Transforming Allison Ch. 02

“Cone now, child,” the woman continued. “This is an incredible opportunity for you, if you think about it. Our clients are some of the most powerful people in the world, wealthy beyond belief. Even some of those in your station hold this claim, sent here by their parents, who served the Conclave in their own turn.”

“This is why your mother and father were led to believe that yours was a lifelong commitment – to protect our members and their clients. Neither we nor they would care for a public airing of the services we provide. In addition, this gives you the choice of making yourself known to them, once your indenture is served, or allowing them to believe you are dead to them. Indeed, when you leave us, you will have been provided for most handsomely. A few have gone on to seek a type of retribution from Those who struck the bargain to begin with, but only a few, and some choose not to leave us at all. I, myself am one of those.

The woman paused to see if her words weresoaking in at all, or rolling off, like rain on sun-baked earth, but the girl seemed to be recovering nicely from her shock. Strong, the woman thought approvingly, good, she will need it.

“Your parents sold you to this place?” Allison asked.

“Not my parents, no. They were killed when I was small. I don’t even remember them. I was given to an aunt and uncle who only agreed to take me in When they found that my guardian would receive a small monthly check; and out of a sense of duty I suppose. My uncle jumped at the offer presented by the Conclave. I was probably seven or eight. I remember that our financial situation changed virtually overnight and their attitude towards me improved, as well. Representatives from the Conclave came to collect me on my eighteenth birthday and my aunt and uncle All but shoved me out the door in their eagerness to get their hands on the final payment. I was one of those who sought retribution. Not for giving me over to the Conclave. For that I am grateful, although they did not do it for my benefit, only their own, but for their handling of a frightened, confused child who had lost everything. They never failed to remind me of how lucky I was to have been taken in by them, how much of a burden I was to them, how much it was costing them. No compassion. No sympathy. But a ton of guilt and obligation. Of course, once I arrived here, I was told the truth.”

“Of course, they squandered all the money they had received from the Conclave. By the time my indenture was over, they were broke again. One of the finest moments of my life was the day I arrived at their pitiful tract house in a white limo. I thanked them for “selling” me and told them it was the best thing that could have happened. As I turned to walk away, they followed me, as I knew they would, shouting that I owed them and so forth. Just as the driver opened my door I turned and gave them my best smile.

“I will show you as much compassion as you showed that scaged little girl I once was,” I told them calmly. “Fuck you.”

And we drove away.

“They died penniless, but the best part of my revenge was that they lived and died knowing I could have helped them. Miserly bastards. I hope they are burning in Hell right now.”

The woman laughed softly.

“Ah, now I see some interest in those brown eyes,” she went on expandally. “Yes, there are many benefits and advantages to this arrangement. You will have free time, even during your training period, provided that you do well, and you can choose to continue your education. Our Learning Center is equipped with tutorials on nearly all college courses, foreign languages, just about anything. And, once your training is complete, you can choose to use your free time, or a portion of it, for private appointments, that will increase you own financial security.”

“My Lady?” Allison framed the words carefully, not at all sure she wanted the answer to this question, but knowing she must ask it all the same. “What do you mean by ‘private appointments’? What am I being trained for? What is this place?”

“Why, a brother, of course!” the lady replied cheerfully. “A very exclusive borderlo, specializing in very exotic tastes.”

“I see,” Allison’s heart felt like a stone in her chest. “Then I won’t be allowed to keep even that much.”

“You refer, no doubt, to your virginity,” the woman responded chattily. Then, noting the look of surprise on Allison’s face, she went on. “We were nearly positive about that, but we need to be certain.”

Again, the woman’s hand slip slowly down her thigh, but this time it continued to Allison’s private parts. With a single, carefully manicured nail the woman followed the natural creams there. “One look tells all,” she whispered. Allison tried to cringe away, but any movement on her part was quite impossible.

A little chuckle escaped the woman’s lips. “Do not fear for your maiden head,” she said softly, all the while gently struggling the place where Allison’s cliporis lay hidden. That will be yours until you choose to give it. And if you are smart – and I think you are – you will demand a high price for that privilege.”

