First Part: Ines learns to give in
Chapter 1
The Reunion with Ines
Would Ines follow my instructions? What if she did not show up? Was this not something out of her league? But I had been clear on the phone – the only way to another date was if she followed my instructions obediently.
“You may not ring the doorbell of my apartment until you have stripped naked. Then you stand there in silence, your arms crossed behind your back, your head slightly bowed, your legs slightly apart, and tune yourself into submission.
You wait the hell until I let you in.”
“But if anyone sees me naked”…she stammered.
“If someone sees you, then that someone is seeing a naked slave girl, a nothing standing in front of my door. Ines, you either come as my slave girl or not at all. Period.”
With that, I ended the phone call.
There was indeed no danger for her to be seen; no one was currently living in the other apartment on the top floor, but Ines didNot need to know that.
The possibility that somebody could see her naked certainly made her tremble.
I knew exactly how she ticked, having been married to her for seven years.
At the beginning of our relationship, she had been quite anxious, a beautiful twenty-year-old virgin with an inferiority complex because of her small breasts. She grew up in a strict and bigot family. Like her two younger sisters, her father had put her regularly over the knee and spanked her.
For her sex was something dirty, and she was ashamed to get undressed. “Please turn the light off.”
“Cunt licking” was her derogatory remark for my attempts to arouse her with my tongue. Fortunately, I had much more sexual experience than her and since I was very much in love, so I showed patience.
Soon Ines got More relaxed and learned to make love and even perform oral sex. She now loved cunnilingus very much.
Ines was petite, and she gave my cock intensity pleasure with her tight slit.
If I had to describe Ines, the first thing that comes to my mind is the young Natalie Portman in the movie drama “Closer.” Alice/Natalie is posing almost naked in the paradise room, this is a key scene.
Even at the age of twenty, Ines still had something girlish, and innocent about her.
Step by step we introduced a little spice to our vanilla sex acts.
I got her used to doing at least one kinky thing each time we made love.
For example, she had to swallow cum when she did oral sex, and I sometimes wanted to cum all over her face.
Sometimes one of us had to give the other a “tongue bath.” When it was her turn, she obediently licked my whole body, my toes, my balls, and my anus. She liked to be ordered around.
She tried performing oral sex with arms tied behind her back.
“Sex snail” – I tied Ines up till she was unable to move, and she had to “kiss” my body, with her wet slit, while I lay on my back enjoying.
To balance our account, I touched her whole body with my cock.
Light slapping her bottom was also part of the program; she had to assume various positions and call me Daddy. She did not admit it, but it made her incredibly hot.
I liked commanding her into the knee-to-ear position. Then I sat on her helpless body like in an armchair with my back against her upturned thighs.
She had to perform fallatio in that position.
For yoga fans, the “ear pressure pose” stimulates the abdominal organizations. Another benefit is that the legs press against the ears, cutting you off from the external world.
The fact that in that position Ines was helpless and completely at my mercy made me incredibly horny.
It made me discharge right away when I pressed my back against her thighs, knowing full well how the pressure on Her delicate body made her suffer and how the blood rushed through her ears. To receive my ejaculate in her mouth in that helpless position made Ines incredibly hot.
If anyou are wondering why we got divided despite having great sex?
Unfortunately, other aspects did not work out well.
Ines has a difficult personality a hot temperature, is very stubborn, and is prone to scenes.
She also began to use sex deprivation as a weapon against me. As a result, I had affairs.
When she noticed, she got her revenge. At least the affairs with my best friend she confessed, yelling at me in one of her tantrums.
Then, to my surprise, she hired a lawyer and filed for dividend. I did nothing to stop her because I was fed up with her behavior.
We got dividend without any problems.
We had still been childless; she had her job as a lecturer at the university. She left me and went back to her apartment.
After the dividend, we went out to lunch together, did not quarrel, and parted ways on friendly terms.
I enjoyed my freedom and did not think about her much.
Since I am wealthy, I have enough free time to meet girls and women via online dating apps. Nothing serious on my part, just sex without obligations.
Recently I took twin sisters to the Caribbean for three weeks, they paid their contribution to the vacation with sexual services. I returned well rested, with tanned skin, and was in top shape because of the beach runs.
