Trainingware Pt. 05

Fifth of nine parts.

Copyright 2009 by F. Diriger



When I answered the door I saw David, his face flushed and his eyes fixed on the floor. He had an obvious erection he was trying to hide with a hand in his pocket, and I had a wet panties moment as I thought how soon I’d have his clothes off with his erection out in plain sight.

I told David to come in, and as I closed the door he pulled something out of the bag and handed it to me: the punishment wand! I accepted it with a smile, watching David’s red-faced reaction, and activated the Wand’s helptree. It had some somatic AI functionality, so I had it talk to my homebrain and give a readout of David’s recent history. He’d been in No- Sex state ever since I left him yesterday, but his Arousal rating had jumped to 76 the moment he left his house, and was up to 78 now. He was nice and horny!

“Are you able to talk, David, or can you only answer questions?”

“I’m . . . only allowed toanswer questions,” he answered.

I put him in Deep O-Mode and dropped that compulsion, then I said, “You can talk now. Tell me how you feel about what’s been happening.”

David seemed to go weak at the knees and asked if he could sit down while we talked. I led him to a chair in the next room, feeling a bit worried by his state. I knew this training was going to be hard on him, and I probably wasn’t making it any easier by letting him see how I enjoyed being in control. Maybe I should be handling him with more sensitivity.

As soon as he sat down, I used Deep O-Mode to make sure he was OK, and learned he was just putting on an act to get my sympathy and manipulate me. I was annoyed that he’d made me worry about him, and decided I’d make him pay for this with extra slapses at the end of his whipping. This was exactly the sort of manipulative behavior Linda Fechtenbaum had warned me about!

I the microbead for sensory recording and feedback on the crown of David’s head, then asked the tutorial to start letting me experience a low intensity sensing of his emotions and sensings. After I feel the input on my own microbead, I went into my bedroom and put on a virtual suit under my clothes so I could perceive the sensing more thoroughly. I wanted to feel sensings David felt through his whole body, and I needed a virtual suit for that. The virtual suit would also keep my lubrication down to a background level, so I wouldn’t start actually dripping during the session.

When I got back, I asked David questions in Deep O-Mode about how he felt having me as his psychological agent, and I liked what I heard! He’d been fantasizing for months about Linda Fechtenbaum giving him reward- avoidance training, ever since she’d explained what was involved to his parents, so by now the idea gave him an instant erection. He was even more sexually attracted to me than Linda, so his outlook was perfect from my standpoint.

I’d expectd this to a certain extent, but I still felt relieved. If David hadn’t been aroused at some level about having me dominate him, I wouldn’t have been able to enjoy it. If he was simply afraid of being punished, I’d have just like a bully all the time. Of course, reward- avoidance training was designed to link punishment and sexual arousal through his somatic perceptions, but I was still glad he was starting with the right mind-set.

David wasn’t just aroused, though, he was also quite frightened about what was happening. The only whipping he’d ever had was the excruciating traumatic one Linda gave him, and while he was hoping the whippings in reward-avoidance training wouldn’t be so painful, he was still dreading the actuality. That was one reason he was trying so hard to manipulate me to go easy on him, but of course I had no intention of being manipulated. I thought about that for a moment, and decided that I just needed to move things along and get him into the positioner; after the first round of whipping, he’d know that it wasn’t nearly as exciting as the one he got from Linda.

While I had David in Deep O-Mode, I started trying to understand how he related to people. His attitude when he’d controlled his stepmother Saturday morning was really criminal! He hadn’t thought at all about how it would affect her, a low-key sexual performer, to suddenly Experience an Arousal rating of 89! A little more questioning made it clear David didn’t even realize Diane had a low sex drive, and I thought his ignorance must spring from complete insensitivity to other people’s feelings. Starting from an 89 Arousal level, I figured the only reason it took Diane more than two seconds to get off with the Hubba-Hubba was that she was just built that way — she needed a long build-up to reach orgasm. It was pretty clear to me from what David said that the Hubba- Hubba was a marital aid she used with David’s Dad.

