Trantor Series Ch. 1

Chapter 1: Lisa

My girlfriend, Lisa, called me on the phone very early in the morning last summer and said that she had a surprise for me if I would drive her to her brother’s house. She also requested that I put on my “outfit” before picking her up.

To give you a little background, Lisa and I are two people who found our sexual compatibility completely by accident. Neither of us liked the other at first. I was a political science major, that happened to be a history and theatre buff, working in a leather shop. Lisa thought I was kind of queer, designing sets and outfits for the theatre with my nose always in a book about medieval times when it wasn’t plugged into my schoolbooks.

I, on the other hand, thought she was a bit too wild. She was the consume social butterfly; Always partying, completely frivolous and constantly going after the “wrong” type of guy. She openly admitted that she was attending college only to get away from her parents and to have agood time. We had some mutual friends that caused us to bump into one another at several campus parties. I was shy and didn’t have enough confidence to ask a beautiful girl like her for a date. I honestly believed that I could be better for her than a lot of the slugs that she dated, but I could never work up the nervous to say what I wanted to, the way I wanted when we were together. I finally got up my chance to Ask her out when mutual friends introduced us at the student union building on campus we both attended. She turned me down then and also shot me down each time I asked her out after that. I’m tenacious, though, and I was absolutely infatuated with this woman, though I could never understand why! My lucky didn’t change until we attended a costume party in completeness outfits.

I had Always fantasized about being an evil and wicked knight that know how to handle a woman, making her submit to him. It was part of this fantasy that drive me to purchase some materials from theshop I worked in and design this particular costume for the party. I put together an outfit of black, tight, vicious-looking leather that resembled a suit of armor, replace with facemask. I wore a long, blond wig with the outfit to complete the disguise. I had found out that Karen would come dressed as a slave, showing lots of skin between her strategically placed belts and slitted silk. When I arrived, I was pleased that no one actually recognized me. Her reputation, however, preceded her. Naturally, we were brought together immediately!

Instead of telling her who I was, I grew and hooked a lean she wore on her belt into her collar as a joke and pulled her to me for a kiss. Surprisingly, she came forward willingly! It was electric! As her friends and mine hotted and hollered around us, I could feel the heat and arousal emerging between us as I bent to crush her mouth against mine. When we broke the kiss, she asked, “Who are you?”

“Silence, bitch!” I grew in characterer, lowering my voice for disguise.

This caused another hot to go up from the crowd, but Lisa obeyed and bowed her head. When I moved away to get a drink, I took the loop of the leash in my hand and pulled her silently around the room. She followed and talked to me nervously, continuously. She was hoping that I’d answer her so she could catch the sound of my voice and identify who I was. I refused to rise to her bait and keep the game going as long as I could.

All around me, people would comment “Nice costume!” and “Who are you?” or “Is that Jon?” I would merely acknowledge with a yes-or-no nod of my head and let my captive follow in my wake. Once, I let go of the leash and went to the bathroom. When I came out, she had moved back into the crowd. I only had to look for a few moments until she saw me. She came up behind me and cried in a frantic voice “I’m sorry, Master!”

I told and turned around to find this beautiful, frivolous and seemingly confident woman waitingfor me with a desperate look on her face. I gathered her wrists in one hand and her neck in the other, kissing her hard for the second time. Lisa melted into me, touching the leather with her body.

After we broke our kiss I secured her hands behind her and took hold of the lean that still hung from the collar leading her out back while those around us laughed and snickered knewingly. She followed me to a spot behind the garage and in some bushes for some privacy. While people partied not more than thirty feet away, I kissed her again. Without any hesitation, she slowly fell to her knees, kissing the leather of my outfit all along the way.

Silently and obediently, she moved forward as if in a trance and mouthed the codpiece until I acquired and pulled out my cock. Right there in the open, behind a bush, in the yard of a friend, she gave me the best head of my life! Her mouth wrapped around the fleshy pole. I held her shoulders as she eased forward until my cock was buried halfway in her mouth. As she eased back, she looked me right in the eye until my cock was almost out of her mouth. I moved my hands to the front of her costume and squeezed her breasts.

