Only two days left before my slave returned home to Croatia and there was still so much left to accomplish. So much more for her to learn. And only two days. As I sat there eating breakfast admiring her distinctive beauty across the table, I realized that I would miss her when she was gone. But I had to push that out of my mind and concentrate on the task at hand. And that was to finish her training in the next two days.
For our morning exercise I decided to change things up and hot it up too. So I had Tina pack a pair of spandex skin tight shorts and a tank top in a gym bag. The tank top was something I had specially made for her. It had spaghetti strips and “HBT” in large letters across the chest. I didn’t let her pack any underwear. Then we headed to the local YMCA where I have a membership. On the way I gave her instructions for our visit.
“I will sign you in as my guest, but after that I want you to act like you don’t know me. You will change in the locker room andThen stretch out like we normally do. Then move on to the weight training area and work on your free weights just like I’ve shown you. After that hit the stationary bike or the treadmill to get your cardio. Then stretch out again. Not that different than at home except if someone asks you what HTB means you must tell them. Then offer to show them what’s under it.” I told her as I drove.
“You want me to show strange men my tits in public, Master?” She asked.
“Sure. That’s really no different than the strip club.” I answered.
“Maybe nobody will ask.” She ventured.
“We’ll see.” I replied.
After we arrived I signed her in and then went to the mens locker room to change. I intentionally took my time so that she was already out and stretching when I emerged. There were six or eight men in the place and two other women. I knew from experience that the women were always focused on doing their routines and leaving as soon as they were done. Most of the men, on theOther hand, took their time, especially when there were women present. That’s half the reason they were there – to watch good looking women work out and sweat. And sure enough I could see they were already eyeing the fresh meat. My Tina.
I had to admit she looked very sexy stretching her body this way and that in her tight top. It was obvious to everyone that her tits were unconstrained under it. When she was finished with that she moved onto the weights as planned. All the males in the place followed her even as they did their own thing. I knew a couple of the men there, so I walked up to Ken who had been riding one of the stationary bikes, but had stopped to watch Tina.
“Who’s the new girl?” I asked him, feigning ignorance.
“I don’t know, but she’s got my attention.” Ken answered.
“Mine too. It’s going to be difficult to work out with those tits bouncing like that.” I replied.
“No lie!” He agreed.
“I wonder what the HBT means.” I pondered.
“Idon’t know. I guess I’ll just have to ask.” He said and walked away.
He headed directly over to where Tina was doing some curls and said something to her. I couldn’t quite hear, but it must have been an introduction because she put the weight down and shook his hand. She continued to work on the free weights as I moved closer, ostensibly to stretch out myself, but I really just wanted to hear what they were saying.
“Do you lift weights regularly back home?” Ken asked her.
“No, I just started since I’ve been here. My friend showed me what to do.” Tina answered.
“Your friend did a pretty good job, but it looks like you are missing a few muscle groups.” He commented.
“Yes, would you like me to show you?”
“Please do.”
Ken was clever. He pointed out he muscle groups on Tina’s body, touching each one in turn. He would leave his finger tips on her while he explained what they did and how to isolate them. Mostly it seemed like just andExcuse to touch her a lot, but there was probably some truth to what he told her. Then he showed her some additional exercises she could do to work the negative muscles. After demonstrating each one he had her try it, during which he would rub that muscle group, presumably to show her that it was indeed getting worked.
When they were finished Tina was breathing a little faster and he face was a bit shiny from perspiration. Then Ken asked the question I had been waiting for since I prompted him.
“So, what’s the HBT stand for?” He asked.
“It means Horny Bitch Tina.” She answered softly. Then even softer, “Would you like to see what’s underneath?”
Ken didn’t answer right away. I think he was too shocked. Sexy women didn’t offer to show you their tits every day. But in a moment he avoided his senses and nodded. Tina looked around quick to see who else was watching, as if it mattered. I suppose it was just reflexive. Then she lifted her top high above her tits andgave Ken a good look. I was trying to pay attention the entire room, which wasn’t easy since she has such nice tits, but I did notice several other guys suddenly snap their head in her direction. The other two women were so into their works that I don’t think they saw Tina’s flash.
