Training Tina, Days 14

I woke up before Tina for once. I wanted to prepare her properly for the day and I didn’t want her to get started without me. The first thing up was a shower. I went in and washed her myself. Not so much because I didn’t think she would do a good job, but because I knew that would be my last chance to do it. There’s something really sexy about a wet, naked woman.

I washed her hair with a high quality shampoo and conditioner. Then I shavled her legs and underarms even though she had done that just days before. When that was finished I led her to the training room and put her up onto the platform with the stirrups. I raised it up high so that I had a perfect view of her superb pussy and asshole. Then I applied shaving cream and carefully shavled her completely clean. I took my time because I wanted it to be a perfect job. I even made sure I got all the fine hairs around her little pumped rosebud.

Next I slathered her in an expensive body butter and worked it into every inch of her skin. This would leave her skin soft and smooth without leaving any greasy residue. It was extremely erotic for both of us and by the time I was done her nipples were as hard as my cock. She had never looked more vulnerable and I wanted her more than ever before, but I had to restrain myself. There was still a lot more to do and I had promised someone else the first fuck of the day.

“Today is our last day together. How do you feel about that?” I asked her.

“I am sad that our time together is almost done, but I also miss my family and I can’t wait to see them again.” She answered.

“I understand, but for now I want you to put that all aside. Today is graduation day. This is the day I have been training you for these last two weeks. But before you can Graduate you need to pass your final exams.” I explained.

“I understand.” She replied.

“Good. Now listen carefully. You won’t be asked to do anything too different from already done, but there will be people involved that you haven’t met before as well as some familiar faces. There will also be some new twists and surprises. The most important thing to remember is that no matter how scary and out of control things seem to be, I will always be close by to make sure you are safe. Even if you can’t see me, I’ll be there.” I exposed.

“I won’t disappoint you.” Tina said.

“I know you won’t. Just follow all instructions given to you without question or hesitation and you’ll be fine.” I responded.

“How will I know who to obey?” She asked.

“Everybody you meet today. Trust me, everything will proceed according to my plans.” I answered.

“I trust you Master.” She replied.

“Very good. Finally, I will tell you the secret of a real submissive slut. The ultimate submissive slut lives to bring pleasure to others, without regard to her own satisfaction. Only by giving herself totally and selflessly to others can she attain the ultimate level of pleasure for herself. Hopefully some day you will come to fully understand this about yourself.” I told Tina as I gazed upon her naked body.

I helped her off the platform and had her stand in front of me.

“This is your last chance to back out. Once we leave this house events will be set into motion that can’t easily be halted. So are you sure you want to continue?” I asked her with utmost seriousness.

She set her jaw and gave me a piercing look. “I won’t quit now. I need to see this to the end. I owe that to you and Mark. And to myself.”

I gave her an approving smile. “Then let’s go.”

She looked a little confused when I had her get dressed in a t-shirt and sweat pants. There was no point in putting any effort into her attire since it was all going to be replaced soon anyway. It was a brief ride to the beauty salon where Tina would be spending the entire morning getting the full treatment: hair, nails, the works. The people there knew what I wanted. She was in good hands.

While I was waiting for them to do their magic, I thought about the rest of the preparations for the day. I had put considerable thought and effort into making it seems spontaneous and unplanned, even though it was anything but. Much like the past two weeks. For example, take that first time we met Marie in the lingerie store. It appeared to Tina to be just a random event that happened to work out well. In truth I had scouted out several such stores weeks in advance and discovered that Marie had the right attitude to help me with my plans. So I flat out asked her and she agreed to help, saying it would be fun.

And running into Frank wasn’t just chance either. The fact of the matter is that I had been talking to him on and off for several years. He was a private investigator, specializing in doing background checks, and I had helped him with his computer equipment on a number of occasions. I even wrote some custom software for him at one point. So he owed me a few favors. I usedSome of them to have him check out Marie as well as Tim and Amanda, the young couple we met at the park. It’s not that I’m a control freak (OK, maybe I am, just a little), but I wasn’t willing to take any unnecessary risks with my Tina.