She smiled, begging quietly for my cock, so I grabbed her shoulders and pulled her forward again, shoving my hardness up against her lips just before she swallowed it. This time I felt the head nudge against the back of her throat. I gave an evil little laugh and held her there for a moment, feeling her stifling a gag. I reached down again and this time I took her nipples between my gloved hands and pinched them beneath the gauze-like material of her halter as I withdraw from her mouth. She moaned heavily and closed her eyes as my manhood slowly and wetly slip back, coming out of her mouth with a plop. I let go of her breasts and steadied her.

“Do that again!” she moaned, closing her eyes and rubbing her breasts against my hand. She gave a little shriek as I tore at the thin material and baged her breasts. They swayed heavily in the open as I weighed them with my leather-clad palms. Lisa shivered at my touch in the sultry night air, sensitively absorbing the feel of the leather as it rubbed against her tender skin. I gave her breasts one last squeeze, eliciting a “Yes!’ from her just before I captured her nipples and pulled her onto my cock again.

At this point, I was as much into the role as she was and I wanted her to swallow it all, so I continued pulling on her nipples as I shoved my hard gristle as far into her throat as I could. I looked down and saw that she had an absolutely angelic look on her face, eyes closed, breasts thrust forward and her mouth stuffed with man meat! I pulled out again and felt her tongue play with the underside of my tool, making it tingle with delight.

I began a slow steady rhythm and watched as her cheeks alternately puffed and caved as I slid in and out. Her moans and her tongue were working magic on me and I began to lose all control. Letting go of her nipples, I grabbed the hair on either side of her head and began fucking her mouth in earnest. It didn’t take me long before I came with a growl and shot load after load down her willing throat. She swallowed every drop and licked my entire groin clean before I let her up. We tied her blouse together as best we could, the now-tight silk pushing her breasts up and almost flowing out of What little material covered them. She followed me for the rest of the evening, moving to the slightest tug, hands tied behind her back and a look of absolute devotion on her face. At the end of the party, when we all unmasked, she was shocked to find outs I was the same guy whose advances she had spurned for the last six weeks!

Since that night, we’ve been together about two years. She loves being submissive to me and being my little sex slave without having to put up with a lot of macho bullshit from the assholes she used to date. Once I can afford to buy the leather shop from the old man I work for, we are going to get married. Until then, she is living on campus and I live rent-free (thanks to the old man) in a loft above the leather shop.

Back to the story: When I arrived at her house, I asked about my surprise. All she said was, “You’ll see when we get to my brothers place!”

I knew that something was up, because she was wearing very loose, baggy clothing, yet smoking profusely in an air-conditioned car and had a mischievous look in her eye during the drive up. Her brother, I knew, was gone on one of his numerous business trips. The guy made a good deal of money, and had offered to help me buy the business where I worked. I was seriously thinking of taking him up on it, but I wasn’t ready yet. His wife, Karen, was an absolute knockout on first sight. She was a part-time aerobics instructor, about 5′ 3″ and weighed maybe 100 lbs. She had long brown hair and a figure that drives guys to violence. Around me, though, she usually acted kind of stuck up, even though she and Lisa got along pretty well.

We pulled into their driveway and Lisa had me drive all the way into the garage. I tried to grab my girl for a kiss, but she wasn’t having any of that. When she jumped out of the car, I thought that the challenge was on; but she just turned and told me as I exited the car, “Put your mask on, your surprise is out back” and slipped into the house and out of my sight.

Sighing, I compiled with her request, sweeping the wig up so that it fell over the mask top and hung down the sides. It was an improved version of the outfit I’d used to capture my lovely Lisa. The mask covers my forehead, eyes and nose and wraps around my head and under my chin, fitted in back by velcro. Reflective plastic covers my eye holes so that you can’t tell If I’m staring at you. Altogether, the outfit has a very intimidating effect.

While I’m not Fabio or Arnold, I keep myself in pretty good shape. However, the way that the leather is fitted together gave me the appearance of being taller and more muscular than I really am. It’s lined and I fashioned the joints with a lot of give, so it is very comfortable to wear. Lisa says she gets wet just hearing it squeak when I move.

I went into the house and found it empty. Lisa was on the patio, fixing us margaritas.

“Where’s Donald and Karen?” I asked.

