Seventh of nine parts.
Copyright 2009 by F. Diriger
After Judy refused to get me off and went to her room, I worked at my console on a mental training tutorial that featured exercises for ignoring body sensings. Adepts ignore terrible wounds with this kind of mental control, closing off blood vessels to staunch bleeding that would kill a normal person. But I obviously needed a lot more practice, because it was all I could do to keep my mind off my sensitive cock for an hour at a time. I occasionally felt cold sensings in my testicles that Hubba was using to prevent pain from prolonged ections, and I was grateful, since I knew I needed that kind or protection at that point. The cold didn’t calm me down though; it went right along with extreme excitement when I lost control of my thoughts.
I worked hard on some of the Civics interactives I’d skipped the last few weeks and then did the homework I hadn’t turned in that morning. I had to learn the material anyway and I thought it might please Judy for me to turn the homework in late. When I went to the bathroom to pee, I had to use my erection-reducing exercise for two full minutes before I could start. I was sure Judy was keeping a close eye on me through the monitor cameras, and I couldn’t seem to get used to the idea. I was still just as shy as ever about my body.
I finished the Friday Civics assignment and started English Lit. It was going to take a long time to catch up in that because I had a lot of reading assignments I’d been ignoring, but I thought I’d be able to get the next day’s homework done if I worked straight through until bedtime. When Judy came in at six-thirty, she was wearing shorts and a cut-off top, so I got an immediate erection, perfectly obvious to Judy of course as I saw from her hint of a smile. She asked me what schoolwork I’d been doing and seemed pleased when I told her. I felt a strange little twinge of happiness about pleasuresing her, and I knew I must seem like a pet puppy- dog from her viewpoint, wagging his tail after correction for some doggy misdemeanor.
When I got home, Gwynn was having dinner with us — she ate with friends much of the time, so this wasn’t an everyday occurrence — and I struck up a conversation, trying to get across that I cared about her in a brotherly way. Diane didn’t react to this at all, Although I knew she must think my drawing Gwynn out like this was strange behavior. I was a little unclear about how to talk with Gwynn at first, since all I really knew about her was that she had a crush on me. But I kept asking questions to learn what she was interested in, and after awhile I had a better picture. Gwynn seemed happy to talk with me during dinner, and not completely devastated when I said I had to go study, so I thought I’d handled that OK.
My flexichair had arrived, and I brought it up to my room and snapped it into position so I could sit without making contact with a seat. I still felt no pain when I was with other people, but my behind hurt like fire when I was alone. It was definitely more sore than yesterday, and I resolved to do everything I could not to get whipped again on Tuesday. I did more exercises to get my erection down, then continued working hard on my English assignment and finished about forty-five minutes before my normal bedtime.
I went downstairs to flash some milk, and carried it up again to sit in my flexichair while I tried to think of what else I could do to please Judy. I had an erection the whole time I considered this, since I knew Judy enjoyed praying me and I wasn’t ruling anything out at this stage. I knew what would please me if our positions were reversed — I’d want Judy to be an ideal slave, to tell me when she deserved to be punished and the most embarrassing punishments to use, including the best ways to turn her on. I let my mind drift and invented a few sexy punishment scenes that Judy would probablind like and I wouldn’t find too harsh, until the sheath around my cock and the slippery presence in my rectum got me rocking my hips again and I had to think of something else to calm down. What were other things Judy wanted me to do? No lying, stealing, or making people feel bad. No masturbating. But I thought maybe that was different. Judy might actually enjoy catching me masturbating, but of course I wouldn’t enjoy it when she paid me for it the next day!
OK, what else? Be nice to Gwynn. And I guess, by extension, I should be nice to Diane and Dad, too. I considered that for a moment. But one thing at a time: what could I do to be nice for Gwynn? I thought for a few minutes and suddenly had what I thought was a good idea.
I hesitated about taking the next step, but I needed more information, and I thought phoning Judy was justified. I said to the wallscreen, “Zapraddy: Phone Judy Price.”
When she answered, I said, “I just had a good idea about how I could do something for Gwynn.” I hesitated. “That is . . . if you think it’s a good idea. Uh, I could draw her out about the boys in her class and try to find out who she likes, and, uh, you said you had someone in mind that might be right for her, so if you tell me his name . . .”
