
Part of the Mz Rainbow series, best read in order but all are stand alone works.

The email came in the middle of the week and caught her by surprise. She read it in the bathroom at work, not wanting to risk anybody seeing it over her shoulder. It read…

“A place has become available at short notice for one of our weekend parties which matches a subset of your desires. This event is rated as “Intense” and If not suitable for all our members, however, we think you might enjoy it. It meets several of your desires that our regular gatherings will not. It is also a weekend long trip away. If you are available this coming weekend and can commit, please reply in the next 4 hours.”

She realized she was short of breath and flushed, butterflies in her stomach betraying her desire.

“Count me in” was all her reply said.

The reply came less than an hour later as she sat at her desk, trying to fathom an Excel sheet. Without thinking she picked up and unlocked her phone when it lit up with a notification and as she read the message she felt her stomach drop, the sudden realization that anybody could have overseen it combined with its implications.

“Excellent. Your transport will pick you up at 3pm on Saturday from your address. Dress casually and pack light, everything will be taken care of.”

That was Wednesday lunchtime, and it took an age to reach Saturday.

She was sitting at the bottom of the stairs, a small holdall at her feet, waiting for the car to pick her up when through the slim window panel in the door she saw a dark and slightly battered transit van pulled up on the pavement outside. Two men got out, one tall and stocky, the other small and wirey. They both headed to her door, the smaller one trailing and checking the clipboard. Both were dressed in dark boilerssuits and work boots.

“What the hell is this, a sofa delivery or something?” She said to herself as there was a brisk knock on the door. She didn’t want todeal with these tradesmen to delay her ride to the party, and they’d taken the only space outside her house.

She unlocked the door and opened it enough to see what they wanted. When the tall stocky guy said her name, she confirmed and barely had time to be confused before he was pushing his way in, bundling her backward and then picking her up off the ground, one hand around her waist and the other clamped over her mouth. His Smaller partner stepped in behind him, closing the door and putting his clipboard down on the hall table.

She kicked and compromised against the man holding her but there was almost no point, she wasn’t going anywhere. Her summer sandals came off her feet as he held her off the ground and the wirey one stepped up close, getting between are kicking legs.

He pulled her hands forward and snapped a pair of handscuffs onto her wrists, and then in a clearly well-practicated move, pushed a large red ball gag into her mouth as her captor released his hand. She’d not even had time to try and scream before her jaw was pushed wide open and the gag jammed in and buckled tight.

The smaller assailant stepped back for a second and the bigger one shifted to get a better grip on her, letting her get her feet to the ground.

The man in front of her then produced a large pair of mortician scissors from a side pocket and held them up to show her.

“Less wiggling around unless You want to end up being nipped with these.” He told her, stepping forward and nearly cutting her summer dress off and a couple of snips. Her knickers were next, then both bra straps and between the cups. With a magician’s flourish, he pulled the last of her clothes away dropping them in a heap with the dress. She now stood stark billlock naked, gagged, and cuffed, in her own hallway, in front of two strangers.

Working Together again they uncuffed her hands and then recuffed them behind her back, through the stair rails, at no point giving her any chance to slip from their grasp or run.

They stepped back and stared at her, not leering, but inspecting her.

The smaller one produced a plastic carrier bag from another pocket and scooped up her ruined clothes into it. The sandals he tucked under the hall table with her other shoes as if it was the most normal thing in the world, picking up his clipboard as he did so.

“Anything special?” Asked the taller one, sounding almost bored.

The wirey guy ran his finger down the clipboard and shook his head.

“Nah, three holes and electricitys, like the last one. What size do you reckon? Too short for a medium but those tits will be a squeeze into a small.”

The taller one stepped forward, producing an old-fashioned tape measure from another side pocket and looped it around her chest, totally oblivious to her squirming and struggleling.

“Nah, small will be fine. Bit tight, but nothing more than normal.”

He pointed a the carrier bag on the floor. “Bloody good bra that love, I was sure you’d be bigger than that.”

He was right, it had been a great bra, and expensive too. She’d chose it this morning because the invitation might have said “dress casual” but there was no way she didn’t want to look hot as fuck when she stepped out of the car. God only knows how she’d arrive now.

“Right then, small it is.” said the wirey one. “You live here alone love?”

She nodded.

“OK to leave you to stew in your own juices then.” He turned his back on her and addressed his workmate.

“Come gives me a hand would you, I’ve got her keys, so we can get back in,” he said, holding up her keyring, something else he’d picked up from the hall table.