Last week, a year after the dividend, I waited in my local bar for my next online dating match, when Ines popped in. She headed straight for my table, sat down, looked at me invitingly, and said in a bedroom voice, “You haven’t cum in my mouth for a long time.”
I had a hard-on since she entered the room. She looked stunning in her mini-skirt and high heels. We headed for her apartment, and after closing the door, we undressed each other.
Lord, we had hot sex, intimate and exciting. Her body was well-known and slightly new. Her smell, her taste, her soft skin.
She came two times, moaning as she climaxed “Thank you, thank you, oh thank you” and my name.This was something she had not done before.
We cuddled up on her big box spring bed, each with a glass of wine, when she finally dropped the bombshell.
She started with the sentence that the dividend had been her biggest mistake. Then with despair in her voice:
“Can you forgive me? I deeply regret my spell of temperature and my moodiness.
You are the only one who has ever made me happy, I like it when you tell me what to do. I think my love for you is stronger than ever.
As you know, I was afraid of having children, but I could even imagine us having children together.”
I was confused and panicked at the thought of losing my precious freedom. I interrupted her and made it clear to her that I could not reciprocate her feelings to that extent and would only see her as a sexual partner, among others.
After that, she burst into tears, throw the glass at me, and shouted and swore at me to leave her apartment at once.
Driving home I told myself, thatit was my fault, “no sex with the ex.”
But then I thought that sex was not at all the problem.
It was her possessive manner and her bad temperature.
Was there a solution and what could be the solution?
Split up love and sex?
Change our life and turn it upside down?
I brushed off her calls the following week. I accepted her call after three days, at once interrupted her Begging for forgiveness, and ordered her to my apartment as my sex slave.
Chapter 2
Ines give herself to me.
The doorbell rings at 5 pm sharp, I do not open it right away, I let her wait. Then I look through the spy, she is standing naked as ordered. I open the door; she moves towards the door….
“Stop! Back in position!” I shout, and she obeys a little confused. I, fully dressed, put a collar on her neck and attached a lean to the dog collar. “Put your clothes and shoes in the box, you will leave the penthouse naked when I send you away.”
She obeys and puts her things between my sports shoes, umbrellas, and beach chairs. Then she resumes her humble demeanours. Well, it works!
“Now get on your knees Ines, you do not walk upright in my apartment but on all fours! Now in you go, Ines, attagirl.”
I let her in she obeys at once, moving over the threshold on her knees, and then the door closes. Her buttocks move attractively as she makes her way through the large anteroom, I lead her on the lean into the living room.
To separate love and sex was now on my agenda. Ines and her outbursts of rage should not be able to hurt me anymore. She would learn to obey.
She would learn to serve naked and in silence.
I intended to transform my ex-wife Ines into my sex doll, my pet. I wanted to train her and use her as a fuck toy and three-hole whose.
It is a coincidence, but in the last few months, I have dealt inevitably with the topic of BDSM. Novels such as “The Story of O” by Pauline Reage gave me insight into the natural obedience of women in love.
Sadistic porn movies on pages like about the training of girls with submissive tendencies gave me fresh ideas. Wow! Master PD was a genius.
Ines had confessed that she wanted someone to tell her what to do. I knew it would make her hot if she was helpless and someone was in charge.
But all theory is grey. I was eager to try out all the kinky new things with her.
“First, you will learn to crawl docilely like a puppy on a leash, and this riding crop in my hand will keep you focused.
The command heel means you must keep the same pace when you walk side by side. When you hear the command foot, you at once knee next to me at the same height.”
I walked across the large stone tiles into the living room, Ines next to me naked and on all fours, thirty feet forward, thirty feet back, forward again, “Foot” She took too long to complete the order.
The crop slapped her ass “Ouch” „Shut up,” I yelled. The crop again, this time she suffered in silence. In this way I trained her for more than half an hour, she received more than twenty blows on her ass and her breathing became faster.
“Now put the end of the leash in your mouth and move in a circle around me, stay on all fours.”
“Move faster, go, go, go,” I cracked the whip mercilessly as she crawled on aching knees, panting, and sweating. “Change direction, faster” She was already sliding on her sweat on the floor.