When she finally emerged, Tina looked radiant. Her hair cut wasn’t too much different than what it was before, however it now had some green highlights in it and a bright hair clip. Her makeup was a bit too overdone to be classy, ​​but it wasn’t overtly slutty either. Just the way I wanted it. Now her clothes really looked out of place, but I had a plan for that as well. So it was back into the car and down the road a mile or so to the dress shop.

It was a high-end shop and I had already picked out a dress, with Marie’s help, so Really we were just there to get her into it. But to make it more interesting, I had arranged to have her dressed in the back of the shop, out in the open instead of in the changing room. At that time of the day (latemorning) there shouldn’t be other customers around, but if someone showed up they would steer them away so that nobody could be offended. I wanted Tina to feel like she was in public, but I didn’t want the shop owner to get into trouble.

When the woman helping us told Tina to strip, she hesitated and looked at the open door to the changing room. Then she looked at me.

“Come on, we don’t have all day.” I said sharply.

She jumped at the sound of my voice and quickly removed all her clothes. I thought she was more caught off guard than anything else, so I decided not to punish her for being a bit slow to obey. She was fitted with a garter belt and black stockings first. The dress would not allow any kind of bra to be hurt, but I wanted her tits to really stand up, so they placed small supports under They that were held in place with special adheren tape. Next the dress was slipped on her, but I think she still felt nearly naked. It featured a neckline that plunged downto her navel and barely covered her nipples. The back was open almost all the way down to her ass, except for a couple of strings that held the thing together. On the bottom it reached down to her knees, but was slit up one side up to her hip. Three inch open toed sling-backs finished up the ensemble.

The total effect was to make her look classy from a distance, but a bit slutty closer up. Especially with her slave collar, which stood out much more now. Perfect.

“There is a black Lincoln Town car out front. I want you to get into it and follow all directions given to you, just as we had discussed earlier.” I told my slave.

“I understand.” She answered and walked out the door.

From this point on some of what I related were things that I witnessed directly. Others are reconstructions based on talking to the people involved. In either case I will continue to present them as if I were there the entire time, just to make the story easier to read.

Tina found thecar out front, just as I had told her. There was a man she didn’t recognize standing by it. When she approached he opened the rear door for her. He didn’t say a word or ask her name, and she wondered briefly how he knew she was the right person. Then it occurred to her that I had given him a description of her. She climbed into the car and the driver closed the door behind her. Inside, he held out glass bowl filled with folded slips of white paper.

“Pick one.” He said simply.

She reached inside and plucked one out.

“What’s it says?” The driver asked.

She unfolded the small piece of paper and read what was written there. “Mike’s Tavern.”

“Relax. We’ll be there in about ten minutes.” He informed her.

But Tina found it impossible to relax. She tried to remember if she had been to Mike’s Tavern before, but it didn’t sound familiar. It looked like there were a couple of dozen slips in that bowl. Had her master planned something for her at each one? Was that even possible? Her mind continued in circles until the car stopped.

“We are here.” The driver announced and got out of the car.

He opened the door and extended his hand to help her out. She took it and stepped out of the car. Tina found herself standing in front a brick faced building with a green awning. The words “Mike’s Tavern” were etched into the glass of the ornate door.

The driver handed her an envelope. “Give this to the bartender.”

It wasn’t even noon yet and she wondered if the place was even open, but the door swung outward when she tugged on the weathered brass handle. Inside she didn’t see anybody except for the bartender who looked to be doing some cleaning behind the large wooden bar. Tina sat down on one stools and placed the envelope on the pollished surface in front of her.

“What can I do for you?” He asked.

She said nothing and pushed the envelope forward. He picked it up and opened it. Tina could see there was a note inside andSome cash. The bartender removed the note and read it. Then he put the note back inside and put a wine glass in front of her. After he filled it with some red wine, he returned to his work.