As the front door closed her head spun. She’d been waiting for a car and driver, imagining a luxury ride for an hour. She remembered her frustration at these two appearing. It literally wasn’t 2 minutes since they’d knocked on her door and here she was stripped, cuffed, gagged, and assessed as “fine for a small” whatever that means.

She tried to read the clipboard on the side table. There were lists of names, forum screen names she guessed, too small to read, under headings she could read. “Ornamental”, “Entertainment” and “Service” all sounded innocuous in themselves, but the last group put a spin on all the others.

“Urinals,” it said, in terrifying bold black letters.

She desperately tried to work out where his finger had stopped or spot her name, but the clipboard was just too far. Her mind reeled at the implications. Ornamental had Gord overtones. Entertainment and Service couldn’t be that bad could they, but “Urinals” horrified her.

Before she could think about it anymore the door opened again and they were back, one walking backwards as they carried between them the sort of loose-planked wooden crate that the terrorists in a movie have stuffed with a rocket launcher or Indiana Jones finds the treasure.

It was about as long as she was tall and hadhemp rope loops that they carried it by. Now she understands what a “small” was, it was the box she was going to be packed in and transported to the party.

Years of hardcore bondage porn, Insex, Hardtied, Public Disgrace, and Gord among them had filled her head with this imagery.

The top came off the crate and was set to one side, various things were taken out of it and piled to the side and then men moved efficiently to pack her up.

A posture collar was buckled around her throat, keeping her head held high and straight. With her jaw already wide open with the gag it was very restrictive. Her hair was pulled back into a short neighbor ponytail with surprise gentleness. There was no roughness or malice in these guys’ work, they were quick, efficient, and workmen-like. Although being naked and she hoped, attractive, They didn’t ogle her or grope her when they touched her, she was an object to them, something to be packaged up and delivered. She could only wonder at how often they did this. Didn’t one of them mention “same as the others”? Was she not their only stop today? Was she the last? How long was she going to be in that box? She tried to stay calm.

A wide leather strap was looped around her waist and cinched tight. Her wrists were uncuffed from the stairs and recuffed to D rings set into the belt on either side of her waist. Only then did she notice the collar was chained to the stairs and an actual padlock keeping her tethered there, they were taking no chances, not that she was about to make a dash for it to the door, naked, cuffed, and deep in suburbia.

Two leather belts were looped around her, one above her breasts, one below. When they were pulled tight they held her arms in place and squeezed out her tits, which were pulled into place over the belts by called hands.

“Best get the electrics in place before we box her up” she heard the wirey one says, and the big guy spun her round to face away from the door by her shoulders.

“I hope you’re used to this or it’s going to sting a bit” she heard him say as something cold, metallic, and greasy was pushed again her arsehole. Now she realized what “electrics” were, this was an e-stim in buttplug form.

She tried to relax and accept what was happening as the hard cold metal entered her. It didn’t feel too wide but it was going deeper than she would have imagined, but it was soon in place.

She was spun round again, firm hands holding her. She couldn’t look down because of the collar, but she could see the wirey guy kneeing on the floor in front of her.

He reached up and with one hand spread her pussy lips, the other sliding another cold metal phallus into her. It was wider and the base extended up in front, following the line of her body and covering her clip with a wide cool metal plate. She Thought it must look like those chatity devices she’d seen online and wondered about.

“Very neighbor little pussy you’re got there,” the wirey onesaid, out of sight in front of her. She felt herself blush. Even the way he spoke about her was professional and almost clinical.

Quickly he looped latex tape around her ankles, the sort that stuck to itself and nothing else, before moving on to loops on either side of her knees and another around her thighs. Her legs were immobile, trapping the plugs in her. He stood up, admiring his work and then producing a small black box from yet another pocket. How come these guys had so many pockets! She was almost jealous.

“Let’s get you plugged in and give those a test.”

He knelt again and she heard cables being plugged into the box, which was then attached to her wait belt in the middle, away from where she could reach it.

“Pleasure first,” he said, with a wicked grin, producing a remote from his pocket. Immediately both plugs began to vibrate and she tried not to gasp.

“And now pain.”

The zap was sharp, intense, throbbing, and lasted only a second, but made her yelp and writh. The shock ran through the whole of the plug in her pussy, making her clip tingle with the aftershock that had run through her between the two metal cocks, deep inside her. She might have collapsed to the floor if the big guy hadn’t had his hands under her arms holding her up. Even with the after-effects, it was not at all pleasant.

