Transported into my Kinky Fantasies

It was Friday evening and I was single again. As a logical conclusion I sat in the Girl’s World, sipped a Mojito at the bar and let my eyes wander over the crowd.

The night was still young, so there wasn’t that much of a crowd yet, but that was OK. I was perfectly fine just enjoying my drink and the atmosphere for a bit. The dimmed lights, the dark red upholstery, the unobtrusive, Only slightly sappy music, those were the perfect ingredients to get me in the mood.

One women in particular piqued my interest. I estimated her a few years older than me. She wore a stylish business suit and had her hair, which were of the same dirty blond as mine, tamed in a strict ponytail. From the first impression it was already clear that she knew exactly what she wanted from life and had already achieved most of it. Sadly that also included a girlfriend, which I thankfully noticed before I could make a fool of myself.

“From the two ladies over there.”

Ivana, the waitress, interrupted my musings by putting a Caipriniha in front of me. She nodded in the direction of the boots in the back. Since it was still early, most of them were empty. In one of them two young women were smoothing in the shadows. Two booths further sat two more women, a small brunette in comfy clothes and a tall darker one, whose crop top showed off her lean body. The brunette waved at me. It was the first time someone bought me a drink when they already had company, but I wasn’t going to complain.

“Best of luck!” Ivana turned at me and went of to the next customer. With a last slurp I finished my Mojito and took the Caipriniha over to the two women.

“How do I come to that honor?” I asked them.

The tall one shuffled over to make space for me. The boots in the Girl’s World doubled as love nests, so they were designed for two people to comfortably sit in them. With three it got a bit cuddly. I had no problem with that and neither did the girl in the crop top. Our armsdidn’t touch all that much, but I could already tell that her skin was deliciously smooth.

“Well, we saw you sitting there all alone and we thought, it would be a shame if someone else caught such a pretty girl away from us,” said the brunette.

She sounded a bit tipsy. Not really drunk yet, but judging by the number of glasses on the small table they’d been at it for some time already. They were cute enough, especially the one next to me, so I didn’t mind playing their game.

“Well, what are you going to do with me now that you caught me?”

“We just wanted to get a better look at you. For now.”

I liked her aggressive flirting style. She knew what she wanted and, after all, this was the place where single ladies came to find other single ladies. It only confused me that she did the flirting and not the tall one, who was much more dressed the part.

“So, are the two of you together?” I asked.

“Meg here belongs to me, yes. Doesn’t she?”

The tall one, who was apparently named Meg, put her head on her friends shoulder. She had to bend down considerably do this, but it was nonetheless cute how she purred when the brunette stroked her hair. Also, that possessive language made me tingly.

“But if you already have a pretty girl, what do you need me for?”

“One can never have enough pretty girls.”

She followed that up with a cocky smile and I regretted disregarding her in the beginning.

“Do you often ask women to join you for a threesome?”

I asked it half jokingly, to hide my nervousness. The brunette seemed less like a harmless shy girl, as I’d originally suspected, and more like a predator that had lain its eyes on me. She’d already claimed Meg as her trophy and if I wasn’t careful I’d be next. Which was the best incentive to be carefulless.

“Not often. Only when we find someone who looks like a good match.”

She stopped the head-scratches and for the first time Meg joined the conversation. Judging by her voice she was well past tipsy. “We’ve seen you here a few times and we heard that you have a report.”

So they actually had preyed on me. If I’d seen the two of them before, I couldn’t remember. Not that I remembered every couple that came to the Girl’s World, but still.

“And what would that report be?”

Meg must’ve realized that she could’ve phrased herself better. “Nothing bad, no. Just that, well, that you like it when your girlfriends take control.”

I took a long sip from my Caipirinha to gain some time. Admittedly, it wasn’t wrong. It just wasn’t something I openly talked about and especially not to the point that it should’ve become common knowledge.

When I didn’t answer immediately, the brunette lost a lot of her confidence. “Hey, sorry, Alex, we should’ve really started that in a better way. We didn’t want to call you out or anything. It’s just, we saw you coming here a few times, just from afar, but you seemed nice enough and then a week or so ago we talked to that girl Dora and somehow you came up and… yeah, we thought that we wanted to get to know you a bit better. I’m Sid, by the way, and this is Meg. I think we haven’t introduced ourselves yet.”

