
This is a continuation of my earlier story ‘Prologue Ch. 02’

It was 1:30 on Wednesday — the time slave jim had been ordered to appear at Goddess Veronica’s home to execute the slave contract and give the Goddess ownership of him. He had made the changes required in the written contract and had emailed it to Goddess Veronica. She had replied it was acceptable and they were going to sign it Wednesday, so he should be ready to do so. He was sitting in his car barefoot, wearing only shorts and a ‘Slave’ tee shirt as he had been directed. His ass was very clean — he had given himself 3 enemy. He hadn’t eat since light cold cereal in the morning, — but had drunk 2 bottles of water so he would not be dehydrated. He had 2 nice California Cabernet bottles with him in a clothes re-useable bag with handles, as he had been instructed.

Mistress Alex, Goddess Veronica’s dyke pro domme friend, had been added to the contract as an associate owner. Specific conditions and covenants had been added to the contract . As part of the Goddess’s right to regulate j’s behavior, it had been specified Veronica would keep him completely shacked — including his eyesbrows. He agreed to wear make-up in public as directed by her, and to travel on public transportation coming and going in clothes selected by the Goddess when ordered to do so. He was going to be tattooed and pierced as the Goddess decided, including having his ear lobes pierced so he could wear pierced earnings. He agreed to wear humbling female clothes, including girly wigs, hats, high heels shoes and maid costumes both privately and in public as directed from time to time.

He agreed to wear a padlocked dog collar at all times with a tag like you can make at PetSmart on it reading “Slave j — property of Goddess V”. He also would have to Wear a locked CB3000 Chastity device whenever he was not with the Goddess or another Domme.

He agreed to be photographed and put on the internet in various ways including a full frontal posting on the International Slave Registry. He would only eat food allowed by the Goddess so she could make him get skinny on a rigorous diet. He would add her to his debit card and give her passwords on line for his credit cards, so she could check on line what he was spending and buying. She would have custody of his checkbook, would control what cash he had, and all his mail would be forwarded to a post office box she had set up. She was going to inspect his house and remove all unauthorized food and anything else she wanted from it. He had to produce receipts for his purchases, so she could keep track of how much food he was buying and eating and compare it with his on line accounts. And he had made a set of keys to his house and car to give to the Goddess.

He picked up his cell — he was Extremely nervous — and called the Goddess. “Yes, what is it?” she answered impatiently.

He answered “The Goddess’s slave has arrived, has the wine and keys, and is ready to approach the Goddess’s chambers on the Goddess’s command, Goddess.”

“OK, get out of your car, lock it, and put your keys, cell phone and wallet in the carry bag with the wine. Leave the cell turned on. Walk to the front of the house, and when you get there, drop to your hands and knees, put the bag handles around your neck so it hangs in front of you, and crawl from the sidewalk up The walk to the front of the house carrying the bag around your neck. When you get to the front steps, crawl around in the grass to the right side of the house, and then crawl up the driveway. Don’t stop at the little porch on the side. Keep your head and eyes down, looking at the ground in front of you, and don’t look around. Come around and crawl up the back porch to the back door. When you get on the porch, put the bag down outside the door, strip off your clothes, drop them off the porch into the bushes and knee down along side of the door not blocking it. Have your knees andfeet spread apart, with your ass up in the air, and your forehead and nose on the porch floor with your eyes closed, and your hands palms down on the porch along side your head. Got it, asslicker?”

“Yes, Goddess. Thank you, Goddess.”

“All right, get moving — I’m waiting. And from this point forward, unless I give you permission, you are forbidden to speak.” She hung up.

J knew the driveway was gravel, and it would hurt to crawl up it. He put the items in the carry bag, got out of the car and locked it and dropped the keys in. He looked around nervously, but did not see anyone on the street in the middle of the afternoon. He was parked just around the corner from the Goddess’s house, so he turned the corner and walked quickly past two houses to the sidewalk in front of Her house. Looking around and still not seeing anyone, he knelt and looped the bag handles over his head and around his neck so it hung in front of him. He faced the ground and crawled up the walk, withthe rough concrete hurting his knees and feet. Near the front step, he turned onto the grass and continued to crawl. The lawn was all wet — the Goddess had watered it on purpose, so his knees and hands got very muddy quickly. He reached the corner of the house and turned on to the driveway. The sharp gravel really hurt his hands and knees as he crawled along trying to keep the bag from dragging on the ground.

