Training with Master Orexis Day 01

Day 01: Mystique’s Experience

I have been writing erotica for a long time and I understand the best way to proceed is to jump right into the sexy stuff right away. However, this is a true story, and a basis must be established to understand what follows. If you bear with me through the first several “basis” paragraphs, the balance of the story should be its own reward. Thanks and enjoy, Orexis


Day one

She finally came to me. It had taken a while. I was supposed to drive to her Missouri home from where I lived in Texas in August. I had come up with an excuse to pass on that trip because of a class I took in summer session.

I was back in college after, 22 years in the workforce as a highly paid computer consultant. The post 9/11 economy had wrecked my job prospects, so after two years of trying to get a consulting contract, I relented and went to work in a convenience store. After a couple of years at this new occupation, I had already decided I wasn’t going to retire a convenience store manager. I thought on it and since I had wanted to be an attorney as a kid, decided to pursue a legal degree.

It seemed smart. The job of attorney seemed recession proof. In good times folks needed attorneys to prepare contracts and etc.; in bad times when they started stealing to feed their families, they needed representation in criminal court.

So in summer session during my junior year, of undergraduate study, I took a pre-law course that pointed out if I crossed state lines to train my slavegirl, I could potentially break several federal laws. Besides I know nothing of the laws of the state of Missouri.

I thought it would be the end of us, for Nicole had made it clear if I didn’t arrange a session soon, she would vacate her collar. But when I announced I wasn’t coming to Missouri the second week of August, she just said that was fine, because she needed the extra hours at work to prepare for her own fall semester tuition. Then we started talking about her flying to me, rather than my driving to her. It made all the sense in the world.

I wasn’t the highly paid computer consultant, where I would have “toted all the freight,” any longer and Nicole had agreed to contribute at least $500 to the cause. I was contributing $1000. In looking into airfares, I noted that she could fly for less than $300 and save $200. Plus I wouldn’t have the expense of driving up to Missouri. Even though I drive a pickup less than 5 years old and in good shape and had driven cross-country on many occasions, so the drive wasn’t an issue, the price of gasoline was at an all-time high approaching $3.00/gallon. The trip would cost about $100 each way, so I saved $200, as well. Moreover, by her buying her own ticket and coming to me I had no worries in regard to breaking federal law and understand my states laws well-enough to know I wasn’t breaking any of these. The only thing I had to do was make certain she was at least 18.

I had seen her on webcam and in pictures I choreographed and she gladly took and sent to me, and she could easily be 14. I had no desire to get involved with a minor or to break any laws. So I told her she needed a state issued ID or a certified copy of her birth certificate when we got together the first time.

The only other concern was her coming to meet a total stranger. We worked through these issues. I think she was falling in love with me from the IM chats we had on AOL and the phone calls we shared several times a week. I know I was certainly falling in love with her.

Nicole is a petite little girl. Only 18 when she first emailed me looking for a Master. Her father and brother had sexually abused her as a child. Both are in prison now, her father got 105 years, 50 years for her and 50 for abusing her brother, the other five for some other offense. Her brother got much less, because he was a juvenile. Only 3 years and even then he is only incarcerated onweekends. I guess if you are a kid, being in jail when your friends are partying is a pretty tough sentence?

But Nicole decided she liked “being taken” and “used” sexually, so she sought a Dominant (Dom) to use and abuse her in this manner. I am not a very large man at only 5’6″, 140, and so her diminutive 4’11”, 110 was perfect for the potentially physically demanding sex of this lifestyle. So she seemed a perfect fit for me. We would soon find out.

I had been a Dom/Master all my adult life, though not formally until later in life. Both my ex-wives were submissive in the bedroom and I had enjoyed them submitting, but I hadn’t sought to formally introduce myself to the lifestyle until my late 30s. As is my way I studied the lifestyle, its tenets and precepts, thoroughly and learned what it was about and became a Dom. I had several submissives (subs) along the way, but became disillusioned with this manner of execution.

