Copyright 2009 by F. Diriger
The day after I got out of my training with Ms Fechtenbaum, I figured out why I’d been having so much trouble convincing Dad of things I wanted. I’d had my eighteenth birthday on June 5, 2091, just a few days before I hacked our homebrain to watch Diane, and my birthday made Dad think I should be Taking on more adult responsibility. Of course when Dad was eighteen, they’d had Prolongevity treatments for only a year or so — until then, nearly everyone expected to die before they reached a hundred, so they wouldn’t have wanted to extend childhood the way we do now, even if they’d had the technology. I’d only reached sexual maturity when I was sixteen, in the summer after my fourth high school year and I went through it with the other kids in my class who were mostly eighteen, since I’m two years ahead of my age-group. My step-sister Gwynn turned eighteen only three days after I did, on June 11, and I only took vid clips of her along with Diane because it was so easy. Gwynn still looked like a child then, since she’d just entered Menarche and her body hadn’t developed yet. I thought she had a pretty face though.
Anyway, Dad believed eighteen was some kind of milestone, but nobody else did anymore. One of my great-grandfathers told me how he’d been in the army at eighteen, the first time there was fighting in Iraq, and I figured that was the model Dad had in his mind. Go back to Shakespeare’s time and Juliet was only thirteen, right? After things settled down about my psychological agent training, I started making some obvious points with Dad that being eighteen after sexual awakening at sixteen was more like fifteen or sixteen when he was growing up. Dad’s pretty smart, so he thought about it awhile and agreed I was right. I felt relieved that I could put off adult duties another few years. Of course in some ways I enjoyed growing up, as long as I didn’t have to be a g-drag all the time!
The whipping I’d had in training and the perverse arousal I’d felt after it made a tremendous impression on my libido! I started fantasizing about being sent back to Ms Fechtenbaum for reward-avoidance training, and her using sexual rewards to control me. I imagined lying exposed in the positioner being whipped, not NEARLY as hard as what she’d done the first time for avoidance training of course, ending up with a sore butt and a throbbing erection. Then I’d imagine her reaching her hand under the positioner and starting to stroke my cock but not letting me come, tantalizing me and making me plead and promise to be good. I guess it was more likely in real life that she’d use a peripheral to reward me that way, but I know some psychological agents treat sexual dysfunction with personal contact, so my fantasy wasn’t totally bogus. It was just an added spice in my fantasy that Ms Fechtenbaum would be the only one who could get me off, so I’d agree to any kind of humiliating punishment after shekept me frustrated for a day or so. And I pictured some really mean ones when I was on my fifth or sixth orgasm of the day and needed something special to finish!
I’d been visiting the BAD SOMA VirtSite since I first discovered sex at sixteen, and I started having BDSM Virtual Encounters a few months later. I almost always wanted to be Top in the Encounters, but of course most girls make pacts with their friends never to accept less than a forty percent chance on the toss-up, so I had to be bottom some of the time. When I was bottom the girl could make me undress and tantalize me until I was dying to come, the same thing I’d do to her if I’d won. My face was heavily morphed to make me look like a humanized fox in BAD SOMA, but my virtual body was much closer to my real one because of “Truth in Morphing”, so the experience was always quite embarrassing. I knew I was much more easily embarrassed than most guys, but it just felt sexy in situations like that since the girls I met inBAD SOMA didn’t know who I was. Then the girl could whip me to make me do what she said, usually just hard enough to sting a bit, since we both had to agree in advance how high to set the nervous induction in our Virtual Suits, and I’d only met a few girls who agreed to set it high enough to be at all painful. Once the time limit passed, the girl had to stop tantalizing me, but I still couldn’t get myself off for fifteen minutes unless she agreed to help. Some girls made me beg pretty abjectly, the same way I did with them when I won, but they’d usually get me off after a few minutes, and it would be quite a relief by then.
I’d been surprised at first how much I could get turned on being bottom in BAD SOMA Encounters — an OK second-best to being Top — but the whipping I got from Ms Fechtenbaum, and the sexual excitement I’d felt in the rest periods between whipping rounds, magnified that aspect of it! I began feeling much more aroused about being bottom, almost fixed on the ideaa! Once I realized I was thinking about setting the pain induction to the highest level and letting girls have 9 to 1 odds to be Top, I started avoiding Encounters. I felt repelled by the idea of taking short odds on a Bet, something I’d always thought was pathetic for a guy. I figured I’d eventually outgrow this fixation if I waited long enough, and I didn’t want to give in to it.