He knew that Connie, the Goddess’s neighbor on that side, had a deal with the Goddess that if she saw any of the Goddess’s subs outside, she would be invited to witness the slave’s punishment and humiliation. He wondered if he was being set up. He dared not look up to see if Connie was watching from a window or her side door, so he just crawled on.

When he reached the back of the house, he crawled up the steps at the back onto the porch. He put the bag down alongside the door as he had been ordered. He then stripped off his clothes and dropped them into the bushes, and assumed the required kneeing position and waited.

It seemed like eternity, but in about 5 minutes he heard footfalls of a woman in high heels crunching on the gravel driveway and then come up the steps behind him. She was silent. He heard the wine bottles click together as she picked up the bag. He heard her move around him, and then he felt something he assumed was the cell phone being set down on his upturned ass. He Then heard a knock on the door, which was silently opened, the woman stepped inside, and the door was closed. He was left kneeing in silence, terrified, with the nervousness roiling his stomach.

After about 10 of the longest minutes he had ever endured, the cellphone sitting on his ass began to ring with its distinctive ringtone — ‘Whip it’ by Devo, which he had been ordered to use as his ringtone by Goddess Victoria. This phone was only used for communication with the Goddess. Keeping his face down, he reached behind him, grabbed it and pressed to pickup.

“Slave, listen to me. The door is going to be opened and I’m coming out. Keep silent and your face down. That’s all.” The phone clicked off and he replaced it on his ass. He heard the door open and a woman stepped onto the porch. Veronica bent over him, and strapped a blindfold mask over his eyes so he could not see. “Kneel up straight” she said, and he obeyed.

She stepped behind him and put a leather dog collar on him around his neck. She clicked the small padlock on it closed. “Get up,” she ordered, and he did so. She clicked a chain leash onto the collar and pulled him towards the door, and said “Come with me.” She opened the door and pulled him stumbling through it. He could tell he was being pulled down a hall to one of the bedrooms used as a dungeon room. He could hear female chuckles and giggles and he entered the room.

He heard an unfamiliar voice says “Cheers, ladies. Here’s to Women rule and slave boys drool.” Glasses linked as other voices laughed and replied “Cheers to that, ladies.”

Goddess Veronica took off his leash, and then said “Slave, there are three beautiful women standing in front of you. Get on your hands and knees and crawl to each of them. When you get there ask for permission to greet them and kiss their feet. Show them you are well trained.”

“Yes, Goddess,” j replied as he dropped to his hands and knees on the cold tile floor. He crawled with his head down toward the first voice he had heard, keeping his head near the floor. He bumped into a shoe, and said, “Excuse me, Mistress, may Goddess Veronica’s humble slave greet the Mistress and kiss the Mistress’s shoes?” He heard a giggle, but no answer.

Goddess Veronica interjected with a laugh, “Connie, you’ve never had a male slave kiss your feet before, have you?”

“No, what do I do?” Connie answered, as the other ladies laughed.

Veronica smiled and said “Call it ‘slave’ and tell it to kiss your shoes and lick them respectfully.”

“OK, slay, kiss and lick my shoes with respect,” Connie giggled.

“Yes, Mistress,” said j, and he leaned forward and slowly kissed the toe of Connie’s left shoe three times, and then slowly licked the top of her patent leather high heel pump. He then shifted to her right shoe, and repeated the ritual. He then knelt with his forehead on the floor and said “Thank you, Mistress, for allowing Goddess Veronica’s worthless slave the privilege of greeting the Mistress and kissing the Mistress’s feet and licking the Mistress’s shoes.”

Connie laughed again and took a drink from her wineglass, looking at the other women and said “I could get used to this.”

The other women laughed, and Mistress Alex said, “You don’t know the half of it, girlfriend. You’re gonna love having Veronica’s piece of shit slave next door. Your toilet and asshole are going to be finger lickin’ clean.” There was more laughter from the women.

Veronica ordered, “Shitmouth, crawl over to the right and greetmy next guest.” Slave j did so until he bumped up against another shoe pushed against his forehead. With Alex and then Gretchen in turn, j repeated the ritual. Veronica then ordered j to come over and greet her. He crawled towards her voice and knelt before her with his forehead on the floor touching her shoe toe.

