I hate flying. I really and truly hate flying. The turbulence we’ve hit on this flight is probably the worst I’ve ever been exposed to. Can turbulence cause a plane to crash? Fuck………I hope not, or I’m doomed. Well, so are my fellow passengers, but I’m more worried about my own hide than I am about theirs.
In a desperate attempt to stop picturing my end in a fire plane crash, I think back to The events that led up to my trembling hands clutching the armsrests of a window seat on a Virgin Airlines transatlantic flight.
As far back as I can recall, I have always been the go-getting decision maker. Even when I was a child my brothers and sisters would look to me to pick out or create games for us to play. As an adolescent I worked hard to build the foundation for a successful future for myself and was on my own by the time I turned 17. Now in my adulthood I am a confident, well rounded, successful young woman with a bright professional career ahead of me. I’ve spent the past 20-something years of my life being boring as hell… making choices, making money, making decisions, and I see at least another 40-something years left of doing the same. Decisions, responsibility, honor. Blah. Blah. Blah. Boring.
Perhaps it was that thought and boredom which started me on this crazy road. I’m well known for coming up with some pretty harebrained schemes, but this one could very possibly be the most outlandish. I needed something different. Something to shake up my boring and predictable life a little bit. Something to challenge and shock me.
Late one evening, I joined a website for people involved in alternative lifestyles. I thought as far as ‘different’ went it’s about as different as it gets in my vanilla ice cream sort of life. It’s sort of insane what people get up to on the internet. I read some stuff that I’m pretty sure no matter how old I get, I’ll never be old enough to read, and some other stuff that no amount of bleach will ever erasefrom my mind. While wading through all of the crazy, I noticed one man in particular who stood out to me. First I noticed Him for His avatar (a 40-something year old dark haired, good looking gentleman) but before long I was paying more and more attention to each one of His posts. When I say I was ‘paying attention’ the reality is that I was hanging on His every word.
He said things that fascinated me. Things I had never let myself think of before. Things I found secretly titilling. It embarrassed me to feel such a compelling connection to a man on the internet. Especially a man on the internet who had no idea I was alive.
After a few weeks of hero worshiping His posts from afar, I worked up the courage to send Him a ‘hello’ message privately.
If joining the forum was a step in the right direction, that message to Him would most likely be considered The Turning Point. Within hours I was sucked into the vortex of psychological sensing that was so intense I wonderred if I would ever be the same. All of this was happening online! I felt like I was turning into one of those insane weirdos whose stories I had read about and judged as bonkers.
It took me very little time to confess to Him my secret fantasy of ditching my boring, predictable life and live a life in which I had no decision making or choices to worry about. I felt as though He expected this confession, because what He suggested next felt as though it had been ripped from the darkest receptions of my soul; a place that I had no idea existed until He opened my eyes to it.
Go live with Him. A stranger? A man I had met on the internet? Live with Him for a period of one year. During this year, He would own me. I would become His property. A glorified slave, really. He would become the truth by which I lived and loved. I would have no decisions to make but those that He laid out in front of me. My choices would be the choices He felt compelled to give me.
In the most recklessdecision I have ever made in my entire life, I packed up my little apartment, put everything into storage, booked a plane ticket, and here I sit, on a plane speeding into my future. Hurtling towards the next year of my life. I’m excited. I’m afraid. I’m aroused. I’m anxious. So many emotions crammed into one tiny body I feel as thought I’ll be suffocated.
The plane lands. Sweet Jesus I can’t believe I am seriously doing this.
I get off the plane and clear customs. Heart pounding, hands shaking, and walking carefully so that I don’t trip all over myself and look like a bullbling idiot, I walk through the gate and my eyes land on him.
He’s beautiful. I hate to use the cheesey ‘tall, dark, and handsome’ descriptors for Him, but it’s all so true. He’s tall. He’s dark, and He’s terribly handsome. He’s dressed in the latest style and His clothes is quite obviously costly. I feel under dressed in my sneakers, jeans, and sweater.