“Now backwards, not like that silly, backwards, back,” the whip cracked until she finally got it and moved backwards.
I continued for another half hour until I realized she was at the end of her strength, exhausted, empty. “Stop” I took the leash out of her mouth and pulled her towards the bathroom.
“Well done puppy, I handed her a water bottle, and she drank greedily. “Now go into the shower and freshen up. You may stand up while you shower.” Ines obeyed. I got undressed and followed her into the extra-large shower a little later.
When she noticed me and my erection, she turned to me and offered her charms. I grabbed her by her shoulders pulled her closer, then grabbed her ass cheats and lifted her on top of my cock, her small breasts pressed against me, my cock moved smoothly in her moist cave.
The training and the beating had aroused her, and I thought that was a good condition for training her as a slave. To suffer and to be horny at the same time. These two things should always go together in her mind.
She was still wet from the shower when I carried her to the bedroom, all the way deep in her slide.
I moved to the bed and gently let her slide onto it without losing connection with her. I slowly moved on top of her, she glanced at me with this vulnerable look.
“You may moan if you need,” I joked, and she smiled at me lovingly. Our movements became faster, then slower again, our bodies seeking pleasure. I rolled onto my back, still deep in her, and lether do the work.
When I noticed she was getting into a rhythm and was moaning louder, I pinched her nipples hard. She gasped and looked at me dumbfounded.
So, I explained it to her: “I don’t want you to have an orgasm now, Ines.”
“But why? Please I need to come so badly.”
“Because from now on I will control your sexual relief, Ines.
You will learn to devote yourself to my satisfaction.
My pleasure is the only thing that matters, no one cares about your pleasure as a slave girl. I am going to cum in your mouth soon and all you should think about is the delight you can give me and that your selfish slit deserves to stay denied.
She groaned in frustration.
“Do you hear me, Ines? Your answer is yes Sir, gently and docilely spoken and with your eyes downcast.”
Her submissively whispered “Yes, Sir” almost made me climax prematurely.
I gently pulled my painfully stiff cock out and ordered her to get into the knee-to-the-ear positionon the hard floor next to the bed.
She obeyed and presented herself in the uncomfortable position, my cock bobbing up and down in front of her face. I made myself at home on top of her, leaned back, and let her body feel my full weight.
I tried to withstand her skills as long as possible, but with her gentle fingers and her warm mouth, she soon made me exploit.
I did not release her yet but continued to use her as an armchair until my orgasm subsided. She endured it patiently, looking at me her face still red with excitement.
“Are you still horny, pet?” I asked her. She obediently lowered her eyes and answered gently, “Yes, Sir, very horny, it is hard for me, but at the same time hot to be controlled.”
I stood up, helped her to her knees, and criticized her, “Good girl, good sex doll.”
Then I got a glass of wine from the kitchen and lay comfortable on the bed.
“Kneel upright now Ines, I would like to give you instructions and rules of behavior and you will listen carefully.
And take your arms behind your back again. Try to knee gracefully, upright, head slightly bowed, looking not at my face, but at the level of my cock.
You must accept, that my cock is your master just like I am.
To make it clear, you owe me at least one more orgasm today.”
Chapter 3
Humiliation for Ines
As ordered, Ines knelt silently and arched her back, but she seemed uneasy. I bet she had to pee and did not dare to ask me.
“We’ll agree on a sign if you want to ask or say something, Ines. You must beg like a puppy, try it…yes, shake your booty, move your hands up and down next to your face like begging, stick your tongue out, whimper like a puppy.”
She obeyed, what an impressive sight. How degrading to behave like a puppy.
“Yes exactly, well done Ines. Fine, you may speak now.”
“Sir, I need to go to the bathroom.”
“Remember Ines, as a slave girl you no longer have any privacy, I have control over you and your body.
I want a clear reply, do you have to pee or do big business?”
Very ashamed “I have to pee Sir.”
“Okay, then let us sort this out right now, you are allowed to go to the WC to do big business, but you are not allowed to pee while doing it.
And for peeing there are some rules… you will see, come with me.”
I grabbed her leash and pulled; we passed the WC door towards the bathroom. I sensed her hesitation and pushed the leash harder, hitting her lazy butt with the crop.