As I continued questioning him, I realized David never worried about anybody’s feelings! It was really true what Linda said: David was like a young criminal in training or something! Other people were barely real to him! I had him describe one of his sex fans involved me, a very painful dominance fantasy, and as he talked I realized he didn’t know the first thing about me as a person, although he’d been visiting my house for over a year. He liked the fact that I was smart, but mainly he’d just fixed on my face and figure. Especially my figure. OK, I’m happy I have a nice figure, and maybe I should emphasize it a bit during David’s training and be his dream Dominatrix. We were obviously going to be spending a long time together. I was convinced that David needed this training now, and I could enjoy administratoring it without feeling guilty!

I gave David a long-term compulsion not to touch the microbead on his head, not even during a shampoo, then told him not to notice any time-lapse from being in Deep O-Mode and to recover theFeelings he’d had just before I put him under. In a few seconds he started flushing again, and I dropped him back to normal. He started squirming on his chair, and from the emotions in his low-level sensie, I knew he was nervous himself up to try to talk me into something.

David gave a small speech to appeal to my social feelings and make me feel like a bully about hurting him. It was very well done. If I hadn’t been convinced by that time that the training was for his own good, and known that David’s speech was simply more manipulation, I’d have felt bad about my part by the time he finished.

The tutorial had told me to do what I could to keep David from resenting my role in his training, and that gave me the idea of ​​using O-Mode to question David about what he’d do to me if our positions were reversed. Hw was wide awake and aware of what he was saying, and the sensie playback showed me how desperately he tried to resist answering. But within a few seconds he was tellingme the details of how he’d punishment me if he had the opportunity. I made him explain his motivation, that he’d get a sexual thrill out of dominating me, and then I told him I was going to get the same kind of thrill from dominating him! His reaction turned me on when I felt it through the sensie! Shocked surprise, shading into the excited erotic feelings he’d been having for the past few months about reward-avoidance training.

I saw how I could extend this lesson, and dropped David into Deep O-Mode, then got help from the tutorial setting up minor compulsions that would give him gentle mental nudges to compare the punishment I gave him with what he’d do to me if our situations were reversed. David was basically fair-minded, so he’d eventually realize that the discipline he was getting was actually quite focused compared with his own selfish fans. After awhile I thought he’d understand that what I was doing had a therapeutic purpose. At least I hoped so. I still liked David andI hoped I wasn’t unrealistic wanting him to like me back at the same time I was overseeing his discipline.

While I had David in Deep O-Mode I looked into his fansies about me more deeply, and it was kind of upsetting. He wouldn’t stop with just whipping me after school and getting me super horny so I’d beg him to fuck me, which I thought was kind of sexy actually, just a more extreme version of the BAD SOMA encounters we’d both had. But he had a lot of other ideas that weren’t the least bit sexy! If he were in charge, he’d torture me constantly, whenever he felt like it, even when I was at school with my friends!

I asked David what he’d do if he saw me reacting badly when he treated me that way, miserable about being punished all the time, not feeling sexy, terribly upset when he threatened to humiliate me at school. I was gratified to hear him answer haltingly that he’d stop doing the things that bothered me if that happened (as it certainly would), and that he’d try tomake me feel better. He’d still want to control me, but he’d be much gentler and try to get me turned on about it. I pressed him on what he’d do if I still couldn’t adjust and keep having bad spells because of his control, and he said he’d eventually give up and just try to be my boyfriend, although he might keep using just a little subtle guidance to make me want to have frequent sex. Excellent! I was happy to learn David wasn’t actually cruel, just thoughtless.

I brought David back out of Deep O-Mode so he wouldn’t notice a time delay since I told him I’d got turned on by punishing him, and as soon as he could talk, he started trying to push his agenda again.

“Wait, Judy, Please! If you enjoy punishing me and . . stuff, I can enjoy that too as long as it isn’t TOO hard! Can you just take it a little bit easy on me like in a BDSM Encounter, so I can sublimate it? I mean you can still have fun and make me beg, right? Then when you feel I’ve, uh, learned my lesson, maybewe can both get off together!”