Judy smiled, “That is a good idea, David. I’m pleased you thought of it.” I felt a small erotic shiver hearing that, thinking about what Judy might do to show how pleased she was with me, but she stayed on the subject.
“Charlie O’Hara. He’s Maureen’s little brother, and he’s a smart, cute kid in Gwynn’s class, really getting interested in girls right now Maureen tells me. When you talk to Gwynn again, tell her Charlie has a bit of a crush on her. Just Say you heard it from a guy at school. Maureen is going to do the same thing with Charlie, so with any lucky they’ll get together tomorrow.” Judy nodded happily at me and signed off.
Well, at least I was storing up good works for tomorrow so Judy wouldn’t be unhappy with me again. I gave a little groan, feeling my erection harden as I imagined what it would be like if Judy turned me down tomorrow when I asked her to get me off — over her knee, getting a paddling. The picture was so much like the fans I’d had about Ms Fechtenbaum that I could hardly resist touching myself. But I got myself under control again; I was positive I’d get caught If I tried to do anything while Judy was awake.
It was too late to talk to Gwynn, and I felt tired anyway. I knew she always woke up at seven, so I told my alarm clock to wake me so at the same time. As I got ready for bed, I thought longingly of a bath. I’d been working too hard on my homework to take one, and I was a little itchy again from smoking in the positioner. Finally I decided that the itchiness wasn’t too bad, I’d just take a quick shower in the morning.
I had to strip naked to get in bed again of course, and my behind was so sore I had to lie on my stomach, which slightly stimulated my cock, just as it had last night. I’d awakened that morning humping against the mattress with memories of a sexy dream, and I knew why. I couldn’t control my thoughts while I was sleep of course, and since I was so horny all the time I was likely to have more sexy dreams, with Hubba stimulating me to increase my excitement. I figured it was most likely to happen during light sleep, just before I woke up. I almost cried from my need to stroke off, and it took a long series of mental exercises before I could get off to sleep.
When I woke up, I was thrusting my erection against the mattress with the usual squirming presence in my rectum; I was mentally focused on a dream I’d just had of Judy tantalizing me in a sexy punishment I’d invented to please her.
Don’t touch it! I thought as soon as I Know where I was. Judy will see! I’d kicked off my covers, of course, and I was naked, so I pulled the blankets up to cover myself, and then it took me several seconds tostop moving, fixed on the thought of Judy watching me humping with the covers kicked off. At some point, I noticed there was something different this morning, and I slowly figured it out: there wasn’t any light outside my windows. I felt a sudden leap of hope as I looked at my clock. It was FOUR AM!
God! If it was ever going to be safe to stroke off, it would be now! I had a sudden thought of what I’d be in for if Judy caught me. She could make Hubba keep me from getting off until I saw her tomorrow, then she’d whip me again: eighty slapses — more if she found any other misdemeanors! And she’d probably be displeased with me again, so she wouldn’t get me off tomorrow either. I’d have another twenty-four hours of ageing sexual heat! I tried to think of some way to make sure I wasn’t being watched, but of course there wasn’t any way, and I knew I wouldn’t be able to resist trying to stroke off now.
I leaned on my left side and put my right hand down to encircle my erection, then thrust against it. My cock was very slippery under the sheath of Hubba’s tentacles, but I soon felt the stimulation of Judy’s fingers pulsing against my cock again, intensely exciting! I quickly became as turned on as I’d been when I woke up, but after a few minutes, I realized I wasn’t making progress to climax!
As soon as I noticed that, I understand a rule Judy must have made: I had to be uncovered before Hubba would let me come! I kicked off the blankets and continued humping, thinking about Judy watching a vid clip of me doing this, and almost immediately I was getting more tactile sensings through the sheath! Within a few seconds, I was past the level of arousal I’d felt when I woke up, but after that my progress was very slow. Judy had said it would take me at least ten minutes to reach climax, so she’d have a good chance to catch me in the act, but I was sure now I’d be able to come if I wasn’t interrupted. The erotic stimulation increased in my anus and aroundmy cock as I continued thrusting against my hand, until I was no longer really in control of myself — I thought I wouldn’t be able to stop even if I thought I was likely to get caught. So I strained to speed things up, fantasizing about the very real possibility of my being caught and punished by Judy.