I took another sip that left the glass half empty. That would’ve explained how they knew my name and these personal details. I still wasn’t sure how to feel about it, but they looked so worried about my reaction, that I had to say something.

“I see. How is she?”

“Oh, she’s fine. She found someone else about half a year ago and they looked very much in love.”

“Happy to hear that.”

It wasn’t an empty platitude. Dora and I’d been together for a couple of weeks, about a year ago. She hadn’t had a real girlfriend before me and as cute as she was, due to her timing nature she hadn’t been able to give me what I needed and vice versa, so we’d parted on good terms pretty soon. I hadn’t thought about her in a while and would’ve never expected our break up conversation coming back to haunt me like that.


With the pleasures did an awkward silence fell over the booth. The flirty mood was pretty much gone and I had to do something about that. The initial conversation had sounded as if there was an adventure to be had and I didn’t want to give up on that already.

“About what you said earlier-“

My phone vibrated three times, long, short, then long again. The individual setting for messages from Tanja.

“Sorry, just a second.”

The message was short enough to fit on the preview screen. Late shift again. Need your services.

“Okay, I’m really sorry, but I have to leave now.”

I slide my phone back into my pocket and got up. As much as I wanted to find out how serious Sid and Meg had been with their flirting, Tanja had to take priority.

“Hey, we didn’t mean to be rude. We might’ve had a drink too much. I’m sorry if we came off as creepy or anything.”

The two of them looked pretty remorseful about the whole situation and I felt bad for leaving them like that.

“It’s not that,” I ensured them. “I just got a text from my friend. She’s had a long day and needs my skills as a masseuse.”

“I didn’t know you’ve got a girlfriend. Coming here alone and all.”

By Sid’s tone she clearly thought I was just fishing for excuses. Which was good, because I might’ve been able to hide my embarrassment this way.

“She’s not my girlfriend. Just…”

Meg’s face lit up a notch. “A girlfriend in the making?”


I didn’t want to get into it with the two of them, especially not with how much they seemed to know about me already. Instead I pointed at the half finished Caipirinha. “I can pay for that if you want, since we didn’t really get to talk.”

Sid just waved me off. “Don’t worry about it. Go and give your girlfriend some love.”

“She’s not my girlfriend,” I repeated, a bit too quickly.

“Yet. But she would be crazy to say no to a woman like you. And with a job like that on top, you’re the perfect girlfriend material.”

A sly smile had returned to her lips. For a moment I felt that adventurous atmosphere again and it would’ve been a lie to say that I wasn’t tempted to stay. However, I wasn’t going to leave Tanja hanging, so I said my goodbyes and left them to enjoy the rest of their night.


Sid didn’t have to know that this job that allegedly made me ‘perfect girlfriend material’ was in reality just the culmination of my failures. Originally I’d wanted to study medicine and become a doctor. Turns out that to do that you need to remember whether or not minecycle is a tetracycle or not, amongst a gazillion other fun facts of that sort. So I dropped out During the second semester and became a physicaltherapist. That is, until I learned that working with people who were in serious pain made me a drained mess. Good thing I never became a doctor, I suppose. So I had to quit that, too, and retrained as a masseuse.

If there was one positive thing about that travelty of a career, it was that I’d met Tanja. She’d started studying medicine at the same time as me, only that she passed all the classes with flying colors and made it into the training to become an actual doctor. We’d stayed in contact after I dropped out and she’d always been the shining example for what I might’ve achieved if I had her willpower and determination. Since I didn’t, I could at least show my appreciation of her by easing her tension after the long shifts in her residence program.

It took me a good half hour to get from the Girl’s World to Tanja’s flat by public transport. At least her place had an elevator. Which only the residents had a key to, so I still had to go up to the fifth floor using the stairs. As often as I was There it would’ve been worth getting my own key, but she’d said something about that being frequently difficult.

However, it was all worth itWhen Tanja opened the door, wearing nothing but a bathrobe. “Glad you came. My shoulders could use your expert touch.”

Without saying anything else she turned and walked back into her flat. Her wet hair fell down her back like a black waterfall.