“Don is in Bangkok for the next two weeks on a business trip” Lisa told me. “Karen didn’t go with him because he told her she couldn’t go. I think it’s because of the whores there.”

“What makes you think that?” I asked.

Lisa took a sip of her drink before continuing. “Every time he goes there, they don’t have sex for awhile. Last time he went, Karen found a Dr.’s bill in Dons’ name. He was being treated for VD.”

“Oh.” I replied. “Hey, wasn’t he just there a few months ago?”

“Yep. And Karen hasn’t been fucked in almost three months!”

“So, the stuck-up bitch is kind horny now, eh?”I said, snickering.

“Yea, you could say that!” laughed Lisa, “She’s ready to fuck almost anyone. She jokingly said she’d almost fuck you!” We both laughed at that one! “But she doesn’t really like you – as you,” finished Lisa.

“What do you mean?”

“She thinks that I’m engaged to a boring, stick-in-the-mud art-pansy and that I could do better.”

“That bitch has a lot of nervous!” I said, just a little miffed.

“Yeah,” giggled Lisa again, “She asked me what I did to survive those lackluster nights in bed!”

We both laughed at that one. Our nights together were anything but lackluster. However, neither of us told our parents of our little secret. It was with trepidation that I asked Lisa, “You didn’t tell her about us, did you?”

“Not exactly” was her reply. “I sort of told her about my Mr. Fantasy.”

“You, silly!” she laughed. “But she thinks I’m having an affair with the macho typesthat I used to go out with.”

“So, what does this all mean?”

“Um.” Lisa hesitated for a moment. “Remember all those nights I said I was studying anatomy and we couldn’t get together?”


“Well,” Lisa paused. “I wasn’t exactly studying a book.”


“Initially I came over to console Karen,” she began. “It sort of evolved into something else entirely.” Lisa then proceeded to inform me that Karen was a lot like her sister-in-law in the sex department. Karen enjoyed being dominated, but also enjoyed dominating. She had seduced Lisa one night and had convinced Lisa to fix her up with one of her “affairs.” Lis had returned the favor and had reversed the roles the next night. Lisa thought about the request, but didn’t know anyone that would be as discreet as I would be. That is why she asked me to put on the outfit.

“So,” I asked, finishing my drink, “where is Karen?”

“Out back.” was all that Lisa coyly said.

I went around the pool area and past the garden. As I stepped through the rose-covered archway that divided the garden from the back acreage, I looked out to a grove of trees about 60 yards away. Between two of the trunks was the figure of a woman in a tight, black dress, her arms and legs outstretched, obviously bound to those trunks by some rope!

“Go on, she’s waiting for you… Master!” whispered Lisa in my ear. Stunned, I made my way down the grassy slope. Quietly, Lisa reminded me of background.

“Remember, she doesn’t know who you are. She wants to play the game, though. Remember how you treated me on our first date, when we first met? Treat her like that!” Lisa was nervous about this, just like she was nervous at the party where we met. I wondered if she were also nervous about how she’d feel about seeing her sister-in-law being seduced by her lover. I hadn’t reacted yet because I was too stunned by the current chain-of-events. Also, I wasn’t sure exactly how I felt about it.

I shook myhead in wonder and concentrated on my feelings towards Karen. Getting even with the bitch-goddess in front of me had been a particularly powerful fantasy of mine. Lisa began to remind me of all the times Karen had turned a cold shoulder to my attempts to make friends. She had been rude and Don had called her on it a couple of times. I merely solved the problem by going to the other end of the house or leaving, usually to Lisa’s tearful plea’s to me to stay.

Now, I could exactly some revenge!

As we got closer, I noticed that she was standing on some cinder blocks, wearing high, spiked heels, a tight sheath dress and was blindfolded. Over her ears were headphones, connected to a radio at her feet. Lisa walked up to her and Karen jumped when the headphones came off.

“Where have you been, goddammit!” cried Karen. “I’ve been out here for hours!”

“I brought you something, Karen!” said Lisa, smiling and patting her in-laws cheese. That stopped Karens flow of complaints. Lisa removed the blindfold and motioned me to step into eyesight. Karen gasped when she saw me.

