
F/m, femdom and strap on play. The hubby and I are kinky bastards who enjoy fucking around the woods in our PA Wasteland costumes. This is our favorite roleplay so far. Enjoy!


I crept through the underbrush, peering out from the eyes of my dog ​​skull mask. The ground had been disturbed by several animals, and I could see the partial of a boot print in the mud. Up ahead I could hear faint whimpering, and the sound of something moving through the foliage. I grinned, knowing my large game trap was ahead. Looks like I’d be eating well tonight after all!

I pressed my palms into the handle of my scythe as I silently stalked forward, croouching lower as I approached the sound of the disorder. Suddenly, the whimpers and pacing stopped, and a low growl started. Recognizing the sound of a dog or wolf, I pulled a handful of bait pieces out of my side pouch and throw it in the direction of my trap. I hear several yelps of surprise – multiple dogs, maybe 4 or 5 -and the growing closest to me turned into furious barking. Sighing, I darted out of the brush and landed a solid hit with the butt of my scythe to the side of the surprised tan canine. With a yelp, the creativity backed up, and a couple of threatening swings made the rest of the pack back up from their bound master. Keeping the scythe in one hand, I dug through another pouch and tossed some bait off into the bushes. Four of the dogs ran off in search of their treatment while one circled, growing and stalking me. I let out a growl of my own and snapped the jaws of my mask, keeping a close eye on it as I approached the human.

He was hanging by the ankle from my trap, fingertips dangling several inches off the ground. His long trench coat draped slack behind his shoulders, gloved hands half covered by the sleeps. The once-white shirt had untucked itself from his pants and followed gravity, exposing his pale, toned stomach. The belt he was wearing was attached to multiple packs, and amachete and hatchet were looped on his hips. He had blood matting his scalp, and seemed to be unconscious. Keeping my blade between the remaining dog and me, I quickly unhooked the weapons and tossed them at the tan pooch, causing it to snarl and back up a few more steps. I ran my hand along his packs and frayed cargo pants, searching for anything useful. I wasn’t desperate enough to resort to cannotnibalism, but that didn’t mean I wouldn’t take advantage of my catch. I ripped off his coat in one smooth motion, and pulled out small pouches of food, strips of dried meat, a small, battered first aid kit, and unclipped a canteen from his belt, dropping it into my growing pile.

As I went back to his other side, I heard a sudden, sharp breath. Not a split second later, his elbow swung around and caught my hip in a desperate attempt to drive me back. Snarling, I dropped my scythe to his throat and grabbed his groin with my free hand, squeezing hard enough to bruise.

“I’d behave, ifI were you,” I grew, pressing the blade harder under his scruffy chin for emphasis. My prey started swearing in a language I didn’t recognize, and his dogs -all five of them- started growing and circulation us. Huffing, I said lowly, “I don’t like unnecessary killing, but I will slaughter your pack if they don’t stand down.” I gripped his balls more tightly for emphasis.

He hissed, and shockingly I felt him growing hard under my hand. I stared at him, slightly bemused as he ground out a command from his gritted teeth which made his hounds back up. Another foreign command, and they all lay down in the grass. I knew my drugged bait would be hitting most of them soon, but I kept a close eye on the tan dog as it glared back, a sharp intelligence behind its gaze.

After I was sure they wouldn’t be moving, I tapped his arms with the flat of my blade, keeping a hand on his vital parts. “Arms behind you,” I said, hoping I was getting the point across.

Beaten and dazed, he obeyed, lifting his arms and putting them behind his lower back. I quickly maneuvered behind him and locked his elbow, setting my weapon in the grass as I bound his forearms together tightly. Now much more sure of my prey’s inability to retaliate, I moved back to his front, dragging the tip of my blade across his exposed midsection. I grinned broadly behind my mask as I watched his cock jump in his pants.

“Seems not all the blood pooled in your head,” I laughed, rubbing my palm across the hardness. He grew even more under my attentions, and snarled out something I couldn’t understand. Probably more swearing. “It looks like you’re enjoying yourself. Is it the bondage, or me?” I asked, pulling aside one edge of my leather top to expose a tanned breast.