“Very nice.” Ken commented. “Any chance I could see more?”
“Maybe later. I need to finish my workout now.” Tina replied.
She walked over to the stationary bike and got on, leaving Ken just standing there looking kind of dumbfounded. I stepped up to him and got his attention.
“Wow, that was unexpected.” I lied.
“That’s an understanding.” Ken responded.
Another guy walked up to us. “Did I just see what I thought I saw?” He asked.
“If you saw a great pair of tits, then yes.” Ken answered.
“Fuck, what did you say to get her to do that?” The new guy inquired.
“I just asked her what the HBT on her top meant.” Ken said.
“Really? Shit, I wonder if thatwill work again.” He pondered.
That’s when the other two women stopped and got off their treadmills. As they walked away to the shows, Tina stopped pedaling the bike and stepped up to one of the vacated treadmills. She stepped up onto it and then began studying the controls.
“Here’s your chance Larry. Go over there and see if she needs some help with the treadmill.” Ken suggested.
“Good idea!” Larry replied and started walking in Tina’s direction.
We couldn’t quite hear what he was saying to her, but it was clear he was explaining the controls to her. Then it looked like he was asking her several questions and she was answering. The tension built as Frank and I waited for him to ask her “the” question. He finally must have because she lifted her top up to her neck once again, but this time for a bit longer than before. And for a larger audience this time too. In fact, I think every man in the gym saw Tina flash her hot tits for Larry.
Larry returnd to where Frank and I were standing while Tina started up the treadmill and began jogging. Without a bra her tits bounced nicely under the thin tank top. This was not missed by Frank.
“I could watch her tits bounce all day.” He said to nobody in particular.
“They are even better looking close up.” Larry informed us as he approached.
By now all of the men in the gym seemed to have stopped What they were doing and were watching Tina jog on the treadmill. She wasn’t going at it very hard, I supposed that it was uncomfortable for her with the way her tits were bouncing. Of course, that’s what all us men were watching. After a few minutes I noticed some of the men move closer to the treadmill where Tina was slowly working up a sweat. Then a few more moved up, and soon she was virtually surrounded by a group of obviously horny sweaty men.
It seemed to me that all of them wanted another show, but nobody was willing to take the chance and step up. So I figured Ihad better do something before the moment passed. I walked over to Tina and around to the front of the machine, catching her attention. The other men shuffled even closer. Tina stopped the treadmill and looked at me expectedly.
“What does the HBT on your t-shirt mean?” I asked her.
“Horny Bitch Tina.” She answered softly.
“What? I couldn’t hear you.” I prompted.
“Horny Bitch Tina.” She repeated much louder this time.
I knew what should be coming up next and I raised my eyesbrows at her.
“Would you like to see what’s under it?” She asked, playing along.
“Yes we would.”
To which she pulled up her top until it was bunched up under her chin. Her nipples were hard and standing out nicely, her face red with embarrassment.
“Turn around and let the rest see.” I said.
Tina compiled and slowly turned around. The men were now all clustered closely around the treadmill where Tina was still standing. I hadn’t planned it that way, but it gave her a nice platform for showing off her hot body. After she had completely turned around I asked her if I could have the tank top. Of course she took it off and handed it to me, to the amazement of the other men.
“I’d really like to see what you have under those shorts too.” I commented sly.
Tina didn’t hesitate to slide the tight shorts down her shaped legs. This caused murmurers of excitement to break out in her group of voyeurs. I put out my hand and Tina got the message. She bent over at the waist, giving those behind her an excellent view of her ass and pussy, and picked up her shorts. Then she handed them to me. I made a twirling motion with my hand and she dutifully spun around slowly, providing each of her admirers a good look at her bald pussy and luscious ass.
“I’m sure all these men would love to play more with a hot bitch like you, Tina, but I think we’ve pushed things as far as we dare in a public place like this. It’s probably best if you get going.” I announced and handed her clothes back to her.
