Tina had enjoyed her time at the sex club with Master Gerhard, but that was a week ago and she was getting that feeling again. That need to be dominated and used. She supposed that she was a high maintenance slave, then giggled at the absurd thought. But she imagined it wasn’t easy for her Master to set up activities for her from America. Fortunately that’s when she got a call from Nina.
“I’ve have been thinking of you.” Nina said. “And our time together.”
“Me too.” Tina replied.
“I have someone I’d like you to meet. Are you free tomorrow night?” She asked.
Tina quickly checked with her husband and he said there was nothing planned. In fact, he encouraged her to go out with Nina.
“Yes, I’m free.” She told Nina.
“Good.” Nina said and told her where and when to meet her.
In order to get there at that time, Tina would have to go directly after work. Her husband said that he would pick up the children and take care of dinner.
“Have fun.” He told her. She loved him dearly for giving her the freedom to indulge in her new pasttime.
That day at work all she could think of was her upcoming evening with Nina. She had been Tina’s first female sex partner and the object of many masturbation sessions since. But who did she want Tina to meet? Was it a man or another woman? Keeping her mind on her work was almost impossible. She was so relieved when quitting time finally arrived. Knowing it would please Nina, just before she left the building Tina visited the restroom and removed her underwear.
She picked up Nina in front of the coffee shop just as she had been instructed. Because of the heavy traffic she was a little late, but her cute friend didn’t seem to mind. She was just as upbeat and bouncy as Tina remembered.
“Hello again, sexy.” Nina said and leaned over to kiss Tina on the lips as she got into the car.
“Hello.” Tina replied, a little surprised that her friend was that forward in public.
Tina pulled back into traffic with Nina providing directions as she drove. They ended up in a part of the city that Tina was not too familiar with, but Nina seemed to know where she was going.
“Do you normally go to work without a bra?” Nina asked.
“No, I took it off before I left the office.” Tina replied.
“For me?” She asked. “How sweet. Did you take off your panties too?”
“You’ll have to wait and see.” Tina said.
“Oh, you are such a tease.” Nina giggled. “Well, I can’t let you out do me, now can I?”
Tina was surprised when her friend started taking off her bloom right there in the car. After she removed her bra, Nina put her bloom back on. But for a moment her bare tits were visible to anybody who cared to look. This didn’t seem to phase Nina at all as she simply reached under her skirt, lifted up her butt, and slipped off her panties.
“Oh! There, there, pull in right over there.” Nina said as she pointed to a small parking lot next to a nondescriptbuilding.
Tina got out of the car and looked around. There didn’t seem to be many people around. Nina took her hand and led her confidently to a door set in the side of the building. There were no signs to identify what the building was used for. The door was closed and looked solid. Nina punched a code into a keypad that Tina hadn’t noticed. The door clicked and Nina pulled it open.
Inside was a short hallway that led into a larger room. At the end of the hallway was a podium with a man standing behind it. Nina walked right up to him, still holding Tina’s hand.
“Good evening Miss Nina.” The man greeted them.
Tina saw tables and chairs in the larger room. It looked like some sort of club. A few of the tables had people sitting at them drinking.
“Marcus is expecting us.” Nina said Cheerfully.
“Of course he is.” The man said. “This way.”
He led them into the club. Tina noticed that most of the patrons followed them with their eyes as the pair walked towards the rear of the room. A number of larger, semi-private booths occurred that space. In one of them there was a very good looking man about 45 or 50 years old. He stood up as the women neared the booth. He was wearing dress pants, a nice button up shirt, and an expensive looking sports coat. From what she could see, Tina thought he looked trim. He certainly wasn’t fat. But what really caught her eye was the expensive Breitling watch that he was wearing. Her husband was a fan of expensive watches and she knew this one was worth at least $5000.
“Tina, this is Marcus. He owns this place.” Nina said.
Tina put out her hand and Marcus kissed it on the back. “You are as beautiful as Nina described.” He said in a quiet but powerful voice. Tina felt an immediate attention to the man. “Please sit down.”
Tina scooted into the wide booth and Nina followed her. This left the submissive housewife sandwiched between the two. Marcus was quite interested in Tina’s experiences while she was in America training with her Master to be a slut. She did her best to answer all his questions. Fortunately Marcus had a very good bottle of wine brought to the table, so there was no chance she would get a dry mouth.