Tina sipped her drink and looked around. It did look like she was the only customer in the place, which wasn’t a surprise at that time of the day. She didn’t know what she was there for yet, but had no choice but to wait until it became clear. After she finished her wine, the bartender poured her another one and used some of the cash from the envelope to pay for it. When she was nearly done with that one, a man appeared at one end of the bar. She didn’t think he came from the outside though.

“Jerry!” He shouted, and the bartender walked over to him. “You know better than to let the pros in here. I don’t need the hassle.”

“She’s not a hooker, boss.” Jerry responded and handed him the envelope.

The new man, which Tina was guessing was the owner, or at least the manager, emptiedout the contents onto the bar. He quickly scanned the note and then crumpled it up, leaving it on the bar. Stuffing the money into his pocket, he approached Tina.

“Come with me.” He ordered sternly.

She followed him deeper into the bar. Near the back door he pushed her into a chair and looked down at her.

“So you and your boyfriend want to use my bar for some sort of sex game, eh?” He said more than asked.

“I, I…” She stuttered, but he cut her off.

“You’ll have to pay the price first, bitch.” He snarled. “Take out my cock.”

Tina, unsure if this was part of her Master’s plan or not, decided that she had better do as she was told. So she opened up his pants with trembling hands and pulled out his semi-hard price. It was a nice size and she Found herself getting excited as she held it.

“Suck it.” He ordered.

Finally, something that she was expecting! Tina greedily engulfed his growing dick with her mouth, savoring the feel of it as she sucked him to full hardness.

“Oh, yeah! Suck it you horny slut.” He moaned.

She loved the way a man reacted when she had his cock in her mouth. It gave her a sense of power and satisfaction that nothing else did. She was proud of her cock sucking skills and enjoyed her task. Alas, it was over all too soon. After she had swallowed his hot ejaculate and milked the last drops out, she tucked his soft member back into his pants and closed it up.

“That was pretty fucking good.” He grew as he pulled Tina up from the chair. “But I’m still not going to let you play your games in my bar.”

He opened up the rear door and pushed Tina out though it. She found herself standing in a wide alley that looked like it was used for making deliveryies. From where she was she could see the street off to her right. Just as she was thinking of walking back that way to see if the car that brought her there was still parked out front, she heard a sound to her left.

She turned to seea thin young black man approaching her. “Now, now, what do we have here? Are you lost?”

“Um, maybe.” Tina stammered.

He walked up to her and looked her up and down. She noticed that while he was dressed in wound out clothes, he appeared to be clean and did not smell bad. She flinched when he reached for her collar.

“Tina. Slut. Interesting.” He muttered as he fingered the small tag. “I can help you find your way. Follow me.”

He took Tina’s hand and led her in the direction he had apparently come from. Not knowing what else to do, she went with him. After all wasn’t that her master’s instructions; to follow all orders given to her? Even though she had some doubts that this part of his plan, she decided to act as though it were anyway. She needed to have faith in her master!

Halfway down the alley they turned into a narrow passage between the buildings. There was barely enough room for the two of them to walk abreast. The ground was littered with debris andTina had to mind her step. After a hundred meters or so the passage opened into another alley. It was into this new alley that they turned. As they walked along Tina became aware that this alley was a dead end, and as they nearly the end, two other black men appeared.

“Hey guys, look what I found!” The man leading her called out.

“What a fine piece of ass, Reggie.” The bigger one exclaimed.

“Oh yeah, it’s party time.” The other one said.

They surrounded her, and although Tina felt some fear, she had faith that I would not let her come to harm. The men moved close, but still didn’t touch her. She could feel their maleness pressing in on her; the tension in the air electric.

Perhaps sensing her fear, Reggie said, “Bo, fire up some tunes.”

The larger man turned around and walked over to a received doorway. Seconds later a rap song exploded into the alley, the sound bouncing off the old brick walls.

“No, no! Something we can dance to!” Reggie shouteded.

Bo leaned back into the doorway and the rap was suddenly replaced with a driving hip-hop beat.

“OK girl, let’s rip it up.” Reggie yelled over the sound of the music.