The punishment seemed very sexy in my fantasy. Judy whipped me until I was ready to beg for humiliating punishments instead, an alternative she obviously enjoyed. Hubba’s tentacles in my rectum were very thick and active now, making me feel like I needed to go to the bathroom, so I imagined Judy magnifying that feeling to humiliate me. When I begged her to let me go to the bathroom, she told me to get over her knee for being repetitive, and started paddling me with the punishment wand. She paddled me harder and harder and I was crying loudly before she finally started struggling my cock. I got very excited humping against her hand, but the slapses were too hard for me to sublimate andI was getting her to stop. She said I had to come while I was being paddled like this, and I’d better worry up, because in a few minutes she’d be stop doing it, and then I could just wait for tomorrow.
I was now feeling sensings in my cock I’d only felt before when I was a few seconds from climax, but I sensed Hubba was going to keep me from reaching climax until I got up to the intensity I’d felt over Judy’s knee.
All of a sudden I felt a compulsion and knew it was one of the hurdles Judy told me about: I had to win a guessing game with Hubba before I’d be able to get off. It was all I could do to grap the simple rules in my excited state: Hubba was going to choose a number and I had to guess if it would be odd or even. If I guessed right, I’d be allowed to come, but if I guessed wrong, I wouldn’t, and I’d get twenty slapses on the positioner in tomorrow’s session. I also realized that if I lost the first guess, I could try one more time for another forty slapses, but if Ilost that guess, I wouldn’t be able to get off until after Judy punished me.
Of course nothing mattered to me at the moment except reaching climax, and possible punishment in the future seemed academic, so I immediately made a random guess: odd. The number that appeared on a short-lived video status pad was sixty-three, and I felt myself making progress again. As I got more and more excited, I pictured myself over Judy’s knee, getting sixty full whipping slapse after failing to guess right twice in a row. I dragged out the picture, how pathetically horny I’d be, and how Judy could paddle me and tease me for trying to stroke off.
The intensity of sensing I was feeling kept increasing until it felt almost like erotic torture, and I finally explored, my whole body jerking like a Manufact doing an excavation. I gave an incredibly guttural scream, which I tried to throttle, thinking Judy might hear me through the monitor sound pickups. After a long, intense climax, I sagged boNelessly to the mattress, feeling warm semen under my belly, and within seconds I was fast wait.
I woke in good spirits. I remember getting off, and thought I must finally be getting a few lucky breaks, since Judy hadn’t caught me and the humdles she’d set up hadn’t caused me any problems either.
I went to take a quick shower, and realized once I was in the bathroom that I wasn’t Even close to being de-sexed from the climax I’d had at 4:00 AM. I’d still only gotten off twice since Judy started controlling me Saturday afternoon, and it was Tuesday now. While I toweled down after my shower, it became more and more obvious how horny I was, and I hoped that Judy would be pleased with me when I went to her house. I had to be careful not to do anything to earn another whipping!
I got downstairs by seven-fifteen, and Diane had already left for Dad’s office. Gwynn was sitting in the kitchen in her nightdress, and when she saw me she casually lifted her feet up and put theheels on her chair with her knees played, so the nightdress didn’t hide anything, then said good morning in a breathy voice.
She wasn’t wearing anything underneath, and I could see her little pussy, filled in with light brown public hair now, a change from the way she’d looked just a few months ago, before she started menu. I noticed Gwynn blushing as she exposed herself to me, and I felt a painfully sensitive erection seeing her like that, but I knew I was supposed to discourage this sort of thing.
“Hey, Gwynn,” I said. “I’m flattered, but you know I’m almost your brother. It wouldn’t be a good idea to get involved that way.” Kind of heavy-handed I realized, after the words were out. Gwynn got red in the face and brought her legs down, mumbling she didn’t know what I was talking about. God, I hoped I wasn’t hurting her feelings. This was ticklish stuff, and I wasn’t very good at it.
“Look,” I said, “It’s OK! I’m flattered! I think you’re really cute and I’d certainly want to date you if we didn’t have this brother-sister thing.”
Gwynn’s face was still red, but she obviously liked hearing I thought she was cute.