I closed the door behind me and kicked off my leather sandals, appreciating once more how much nicer her carpet floor felt compared to the hard wooden boards I had. Tanja’s living room and kitchen also were the polar opposite of mine with their cleanliness and their tastefully selected furnishings, but I barely noticed them as I hurried after her into the bedroom.

With a smooth movement Tanja slipped out of her robe and placed it on the bed so the sheets wouldn’t get wet when she lay down. Her golden skin shimmered in the soft light. My mouth’d gone dry. The sight of her naked backside was something I’d never get used to.

There was no need to talk. I bent over her and dug my fingers into her back. Her shoulders really were pretty stiff, but that only means that I had more time to enjoy my work. I took the sweet almond oil from the stack of bottles on the nightstand and got to work.


Massaging Tanja was something I could get lost in for hours. Nothing was more satisfying than gliding my fingers over the slick skin of her well muscled back. Her shoulders didn’t take long to fix, but Tanja never complained when I gave the rest of her body some love as well.

That night I felt especially indulgent. The relaxing smell of the lots together with the alcohol brought me into a floaty state where I wanted nothing more than to keep showing her with affection. Unlike my professional clients, I massed Tanja while kneeing over her on the bed. As nervous as I’d been the first time I’d gone for this intimate position, Tanja hadn’t objected. She appreciated the love I put into working every last bit of tension out of her muscles. I just had to pay attention when I shifted around, as I onlywore a short skirt and she should better not feel the wet spot on my panties.

“Okay, I think that’s enough for tonight,” she finally said.

I got down from the bed to let her stretch herself. That cute moan she did when she tested out her freshly loosened up body always made me melt.

Tanja’s eyes fell on the alarm clock beside the bed. “Woah, we really dragged it out tonight.”

It was past one o’clock in the morning. I remember leaving the bar at around ten, which means that I’d spent a good two hours massaging her. Not a record, but it was still rare for our sessions to get this long.

This also means that I’d be lucky if it took me only an hour to get home with public transport. However, that might’ve been a blessing in disguise.

While Tanja excused herself to the bathroom I tried to channel the last remains of the alcohol to work up enough courage. I’d always wanted to spend the night with her, but never dared to ask.

A few minutes later Tanja returned with a toothbrush in her hand, still naked except for a fresh pair of white panties. She looked a bit confused that I was sitting on the edge of her bed instead of getting ready to go.

“Hey, Tanja, you know, it’s pretty late and it’d take forever to get home, so do you think, would it be possible if I, you know, stayed here? For tonight?”

The toothbrush stopped halfway to her mouth. “Do you see a guest bed anywhere?”

Her bluntness hit hard. That I had to look up to her didn’t help either. I pressed my legs together to hide my arousal.

“You have a couch.”

“The couch is too short.”

It was, unless I was willing to curl up. Which I’d have been perfectly happy to do. Still, if the couch was out of the picture, a more daring option remained. looked at the bed, big enough for two, and hoped that Tanja would catch my drift.

“Do you even have a toothbrush with you? Clothes? Anything?”

I mustered my best winning smile. “I can improve. It’s just one night. And the tram intervals are really shitty at this time.”

“Should’ve thought about that before.” Tanja got back to brushing her teeth, which muddled her next words. “Look, I enjoy your massages. I really do. But I have to get up early tomorrow and I can’t have you hanging around here.”

The compliment helped a lot to sweeten my defeat. Especially since it didn’t rule out the possibility that I might have more luck another time. Without further arguments I got up and helped Tanja into her bathrobe so she could accompany me to the door.

“Well, good night then, I guess,” I said after I’d slipped into my sandals, totally not fishing for a last minute invitation to stay.

“Yes, good night. And thanks for coming. I feel a lot better.”

Hearing that washed away the rest of my disappointment. “Always at your service.”

I would’ve given her a good night kiss, toothbrush and all, or at least a hug, but of course I ignored my urges and left with a final goodbye.


It was half past two when I finally arrived at my flat. I was predictably tired, but my excitement hadn’t burned down completely and I wasn’t that tired. Especially since I already had the sour twitch of my approaching period in my belly, so it might well be the last chance for the next few days to comfortably do something about the itch between my legs.