My idea was to provide for fantasy fulfillment for submissive women. I would spend large sums of money to provide for these ladies fansies to be experienced. I came to refer to D/s as the “Lite Beer” form of the BDSM lifestyle. A sub was only required to be submissive until you approached a boundary, real or perceived, they felt they couldn’t cross. Then they could “safe word” out. A lot of women are a totally submissive slut in their mind, but when the rubber meets the road they get squeamish. This had cost me a lot of money over the years, so I went back to studying again. I learned about the BDSM version of the lifestyle. I had purposely ignored this more stringent form as I wasn’t into the bondage and torture the name contents. But I learned that was still optional. I also learned of the Gorean “sub-culture” (for lack of a better term). Though I don’t consider myself a Gorean Master, yet, as I don’t understand enough, I do embrace a lot of this lifestyle variation’s, philosophies.

In these more stringent forms, the sub, or “pitiful subbie” as I call them, become ideally slaves, or slavesluts. They are no longer allowed to tell their Master “No” or to safe word out of an experience. The watchwords of the lifestyle regardless the form are, “safe, sane, consensual,” and still exist, but they are just approached a little differently.

I went to great lengths to learn the fansies of my slavegirls and made it clear they would live these. I also made it clear I owned them if they accepted my collar (“collar” is a term used to express submission to a Master or Dom). They could never tell me “no”. The only acceptable responses to a command I gave was “Yes Master” and proceeded or “Please explain Master.” Then “Yes Master” and proceeded once they understand. I had started a lot of relationships with practical subbies, who would take flight as soon as they learned what I required and the level of submission they must embrace. But I stuck to my guns through a lot of “dry years” knowing it was just a matterof time. Even to this day, I still accept the right (new to the lifestyle, etc.) subbies, but for the most part it is just slavesluts. Then I met Nicole.

She was new to the lifestyle but had a good idea of ​​what she wanted, in general terms, at least. She didn’t false in her resolve when I told her of the ownership and complete submission to the point of slavery, I required. She did however “balk,” as I call it, and vacated my collar after only a couple of months. This was likely in large part my fault, but she did know I was considerably older than she was, and this worried her some, as might be expected. She went to another Master’s collar that was only five years her senior. He turned out to be a wannabe and she begged I reinstate her collar after a couple of months.

After I learned why she had left my collar and the other things I felt I needed to know to assure success (or as close as one can under the circumstances) this time, I re-collared her. Now she was coming tome for the first time. It had been nearly a year to get to this point, but I felt that length of time necessary, for trust must be built up for a woman to turn herself over to the wiles and victims of a strange man. This is, after all, a cruel world that grow up in a helluva shape.

Now I stood in the baggage claim area of ​​my city’s airport and awaited her entrance. I would have been at the gate, but the added security after 9/11 prevented I enter the secure area of ​​the airport.

I stood there, a single yellow rose in my hand, and awaited her entry into this unsecure part of the airport. She came through the revolving door early in the flow of passengers from her flight, meaning she had either been sitting near the front of the plane or was in a hurry to get to me. I recognized her immediately.

She was dressed just as I had Instructed her to be, looking like a classy slut. Short skirt that just covered the tops of her thigh high stockings, yet would expose the lace tops when she walked, te top, braless with siletto heels. I assumed she wore the panties I ordered.

I had thought she would recognize me. I had sent her a picture early on in our relationship, and though it was an older picture I hadn’t aged or changed that much. But she located and walked to the carousel where her baggage would appear and stood looking around, nervously.

I walked up Behind her and spoke, “Hello sweetie.” She would know it was me because of this affectionate appellation I used with most women. She whirled around to stand face to face with her Master for the first time. Her eyes quickly apprized the features of my face before she looked down in a gesture of submission.

“Hello Sir.” I had told her to call me Sir in public and reserve Master for our private times. I could tell she was looking at my body, to determine I wasn’t some fat slob old man who had tricked her into coming. I considered this wise while she was still in the relative safety of the airport. I also needed to assure my safety so I proceeded.

“I need to see your ID sweetie.” She held it up for me having it out and ready like I had instructed. I scanned it quickly for the DOB. August 28, 1986, just as she had told me. So she had just turned 19.