He smiles down at me and even though I’m still beyond nervous, I feel myself sink into His easygoing companionship.
“It’s wonderful to meet you” He says with a gorgeous British accent.
“Um… thank you. I’m excited to meet you too. Well. Mostly. Sort of not really completely excited because I’m nervous too and tired. Not tired of you. I mean I’m tired from the trip. Well, the flight. I didn’t do anything on the flight, but that usually makes me more tired…… um. Never mind”. Oh God I am such an imbecile. Awesome first impression. I kind of wish the floor would open up and swallow me.
“Sweetheart. Relax.” He takes my hand in a reassuring way, and leads me to His Mercedes.
The hour long car ride to His home is spent making small talk about the flight, weather, and various other mundane topics that keep my mind occupied. Neither of us mention the reason for my visit.
I think I may have made a huge mistake. What normal, sane, educated human being does something like this? Not me, that’s for sure. There’s nothing normal, sane, or educated about this. I want to ask Him to take me back to the airport. I’m about to open my mouth and make the request when He slows to a stop in a residential neighborhood, and I realize with a sinking sensing that we’re at His home. I suppose it will be my home too for the next 365 days.
I feel like I’m going to vomit.
The house is so neighbor I’m afraid to touch anything. The house is in stark contrast to my deeply embedded sense of chaos. I barely resist the urge to push a few picture frames out of place.
He brings in all of my luck, and I sit uncomfortable on the edge of the couch. He sits down across the room from me, and is quiet for a few moments. He finally breaks the silence.
“I think it is silly that we are dancing around the purpose of your Visit here. It’s time we got down to business”.
My heart stops, but I nod stiffly.
“This is the first lesson I will teach you darling” He softly comments “When I say something to you, a single nod is not enough. I expect a gentle ‘yes, Sir’ or ‘no, Sir’ every time. Do you understand?”
I nod.
He raises a browser, and I immediately correct my misstep with a hastily mumbled “Yes, Sir”.
“Also it is important for you to know that from today forward, you no longer own the name you were given at birth. Today will be a rebirth of sorts. I shall call you Princess when I am pleased with you. Should you give me cause to be displeased, I will call you nothing at all. Do you understand?”
“Yes, sir” I respond
“Good. While you are here, there are rules you must follow. Failure to follow these rules will result in consequences. First we discuss the rules. Instead of just going over them verbally, I have typed them up for you so that you won’t forget them. I expect that within the week you will have them memorized and be able to recite them verbatim”
He hands me way more paper than I expect to have to deal with. My eyes instantly go tothe rules section:
You will surrender to me all of your worldly possessions upon arrival, and only earn them back as I see fit. This includes the clothes you are wearing, all luggage, toiletries, passport, cellphone, and anything else you may have traveled with.
You will always be physically ready to please me. This includes but is not limited to- Legs, armits, and bikini area are to be shaken or waxed at all times. Hair should always be neatly styled. Makeup, once earned, should always be carefully applied. “Yes, Sir” and “No, Sir” are the appropriate ways in which you will answer any questions I might ask.
You are to speak only when spoken to. You will never begin a conversation with me, or anyone. You will wait patiently until I acknowledge you, and only speak after I have given you permission.
When you are allowed to speak, you will speak like a lady unless I have commanded you otherwise. Ladies do not use vulgarities.
Similar to the above rule, you are to ask and wait for my permission before performing any action- be it sitting, standing, using the restroom, having a drink, going outside, etc.
You are to complete all household chores while I am away from home.
You will keep a journal and maintain a faithful record of our time together. You will use this journal to complete writing tasks when I give them to you as well. I expect this journal to be kept neat and be recorded in your best penmanship. You will use paper and a pen, you will not type.
My meals are to be prepared carefully and to my exact specifications. They must be ready immediately upon my return home.