“You had some interesting things happen to you in America. Very hot. I like the way your Master trained you. I would like to meet him some day.” Marcus commented. “That club that Gerhard took you to was also very interesting. I have of course heard of such places, but have never been to one myself. What do you know of it?”
“Really nothing but what I’ve told you.” Tina answered truthfully.
“It is appropriate that it was located underground because they operate outside our laws and moral codes. Being a private club I operate on the fringes, but Everything is legal and above board. They, however, have few rules and just about anything goes. You might think that these places are run by organized crime, but you would be wrong.” Marcus explainned.
The two women waited quietly as he took a sip from his glass.
“They are in fact run by the very same people that make our laws and force upon as a morality that they themselves don’t feel bound by. Yes, the top tier of our society; the rich and politically connected. The leaders of our government, scions of business, and heads of our churches run the most depraved sex clubs in our country. Hypocrites and liars that use their positions of authority to pursue their perverted pleasures without the knowledge or interference of the masses which they insist follow the rules. Their rules. But I don’t let it both me. Much. Fuck ’em.” He said with a dismissive gesture.
Tina was stunned at this information. She had no idea. Nina wasn’t surprised. She’d spent too much time with Marcus to be shocked by anything anymore.
“Still, it sounds like you had a good time. Did you know that Nina has had some similar experiences?” He asked.
“She’s told me about a few thumbgs, but I’m guessing there’s more.” Tina answered.
“Some day we’ll talk about her adventures, but right now I want to get a better look at your tits.” Marcus replied. “Nina, please open up a few more of those buttons.”
Nina smiled as she popped open three more buttons on Tina’s blouse, opening it up half way to her navel. Then she pulled it open giving Marcus a clear view of Tina’s beautiful breasts. He noticed that her nipples were already hard and sticking out most provocatively.
“Very nice. Now kiss her Nina.” He ordered this time instead of asking.
Nina let go of her friend’s blouse, leaving it billowed out slightly, leaned in and started kissing her. Tina loved the way Nina kissed and soon was lost in it. Marcus could see the password increasing as the kiss went on. First, Tina’s hand moved behind Nina’s head and cradled it. Next Nina’s hand moved up to reach inside Tina’s blouse to fondle her title. Tina then began to play with Nina’s title through her blouse.It was hot — too hot for the moment, so he tapped Tina on the shoulder and said, “Enough.”
The two women broke off the kiss reluctantly. They were both flushed and breathing a little heavier than before. Tina gulped down the rest of her wine and wondered where this was all leading. She was extremely horny and desperately needed to cum.
“Is she wearing panties?” Marcus asked Nina.
“I don’t know. I hope not.” She answered huskily.
“Check.” He said simply.
Nina put her hand down onto Tina’s thigh and started sliding it up. When her skirt started to get in the way Tina lifted her ass up to allow Nina and Marcus to pull it up. This left it bunched up around her waist and her bare ass on the seat cushion. Then she opened up her legs as wide as she could to give Nina access to her wet cunt. She moaned when Nina ran her finger up and down her slippery slit.
“No panties, and no hair.” Nina announced.
“Is the slut wet?” Marcus asked.
“Very.” Ninaanswered.
“Let me see.” He said, and pulled Tina’s leg over his. Nina did the same.
This left Tina’s cunt wide open to both their hands. She laid her head back as the two of them expertly manipulated her sex, bringing her to a high level of arousal very quickly. Nina was rubbing her clip and Marcus had two fingers sliding in and out of her drooling fuck hole when they were suddenly interrupted.
“Another bottle of wine?” A voice said.
Tina’s eyes shot open and her head snapped up straight. The waitress was standing there looking at them. Did she know what Marcus and Nina were doing to her under the table? How could she not know? Tina was so humiliated, but that only served to fuel her arousal even more.
“No. Please send me Thomas.” Marcus replied smoothly While still slowly sliding his fingers in and out of Tina’s cunt.
After the waitress left he pulled his fingers out and licked them off, smiling to show his approval.
“Why don’t you two girls go and freshen up.” He suggested. “I’ll have something fun for you to do when you get back.”
As Tina scooted out of the booth she wondered if anybody else saw here bald snatch briefly before she stood up and could pull her skirt down. Not that she really cared that much at the moment. Halfway to the restroom she realized that everybody probably could see her tits with her blouse unbuttoned the way it was.