“Yep, those work. Don’t fuck about or we’ll zap your cunt until we’re satisfied.” Said the wirey one.

“And we’re sadistic fuckers” chipped in the big guy, right in her ear, quietly, and with enough menace to make her believe it.

She heard the padlock being removed and without another word they picked her up and carried her over to the crate, carefully laying her onto a padded base. They were right about the size, her feet flat against the bottom, her head Not quite touching the top.

From her restricted viewpoint she couldn’t see what they were doing but she felt them putting cushioning down either side of her legs and another piece over her waist. Her head already sat in a foam U shape, unable to move much. That, done as soon as it started, the lid was moving into place and her world went dark.

There crate was made of plans, and there were gaps between the boards. Above her, she could see the ceiling of her own house, which seemed both comic and terrifying. She tried not to panic, the box being very close and suddenly claustrophobic.


The first hammerblow was unmistakable and she would have jumped if she could. She thought she might have made a squeak but even that might have been muffed by the gag. It was quickly followed by five more as nails were driven through the lid at all four corners and either side of her waist.

“Ready to gas her up?” She heard the bigger guy says. She Hear a hissing noise and feel the padding they had slipped around her inflate, squeezing her legs and wait tight.

She could feel the panic rising as her breathing got that bit harder to take but as soon as it started the hiss started it stopped and she found that whilst breathing was restricted other than only being down her nose and the padding hadn’t made it worse, but she was now completely immobile. They had been right about her size, with her arms cuffed to her waist and the packing on either side of her arms inflated, her tits were squeezed together and if they’d been any bigger would have been pressed unfortunately against the lid.

She heard a bolt sliding and suddenly there was light in her eyes. The big guy had slide the bolt on a flap in the lid above her face and folded it back. She stared up at him and he stared down at her.

“Time for a last consent check. Say now and we unpack you right now, and Cinderella does not go to the ball.”

He straightened up and produced a mobile phone along with a white square of card. After fiddling with the phone briefly he made sure it was pointing at her and then clearly and calmly read out what was inthe card.

“Today is Saturday the 11th of March. You can’t speak obviously, but blink once for yes and twice for no to confirm you understand what I am saying”

She blinked once slowly, imagining what this must look like, her face peering up out of a wooden box, for mouth stuffed with the huge ballgag.

“Please confirm that you are…” He included her full name.

She blinked once.

He reached down and placed the card in the crate, face up so it was in shot along with her face and that he could still read it.

“And that as a member of this private club, you have consented to the following acts and situations…vaginal sex with both men and women, anal sex with…”

He then read out a list you knew all too well. You remember scrolling through it, readily clicking some options, hesitating over others, but ultimately clicking far more than the majority, opting into things you’d seen online and fantasized about for years.

He reached the end of the lis, paused, and almost comically drew a breath.

You blink once.

“Excellent, that consent recording. “

He tucks the phone away and reaches to pick up the card.

Looking back down at you, it seems like his manner changes, now that you’re restrained, completely unable to escape or even complain, and the recording is safely in his pocket.

“Now, before we load you into the van, you should understand you’ve got it lucky. Give us any trouble and we’ll punish you to the electricitys, but you’ve not got any special instructions and you should be thanking us. You could have been traveling with a pair of these pressing into your tits,” he paused and holds up a wooden disc about the size of his hand, covered in sharp brass nails the size of thumbs tacks.

“Or you could be packed head to toe with another woman, locked in there with your nose stuck in her sweaty pussy, so dwell on that as we drive.”

“Enjoy your weekend away you dirty slut. You’regoing to be ticking off a lot of those boxes.”

And with that, the flap is flipped shut and the bolt drawn. She feels herself being picked up and carried, knowing that anybody watching just sees a couple of removal guys carrying a wooden crate and a carrier bag out of her front door with no idea of ​​what’s inside either.

Anybody who came looking for her wouldn’t find anything amiss or missing, her shoes Still tucked away under the hall table, only a handful of new lingerie missing from her chest of drawers.

She hears her front door being pulled shut and after a few seconds the van doors being opened. Her box is slide inside and lifted up, she thinks into racking maybe. It certainly feels like she’s not on the floor. There are the unmistakable sounds of ratchet strraps and the box stops moving. The van door bangs shut and the engine starts.

After three very heavy jolts over speed bumps that leave her acutely aware of the plugs, she feels the van turn out of her roadand she realizes that the real adventure starts here.


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