Still, I was masturbating four or five times a day for weeks, fantasizing about training by Ms Fechtenbaum, until it started seeming too unrealistic: After all, I knew I’d use all my influence to avoid going into training again. But just as I was beginning to get bored, I found a way to hack into a Psychological Agent site, trying to learn more about the punishment wand Ms Fechtenbaum used on me. I got the model number and then found I could order the same model from a BDSM store where I’d hacked myself adult status.
It was really Max to finally hold the wand myself! It looked like a broad rulerWith a handle at the end, two and a half inches wide and twenty-two inches long but very thin and light. The help tree said it didn’t matter how hard you swung it — the nanoware would apply appropriate force for the pain setting instantaneously when it contacted the skin. The nano components operated down at molecular size to avoid broken blood vessels, so there’d never be deep briising, but you could still set the wand to leave the subject feeling sore for up to two days. I noticed something on the help tree called a “sex-surge” setting that was used to give the subject a thrill of erotic arousal with every whipping stroke. If the sex-surge was higher than the pain setting, then getting whipped could end up seeming more sexual than painful! The subject could even be brought to orgasm that way, during what would normally be a very painful whipping! A more modern setting would just leave the subject extremely aroused when the whipping round was over.
It dawned on me that Ms Fechtenbaum had used a sex-surge like that when she whipped me at her office! That’s why I got so horny between whipping rounds that I tried to rub myself against the positioner leg while she was out of the room! At least I thought she was out of the room! Now it struck me she might have stayed around to watch me squirm trying to get off in the positioner!
I’d never been able to learn details about psychological agent options on the Public VirtWeb, but when I entered training with Ms Fechtenbaum and gave my Bond not to talk about it with outsiders, I got access to a tutorial about discipline training. I supidly didn’t access the tutorial until after I’d had my whipping session and talked my way out of more. When I finally read the details, I learned that ALL the common training modes involved whipping as a punishment. There’d never really been much chance that I’d escape it!
The part that had bothered me most about my whipping, was that a woman I was attracted to could whip me. The sexual aspect seemed wrong to me. I thought there was a fundamental rule that people in authority should avoid sexual behavior that would make subordinates uncomfortable. After I figured out Ms Fechtenbaum must have used sex-surge on the wand she whipped me with, I checked to see if she could get in trouble for it.
But AI’s don’t have the same attitudes about sex that humans do. And the AI Council is totally in charge of these things since Obedience-Mode Conditioning proved to have all the advantages they claimed in their debate with the human ethicists. In psychological training, sexual tension can be nearly as effective as pain in making the subject following the agent’s directions, so sexuality is explicitly encouraged: agents are chosen to be individuals that training subjects will feel sexually attracted to. The AI’s also expect human trainers to react to the sexual aspects of the training, either liking it or disliking it, and it was policy to find trainers who’d enjoytheir work. That was likely to make the trainer-subject bonds stronger too, especially in reward-avoidance training. So as long as the training kept its therapeutic focus, a certain amount of sexually motivated sadism by the trainer was perfectly OK as far as the AI Council was concerned.
I started thinking about that as part of my fantasy: Ms Fechtenbaum getting turned on by controlling me sexually, turning the sex-surge on the wand way up HIGH and getting herself off while she whipped me! I went back to stroking off four or five times a day thinking about that, and didn’t slow down until I hacked our homebrain again just after school started in September. I still thought about Ms Fechtenbaum in most of my fansies, but I’d started to think about other things too, like the way I used to be able to watch Diane Through the house monitor cameras.
I spent a lot of time on the VirtWeb looking for information on how to hack a homebrain so it wouldn’t be noticed. There was a lotof detailed stuff at the Anarchist site, but nothing very encouraging. It seemed it wasn’t possible to make a modern homebrain AI actually DO anything, and still keep it unaware of tampering. When I’d hacked in back in June, I’d started by just redirecting the views from the monitor cameras to my room viewer, and since everyone in the house was a family member the homebrain didn’t define that as a breach unless someone asked for privacy. I only got caught because I started trying to control some of the monitor manipulators — lucky nobody every figured out what I was planning to do with the manipulators. Dad changed the Security definitions after I got caught, naturally, so I couldn’t even redirect views from the monitor cameras now.