I held out the rose to her. She took it and spoke again. A hint of nervousness in her voice.

The nervousness she would tell me later was because she had decided to go with me, and since I had accepted her ID I knew she was at least 18, there was no reason to refuse to allow her to. So the fear of the unknown had crept in. First the natural fear that though she trusted me, I could still be a murderer or hurt her in some way. Secondly, that she might not be able to measure up to my expectations, a fear she had expressed many times online.

“Thank you Sir. It is beautiful.” She said holding it to her nose to inhale its chaos.

“Yellow indicates true love, something I hope that develops between us.” Yes, I know romance isn’t normally a part of the lifestyle, but I am a Scorpio, so romance is something that is hard to turn off.

I hugged her to me and whispered in her ear as I did. “I am going to kiss you, but because of our obvious age difference, lets not make it too password so others might become dismayed by it.” I always sought to be discrete.

After the light kiss, I hugged her again and spoke in her ear once more.

“If you don’t feel safe leaving with me, say so and I will walk you to the ticket counter to see you get off on your trip back home Ok.”

“I feel safe with you, Sir. I don’t want to go home.”

Her bag arrived a few moments later, and I retrieved it and we left. I placed it into the backseat of my extended cab pickup and helped this little petite girl into the truck. I wasn’t pursuing another romantic moment be helping her in I was hoping for a peek of her panties while she was getting in. Even though I could command her to show them to me, a chance peek was always nice. I was a voyeur from way back.

She got in as gracefully as could be expected and I did get a brief glance at the lace bikini panty she wore. I went around to the driver’s door and got in. She had already fastened her seatbelt, and sat like a little lady, her hands clapped in her lap. Her nipples were pressing hard against her tee, telling me she was in at least a milk state of arousal. She had said she long for my first command and it was coming, soon. I was already in a milk state of arousal and my cock was straining against my jeans. She was going to be the perfect little slave, and eventually, my slave slutwife as I had hoped.

I exited the parking garage and headed out onto the state highway that traverses the Dallas/Ft. Worth International Airport. We had a tollbooth we had to go through yet, but I wanted to play to her exhibitionist side, which she had stated was only for me, but that I knew otherwise.

“Lift your skirt so I can see you compiled with my requirements for your panties.” Of course I already knew she had.

“Yes Master.” Nicole replied and lifted her skirt so I could see the panties she had shown me on webcam many times before. The white bikini panties trimmed in lace were exhaust for they catered to my tastes completely. I am Scorpio and we naturally love white lingerie, and I love lace. Thongs though nice don’t turn me on like a nice “full-butt bikini” as she calls them.

“Mystique, pull your skirt up around your waist in front and back, so I can gaze on your panties throughout the trip.” Mystique was her slave name. I would end up calling her Mysti most the time.

“Yes Master.” Mysti replied and did as I instructed. More would come later, but this was enough for now.

Her eyes grew to the size of silver dollars as we approached the tollbooth, but she made no move to cover her exposed panties. By chance a young woman was working the tollbooth we went through, but that didn’t stop Mysti from going through three shades of crisis as her blush intensified.

The young woman looked at Mysti and got a questioning look on her face. I answered without her having to ask.

“She is my slaveslut. Perhaps you are submissive, too.” I handed her a business card that read

Master Orexis

Fulfilling fansies of submissive women

by requiring they serve and live secret desires

Orexis: (Latin) desires

My cell phone number was in one corner and my email address in the other.

We exited the tollbooth and headed towards Mysti’s destiny as my slavegirl for all time. It was mid-afternoon so plenty of light filled the cab of my truck. This worked well for the plans I had for her. Not to mention, Dallas/Ft. Worth was in an almost constant state of gridlock on any given day. Though we would only skirt the edge of Dallas in our drive, we would get into heavy traffic somewhere along the way.

“There is a lever on the side of your seat. Tilt your seat back to the extreme. It is only about 45 degrees.”

“Yes Master.” Mysti did as I had instructed.

“Take off your top.” She remembered the protocol lesson I had taught her.

“Master may I please you by taking off my top?”

“Yes that would please me.”