I had to admit him — the little weasel — for coming up with another appealing idea so quickly to reduce his punishment. But of course I couldn’t go along with this and still give him the training he needed, so I let him know that. I could feel David’s desperation that he wasn’t making any progress on reducing his punishment. He offered to cooperate if I went easy on him, but I knew he was using the trick he had of only promising to cooperate for a little while!

“Stop trying to manipulate me, David!” I snapped, showing my impatience with his tricks. “I know how much your cooperation is worth!” I thought it was time to bring this to a halt and rub it in that he was under MY control!

“Anyway,” I mused aloud, “I think I’ll be able to get your cooperation without making any conceptions.” I made it clear how his punishment was up to me and I could whip him more at the end if he wasn’t cooperative. Then I made my voice sound a little mean.

“You DO want to cooperate with me, don’t you David?”

“Yes, Judy,” he answered in a quavering voice. I could feel his frightened reaction through the sensie as I outlined how I wanted him to do whatever I told him without making me use O-Mode.

“I expect you’ll be quite sore at the end of your whipping for what you did to Diane, so you really won’t want any extra slapse.” And after a pause to let that soak in, “Are you going to do what I tell you?”

“Yes!” he answered in a croaking voice. He was nice and intimidated now.

“Then let’s start!” I said, looking forward to the next step. “First take all your clothes off!”

It was unbelievable how embarrassed he got as I chivvied him into taking off his clothes; I had to turn the intensity of the sensory feed down to 20% so I could concentrate. I guess I’d have felt that embarrassed if I was caught by a bunch of boys masturbating naked in the school gym or something, but not with just one near-partner watching meget undressed! Then I realized this was all being recorded, and I’d be able to play it back later so he always felt this embarrassed when he had to stand naked in front of me, and I thought that was pretty neat!

After he was naked, I walked all around him making teasing remarks about his body. He really DID have a good-looking body, and watching him standing there with his flushed face and prominent erection was turning me on something fierce! I had to move on to something else, so I told him to follow me into my exercise room where I’d set up the positioner. He started crying as soon as I told him to get on it, and I had to tell him he was getting extra whipping for hesitating before he’d do what he was told.

After he climbed onto the positioner, I heard the restraints snap into place and the platform raised him a few feet. I felt Extremely aroused viewing David in this position, so exposed, with his bottom in the air and his erection sticking down through the leg-rests. Iremembered there was a lot of flexible play in the positioner, so I raised it a bit more and rotated him until his torso was horizontal; I was concerned that blood might rush to his head in the original position, although the tutorial said it was perfectly safe. David’s bottom was just even with my shoulders now, very inviting looking, with nicely rounded cheeses.

The only problem was that seeing David in This position was making me lubricate so much that my crotch was starting to squelch inside my sense suit. The suit was able to absorb a certain amount, since it was pretty common to get hot during BAD SOMA forfeits, but I was normally lying down then and standing up made the lubricant harder to contain. Besides, I’d never gotten this excited in a virtual situation.

But I didn’t have time to worry about that because Suddenly David was crying a lot louder and begging me not to whip him as hard as Ms Fechtenbaum did. I felt sorry for him, so I gave him some reassurance.

“I won’t be whipping you as hard as Linda did,” I said. And after a short pause, “But don’t get your hopes up! It’ll be hard enough to scare you and leave you good and sore, so you’ll learn to cooperate!”

I figured I should hurry up and him give his first round, since I knew it wouldn’t be as bad as he feared. I set the wand for warm-up and started giving him slow, methodical slapse on the butt, timing them with every third tick of a metronome the tutorial sent to my ear clip. I administratored the slapsed by swinging the wand around lightly at shoulder level, like making practice swings with a squash racket. The wand felt weird as I used it, since every time it made contact with David’s buttocks the handle twisted slightly in my hand, vibrating as it applied the proper intensity for the slap. As the warm-up Continued, I kept lowering the sensory feed for body sensings, until I had it down to 10%. David shrieked when I gave him his first full-strength slap, and then again with the second, but he wasn’t really screaming, as I knew he had during his traumatic whipping. The slaps still hurt though! I could feel the sting through my virtual suit, even with sensing down at 10%.