His blue eyes widened and he stopped swearing, tongue darting out to wet his lips as I ran my hand over my nipple, pinching the tip and causing it to harden. His eyes followed my fingers as my other hand started to stroke him through his pants. It seemed to take very little time before he was straining against the fabric, panting shallowly below my midsection.

After several minutes, I stopped. His harsh breaths had me smiling, and I dropped down to one knee, taking my skull mask off and setting it beside me. My eyes locked with his as I leaned in, nearly nose to nose with him. “Looks like I’ll really be taking advantage of you, my little pet”

I don’t know if he understand me, but his eyes followed my painted face as I stood up again and reached both hands towards the zipper of his pants. His breath hitched as I slide it open and reached in to free his cock, which instantly sprang out at full attention. Grinning, I leaned in to breathe along the head, listening to his own breath leave him in a rattle. I pulled his dick down towards his belly and ran my tongue along the underside of it, following until the base disappeared into his pants. Amazingly, it hardened even further, and a drop of precum glistened at the tip.

Knowing he couldn’t see me past the undersides of my breasts, I took the entire length into my mouth, swallowing around it as I heard him gasp in surprise. It was strange working my tongue along the top of his cock, but I sucked enthusiastically, humming until I couldn’t as it slip down my throat. His panting as I worked him made a damp spot on the exposed skin of my thigh, so I sucked back up to the tip and stopped momentarily, delighting in his desperate groan.

I started untying the straps behind my neck when I felt a sharp pain in my ankle. Turning quickly, I saw the tan dog at my heel a second before my prey snapped out a command which caused the creativity to slink back again. I kept my sly grin as I returned to removing my leather top, letting my other nipple harden as it was exposed to the air. Reaching down to until one side of my skirt, I let the front panel fall away, exposing me and my excited scent to my captive.

“It’s time for you to earn your freedom,” I said, hiking a leg up and resting my foot in his armpit. Gripping his hair at the base of his skull, I drove his face between my legs, sighing as his tongue lapped against my clip. I slid my foot further and hooked my heel behind his ribs, grinding my most sensitive parts against his mouth. I felt the stubble of his face rub a delicious friction against my lips, and he very enthusiastically sucked, nibbled and drive his tongue into all the right places.

As a reward, I took his entire length again, grabbing his hips and using them to help him fuck my mouth. The noises he was making were interrupting his attentions to me, but I kept driving him into me until I felt his swinging hips start to stutter. Instantly, I kicked off of him and backed completely away, admiring my work. He was hanging, face red from being suspended upside down for so long, lips and chin wet, his cock throbbing and straining as he babbled in his native tongue. No more swearing, but definitely begging as he swung at the end of the rope.

I walked along behind him, running my fingertips along his middle, feeling his flesh goosebump under my touch. “Don’t worry,” I whispered. “You’ll get to come, just not in the way you think.” I reached the tree behind him and grabbed the last length of rope I had hidden, quickly tying his bound leg to his dangling one, cinching them together tightly. Then I picked up my scythe and positioned myself in front of him, still-hard cock over my shoulder as I swiftly cut through my snare. His lean frame dropped instantly, and I feel a drip of precum down my back even as he snarled in pain at the returned blood flow. Before he could get his bearings, I carried him to the tree and dropped him in front of it, quickly driving his head back into the grass with my bare foot as he tried to rise to his knees. I kept smiling as I tied the ends of his arm binding rope around the tree and knotted it securely, forcing his arms into an uncomfortable angle ashe lifted his knees under himself in an attempt to alleviate the strain on his shoulders. Perfect.

With my foot still digging into the base of his skull, I reached under his lifted hips and deftly undid the button of his pants, sliding them down his bent legs until they bunched where his knees touched the ground. He was a lovely price of lean muscle and creamy skin beneath his clothes, and I exposed more of his back by pushing his shirt down to rest beside my foot on his neck.

He panted harshly into the grass as I inspected my prey. His body looked freshly washed -a bonus- and he had little hair aside from his arms, leg, chin and groin. The rapid breathing stopped as I stretched out my body, rubbing my nipples down his back as I purred. Reaching my goal, I parted his cheats with my hands. His instant reaction was to start struggle under me, trying to shake my foot off of his neck as he shouted his confusion and displeasure. My eyes darted to his tan dog as I gripped hisballs in my hand, squeezing them harshly as it stood, looking alarmed.