“That reminds me of something,” I said. “Do you have a boy in your class named, uh, Charlie O’Hara?”
“Yeah . . .” Gwynn answered hesitantly.
“Is he OK looking and everything?” And when she nodded after a few seconds, I continued. “I hear from a guy I know at school that he has a kind of a crush on you. The guy told me because he knows I’m your brother.” Gwynn’s face got kind of red again, but it didn’t look exactly like embarrassment this time.
I spent several minutes talking with Gwynn about what the boys were like in her class, and after some hesitation, she started telling me what she thought. I could see she was flattered by my interest, and it might have occurred to her that I could be a source of more information about some of them. She didn’t seem to have any suspicion I might embarrass her by telling people which boys she liked, but then she’d always trusted me that way more than I’d thought was reasonable. I used to just put it down to her being naive, but I’d never wanted to do anything mean after I understand how trusting she was.
Gwynn named four boys she thought were “soods”, whatever that means, but it seemed Charlie O’Hara was her favorite right now. I suggested to Gwynn that she might want to sit next to him at lunch, and showed her how to look receptive so he’d start a conversation. I also came up with a few things she could say if he seemed tongue-tied. I could see Gwynn blushing, but she paid attention and thanked me at the end, seeming ready to do what I suggested. She really was cute, and if Charlie didn’t ask her for a date I’d be surprised.
I felt pretty good in school all day. I turned in the assignments I’d done and I was right up to date, even a little bit ahead in Civics, a rare feeling for me. I got more and more frequent erections looking at Judy’s friends as the day wore on, and when school was over and I could feel my sore butt again, I had an erection all the way to Judy’s house, thinking of what I was hoping she’d do for me. I still hadn’t done anything to be punished for that I could think of, and I’d tried to help Gwynn, so I hoped that means I was going to get a tangible reward.
When Judy got home and saw me still in my street clothes, sitting in the flexichair, she said, “So you’ve been a GOOD boy!”
I flushed, because Judy sounded so much in control, and of course there might be something she considered bad that I didn’t know about yet. Then I felt the disorientation that comes with Deep O-Mode, and I guessed afterward that I’d been under for about ten minutes. I felt appreciate again when I came out. Judy didn’t look mad or anything, but she must have found out I’d masturbated that morning. It was near the top of my thoughts, and I actually felt pretty guilty about it, so I worried Judy would punish men spite of what she’d said about letting me get away with it.
But Judy just smiled at me, looking cheerful. “I got the names of the other boys Gwynn likes in her class,” she said. “And it sounds like you handled her pretty well this morning, although you obviously need to learn a little tact.” Judy looked thoughtful for a moment, and I was afraid I was going to get a whipping to teach me more tact, but then she continued. “Of course I know you masturbated during the night. I’ve set my homebrain to search your vid clip in the morning, looking for that kind of movement on your bed.” Then she paused, waiting for me to speak.
I felt a surge of embarrassment. “Are you going to . . . punishment me for it?” I asked, red-faced.
“No. I told you I wouldn’t if you passed the hurdles and I didn’t catch you in the act,” Judy said with a grin. “I just wanted to watch the vid clip of you doing it! Of course you won’t always get away with it, you know.”
After another smiling pause,she added, “I’m actually very pleased with what you’ve done since yesterday. You don’t have any punishment coming, and I think it’s time for you to get a little of the reward part of your reward-avoidance training. If you’re still interested after last night, that is. Are you?”
“Yes, Ma’am!” I answered. “I’m very horny!”
Judy suddenly turned a chair around and sat on it backwards, facing me. I was intensely aware that her legs were spread to straddle the relatively empty frame of the chair back, and her skirt was hiked up so I could see her panties . . . and the panties looked awfully sheer! Judy smiled when she saw the way I was staring, like she was enjoying herself.
“Do you have any requests you want to make, David?” she asked in a quiet voice.
I’d thought about what I wanted to say, but it was still hard to get the words out. “Yes, uh, Ma’am, I want to request that you get me off again, the way you did on Sunday.” Somehow it felt right to call Judy Ma’am inThis situation, and she didn’t correct me about it.
“Exactly the same way, David?” she asked teasingly. “With you over my knee getting paddled? You’re that horny?”
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