I didn’t give up looking for alternatives though, and finally I did find an undetectable way to break data security for the homebrain model we used and at least READ all the data the homebrain had. I decided to try that just to be doing something,and a few hours later I was accessing Diane’s personal data.
Her KEYCODE was in there!
It seemed Diane had trouble sleeping sometimes, so she’d given the homebrain Keycode control, so it could put her into Rest Mode, which becomes normal sleep after several minutes. When I understand what I’d found, I was so excited I started to tremble! There were all sorts of S&M Interactives About using the Keycode of some attractive person to sexually dominate them. Even married couples often keep their Keycodes private from one another, or at most gave their spouse a Subordinate code and set up safeguards.
I started thinking about how I could use this. I knew Dad was leaving the next day for a long consulting trip in Asia, so that gave me the opportunity I needed. I figured I could give Diane a compulsion to ignore homebrain reports of security violations when I put in my hacks. I checked that if I removed my hacks before Dad got back, he’d never learn about it. Then I called upa menu of Human Status Modes, and found one everyone calls “Arousal” that controls a person’s sexual response! The help tree said Arousal has quantified ratings from one to a hundred, with spontaneous orgasm normally occurring at 90 unless there was some sort of special constraint. Settings of 90 and above couldn’t be externally imposed without special authorization, and any setting above 95 was usually quite painful for normal subjects.
Arousal Mode was as simple as Rest Mode! I could control Diane’s Arousal setting through the homebrain!
Dad left early Saturday morning, flying three legs from where we live in Santa Glubas, California, to Tianjin, China. Gwynn was off to visit a friend for the weekend, so I was all alone in the house with Diane. After I got my courage together, I went and sat down next to her in the kitchen. She was having her second cup of morning tea, and she smiled at me as I came in and seemed about to say something. I spoke before I could lose my nerve.
“Keycode 197A4FB88-Predilisit!” I heard my voice cracking from the strain to say this as clearly as I could. If Diane didn’t hear it right she’d fail to go under, and if she realized what I was doing she could stop me instantly. She was a frequent user of my Keycode, so all she had to do was say “O-Mode” and I’d be caught!
But there wasn’t any problem. Diane quickly closed her eyes and said, “Under”. I told her to go into Deep O-Mode, and when she acknowledged I took a shaky breath. She wouldn’t remember anything that happened in deep O-Mode, and it was easy to fix it so she wouldn’t notice any time-lapse. I tried to make myself a frequent user then, but either I didn’t understand the procedure well enough or I was too nervous, so I couldn’t set it up. I didn’t dare take the time to go look at the interactive tutorial to get it right! I was afraid one of Diane’s friends might come visiting for some reason. Most of our friends just walk in the back door when we’re at home, and came right into the kitchen. That was a serious danger, because I’d need a little time to bring Diane out of trace properly!
So I just told her that the homebrain might be acting up for the next several days, and set up a minor compulsion that if she heard about any security violations she’d think it was a mistake since that problem had been fixed two months ago, then she’d forget about it. After she acknowledged the compulsion, I brought her out again. I told her she’d feel natural when she came out and wouldn’t notice a time-lapse or remember the short time in normal O-Mode. Then I said, “Drop O-Mode,” and she came out of Trance and smiled at me again.
“Would you like to have a cup of tea with me, Davey?”
“Uh — no. I guess I really just wanted to say hello. I think I’ll go work on some interactive lessons now.” She looked at me curiously as I stood up, and I realized that normally I’d have just said no thanks, then walked away without explaining what I wasgoing to do.
I got to my room and made the hack into the homebrain. I had all the code in my console cache, so I just had to upload it. Then I got my viewer and checked I could access all the house monitor cameras. I could see Diane still in the kitchen from twelve different cams, and about eighteen views of the bedroom and six of the bathroom she and Dad used. All the different views are supposed to help the homebrain decision if there was something wrong, like a fire in a wastebasket that would be out of sight from most vantage points. Even when Diane turned out the lights in her room the cams still worked, since they can use UV lights that are always on. I set up the camera utility I’d modified in June to provide the views of Diane I wanted when she was moving around, then accessed the homebrain’s logic to control Diane’s Keycode mode settings. I wrote a program that updated her Arousal rating, starting at a somewhat horny setting of 65, and using a loop to crrank it up one setting every minute until I stopped it. Then I went back downstairs to watch Diane get excited.