“She’s all yours, Master!” said Lisa, bowing to me dramatically. I grunted my acceptance and walked around her, my leather creaking sensitively. The bound woman followed me with her eyes, now wide with awe and fear. I was an unknown; an intimidating unknown. All she had to trust was her instinct that Karen couldn’t bring in someone that would hurt her. I planned to play on that fear.

I grabbed her face in my hand firmly as I examined her. Even in the cool of the morning, I had begun to sweat, part out of nervousness, part out of desire. Thankfully, it was still early morning and cool. As the day progressed, it would get stifling hot in this suit.

I walked behind my captive and began running my gloved hands over her body. I could feel the stiffness of her nipples as I palmed the firm softness of her breasts. I ran my hands down her sides and to her hips. Her ass and legs werefirm and well shaped. I ran my hand back up over her rounded stomach and back to her breasts, which elicited a moan. Again, I palmed her breasts as I bent forward and lightly bit her shoulder. She hissed as she sucked in air and laid her head back against me. I weighed the two globes in my hand, squeezing them slightly. Karen pushed backward and rubbed her ass against my leather-encased groin. She smelled of sweat, liquor, stale cigarettes and expensive perfume.

Evidently, Lisa hadn’t really been tired last night and they had gone out! I took some of the thick, brown curls in my left hand and pulled her head back roughly at the thought. A sharp intake of breath told me that it both hurt and excited my captive. The low cut of her dress afforded me a hint of her fine breasts as I looked down. I kissed and bit my way across her neck, watching the rise and fall of her cleavage as I squeezed her moons together. She was breathing heavily and struggled to keep her balance in the heelsas my hands roamed across her clad body. As I moved up and bit her earlyobe, she moaned and turned to kiss me.

“I did not give permission!” I hissed in an accent and pulled away from her. She cried out at the loss of my touch as I walked around the tree and came up in front of her and stared at her with sightless eyes. All she saw was her own fearful reflection.

“Karen,” came a husky voice from Behind me, “obey him completely! Do nothing unless he or I tell you to, understanding?”

I turned and found Lisa sitting on a chair made from will branches. What stunned me was the outfit she was wearing! It was made of thin, suple leather that was dyed black. In a way, it almost resembled the outfit that Michelle Pfeiffer wore as the Cat Woman in Batman. I got a hard-on immediately and I had a few surprises of my own! I had added a few things to the outfIt since Lisa had seen it last. I reached down and unsnapped a sheath and pulled out a large, long hunting knife, holding it’s huge blade up so that Karen could see it. Lisa gasped also, but knew I wouldn’t hurt her sister-in-law, so she made no moves or pleasures. Karen stared at me and then at Lisa as I moved forward. I saw tears of fright as I ran the cool metal against her face, then moved the blade down her neck and into her cleavage. With a slow tug, I cut away the material with a sensitive rip of clothing as the extremely sharp blade worked on the fabric of the dress. In short order, I sliced ​​the entire front of the outfit open, revealing my slave in her sexy undergarments.

“Do you have any idea how much that dress cost me?” she breathed, half delerious from lust and lack of sleep. I slapped her face hard with the back of my free hand. Her whole face reddened with embarrassment from the singing blow.

“I don’t care, bitch!” I grew.

“I warned you, Karen.” came Lisa’s voice. “Do nothing, say nothing unless told to!”

I continued to explore her body with my leather clad palms. She shook as much from fright as she did from anticipation as my fingers crossed her erogenous zones. Her naked skin could now luxury in the feel of the leather that covered my hands. I moved them over the silky lace of her bra. I could just make out the color of her pale nipples through the shear material.

I moved down her belly and then around her hips to her ass. I felt a rush of sexual excitement as my hands ran across the straws of her garter belt that held her nylons in place. I pulled up the straws of her tiny panties until they rode up the crack of her ass and into her crotch. Looking down, I could see a spot darkening around her mound as her juices began to flow out of her. I took a few steps closer and began to squeeze her asscheeks harder and harder, pulling them apart and pushing them together in slow, even motions, savoring their firmness and wonderring how an ass could be so small and so perfect! Karen swooned forward and we kissed for the first time, her tongue battle mine, fighting to rub herself against me. I bit her lip and she pulled back, just enough for me to bring my left hand around and look down to watch it as it rubbed against her wet panties.


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