I woke up in a great mood. Not only did I verify that Tina was ready for what I had planned today – what I had been training her for from the start – but I was still blown away by my wife’s story of fucking three men at the same time. So far this had been the best vacation of my life, and it was only going to get better.
During the morning workout I made a show of opening the blinds on the sliding glass window. Curiously my neighbor wasn’t out that morning. I guess he had something more important to do than watch Tina exercise in the nude? I couldn’t imagine what that was. I think maybe Tina was disappointed that she didn’t have an audience. I smiled to myself thinking I would fix that later.
After our workout and a light lunch I had a little talk with my slave in training.
“You’ve done well so far, but with only a few days left I will be asking more and more from you,” I told her.
“I understand, Master,” She replied.
“You may be unsure about your ability to complete all the tasks I set you to, but please trust me,” I assured her. “I know what you are capable of, I have seen your inner slut and I understand her needs. If you let her out and don’t hold back you will experience the most fantastically erotic moments of your life. The biggest tests are still ahead of you. They will be more demanding than anything you’ve done before, and are intended to transform you into the slut I know you can be.”
“I will try to do as you say, Master.”
“Good, because if you do I can promise you will become the submissive slave that you and Mark want you to be,” I responded.
I had Tina get dressed after that, but departed from what had become the norm. I ordered her to dress like a normal housewife, meaning a bra, panties, blouse, and normal length skirt. I even had her take off her collar and give it to me. I’m sure this confused her, but it wasn’t the first time. She looked like any other housewife sitting there in the car as I driveto our first destination. Only I knew what a horny slut smoldered underneath the sensible clothes.
After a 45 minute drive I pulled into the driveway of a nice suburban home. The woman that lived here, Carol, was a well known dance instructor, but was now retired. She didn’t take on many students these days, so it wasn’t easy to get an appointment. But since it was only for a single lesson, and her husband owed me a big favor, she agreed to teach Tina what she could in one afternoon. What most people didn’t know was that in addition to ballroom and formal dancing, she also taught the fine art of strip tease.
Tina was still in the dark until Carol said, “So you want to learn strip tease dear? Is that right?”
“Um, I, ah, yes I do,” Tina stammered.
Carol looked at me and I could tell she was worried we were wasting her time.
“She’s just a little nervous, but I promise you she is serious and will work hard,” I replied.
“OK, let’s got started,” Carol sighed.
She began by teaching Tina how to move smoothly and sensitively with the music. Carol told her that was important whether she had her clothes on or was buck naked.
“A hot body will only take you so far dear,” She told Tina at one point.
For her part my slave paid close attention to Carol’s instructions and worked hard, just as I said she would. She had some natural ability, which Carol even commented on. After about an hour they took a break. Tina was a little winded and he face was a bit flushed. Carol asked me what kind of costume she would be wearing.
“Just what she’s in now,” I answered.
“Going for the shy housewife look?”
It got more interesting from then on as Carol taught Tina how to remove her clothes smoothly as she danced. Once Tina had that down then Carol moved on to the “tease” part of strip tease. I really enjoyed watching the process, not only because I got to see Tina take her clothes off over and over, but because itwas fun to watch her improve over the afternoon. I had no idea there was so much arty involved with a real strip tease, but I had a better appreciation for it now.
By the end of the lesson I thought Tina was doing very well and I was quite happy with her overall progress. Carol told me that she was doing as well as can be expected for a beginner, but that nobody would mistake her for a professional dancer, erotic or otherwise.
“But could she win an amateur conversation?” I asked out of Tina’s hearing.
“Very possible, if none of the semi-pros show up,” Carol answered. “She should have a distinct advantage over the average girl, but it all depends on the audience. If the place is full of half-drunk construction workers and some young gal with big silicane boobs shows up, even great dancing won’t put her over the top.”
“I understand. Thanks for all the hard work,” I said.
