving my anus gaping and on display.
“The first thing any good pony needs is a tail,” she said as she picked up a large anal plug with long black hairs flowing from the end cap. “I hope you don’t mind this little indulgence. My tail is blonde obviously to match my hair so I thought I’d treat you to a little gift and get one that matched you.” She commented as my gaze landed on the exact same looking anal plug hung on the wall but with long yellow hairs attached.
“I know you are well versed in how to take a plug, so be a good mare for me. Bend over and relax your anus, just let the tail plug go inside you,” she said as her hand gently massed my back, tracing my vertebrae and tickling my spine. Anna squirted out a huge glob of lube on to the tip of the intruder and pressed it to my pumpered little anus. As it was still gaping from the removal of my regular plug, I didn’t experience too much disappoint as it filled my rectum. Before I knew it, the plug was inside of my body and I could feel the silky end of my new tail tenderly tickling the backs of my knees as it swayed. My anus clnched the invader and sucked on it constantly reminding me of its presence.
Mistress Anna grabbed a tangle of black belts and directed me to step into the holes. The entire thing appeared to be nothing but holes, but Anna seemed to know what she was doing so my dainty high heel clad feet stepped where instructed. She pulled the contraction up my toned legs to my slender torso and adjusted the straps of the leather body harness in place. The straps cut under my udders, around my back and over my shoulders with the final strap running between my legs. She pulled that one particularly tight so that it dug deep into my spread pussy lips, pressing hard against my clip ring and sending a wave of sensing through my willey body. Once all the belts were adjusted to hersatisfaction, she gently slapped the bottoms of my tits causing my nipple bells to ring out, joyfully announcing my status as an owned animal.
The blonde dominatrix grabbed another web of dark leather straps with glaming metal buckles and rings and pulled it over my head, adjusting fasteners, pulling and tightening as she got it place. “Open wide my pretty ponygirl,” she said, holding a long black bit. I obeyed her command and feel the bit press against the corners of my mouth as she strapped it in place, my teeth clenched hard on the smooth rubber surface and a thin line of clear saliva began to dribble from my forced open mouth in long streams that dripped down to my pierced udders.
“Almost done my lovely mare,” she stated as she adjusted the headpiece of the bridle that rested comfortably across my forehead. She screwed a Large red feather plug into a holder at the top of my bridle and adjusted the black leather blinders that protruded from the device next to each ofMy eyes, removing the peripheral vision I had previously enjoyed.
Finally my Mistress for the day bent down to my small feet to unbuckle and remove my slutty looking stripper heels. “As much as I love your footwear my dear mare, I have something much better in mind and I’m fairly certain that you and I are the same shoe size.”
From a small wooden cabinet she pulled out a pair of strange looking shiny black boots with a metal horse shoe at the ball of the foot and no heel. I held on to the table behind me as she instructed me to step in the first boot. I raised my leg and she slowly pulled the footwear up to my knee, tugging as needed to ensure a proper fit. The procedure was repeated with my right leg and as Anna straightened up she gave me the command to walk around a bit to see how they felt. She took hold of my left arm to help me balance as I strode back and forth in the small room until I got used to the feel of the boots and could walk on my own. In truth, it wasn’t that difficult to balance and not significantly unlike walking on tiptoes but with a higher hoof shaped platform. I was really starting to get the hang of it when she guided me back to the counter for one final piece of equipment.
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