By the third or fourth slap David was wailing most of the time, with shrinks whenever the wand made contact. I was supposed to try to give him thirty-five slaps in the first round, and listen for a baby response, but after awhile I couldn’t tell if he was bawling like a baby or not. He was certainly making a lot of noise. I watched the pain sensitivity reading in his buttons, and when it got down to 20 I stopped, just as the tutorial was telling me to. I’d given him exactly thirty-five slaps.

I didn’t feel any arousal listening to David shriek during the whipping. It seemed so hard on him that I was just trying to be Conscientious and do it right. All the other session interactions with David were the real turn-ons as far as I was concerned. The whippings were just needed forhis training, and I would have gone a lot easier on him if I’d had any choice in the matter. Still, I liked the idea that whippings this hard would make him completely submissive. I had the authority to give him extra punishment if he didn’t do what I told him, and that gave me a lot of power.

David kept bawling for a minute or so at the end, and the tutorial told me he’d reached baby-response threshold at twenty-one slaps. It was supposed to be only fifteen, and the tutorial recommended I raise the pain intensity to 83. I didn’t want to make things any harder on David right now if I didn’t have to, though, so I determined that the acceptable pain intensity range was 80 to 85, and left the wand at 80. I told David I was going to leave him alone for awhile, and walked away towards the entertainment room, but I actually stopped when I reached a table behind him where he couldn’t see me in the wall mirrors.

I took a close look at David on the positioner, his bottom reddening with returning circuit. The tutorial had told me to set the wand for shallow briising — no broken blood vessels, but the soreness would die out slowly over forty-eight hours. His buns were really red now, and I was getting very turned on. I suddenly realized I was feeling David’s Arousal coming through the sensory feed, a delayed response to the sex- surge from the wand. He was even more excited than I was! Of course he’d been at No Sex since yesterday morning, and that was probably a long time for him to go without an orgasm.

I decided it was time to get some of the edge off my own arousal. I started by getting a towel from the bathroom behind me, unsnapping the crotch of my sensie suit, and wiping myself off. Then I throw the towel in the cleanall as I figured out the setting to make the sensie suit absorb more of the lubricant I put out. When I’d done that, I went back to the table behind David and leaned over the end of it, facing the positioner so I could watch David’s redbottom, then set the sensory sensings and emotions up to 100%.

I immediately felt like my bottom was being stung by a hive of bees, and I gasped. It felt quite sore back there, but it didn’t get any worse, and then I realized how horny I was, what a terribly sensitive erection I had. It was torture not to be able to do anything about it, constrained as I was in this humiliating position! Of course it was kind of Weird to feel David’s erection, but I’d had some experiences with S&M sensies from a male perspective before, so it wasn’t a complete surprise. Still, it was unbelievably erotic to know these were David’s sensings I was feeling.

The crotch of my sensie suit was still open and I started touching myself with my finger, too aroused even to think about getting a peripheral. I got to orgasm in less than a minute, glancing up at David’s red bottom every few seconds and experiencing the sensings he was feeling. When I reached orgasm, I had a lot of trouble stifling my grosss so David wouldn’t hear what I was up to behind him.

After one soul-shaking orgasm, I stopped touching myself and closed my suit up again. It was hard to stop, but I figured I had several orgasms coming later, and I could concentrate better on what I was doing now that the worst pressure was off. After I stopped, I started feeling David’s erection again, but he was beginning to lose his Extreme excitement. His Arousal rating had reached 84 when he peaked, just 6 short of orgasm, but now he was down to 80. I muted the sensie playback and asked the tutorial if I had time to get a drink of water before starting David’s second whipping round. The inter-round period was quite flexible, so I went out to my kitchen. While I was drinking, I realized David might be thirsty, but the tutorial told me not to give him anything to eat or drink while he was being punished.

After I’d finished in the kitchen, I picked up the wand and walked in to see David again. As he heard me coming, he started begging me to let him out of more whipping, but I overrode him to ask how he felt about the whipping he’d had so far. He admitted that it was obviously less severe than the one Linda gave him and didn’t seem traumatic, so I started preparing him for his second round, reminding him he was being punished for what he’d done to Diane so he’d start making the connection and realize he had to change his behavior.


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