“You see, we have very strict rules of conduct here. The first rule, the one that can never be broken is that no blood may be spilled. While it is true that some of our clients engage in bloodsport, they partner with those of us who have chosen to remain after their indenture has been served. Their service to these clients is consensual. One might say that they have developed a taste for it.” The woman laughed as if she had made a good joke.

“It is for the sake of your virginity that I was chosen as your instructor, rather than one of my male counterparts. It will prove to be a huge bargaining tool for you. Part of my job will be to advise you in using it to your own best advantage. Men can sometimes be, let us say, catch up in the moment, but not all of your instructors will be female.”

The woman continued to stroke Allison’s most sensitive spot, gradually increasing the pressure. Allison’s breathing became more rapid. To her horror, she realized that she was becoming aroused. Her body was betraying her! She tried to think of anything except what was happening to her, but the woman’s pressure grew ever more independent. Her body wanted to squirm and grind against the intruding fingerprint. And all the while, the woman stood there, smiling down on her, watching all the reactions play across the youthful face as she increased the pressure and pace of her manipulation until Allison moaned involuntarily and closed her eyes against the sensing.

Immediately, the woman’s other hand reached out to the previously tormented nipple and caught it in a vise-like grip between her thumb and index finger. She shook the general, well-formed breast gently, then smiled her satisfaction as this added stimulation tore through Allison’s defenses and she writhed helped, fighting against the bonds that held her fast..

“Open your eyes!” the woman commanded sharply. “Look at me!”

Allison’s need was evident in her eyes as they locked on the face of her torqueor. “My Lady,” she whispered. “Please don’t do this.”

“Tell me,” the woman asked softly as she slowed her efforts slightly. Her practiced fingers could feel the hard bud of Allison’s cliporis, now fully engaged. “Have you ever had an orgasm?”

The wave of embarrassment that fluttered across the girl’s face let her know in an instant that, although the answer was in the affordable, her young initiative had never had a partner in this endeavor. Her smile deepened, knowing she would be the first and she increased her efforts ever so slightly.

Right on the edge, she Thought smugly, watching the reactions play across Allison’s face. Passion warred with determination – and maybe even a little revulsion -but in a few moments more it was replaced with panic. Soonshe must succumb to the demands of the flesh and inevitably the animal would emerge. Yes, right on the edge.

The woman’s face was lost in pleasure now. Of all the myriad tasks she performed for the Conclave, this was by far her favorite. The tearing down of the spirit in order to rebuild it, to make it better, stronger, was deeply fulfilling. And this one was strong already. By the time she was finished, this one would shine like a candle in a darkened room.

“You wish me to stop?” the woman’s voice was a mere care.

Allison nodded vigorously, not trusting her voice at all. Immediately, the woman’s hands were gone from Allison’s body and she lay panting on the table, her face flushed, her body trembling with pent up sexual energy. She closed her eyes and tried to get herself under some sort of control.

From somewhere in the folds of her gown, the woman brought forth an implementation that resembled a small fly swatter. She brought it down sharply against Allison’s exposed breast, smiling her satisfaction as the girl gasped in surprise and pain. She swatted the other breast in its turn and Allison glared her defiance. Strong as iron, the woman thought proudly, but I will forge her into steel.

She moved to the head of the table, out of her initiative’s line of vision. From this position she began in earnest, swatting first one breast, then the other, in rapid succession. She had the pleasure of watching the tender flesh redden, the nipples pumper and harden to sweet little nubs. She raked a practiced thumb against her own nipple and delighted in the little thrill of pleasure that coursed through her body to settle between her legs.

Still, the swatter rose and fell. Allison whimpered her pain but did not cry out. The woman grew quickly bored with this exercise. Besides, she had other things in mind. She stepped around to view the girl’s face. It was beaded with sweat, evidencing the will she had executed to keep from crying out at the abusy.

“Do you like that?” she asked, now patting each breast softly.

“No, My Lady,” Allison whispered.

“Oh, but I give you permission to like it,” she responded, still using the swatter to pat lightly. “It is my will that you like it.” She stepped up the force of the blows once again. “You do like it, don’t you?”