“Stay still. I’m getting my fun, and this can either be enjoyable for you too, or not. I honestly don’t care.” I gently rolled his balls in my hand as he stopped moving, still tense, but no longer struggle. “Call off your pet,” I commanded, with a slight squeeze for emphasis.

He panted out his withdrawn Command, and the dog lay back down. Finally, I turned my gaze back to his lovely pale ass and released his balls to spread his cheats again. Humming happily, I stretched and leaned down, blowing a warm breath across his tightly pumped hole. His taut body jerked in surprise, and I let my tongue flick out and swirl around his entrance. I felt his bound frame shudder under me as he took in the sensing, and I grinned wickedly. This would be so much fun!

I softly rimmed him for a few minutes, feeling his frozen frame slowly unwind as I licked firmly against his asshole. Suddenly, I plunged the tip of my tongue into him, taking in his startedled gasp and following moans as I gently fucked him with just the end of it. My right hand left his ass as I wrapped my arm around his abdomen, gripping his cock and twisting my hand over the head of it. He cried out, thrusting into my hand and back onto me as I tongue fucked him more deeply.

After several more minutes of incoherent moaning and him fucking himself between my hand and mouth, I felt his hips start to stutter again, precum flowing freely from the tip of his cock. I stopped and stood, grinding his face into the grass with my foot as my body left his. He was panting and thrusting his hips, desperate for the contact that would send him over the edge.

I maneuvered myself behind him, untying two straps of my belt and looping them down the front and around my legs to form a harness. I felt the large, leather-wrapped ring resting just above my clip and reached into my largest hip pouch, pulling out a smooth metal object. It was lightweight with a rounded end and a flared, flat base. Perfect for cracking skulls. Even better for this.

Sliding the object through the ring, I rested it against myself, the cool metal causing me to close my eyes as it touched my clip. I felt along my upper left arm for the multiple vials strapped there, and chose the appropriate one. Uncorking it, I dripped the contents along my new metal cock and coated my fingers with it as I stroked my shake. Droping the empty via and placing one hand gently against my prey’s lower back, I leaned in. “This will probably hurt a bit,” I stated lowly, “But I bet you’ll enjoy it.”

The body beneath me shifted, and he arched his ass back into my palm. I tilted my head, eyeing him curiously. His eyes were squeezed tightly shut, and his breath was leaving him in great, shuddering gasps. Smirking, I ran my slicked hand over his wet hole, dipping in two fingers to the first knuckle. The whine that left him was music to my ears, and I carefully fucked him with two fingers, only adding a third once he was jerking back onto me. Crooking my fingertips, I searched briefly until I brushed against the spot that had him moaning and thrashing against his arm binding. Honing in on that place, my other hand wrapped around his dick again as I fucked and stroked simultaneously.

I watched the display, grinning maliciously as he tried to find his balance between My hands and the painful torque of his shoulders. He was alternate between trying to stay silent and groaning between his teeth as my fingers tortured his prostate. When I could feel it start to swell, my hand dropped away from his straining cock again. The cry he let out as I added a fourth finger and kept working that tiny bundle of nerves in him made a jolt of desire rush over me, setting low as I got even wetter. He fucked himself on my hand, cock streaming precum as he desperately tried to rub against anything.

I slowed down, swiping him with slow strokes across his swollen prostate. “You only get to come on my cock, and only when you beg for it.” A grunt left him when I pressed hard and swirled, drawing my fingers back to pet him from the inside. “You probably don’t understand, but hopefully you’ll figure it out before I come.”

Giving him a couple more strong strokes, I feel my belt with my free hand and slipped a small knife out of its hiding place. Reaching down with it, I cut the bindings tying his lower legs together. After chucking the blade away, I smoked the backs of his thighs until he dazedly spread his legs. When I leaned sideways and looked at him, the blue eyes that peered back were glazed over with pleasure. It seemed he was finally ready.