You will be expected to do many, many tasks for me. “No” is not an option. The only thing that will get you out of doing any of these tasks is a safeword, which will henceforth be the color “Blue”. If you need to use the safeword, whatever we are doing will be stopped immediately. It may only be used once, and once used, our agreementnt is over. I will immediately return to your possession all of your things, and drive you to the airport where you can make travel arrangements to return home. After that point, I will never contact you in any way. So use the word very, very carefully.
Wow. He really put some thought into this.
“The reality of this situation is that with the rules come an expectation that you will Follow them. However, I am aware that this will not always be the case, therefore I have established a system of punishment should you at any time break my rules or fail to perform a task to my satisfaction. Please turn the page”
I turn the page, and wish I hadn’t.
Tier 1 – These punishments will come about primarily through your own intention to make them happen. I can already tell that you are a complex submissive and as a thoughtful and caring Master I need to create an environment through which you flourish and are happy. In your case this requires there to be boundaries that you can test and for which the punishment is definitely a punishment but not something which is so severe that you are frightened of me or my methods, your spirit is broken, or your feelings are damaged. These punishments will be as frequent as your translations. Note that while you may test a boundary I will never let you break it. The same boundaries will always remain in place, unchanged and the punishments for violating one will be consistent. During the period of punishment you are forbidden to partake in any of the Tier 1 rewards(which you will read about later) – in other words this will immediately cancel out any of those. This is a small list of possibilities to give you an idea and should not be seen or looked at as an all inclusive list:
The Belt – 3 lashes across your naked rear with sufficient force the marks will remain for 10-30 minutes. Between each lash you will repeat “I love you Master, thank you”. Failure to do so immediately after each lashing will discount that lash and add another to the total you will receive
Nipple Torture- Nipple clamps and chain will be tightened to make you wince and which you will be led to each of your home duties by for a period not exceeding 1 hour (I will never tell you exactly how long that period will be)
Waxing- Hot candle wax will be dripped on to your nipples and cliporis from a height of 15 cm. You will be restrained by both hands and feet during this period. You will thank your Master each time you feel the wax against your skin, and tell me you love me.
You will be forbidden from hiding behind the front door when you open it and must always appear completely naked – period of half a day
You will watch me fuck my wife, and/or anyone else I decide and you will remain seated for the entire period without movement or comment – at the end you will thank your Master and express your love and devotion. You will also be expected to clean my cock with your mouth.
Tier 2 – I doubt you will plan for these to happen. Neither you nor I will find these punishments particularly pleasurable. This will usually take place when you have either refused to follow a command or have failed to follow it adequately. You will also get a Tier 2 punishment if you are seen or caught pleasure yourself in any way during the day a Tier 1 punishment is handed down. The punishment is Any of what I decided from the list below or other similar punishments:
Sex with someone you find physically unappealing.
12 lashes with the belt split in two periods of 6 with at least 2 hours between sessions. You will be required to come back to me by yourself and politely beg for the second session. Failure to do so within the allotted time frame resets the punishment and we begin from the beginning.
Mild electric shock treatment with a Tens machine on your nipple and cliporis — Session no more than 5-10 minutes
In sub-zero Winter weather you will stand in the garden completely naked for a safe but extremely uncomfortable length of time (depend on temperature) upon returning you will NOT be permitted to warm yourself by the fire but will perform fallatio on your Master followed by being fingered, fisted and then fucked. At the end of this punishment you may warm yourself if you are still cold
You will stand naked in the corner of the living room, facing the wall, holding a lamp and may only move to turn it on and off at the request of the household – period 2-3 hours
Tier 3 – It will break your Master’s heart to have to issue a Tier 3 punishment and it will be an absolute last resort designed to pull the Mastership back from the broke of collapse through a terrible punishment that would reassure your commitment. You will receive this punishment if you continuously receive Tier 2 punishments through not following your Master’s commandments. You will receive this punishment if you so flagrantly break the rules of our Mastership engagement that you have undermined its entire fabric. You will get one chance to defend yourself but I suspect the chances of success to be very unlikely. This is very serious. If you are issued a Tier 3 punishment we are knocking at the door of never seeing each other again. You will have to search deep inside yourself to decide what you want out of life and whether you can live without me in it. You will not know in advance what the punishment will be, only that it will be severe. You may safeword out of it, but that will mean the end.