“Please Goddess, may the Goddess’s worthless slave kiss the Goddess’s feet?”

Veronica smiled and said, “Yes, pissface, get to work.”

With Veronica, j kissed each shoe 6 times, after each kiss saying “Thank you, Goddess, for allowing the Goddess’s worthless slave the privilege of greeting the Goddess and kissing the Goddess’s feet.” When he finished he then slowly licked the top of each shoe’s toe, and then crawled back a step and put his forehead on the floor.

“Stand up, slave, so my guests can get to know you better.” J rose, and Veronica grabbed his cock and pulled him towards a cock stock that was standing in the middle of the room under an inverted Ushaped frame made of 4 by 4 lumber attached to the ceiling for bond purposes. It had pulleys, rings and cleans on it so it could be used to secured subs in place. She had him stand on the floor plate of the cockstock. She put wrist restraints on his wrists, and secured them together behind his back. His feet were put into the ankle restraints at the bottom of the cock stock vertical post, which were locked with small padlocks. She then adjusted the height of the post, and pulled his balls through the vise pipes, pressed them together, tightening down the wing bolts on each side. His balls were stretched and distended in front of him, held tightly in the vise clamp. His swollen cockshaft was pointing forward over the top of the upper vise pipe.

She stepped behind him, attached a cord to his wrist restraints, and pulled his hands half way up his back behind him and attached the cord to his collar, so he could not cover his ass with his hands. Clips on ropes through ceiling pulleys on the U frame were attached to his collar on the sides. Veronica then pulled them tight, making him stand up straight, and wrapped the ropes around cleans on the vertical sides of the frame he was under. This means if j lost his balance while in the cockstock, he couldn’t fall down, and he could not bend forward to protect his cock. He was helpless, blindfolded with his balls, cock, ass, face and nipples completely exposed and defenseless.

Goddess Veronica’s neighbor Connie was early middle aged. Her husband had been killed by a drink driver 3 years earlier in a car accident. She had collected two big insurance policies, as well as a good lawsuit settlement, so she didn’t need to work.

She found the men she had met who tried to hook up with her distasteful, and possibly after her money. She had a strong libido, and Keep herself pleasured and orgasmic with a nice supply of toys and dildos keep in her night stand. She loved coming every day when she felt like it with noNeed to cater to a man. She had known for some time of Veronica’s Domme thing, and had discussed her interest with Veronica.

At Veronica’s suggestion, she had looked at several websites such as Elise Sutton and the femdom stuff on xhamster. Although she had never done anything like that, she found the idea of ​​Female Domination exciting, and was curious to try it out. Veronica had invited her over for this Ceremony with the idea of ​​making j serving Connie once a week or so if Connie liked the idea.

Connie was about 5’6″ and 130 pounds. She had medium sized but nicely rounded breasts, with well defined aureoles and perky nipples. Her jet black hair was hurt in a pageboy style with bangs that made her look younger, and she had a pale complexion, green eyes, and a well rounded ass. She usually wore slightly heavy makeup, and favored bright red lipstick on her full lips.

She was a stylish dresser, favoring short skirts and low neckline tops and spiky silettos. She mostly wore open toed shoes, as well as Victoria’s Secret lingerie. She had become quite the little cock teasing bitch as she went about her business. She really enjoyed seeing hungry-eyed men look lustfully at her in public, to no avail. It made her pussy wet. She kept her nails and toenails professionally done with sexy French tips, and had become almost addicted to having the Vietnamese girl at the mani-pedi shop massage her feet When she touched up her toenails and buffed her feet with a pump stone.

She kept her dark, curly bush fully luxuryant on her mound of Venus, never having shavled it. It hide a very large clip, which she loved playing with. Her late husband loved giving her head, and particularly had loved sucking her giant clip like it was a little cock. After he died, she had found she liked masturbating with her asshole, pussy and nipples, and usually did so twice a day — upon waking up, as an eye-opener, and when she retired to bed at night, as a relaxer and pleasant dreammaker.