I didn’t even both to turn on the light. The street lamp was bright enough for the couple of steps to my bed and getting a closer look at the overall chaos only risked killing the mood. Since I had to clean up anyway, I just dropped my clothes wherever, leaving a trail from the door to the bed, ending with my panties. Wasting no time I lay down on the bed and let my mind wander back to a naked Tanja.

Over many nights like this I’d spun a recurring narrative where she was a master detective and I her assistant. We were investigating a race of sex drive demonstrations who were about to take overthe city and who subjected everyone they got into their clutches to an intense session of sexual torque to gain magical energy. I’d become quite creative in conjuring up new kinds of demonstrations that could have their way with me until Tanja came to rescue me.

Not this night, though. The mental image of Tanja was too fresh that I would’ve settled for any other target for my fans. As an assistant, my assisting didn’t have to be restricted to work related matters after all.

In my fantasy we shared the same bed room. Not necessarily the same bed, though. Tanja was so far above me, even sleeping in the same bed as her was a great privilege that had to be earned. Usually she’d let me sleep on the floor to her feet.

She took me into the room and wordlessly pointed at the bed. I lay down immediately. An exited Shiver rushed down my back as her gaze hit me. In her eyes I was nothing more than a sex toy.

My hand went between my legs as I imagined Tanja crawling on top ofme. The lips I longed to taste, the breasts I longed to care, both lingered so tantalizingly close, yet out of my reach. They belonged to Tanja until she felt universal enough to offer them to me. Still, I had to at least grab her sides, run my fingers along that smooth skin.

“Keep your hands to yourself! There is only one part of you I’m interested in right now.”

I had to clench my legs together and stop for a moment. That sentence alone had nearly pushed me over the edge. I took a few deep breaths and when my fingers went back to work, I only dared the lightest touches.

Tanja turned around so her well toned ass rested on top of my face. The smell of her wetness filled my nose. There was no greater compliment than knowing that I was the reason for her arousal. I licked away, hungry for her taste.

“Such a good girl.” She reached between my legs and stroked me to keep me motivated, just as I was doing in real life.

I loved these moments when everything around me disappeared and my imagination became just as tangible as the real world.

She pushed down on me. Her firm ass completely covered my face and her pussy pressed into my mouth. I couldn’t even breathe properly. All I could do was continue to pleasure her.

I got light headed and not just because I once again approached my climax. The lack of oxygen got to me, enough to push me out of my fantasy. My mouth and nose were not blocked in real life, so there should’ve been no reason for me to have actual problems breathing. Still too horny and grocgy to worry I opened my eyes. Only that I couldn’t see anything because of two glorious but cheats blocking my sight.

My body went into panic mode. I struggled to get free, but couldn’t shake off the weight that held me down.

“What’s the matter?”

The pressure on my face was lifted and I could breathe properly again. There was no mistake it: It was Tanja’s voice. Just like it was the tips of Tanja’s long hair tickling my sides. Just like the sheets under my back felt like those on Tanja’s bed. Just like it were Tanja’s most intimate parts hovering right over me.

“Are you not up to the task?”

There was no time for long considerations. Not that my body would’ve allowed me to waste this opportunity by overthinking it, not after I’d worked myself up so much. Whatever was going on, I could deal with it after I’d taken care of my needs and, more importantly, those of Tanja.

“Sorry, I was just…”

I had no idea how to end the sentence, but Tanja wasn’t interested anyway. She sat down on my face again.

Her smell was intoxicating. I was no stranger to it, with all the times I’d brought her bliss with my massages. Still, this was the first time it hit me that intensely and When her glistening pussy touched my lips, all my worries evaporated. Nothing mattered except lapping up as much of that heavenly taste as possible.

Lost in my own world of oral sex I had no idea what isat was going on around me. When Tanja touched me between my legs I nearly shrieked, both from surprise and from pleasure. As pent up as I was, living out my year-long dream, it wouldn’t have taken much to push me over.

This didn’t seem to her goal, though. She stroked my folds in a manner that felt nearly absentminded. There was no penetration and my clip stayed mostly untouched. It was just enough to keep me bothered and wishing for more. This wasn’t about my pleasure. Tanja wanted something to toy with while I licked her and my body was her plaything.


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