“As your Master I take very little pleasure in performing anything above the Tier 1 punishments. I know that you will get the devil in you at times and will push against boundaries JUST so you get a punishment as you will like to be reminded, physically, of your place. However I feel certain you will never want a Tier 2 or god forbid Tier 3 punishment due to their severity. Understand that you will always have a safe word you can use to prevent aPunishment, if you use it, never forget, you must pack everything you own and leave my Mastership and my life. This is non-negotiable. Before being punished at anything other than Tier 1 you will have the right to speak and defend your actions (or lack of them). I am a caring and loving Master and while I may be firm, I will always be fair. This doesn’t mean you will easily talk yourself out of your punishment and I will be the last word on whether you are precious or not. It’s possible it will get commuted to a lower Tier or even acquired but understand these will be exceptional circumstances.”
Holy shit.
Um… Blue?? BLUE! This is insanity. What am I thinking?? And WHY AM I TURNED ON??? I think there is something wrong with me, and I know there is something wrong with Him. This is not the way decent people live their lives.
“Do you find these rules and punishments acceptable?”
“Well, do I have any say in them?” I fire back.
“Of course you do.You may say ‘blue’ and leave immediately. You don’t need to abide by a single one of my rules or endure a single punishment. You may go home.” He picked up the keys to his car.
“NO!” I cry out automatically “I agree to abide by your rules”.
He raises his eyebrow almost imperceptibly.
“Um…. Sir?”
“I agree to abide by your rules, Sir”.
He breaks out into a beautiful smile.
“My God Princess, you are going to be such a joy to work with”.
The look He gives me while softly stating this makes my heart sing, but I don’t understand why. I don’t even know Him. Why do I care so much what He thinks of me? When am I already so much in love with Him?
Wait up. Did He says something about a wife??? I’m about to open my mouth to call him out about the whole ‘wife’ thing when he plows forward.
“Flip the page please, and read through the rewards, because along with rules and punishment, there will be rewards. Rewards which are so sweetYou will work fervently to earn them and rejecting them”
Rewards Rewards will also be done in a tied structure. Depending on how you have pleased me and how well you have followed your commandments – along with you fulfilling all your duties – will depend on the level of reward.
Tier 1 Awards — You can expect to get these frequently and easily, likely every day depending on your behavior. Typically if you are performing at this level you will get the rewards without any ceremony or discussion – for example when you ask if you can wash your clothes I will simply reply ‘yes’. Another example is I may come up to you and passwordately and tenderly kiss you.
Kissing on the lips, and other forms of physical tenderness.
Being allowed to sit in my presence
Being allowed to pleasure yourself
Being allowed to pleasure me
Being allowed to shower, bathe, or use the restroom with the bathroom door closed
Being allowed to wash and dry your clothes
Tier 2 Awards — This reward level requires you to have done something above and beyond my level of already high expectation. These are what give you the incentive to do more than the bare minimum. Expect to get these less frequent, perhaps weekly although maybe as infrequent as monthly or frequent as daily – it all depends how I feel and how you act. I choose the reward you get, you get no input. On occasion I may decide you can have two from the list (sleep with me and talk to someone outside of the family unit for example)
Sleep with me without anyone else being in the room and bed for one night
Get to choose the positions we do during one session of sex
Wear clothes in the house for one half of one day
Speak to someone outside of our family unit (phone call, internet forum, instant messenger)
Receive a massage from a person I pick
Be allowed to not have sex during your menstrual period.
Tier 3 Awards – these are incredibly rare and damn well almost require an act of congress. If you get one this year you will have done well! The Tier 3 award will include ALL the Tier 1 awards and most of Tier 2 as a base level plus one of the following that YOU will choose
A weekend away with just me in a luxury hotel and where you are treated as a Princess and an equal
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