Guiding my dick with my hand, I slide the barest tip of it into him. His entire body tensed and he stopped breathing. Backing out, I dipped back in again, gently stretching his hole past what four fingers could provide. A pained his escaped his clenched jaw, and I grinned, grabbing his cock again with my slick hand. It started throbbing at my touch, and I laughed, carefully leaning forward to whisper in his ear, “Remember, you don’t come until you earn it.” I gave my hips a tiny thrust, driving myself in and out another half inch and rubbing the base of the toy against my clip. I hummed happily as I wrapped my arms around either side of him, gripping him in a frim fist at the base of his cock with one hand, and wrapping the other around the shake, right below the head. “If you want this, you will work for it,” I taunted, rubbing the underside of the head, making him squirm for more friction. My nipples enjoyed the dragging against his sweat-covered back as he moved.

Feeling him still again and try to even out his breathing, I led back and gave him several satisfaction strokes in rapid succession, causing his hips to thrust into my hands involuntarily and back onto my waiting dick. I saw another inch enter him, and a breathless groan left his mouth as he pressed his face into the ground. Loving that he seemed overwhelmed by the sensing -looked like pleasure, but might’ve been pain- I quickly jerked him off, keeping a firm hand on the base. His groans turned into shouts of desire as he thrusted sharply back, trying to rub himself in my fist. I feel his cock, throbbing again as he drug himself closer to the edge. He probably felt my grin on his back as I pressed toothed kisses into the skin there.

When his breath stuttered and he tensed, I clamped down with the hand at his base and halted his orgasm. Whatever words spilled out of his mouth as his panicked, desperate eyes met mine over his shoulder were pointless, because they weren’t what I wanted.

“Now, pet, that doesn’t sound like begging to me,” I singsonged, swimming my tongue over the sweaty skin beneath me as I continued to tightly grip his cock. Pushing slowly forward, I buried the last inch of my dick into him, gasping as the bottom of it rubbed deliciouslyagainst me. Loving the feeling, I drew back slightly and thrusted in again slowly, the flared base of me stretching him even further as he cried out and compromised against me.

I put the hand not around his cock against his bound arms, griping the rope and using both hands to shove him forward until he was sitting more upright. His shoulder, neck, and chef dug into the tree that I had tied him to, my dick still half buried in his ass to hold him in place. The change in angle had him swearing again, and I leaned in close, pinning his upper body against the bark. “I’m going to fuck you until I come. Whether you reach your end or not doesn’t matter to me as much as your obedience. Now,” I snarled, punctuating the word with a long, fast thrust that left him moaning. “Get to begging.”

With that, I started fucking him with long, deep thrusts, feeling him clnch up around the metal helplessly. The resistance made it more pleasant as I used the fist around his cock to keep him inplace. He was panting again, sweat mixing with the dried blood on his head and running trails of red down his face. I released his dick and grabbed his hips, dragging him back onto me over and over, thoroughly enjoying the sinful noises leaving him.

Barely ten minutes later, and I was close to the tipping point. I still and reached down again, barely touching his cock, and feeling it jump eagerly under my fingertips. I stroked, too lightly to amount to anything, and it finally drove the sounds from him that I wanted. Incoherent babbling spilled from his mouth, the tone desperate and pleading as he hungerly fucked himself back down to the base of me, eagerly taking everything I had as he drove his cock back into the featherlight touch.

No mistaken that tone. “That’s my good boy,” I grew lowly, and I started thrusting into his willing body, the strength behind the strokes scraping his skin against the bark as he slide forward. I jerked him hard and fast as I approachedmy climax, smacking my hips into his ass as I fucked him mercilessly. He strayed from senseless begging to shouts of ecstasy occasionally, and his movements became erratic. I pulled out suddenly and stood behind him, bending my knees slightly to plumg down to the hilt at a different angle. My prey screamed in pleasure as my hard dick slammed into his oversensitive prostate again and again, small spurts of precum leaving his cock as I continued to abuse the sensitive area.

Crouched over him and pressing in as deeply as possible, I rolled my hips, seeking that final bit of perfect friction that I needed to come. I reached around, expertly tugging his cock in time with my desperate movements. So close…

Finally, I feel the body beneath me shudder and he moaned deeply, the cock in my hand pulsing and spinling hot cum over my fingers. Laughing evilly, I grabbed his hips again and fucked him brutally throughout his orgasm, ignoring as his cries turned from pleasure to borderline pain from overstimulation of his abused ass and prostate. I slammed into him until the wave of ecstasy broke over me, and I sank my teeth into his shoulder with a growl as I came hard against him.


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