When they got to the restroom there was another woman there touching up her makeup, so they each took a stall and emptied their bladders. When they emerged they found they were alone. After washing her hands, Nina pushed her friend up against the wall and began kissing her passwordately. Soon Nina’s blouse was halfway open as well and Tina had a lip lock on one of her nipples.
“God, I have to taste you!” Nina moaned.
Tina pulled her skirt up and jumped up onto the vanity top, spreading her legs wide. Nina dove right in without any preliminaries. Tina throw her head back and pushed her hips upward, revealing in the feelings her friend’s tongue was giving her. So neither of the women noticed someone else enter the room. The older woman was surprised at the sapphoric display before her, but that soon turned to lust as she quietly watched. By the time Tina noticed that they were not alone, their voyeur had a hand up her own skirt.
“Oh, I’m sorry.” Tina excaimed as she pushed Nina back and jumped off the vanity.
“Don’t be. I was enjoying the show.” The strange replied.
Nina just giggled as she quickly wiped Tina’s girl juices off her face with a paper towel. As they left the restroom hand in hand, the older woman said, “Have fun!” They both intended to pursue that thought.
When they returned to the table Marcus noticed that Nina’s blouse was now almost completely unbuttoned. He didn’t ask how that happened, but it wasn’t hard to guess.
“It looks like you two had fun. I have more for you.” He said. “I want you to follow Thomas into the wine cellar. You will follow his instructions once you get there. I will join you in a few minutes.”
Marcus went in one direction and Thomas led the two women in another. Through the kitchen, past the admiring eyes of the cooks, through a heavy door and down an old wooden stairway. It was dimly lit and cool, but it was also much larger than Tina had expected. There was a Large open central area with wine racks in long rows filling the rest of the room. It appeared to Tina that the cellar may be as large as the building above it.
Thomas led the two women down the widest of the corridors between the racks. About 30 meters along the racks ended and there was a storage area.
Thomas pointed to a large heavy table. “You two pick up one end and help me move this.”
They weren’t expecting heavy labor, but Tina and Nina were hoping this would lead to something a lot more interesting. Thomas picked up his end and with the two women on the other end they cArried the table back down the corridor and set it down in the middle of the open area. After that Thomas left the women for a moment while he retrieved a bottle of wine. It looked old and expensive to Tina.
“Now we wait for Marcus. In the mean time, take each other’s clothes off.” Thomas ordered.
Nina took the initiative first and finished unbuttoning Tina’s blouse. As she slipped it off her Shoulders, she gave each nipple a little lick, causing Tina to shiver. Then she unzipped her skirt and let it fall the ground. Tina stepped out of it and picked it up. Both garments were placed on the table. Now it was Tina’s turn. She copied her friend, except she spent a little more time licking and sucking on her nipples. She also couldn’t stop herself from copping a feel of Nina’s bare cunt. It was soaking wet.
Thomas noticed that the women were shivering from the cool temperature of the cellar. “You conserve body heat if you wish.” He suggested.
Tina wasn’t sure thatat he meant, but Nina got it. She pulled the horny housewife into her arms and began kissing her passwordately. Soon their hands were wandering all over the other’s body. This was the erotic sight that greeted Marcus as he descended the stairs into his wine cellar carrying a wicker basket and a wine bucket full of ice. The sound of them being put down on the table caught the attention of the two women.
“It looks like we have the makings of a fine party here.” Marcus said.
Then he pulled four wine glasses and a corkscrew out of the basket. He opened the wine and smelled the cork.
“Ah, a very nice vintage. You are all in for a treatment.” He commented.
The glasses were quickly filled with the dark liquid and passed out. Tina inhaled the arca and knew immediately that she was going to like it. The first sip was divine. It was easily the best, and probably most expensive wine she had ever tasted. She was a little surprised at Marcus’ generosity. Even though he was the oWner of the club, he didn’t act like he was tremendously wealthy. Perhaps he was just one of those people that enjoyed sharing his good fortune with others. In any event she was very grateful to her friend Nina for introducing them.
Marcus went to Tina and started kissing her as they drank their wine. He even dribbled a little onto her tits, one at a time, and licked it off. Tina noticed that Thomas was making out with Nina. He had his hand between her legs and it looked like he had a finger inside her.
“Finish your drink, I want to fuck your beautiful cunt.” Marcus whispered.
