Training Train Ch. 02

We are on another trip. This time, however, we are also entertaining, which means I must act as hostess to His guests. The man is a long time friend named Bill Fillmore and his companion is Sarah Willy. I will refer to them as Mr. Fillmore and Miss Willy at all time. In addition to our own private train car, Milord also has several public cars on this train. The parlour, dining, and four guest Suites divided between two additional cars – a total of five cars on our small train. Milord has employed two maids, one cook, two football who serve as valet and waiters. Brad, naturally, is in charge of them all.

Shortly after the train is underway, I offer our guests glasses of wine and wiggle a bit when I sit on the struggle wooden chair which is to be my perch whenever I am not standing. Milord gives me a warning glance and I blush. This disappoint is my fault entirely. Before dressing, I voiced concern that the butt plug He had chosen for me to wear might slip during the evening, causing me embarrassment. He paused and agreed. I knew then that I had made a grievous error, but it was too late to take back my rash words. Milord called for Brad, to come and afix my corset, being sure to tie the laces quite tightly. I opened my mouth to object, but quickly closed it.

Brad’s presence always humiliated me, especially when my bottom was a bright red from my recent spanking. I had nothing to deserve this spanking, but Milord has decided that I will begin every journey with a red bottom. To accomplish this, he placed me over his lap the moment we entered our car and used his hand to deliver hard, unrelenting swats. My tears and cries mean nothing to him. He will stop when he is ready and not a moment before. I know this and am grateful. Now, though, my bottom is bright red, my eyes still a bit puffy and my cheats are pink from embarrassment. Nonetheless, milord loves to watch my face blush as Brad dressed me. Once tightly lacened, Milord motioned for Brad to stand back.

I was then told to bend and worship His cock. I could not decide if my face or ass were redder in that moment, but I did not hesitate to do as I was told. Hesitation would only earn me another paddling. As I administratored to Milord, I felt a cold steel ball enter my anus. Along my tailbone, I also felt cold steel. A hook. Milord had inserted an anal hook into my bottom. He pulled my hair back firmly and I whimpered. Then, I felt Brad adjust my laces and tie something to my them.

A few moments later, Milord filled my mouth with his seed and I swallowed. He helped me stand and showed me, in the mirror, that the anal hook was own firmly attached to my corset laces – no chance of slippage. I was distinctly uncomfortable between the tightness of the corset, the size of the metal ball in my anus, my freshly spanked bottom and now, the immovable hook attached to my corset. Well, not quite immovable.

Milord lifted my chin, looked into my eyes and said, “We will have no squirming, whining or other indication of distress tonight shall we?”

“No, Sir.”

“Are you not grateful that I took your concerns to heart, my dear?”

“Yes, I am, Sir. Thank you.”

He kissed me gently, patted my bottom and allowed Brad to place the dress, an elegant simply blue frock, over my head and zip it up.

Now, I sipped my wine and felt a light heat creep up my face. Every move I made, every breath I took caused the hook to react, reminding me of Milord’s ownership of my body and the consequence of questioning him. Milord must have seen the flush on my face. He lifted his glass slightly in my direction, a knowing smile on his face. Yes, he knew exactly what I was feeling. I smiled back at him, grateful indeed for his attention then turned back to listen as Miss Willy complimented me on my shoes. I hoped that the couple would retire soon, so that I could again focus entirely upon Milord.

“Jenna,” Milord called to me.

I stood immediately and replied,”Yes, Sir?”

“I believe our guests are tired. Perhaps it is time for you to show them to their car,” he said.

“Oh, no need for that,” Mr. Fillmore said. “I’m sure we can find our own way.”

“Nonesense. Jenna will be happy to do as I ask, won’t you?”

“Yes, I would. Please, Mr. Fillmore, Miss Willly, if you would follow me?” I responded.

The two stood and smiled at Milord.

“I must say, David, you are a lucky man to have a wife who is such a lady.”

MiLord smiled, but I answered.

“Mr. Fillmore, I don’t mean to argue, but I’m the lucky one. It is rare these days to have a husband who loves and cares enough about his wife that he allows her to follow her feminine instincts.”

Milord throw back his head and laughed at Mr. Fillmore’s stunned expression. He clapped his friend on the back and said, “Perhaps tomorrow we can show you explicitly the secret to our happiness.”

I looked down at the floor, hiding my smile. My interruption had notmeet with disapproval, but rather approval. Perhaps, with a bit more training, I’d get the hang of being Milord’s true submissive.


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