In the bathroom, I ordered her to get into the bathtub and lie on her back. She seemed perplexed but obeyed. My erection was suddenly back, the anticipation of her humiliation.
I had decided to go all in. If I could deal with her in this way…
“Now get into your knees – to ears – position, you can also place your legs on the left and right of the tub. Now close your eyes and open your mouth.
She understand what kind of humiliation I had instore for her.
She started to cry.
“I can’t do this,” she whimpered.
I hit her twice hard, angry red welts on her ass, very sexy.
“You can and you will,” I snapped at her. You do not have to swallow, but I want you to have the taste of piss in your mouth and the smell of piss on your face and hair.
If the jet miss your face, you will regret it.”
She positioned herself better and waited, but nothing came. “You can stroke your pussy, stupid cow.”
She obeyed, and it worked, after the first drop, a yellow jet directly into her face, she closed her eyes and instinctively shut her mouth.
After the first of two blows, her mouth was wide open again and Ines unintentionally swallowed a gush of her piss and spit out the rest.
Her bladder was very full, she humiliated herself for an endless time.
“Stay in that position, you’re not done yet,” I ordered her after her spring had dried.
She blinked and noticed that I was standing inFront of her face with my penis erect, the muzzle pointed at her nose. “You better close your eyes and immediately open your mouth again.”
She obeyed and opened it, nice to see Ines ready for anything.
I started pissing, but because of my erection I only hit the tub, then I directed the jet onto her face and her hair and finally onto her slit.
She lay there silent and resigned until I finished. I debated whether I should take the whom tainted and smelly as she was but decided to stay with the plan.
“You forget to thank me for this experience Ines, for your punishment you get only chilly water for cleaning and an icy surprise afterwards. If you do not keep still or I hear any sound from you, you must walk home smelling like a whore understanding?”
“Yes Sir,” she stammered.
The ice-cold water hit her body; I rubbed her with a rough massage brush and rinsed her mouth with soap. Then I directed the jet of water into her mouth and face, the whole proceduretook almost 10 minutes, and she was shaking from the cold.
Then I dragged her out of the tub while she was still wet and had her knee beside the tub. I pushed an iced dildo from the freezer into her cunt and turned the air conditioning on to sub-zero temperatures.
“Don’t move from your spot Ines, I want you to endure this without making a face, you won’t freeze to death straight away.”
She bravely held her position, freezing obediently.
But soon she started to tremble uncontrollably, and her skin turned bluesh, and her body tension slowly weakened, causing her to slump.
I was already cold even in my terry clothes robe, so I decided to stop freezing her. I carried her into the warm bedroom, laid her on the bed, removed the icicle from her slit, and penetrated her with my cock.
It was an incredible feeling to slip into this ice-cold, trembling body. But Ines slowly came back to life.
She began to move with my rhythm, moaning loudly, I felt her nails on my back. Now her body and her slit were burning hot, she looked at me pleadingly but did not dare say a word. She was such a delightful submissive.
“No more restrictions Ines you may come now, “
“Oh, thank you, Sir, thank you, thank you, thank you, oh…”
She moaned with pleasure and twitched ecstatically under me for minutes, pressing her twat Against my cock.
“Thank you, thank you, thank you” she moaned. Now I could not hold back anymore, and I shot my load into her. We lay hugged and kissed each other tenderly.
After that, I told her to knee beside the bed and she obeyed. She took the position as ordered and listened to my words. “Ines this was just the beginning of your training.” I want you to realize, that this is for real. Our relationship will never be the same as before.
I am extremely proud of you for surrendering to me. It will be my responsibility to push you further in this direction, you in turn must learn to let go, to lose control, to become a sex doll with no will and no rights.
You will do anything to keep me satisfied. This means your body must become a perfect sex toy for me. You know there are more ways to please a man than pussy sex. I want you to be available in all your orifices for my cock.
This means anal sex for you.
This means deep throat without using your hands.
This means more corporate punishment for you, for mistakes, or just for my pleasure.
You must understand that these rules are just the beginning. You have time till our next date to think it over. Maybe being a sex object is not the right thing for you, then we will go our separate ways.
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