Tina gulped down the remainder of the excellent wine and Marcus took her glass from her. She saw that Thomas had the same idea. He already had Nina on her back at one end of the table, her legs dangling off. Marcus positioned Tina at the other end and bent her over at the waist so that her face was right above her friend’s. The women immediately started kissing as the men penetrated their well lubricated fuck holes.
The table was quite strdy; despite the force with which the men were thrusting it did not wiggle or move at all. Nina was the first one to reach out over her head and start playing with the other woman’s tits. Tina followed suit quickly. The men were not holding back, and soon Nina was bucking and shaking with an intense orgasm. Tina was getting close too, but before she could cum, Marcus Pulled out and stood her up. Then he pushed down on her shoulders. She knew what he wanted and knelt down. His cock was in her mouth as soon as her knees hit the cold floor.
As she was sucking his cock, Tina heard Thomas grunt and make guttural noises just as the slapping sounds stopped. She knew he had cum too. A minute later Marcus filled her mouth with his sperm filled liquid. It tasted very good and she was happy to be able to bring him such pleasure, but was a little frustrated that she had not been allowed to cum yet.
After she had finished draining his cock, Marcus ordered her to clean up Thomas’s as well. She gladly compiled, savoring the combined taste of his and Nina’s juices.
“Now clean out your friend’s cunt. Suck all that spunk out of it.” Marcus ordered Tina.
“Yes Master.” She replied as she moved over to the table where Nina was still laying.
This was something she had never done before, but the prospect of doing Something so depraved excited her even more. Nina’s cunt tasted much like Thomas’s cock, but there was more of it. She did her best to get all the creamy liquid out of her hole, even to the point of using her fingers to scoop it out.
“Good, now continue until you make her cum again.” Marcus commanded.
She didn’t really need to be ordered; Tina was anxious to bring her friend to climax. Nina was Very orgasmic and a lot of fun to watch when she came. Because of all the prior stimulation it didn’t take long before the younger woman cried out in pleasure, he body spasming in rapturous pleasuree. Tina continued gently licking until Nina pushed her away, her pussy now too sensitive.
“You really are a slut, aren’t you?” Marcus asked Tina.
“Yes, I am.” She answered.
“Let us hear you say it.” He demanded.
“I’m a slut.” Tina said.
“A nasty slut.” Marcus said, louder.
“Yes, a nasty, dirty slut.” Tina increased her volume as well.
“A fucking whore!” Marcus shouted.
“Yes, I’m a dirty slut and a worthless, fucking, cum loving, whore!” Tina yelled.
“All right then, let’s treat you like one.” He replied.
Then he grabbed her arm roughly and dragged her over to the table. From inside the wicker basket he produced a pair of leather cuffs and used them to bind her hands behind her back. Reaching into the basket again he removed a leather riding crop. Now Tina was scared, but her training kicked in and she just waited for the inevitable.
The first strike landed on her left title, and it hurt like hell, but she didn’t make a sound. The next one was on her right. He alternate like that several times before he moved on to her stomach. That wasn’t so bad, but as he moved downward she cringed inwardly. When he finally struck her cunt, she jumped a little and let out a yelp. She also unconsciously flexed her hips back a little like she was trying to protect her tender girl parts.
“No you don’t. Push it forward. Push your cunt forward, bitch.” Marcus grew.
She compiled and he hit her again square on her cunt. Tina wimpered and her eyes started tearing up. Marcus noticed and moved on. He pushed her up against the table and pushed her over at the waist so that her face was on the hard surface and her ass pushed out nicely.
“How would you two like to administrator a little spanking to our naughty slut?” Marcus asked Tina and Thomas who had been watching closely.
The pair took up positions on either side of Tina. Thomas struck first, leaving a pink hand print on her left ass cheek. Nina followsd up on the other. Now she had a matched set. They alternate that way until they had each delivered five blows. At that point Tina was near tears again and Marcus stopped them.
“Now each of you grab a handful of ice and sooth her poor red ass with it.” He instructed.
Tina flinched when the ice first touched her ass. It felt good though, at least initially. But quickly that became uncomfortable as her tender skin got colder and colder. By the time Marcus stopped them her ass was numb and water from the melting ice was streaming down her legs. He then removed a towel from the basket, dried her ass, legs, and the floor underneath her, saying that he wouldn’t want anybody to slip and fall.
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