No response. The swatter rose and fell more rapidly, more sharply.

“DON’T YOU?” the woman shouted into Allison’s face.

“Yes, My Lady,” Allison gasped out the correct response.

“Good,” the swatter vanished into the folds of the gown once more. “That is my good girl.”

The woman lowered her heat to the girl’s breast, as if to inspect the tortured flesh. Her tongue gave an experimental flick across one swollen nipple. Allison shuddered in response.

“Poor baby,” the woman murmured, nuzzling first one breast, then the other, teasing the nipples. “This is much better, isn’t it?”

There was no response, but the woman decided not to insist – this time. Allison’s body was answering for her. Her breathing was becoming irregular and ragged once more, her desire, having already been thwarted once, was now mounting like a tsunami. The woman let her tongue trail down the girl’s soft, flat tummy, towards her ultimate goal. Realizing her intended, Allison stiffened.

“Oh,” the woman said, deliberately misconstruing the girl’s reaction. “You don’t want me to leave these precious beauty yet.” She deposited a gentle kiss on each nipple and began once more to fish through the folds of her gown. “We have something to keep them occupied,” she said, brightly as she produced a pair of small metal clips. With quick expert, she applied them to Allison’s breasts.

Nerve-ends already raw from previous assaults screamed in protest. Allison gasped at the white-hot burning that enveloped her breasts. Her eyes filled with tears that she was powerless to stop.

“Oh, please,” she cried practically. “It hurts.”

“Yes, I know,” the woman brushed her fingertip across Allison’s now tear-streaked face and placed it in her mouth, relishing the salty taste of the tears. “But we like for it to hurt….don’t we.” Not a question. A statement of fact.

Allison could not trust herself to answer. Her breath came now in hitching sobs, her self-control a shredded ruin.

The woman flicked her finger hard against the clip Nearest her and for an instant an even more intense pain blossomed there. “RESPOND!” she shouted into Allison’s face.

“Yes, My Lady,” Allison was crying openly.

“No,” the woman said, coldly. “I want to hear you say it. I want to hear you say the words.” She poised her finger threateningly over the clip once more.

“We..we like for it to h-hurt,” the girl sobbed.

“Yes, we do,” she replied, walking to the end of the table where the girl was spread before her. “We like it very much.”

Virgin, the woman thought, a delicacy not often found in her line of work.A banquet fit for a king. She laughed at her own joke. And sometimes in the future, a king might very well partake of this feast. The clients of the Conclave were many and varied, but they all had one thing in common – power and money and both in equally staggering amounts. But she would be the first to enjoy this bounty and she applied herself diligently.

Allison flinched as the woman’s tongue made contact with her most secret places. Probing, licking, tasting as she went, the woman explored all. She allowed herself the pleasure of pausing at the vagina opening to savor the sweet-tart juices of the girl’s untried sex and was rewarded with a soft moan. She judged that the girl was close, very close, to breaking. But before she could give herself over fully to the task there was one small preparation to be made.

Her hands traveled Expertly over the familiar panel of the table’s end and she had no trouble finding the competition or its contents. Her hand closed on the itemsshe would require. Now she could truly enjoy the rest of this first, all-important training session.

The girl was crying softly now, the copious sobs of just a few moments earlier had taken what was left of her energy, but the woman could not allow her to rest. There were other things required of her after they were finished here. As her tongue continued to tease and probe the successful flesh, the woman thought on Allison’s future in the Conclave with something close to envy.

A spasm, then another shook Allison’s body as the woman increased the pressure and intensity of her ministers. She knew from long experience hat the girl could no longer feel the pain of the clips, that the sensitive nerve endings had gone to sleep, but the girl could feel the weight of them still. That would be enough for now. Later there would be other, more Inventive ways to hold her interest.

The girl was trembling all over now, whether from password or futile resistance it was impossibleto say. Either way would serve the woman just fine. She knew that this portion of the lesson was coming rapidly to a close, for she could feel the girl’s cliporis beneath her tongue, proud and erect as a miniature penis. As she repeated her efforts her hand closed around the little surprise she had prepared for the finish. She needed to wait only a few moments more.