She missed having a man blow her, although she had no interest in having a heavy breathing emrith on top of her while he pleased himself raping her cunt. A slave boy might be just the thing for her to have more fun having her pussy and asshole worshipped by an eager tongue. Connie was looking forward to the events of the day, with wetness lubing her labia and flutters in her stomach.

Veronica told Connie they were going to do a slave ceremony with j later that day, but before they did that, they were going to break Connie in with a little domination. Connie nodded and smiled, and ‘OK, I’d like that”.

Veronica walked in front of j and invited Connie to join her. “I’m going to give you a chance to have this slave serve you if you would like that. Since you’ve never done this before, I’m going to have you do some domination with him so you can see what its like. OK?”

Connie said “Sure, what do you want to do?”

“Well, it’s completely submissive, so weshould get you intimately acquainted with it. I’ll show you some stuff, and then you can do it, too. In a while, we’ll take off his blindfold. OK with you?”

“Sure,” Connie replied.

Veronica said “It’s very dominant and controlling to abuse the slave’s face. So watch what I’m going to do.” She reached out and grabbed j’s nose between her thumb and forefinger and squeezed it hard and twisted it and pulled it hard from side to side, shaking his head. J moaned and breathed heavily, but did not resist. Veronica, released his reddened nose and stuck one of her fingers into each of his nostrils and pushed them in as far as she could get them. She then pushed his nose up hard and twisted his head from side to side. As he groaned, she pulled out her fingers, stuck them in his mouth and ordered him to lick them clean, which he did. She then grabbed his lower lip between her thumb and forefinger, pulled it down hard and twisted it and twisted his head roughly from side to side. He made a high pitched squeal as the women laughed.

She ordered him to stick out his tongue, and she picked a small cloth so it would not slip, grabbed the tongue, and pulled it out of his head as far as she could get it with her right hand, shook his head from side to side, as he moaned more. She then released his tongue, and began slapping his face hard with the open palm of her hand — first 5 skes on the right cheek, then 5 on the left, switching hands as she went from side to side. She ordered him to push his face forward to accept the blows and count them, which he did up to a total of 25 on each side. The women were laughing as he took the punishment, which left his face bright red. She then stepped behind him, and reached around and stuck two fingers on each hand inside his mouth inside each chef, and began to pull his mouth wide open. It really hurt him, and he feared his lips would rip, and he squealed loudly. She released him and stepped away.

‘OK, Connie, your turn. Maybe start by slapping his face. You can use that little strap so you don’t hurt your hand. See if you can raise some welts on his face cheeses. The biggest thing newbie dommes have a hard time getting used to is hitting these pieces of shit hard enough. If you are not raising welts and getting noises out of it, you should hit harder. OK”?

Connie laughed and took the leather strap from Veronica. It was stiff black leather, about 2 inches across and a foot long. It was shiny black leather on one side and nappy red cloth on the other side. Connie weighed it in her right hand, stepped a bit to j’s left side, and slapped the right side of his face hard with it. It made a loud crack as it hit his already reddened skin, and he gasped and grunted. A deeper red mark almost immediately appeared.

“Bravo,” said Veronica, and the other women giggled. “Do it again, about 4 more times, and then switch to the other side,” said Veronica.

“OK,” she replied, and she swung again, with the same result — a loud slap noise, a deeper red mark and an amusing inhaling gasp and groan that made the women all laugh. She wound up and did three more times, leaving his right chef glowing red with welt marks starting up along where the edges of the struck had struck him. She then shifted the strap to her left hand, stepped to his right side, and gave him 5 more strokes on his face.

“You’re a natural,” said Veronica with admission. “Give me the strap, step up close to him, pinch his cheeses hard and start asking him any questions you want.”

Connie did so, grasping j’s cheeses hard and twisting them and enjoying the feeling of power she got when she felt him gasp and wrong, while pressing his face forward as a sign of his submission to her. “You may call me Mistress Constance, pig. So, slave, are you gonna give Veronica ownership of you?” she asked.

“Yes, Mistress Constance,” he replied.

“And do you want to serve me, too?”

“Yes, if it pleases the Goddss and Mistress would like that.”

Veronica said “I think you will find it fun to have him serve you, Connie. We need to do the ceremony, and to get to the tattoo parlor and some other things, so let me show you a couple of things. Have you ever beaden a slave boy’s slave meat?”


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