She removed her top and those firm young B-cup breasts were revealed in all their teen aged perkiness. Her nipples though already aroused immediately grew to 100% stiffness.

“Slip your panties to your ankles, put your feet on the dash and play with yourself.”

“Would it please my Master If I played with my slutty little pussy.”

She knew I liked to refer to her pussy as her slutty little pussy.


She did as I instructed. We drove along her fingers diddling her clip.

“I want to see some penetration. Finger-fuck your cunt.”

She didn’t reply this time, just started fingerprint-banging her hot little fuckhole.

“Don’t you dare cum without permission.”

“Yes Master.”

She had told me that “she was her own best orgasm.” That she had never cum by the efforts of someone else. I intended to change all that, but this was for her benefit, both to set the tone and to feed her exhibitionism. She banged away at her tight little cunt, still rubbing her clip, too. At first only one finger had entered her hot little box, but soon a second followed and now three worked in and out of her nasty slit.

After a few minutes, her breathing becomes more of a pant. I reached over and grap the nearest nipple, stiff and erect, becoming for attention, pinching and pulling the erect tender flesh. Her reaction was immediately. Her efforts in her crotch took on a new intensity and she moaned softly.

“I love your hand on my tit Master. Your touch hurts sooooo good.”

I had the feeling she was a budding pain slut. We would test that threshold some over the course of the next several days. I continued to increase the intensity of my pressure andMy efforts on her bare breast. Mysti kept struggling her cunt vigorously. After a bit I stopped and told her to do the same. It was time for training of a different sort.

“Stop finger-fucking.”

Her eyes got big like a kid in a candy store that had just been denied any treatment at all, but she did as she was told.

“Master please may I continue playing with my slutty pussy. I almost was about to cum?”

“Clean the juices from your whore’s cunt off your fingers by sucking them clean.”

“Yes Master.” Her fingers went to her mouth and she licked and sucked them like little cocks. She had told me the girl-juice from her cunt was thick and gooey, and I could see the white goo coating her fingers. She licked and sucked each clean as a whistle, and I chided her as she did.

“You like the taste of your whore’s cunt, don’t you?”

“Yes Master, I have grown accustomed to it since you require I clean my fingers when you let me masturbate.”

“That is good since soon you must suck clean any cock that fuck’s your nasty cumbucket.”

“Mmmmm, I can’t wait to suck yours clean after you fuck me Master.”

Her fingers appeared clean, but she kept sucking on them as if they would shoot a load into her hot eager mouth like any cock might, at any moment.

“You can’t wait to be required to suck another woman’s pussy, too, can you?”

As with most women I had trained, her acceptance of fucking and sucking strange men I brought to her was instantaneously accepted, but the requirement to service women had taken some getting used to. But mysti was a slut’s slut, and had even asked permission to find a woman to make love to. Of course that had been denied. No outsiders would be allowed access to her unless I was there to protect her. When the heat of lust rises, reason seems to fly out the window and I didn’t want her hurt in any way to prevent the possibility of damaged goods.

“Oh yes Master. As long as it pleases you and I am in yourservice, I will gladly suck any cock or pussy you require. I need only be told and I will do every nasty little thing my Master requires. The nastier the better.”

These were actually just words I had said to hear as a part of her online training. I had promised her when “nasty became commonplace I would just require she get nastier.” Mysti was a major slut and a first class submissive, so this all had appeal to her.

“Continue to pleasure yourself with your hand, and use your free hand on your breasts.”

“Thank you Master.” Mysti’s hands quickly returned to her crotch and her breasts. At first her hand on her pussy was just rubbing her clip. I was about to tell her to finger-fuck herself again, when she started doing that spontaneously. It was her hand that was playing with her breasts that surprised me, she was mauling the breast she was playing with. Pinching and pulling the nipple much more vigorously than I had. She had begun to moan, softly. It appeared she was certainly a budding pain slut. That would be tested, mildly at first, over the course of the next several days, once I was certain she understood the use of her safe words to preclude any physical harm.

Her pleasure was growing, or so it seemed from the level and frequency of her moans. It was time to remind her of her submission position.


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