I was delighted when she didn’t put them back on but instead walked back to the women’s locker room wearing only her shoes. For the next few minutes all the men were smiling and talking about what a hot body she had. They couldn’t believe that she had exposed herself in front of so many strange men and wondered if they would see her again. Larry noted her accent and wondered if she was just visiting. Someone else said he hoped she had just moved in. I told them I couldn’t concentrate on my workout anymore and headed for the locker room. As I walked away they were still marveling at her great tits and hot shacked pussy.
I met up with Tina a the car and quickly drove away, hoping nobody had noticed we were together. I would hate to have to explain to them later why I didn’t share her with them. The fact of the matter was that I had too much to do and not enough time. On the way to our next destination I asked Tina what it waslike at the gym.
“It was the most embarrassing thing I’ve done so far.” She admitted.
“Really? I would have thought the strip club was more embarrassing.” I replied.
“No, because at the strip club everybody expected me to take off my clothes. It was normal there. If someone had walked in from the street, they would not have been surprised to find a naked woman. But at the gym they were Not expecting it, so I felt more exposed. And if the wrong person had walked in while I was naked, I could have been in trouble.” Tina explained.
“Did the element of danger make it hotter for you?” I asked.
“Hmmm, I don’t know. Maybe.” She answered.
She was clearly aroused, so the goal of the visit was met. So far so good. After a little bit we arrived at a nondescript apartment building. The cheap kind made out of cold gray concrete that you can find in any large city. I led her to an apartment on the first floor and knocked. A pretty blond woman about 25 years old answered the door and let us in. I introduced the two girls to each other.
“Tina, this is Amber and she will be teaching you how to lap dance.”
“Hello Tina. The boys will be here soon.” Amber said.
“The boys?” Tina asked.
“Yes, you will need someone to practice with, so I invited my boyfriend Eric and his friend Danny.” Amber answered.
As we waited for them to arrive Amber told Tina that she had been an exotic dancer for several years. Besides working in the local clubs she also did private parties from time to time, so she was sure she could show Tina some good moves. For her part Tina played along well, even though she really didn’t know why we were there. After a few minutes the boys showed up and they were able to get started.
Like Amber they were both in their mid 20’s and looked like they had played football in school because they were still in pretty good shape. Amber had them each sit on a chair a few feet apart from each other. Then she used Eric to show Tina a few moves. When she paused Tina would try them on Danny with Amber correcting her when necessary. They started out just dancing around the guys shaking their tits and ass in their faces. Eventually Amber progressed to sitting in her boyfriend’s lap and grinding on him.
“This is great, but aren’t you supposed to be doing this naked?” Danny asked Suddenly.
“Dream on.” Was Amber’s retort.
“Come on, I’ve seen everything you got in the club.” Danny shot back.
“That’s different. That’s work, and that’s where it stays.” Amber stated.
I never thought I’d meet a modest stripper. I guess it takes all kinds.
“I agree with Danny. Get naked for the man, Tina.” I ordered.
Tina quickly removed her tank top and shorts. Once again she was totally nude in a room full of fully clothed people. I know this made her hot, which was one of the reasons I did it. I also wanted to show off her sexy body to Eric and Danny. As the women bounced around onthe men’s laps, Amber explained that in the clubs the men had to keep their hands at their sides, so that’s what she had them do.
“But they can stick out their tongues, so when we push our titties in their face they can lick them.” Amber added. “Go ahead and rub your boobies across Danny’s face Tina.”
Tina stood up, turned around, and sat back down on Danny’s lap. Then she leaned forward pushing her her tits into his face. He responded by tonguing and sucking on her nipples as she continued to squirm and rub her pussy into his crotch.
“Now at the private parties it’s harder to keep the men’s hands off me, so I let them get away with more as long as they don’t go too far.” Amber informed us.
Danny took the hint and started squeezing Tina’s ass and pulling her even harder into his crotch. Tina was moaning by this time and I was sure the front of Danny’s pants were soaked with her juices.
“Another difference between club dances and private parties is that the men have to stay fully clothed in the club. Sometimes at the private parties I allow the men to strip down to their underwear.” Amber offered.
“That sounds pretty hot.” I replied. “Tina, get up and take off his pants.”