In the kitchen I got a cup and put in a tea bag, then flashed some water into it and sat down at the table. Diane seemed preoccupied while I was making tea, but when I moved towards the table she looked up at me and smiled.
“You didn’t work very long,” she said. She seemed a bit Distracted as she spoke, like she had something else on her mind.
“Well, I finished one of the things I had to do,” I answered. “So I thought I’d come and have some tea with you after all.”
Diane’s distraction increased as she tried to make conversation with me for the next several minutes, and when she finally got up from the table she gave the impression somehow of being extremely aware of her body. She told me rather abruptly that she had to do something and left the kitchen. I followed her upstairs to her room a minute later and saw the privacy light on her door, then went to my roomand pulled out my viewer just in time to see her take something from a high shelf at the back of her closet. I hadn’t looked there when I was searching the room a few months earlier — it was Dad’s room too, so I was probably less through than I would have been normally — and I’d been too nervous an hour ago to ask Diane about her sex toys in Deep O-Mode. She was my stepmother, after all, and I was Worried about doing anything too obvious that she might notice later, like keeping her in Trance too long. When she opened the box, she pulled out a Hubba-Hubba!
It was the ultimate sexual peripheral! I’d seen it in dozens of SexDrama Interactives! It had a lot of long tentacles that kept splitting into thinner tentacles, and it could grab really hard with the long thick tentacles and touch very deliciously with the tiny ones. It could insert tentacles in the anus, or vagina in women, and simulate any imagineable sensing, like tremendous slipperiness, or needing to go to the bathroom. And some of the tentacles could whip you on the butt if that was what turned you on.
And the main thing about the Hubba-Hubba was that it KNEW what turned you on. It had a powerful nanobrain — near-human-level AI — that was Expert about the human body, and when it came in contact it quickly learned what you found erotic. It got feedback from your Arousal Mode rating, which it could read cutaneously, so it knew how excited you were, and it could tantalize you and keep you from reaching orgasm, even at very high levels of arousal, to augment your sensings to the highest point that was physically safe. It was expensive too! Like a month’s income from Dad’s consulting, so I wondered how Diane could afford it. I’d never seen her use it when I watched her back in June. Then I realized she might have used it when she had sex with Dad. I’d always stopped watching when they were in the bedroom together.
Diane was beginning to move kind of jerkily as she tossed the Hubba-Hubbaon the bed and started taking her clothes off. She’s normally very neighbor, so she spent some time folding her blouse and skirt on the table, but from the way she was starting to rock her hips I thought she wouldn’t be able to keep this up very long! And sure enough, at the end she got impatient and dropped her panties and bra on the floor.
I suddenly remembered the Arousal rating I was controlling, and when I looked I saw it was up to 89, just short of orgasm! The loop I wrote had just failed to push it higher through the authorization fail-safes needed for 90! I immediately stopped the loop that incremented the rating, not that it made any difference now, and looked back at the viewer.
Diane was naked now. She moved quickly to the bed, picked up the Hubba- Hubba, and touched it to her inner tigh, near her groin. And of course the Hubba-Hubba took it from there, climbing up her tigh into her crotch! I heard her cry out, “Oh!” And then she got into bed on her back, pulled the covers over herself, and started moving.
She was under the covers! I couldn’t see anything!
I quickly accessed the homebrain and selected another Mode, pushing her Warmth setting up to 85. A minute later the viewer showed Diane throw the blanket off so she was lying naked on the sheet with a warm, flushed look. Then she turned over on her stomach and started thrusting her butt up and down, humping herself against the Hubba-Hubba. She was also doing something to her nipples with her hands, pinching them I think, and she was making a lot of noise, calling out some kind of words in a crooning voice. I could see little tentacles from the Hubba-Hubba that seemed to be snapping around on her behind like they might be giving her a play whipping — probably the reason she’d turned onto her stomach, so the tentacles would have free play. I definitely saw ropes of tentacles that had inserted themselves in her anus and vagina. They were moving in and out a good deal, with a kind oftwisting motion.
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