Tina began moving to the beat and the men quickly joined her. Within a minute her fear had ebbed and she was totally immersed in the dance. The men took turns being her partner, but in reality she was dancing with all three at the same time. It didn’t take long for the men to start putting their hands on her body and take liberties with it. When they pushed her dress aside and exposed her nipples Tina felt a shiver go down her spine. Her nipples hardened as the men’s strong fingers began to pinch and pull them.

Suddenly, her dress, which barely stayed on her body the way it was, felt very loose. One of the men must have unhooked it in the back. Before it could completely fall off her, it was being lifted up and over her head. Tina already had her hands up in the air, so they had no problem slipping it off her. This left her wearing only the garter belt, stockings, and shoes; naked for all practical purposes. Outside in a dingy alley with three young black men that she had never met before. Most women would have been looking for a way to escape, but like a true slut, Tina was wondering what their cocks were like.

The men weren’t subtle now; they were sucking on her tits, squeezing her ass, and fingering her wet slit. It wasn’t long before she was moaning and rubbing their hard cocks through their pants. They must have figured out she was ready because Reggie moved her over to an old concrete slab that was about a foot high with a beat-up railing on one side. He easily lifted Tina up onto it and bent her over so that she could grab the railing for stability. Then he stepped up in front of her and pulled out his cock. It was thin and long, jutting out of a jungle of black curly hair. He presented it to the slut and she eagerly gobbled it up.

The man named Bo moved behind her and dropped his trousers. He lined up his thick, but somewhat shorter prick, and guided it into her dripping snatch. Tina moaned around Reggie’s meat as Bo slowly penetrated her. The other man pulled on her nipples while his friends fucked her from both ends. For some reason, Tina noticed for the first time that although all the first story windows were boarded or bricked up, there were quite a few second and third story windows that were not. As the young men continued to pound her with their dark meat, she looked around nervously at the windows she could see. Was that motion in one of them?

Her face burned with humiliation that was only matched by the burning lust in her pussy. How many people were watching her? What must they think? How many of them were masturbating? All of these thoughts raced though her mind as her arousal rose higher and higher. But before she could reach her climax, Bo suddenly moaned loud enough to be heard even over the blaring music and blasted his man juice deep inside her body. She loved the way a man’s cock swelled and grow harder just before that first shot. And she revealed in the feel of it as it pulsed again and again, filling her up with it’s bounty.

As soon as Bo withdraw, his friend took his place. His cock was even bigger and she enjoyed the feeling of being so full. Every time his massive head slid past her g-spot it sent little shocks straight to her clip. But once again, her orgasm was denied as he too shot his load into her before she could cum.

Now it was Reggie’s turn as he moved around behind the naked Croatian housewife. He looked at the cum dribbling out of her pussy and must have decided he didn’t want to share that much with his friends. Instead he spit on her ass and worked it into her little pumpered brown hole. First a finger, and then a thumb. Shortly after that he replaced the thumb with his prick. Tina winced a little at the initial pain, but surprisingly he went slowly and soon she was feeling her orgasm build again. But this one was different somehow. It was approaching more slowly, but it seemed to be coming from somewhere deeper inside her.

Sure enough, like a tidal wave that only looks like a broad swell in the deep ocean, when it broke it came crashing down on her with almost overwhelming force. I of course, was watching from one of those second story windows and could see the look of utter ecstasy on her face through the binarys. Her body shook for many long seconds before her legs gave out on her. Reggie wasn’t done yet, though, so he had his other two friends help hold her up as he finished fucking her ass. Only after he had deposited his seed deep inside her colon did he let her sit down on the rough concrete.

When Tina had recovered enough to stand up again, they tied her to the railing with her hands behind her back and left her dress hanging nearby.

“You were a great fuck, bitch. I’m sure someone will be along to give you some morecock soon!” Reggie said as they all laughed and left through a squeaky old door set back into the crumbling brick wall.

Suddenly Tina was very aware she was in a particularly vulnerable position and was afraid again. She waited there for about ten minutes, wondering what would happen to her next. She jumped at the sound of a squeaky door being opened across the alley. She looked up to see a thirty-something man with a ponytail emerge.


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