When Tina stood up, so did Danny, making it easy for her to pull his pants down to his ankles. He kicked them completely off and sat back down. Tina resumed her position on his lap, now only his boxes separating her cunt from his cock. Danny helped himself to her tits as she ground her hot snatch into his hard manhood. When I felt she was getting close to an orgasm I had her stop and get off of him.
“I think you’ve learned all you can here. Now thank Danny for his help.” I instructed.
Tina leaned in and gave him a nice kiss.
“I think he deserves more than that, don’t you?” I asked her.
She must have agreed because she knelt down between his legs and pulled his cock out of his underwear. It as quite large from what I could see; Tinacould only cover about half if it with both hands. After struggling him a couple of times, she lowered her head and started licking. She really had to open her mouth all the way to get his cock inside, and even then she could only manage the head. From the way Danny was throwing his head back and groaning, she must have been doing a good job though.
A minute or so later Danny arched his back, lifting his ass off the chair and pumping his cum into Tina’s mouth. She took most of it, but a little did dribble out one side and dripped onto her title. Tina just scooped it off with her finger and put it into her mouth. She was definitely in good form.
“That was fucking great!” Danny surprised. “She has a great mouth.”
“She does indeed.” I agreed.
“I’d love to tap that ass.” He declared.
“I Just bet you would.” I replied. “But I’m afraid we have to be going.”
On the way back to the car Tina asked, “Why did you want me to learn how to lap dance, Master?”
“Didyou enjoy the lesson?” I asked, ignoring her question.
“God yes! That made me very horny. He had such a nice cock; I was hoping you would tell him to take off his underwear.” She answered.
“You wanted to fuck him, eh?”
“You knew me well, Master. But I still don’t understand why we were here.”
“Besides just having fun, you mean?” I teased.
“Yes, besides that.” She replied.
“You’ll find out later.” Was all I would say.
So far everything was going according to plan. Tina was extremely horny and had not cum yet. It was time for some lunch. I selected a popular local dinner; the kind that still used long linen tablecloths and changed them between customers, even for lunch. It was already busy by the time we arrived, but I knew the manager and he was holding a booth for us even though they don’t officially take reservations. As they say, sometimes it’s who you know.
Once we were seated I took the opportunity to put my hand between Tina’s legs and rubb her cunt though her shorts as we looked over the menu. She had a difficult time concentrated and had to ask the waitress to repeat the daily specials. When we had finished ordering and were alone again I told her to remove her shorts.
“Right here?” She asked, a little surprised.
“You can go take them off in the bathroom if you wish.” I answered. “I wouldn’t mind watching you walk back bottomless, although I think it would cause a bit of a stir and probably get us kicked out.”
“Oh no! Here is just fine.” She responded and shimmied out of the tight shorts as unobtrusively as possible.
She even managed to do it without drawing any attention to herself; at least as far as I could tell.
“Give them to me.” I ordered.
She passed them to me under the table and I put them on the seat beside me opposite Tina. If somebody was looking they would be able to see them, but they weren’t blatantly obvious. I put my hand between her legs again and like a good little slut she spread them for me. He cunt was absolutely drenched and I was sure she would leave a spot on the seat before we were finished with lunch.
“I don’t think it would be a good idea to cum in here.” I said. “I don’t think the management would appreciate the spectacle. So try to control yourself.”
“You aren’t making it easy, Master.” She responded through gritted teeth.
I could tell she was getting close, so I removed my hand and put it on her thigh. I didn’t want her to cool off too much after all.
“So, how does it feel sitting here bottomless in a public place while everyone else around you has no idea of your undressed state?” I queried.
Tina thought for a moment and replied, “Naughty.”
“Naughty eh? What about now?” I asked as I quickly slipped a finger into her slippery hole.
“Uhhh…slutty.” She whispered.
“That’s the reaction I was looking for.” I said as I removed my finger.
She showed, but otherwise did not object.A few seconds later the waitress returned with our drinks. She gave no sign that she had any idea what I was doing under the table, but I decided to tease Tina anyway.
“Did you see the way she looked at you? I’m not sure if she was looking at your hard nipples or wondering what my hand was doing under the table.” I commented.
“I don’t know Master. Was she really looking at me strangely?” Tina fretted.
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