“No, no, no,” Allison chanted softly, her head shaking in denial of the inevitable.

Her hips began to buck and twitch involuntarily as her body sought its release. It would not be denied again, regardless of the messages her brain was trying to send. Animal instinct stole over the girl. There was nothing in Allison’s universe except the woman’s mouth on her. The tidal wave of her orgasm broke over her, threatening to drop her in its password. The cry that escaped her lips was long and unbroken.

This was the moment that woman had been anticipating. She slip the plug smoothly through the sphincter muscle ofAllison’s anus, inserting the entire length of the plug into the tender secret flesh. Her cry of pleasure quickly changed to a scream of outraged pain. Now a bundle of long red plastic strings hung lewdly from between the girl’s ass cheeses. The woman thought it might be one of the most beautiful sights she had ever seen, the young virgin, spent and panting. The plastic strings falling from the sweet ass shimmering and twitching with the aftershocks of her orgasm. The woman doubted her initiative would share her opinion.

She walked briefly around the table, clicking release springs as she went.

“Up,” she commanded with light back-handed slap on the breast nearest her. She nearly laughed aloud at the girl’s look of astonishment.

“Up, up, up,” she repeated impatiently.

“But, My Lady,” Allison said hesitantly. “That is, I ..that thing…I mean…”

Allison paused and dared a quick glance at her captor. The face was a mask of cruel amusement and thinly veiled impatience. Allison swallowed hard.

“I don’t think I can stand up with that thing..that thing in my rear end!” she blurted, completely forgetting the honorific.

“Nonsense,” the woman replied, hauling on Allison’s arm. “You’ll be surprised at how fast you get used to it. Now! Up, up, up!”

What surprised Allison was the implication that this thing would be inside her long enough to get used to it at all. She stood on shaky legs, but the woman had been right. The pain was subsiding. The long plastic strands ticked the backs of her knees. She felt ridiculous.

The woman took no notice of her discomfit. She replaced the clips with different set. Where the others had held the nipple flat, in a vise-like grip, these encircled the tender flesh like a claw. They were lighter, but much more ornate. Delicate scrollwork covered the surface and each one had a thin gold chain attached that ended in another set of clips. The woman applied them to her tortured nipples and, folLowing the chain down, clipped the other end to the lips of her sex. Now, when she stood erect, the clips held the lips apart, opening her, exposing her.

“Very nice,” the woman proclaimed, and turned to rummage through another compartment in the table. Allison didn’t feel very nice. She felt humiliated and embarrassed.

“You want to treat your plug,” the woman throw over her shoulder as she continued her search. “All initiatives wear them.”

She returned to the girl holding what was obviously a leash and collar. Allison felt the cool leather encircle her throat as the woman chatted on.

“You will receive three in all, as you go through your training. First red, then yellow for intermediate and lastly blue.” She stepped back to admire her charge, grinning vividly as she added, “and each one is larger than the last.”

“You will wear your plug always – unless, of course, the lesson is in the pleasures of anal intercourse. In that case, your Master or Mistresswill remove the plug and then replace it at the end of the lesson.” she continued her instruction. “This protects your virginity as well.”

She pulled gently on the strands, causing Allison to shiver with the sensing.

“Primary colors, you see. Primary colors denote virgin initiatives. Secondary colors for males and deflowered women.”

“Now, public protocol. When standing, legs are placed well apart, arms locked behind your back, head up, eyes down.” She kicked Allison’s ankles gently, indicating that the girl was not spread sufficiently to her liking. The plug gave an alarming shift as Allison compiled.

“Good!” the woman pronounced with a nod of satisfaction. “Now walking. One pace behind me, always. Back straight. Head up. Eyes down. Arms locked behind your back. Let’s try it.”

She picked up the end of the leash and began to lead Allison around the room. Allison had gone only a few steps when she felt the plug shift again and, of its own voltage, her untutored sphincter pushed the vile thing from her body. It clatered to the floor.

The woman gave an exasperated sight as she bent to retrieve the thing. She did not both to look at Allison, but went straight to the basin and tossed it in. She requested and received hot water from the Guardian’s control center and she rinsed the plug thoroughly.


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