Tina had worked up an appetite and we had some time to kill yet, so I decided to take inan early supper. Nothing too heavy, just a nice salad, bread, and a glass of wine at a nice little cafe not too far from our next destination. I could sense that Tina wanted to ask me why I had made her take the strip tease lessons and what I had planned next, but she didn’t. She probably guessed, correctly, that if I had intended to tell her, I already would have.
Finally it was time. This would be her toughest test yet. Not because it was particularly perverse, but because it would force her to confront one of her remaining fears. It was a short drive to the strip club. Tina recognized it right away as the one we visited before and where she had sex with Marie in the ladies restroom. I had brought her that time so that she would be more comfortable this time around. But there was a nervous look in her eye and I wondered if she had guessed what I had planned.
It was still early, so there weren’t many people inside yet. I didn’t waste any time and took Tina directly to thebar where I asked for a conversation application. I filled it out for Tina without telling her what I was doing, but by then I think she knew; the sign outside announcing the amateur striping contest every other Tuesday was prominent. After I had Tina sign the form, I gave it to the bartender.
“OK, just wait here and the manager will see you in a couple of minutes,” He informed us.
“Don’t worry, I’ve read the form carefully and it’s mostly there to protect you and the club,” I told Tina.
I went on to explain how they don’t have any video cameras pointed at the stage and don’t allow any photography in the club. If someone is caught even taking pictures or video with a cell phone (which have crappy lenses and images) they will be thrown out. I was just telling her about the multiple bounces When the bartender told us the manager would see us.
He led us to a small office near the front of the building where a man about my age was sitting behind a desk piled with paperwork.
“Sit down,” He said and pointed to two office chairs. “So, Tina, you want to enter our amateur striping contest, eh?”
“Yes sir,” She said in a small, quiet voice.
“It says here you are visiting from Croatia, is that right?” He asked.
“Yes, I am,” Tina answered.
“May I see your passport please?”
Tina Handed over the documents and he gave them a cursory examination.
“Can’t be too sure, you know,” He observed, still ignoring me.
“Came all the way to the US just to take your clothes off? Aren’t there any strip clubs back home?” He continued to grill Tina.
“They have a very conservative society in Croatia, so she just wanted to let loose a little while she was here on vacation,” I explained. “What happens in the US, stays in the US.”
He looked at me with one of those expressions that told me he didn’t think my little joke was funny. I didn’t like the third degree interrogation of my slave, so I guess we were even.
“Well, I guess it’s none of my business. I just want to make sure you aren’t some sort of mail order bride being forced to advertise her wares so her new husband can turn her out to make some money, if you know what I mean,” He told us.
“No, it’s nothing like that. She just wants to let her hair down while she’s on vacation. Her husband is attending some training in the city and they will be leaving at the end of the week,” I said.
That seemed to satisfy him so he went on to tell her about the content. He covered what I had already told her about the release form and the photography policy. Then he talked about how the conversation would be conducted and what was expected of her. Finally he told her that the price was $500 if she won and that if she wished she could make more money doing lap dances afterwards. He sounded bored and I was sure he had given this speech many times.
The content didn’t start for a hour yet, so we waited at the bar as instructed. I had a couple ofbeers and Tina had another glass of wine. I didn’t want her drink, or even tipsy, but I thought she needed a little bracer. I watched three more women come up and ask for an application while we waited. Two of them were in there twentyties and the other one looked more Tina’s age. They were all nervous except for the one I judged to be the oldest; it seemed to me that she had done this before. She was also the only one without a husband/boyfriend.
“I don’t know if I can do this, Master,” Tina whispered to me. “I know I signed the form and told the manager I was ready, but I’m afraid.”
“What are you afraid of?” I asked.
“I’m afraid I’ll just freeze up there all alone on the stage and embarrass you,” She answered.
I looked her straight in the eye and said, “I wouldn’t ask you to do this if I didn’t know you were ready for it. You won’t be alone. I’ll be right there up front. If you get scared just look at me.”
“What if the men here don’t like me?” She asked.
“Don’t worry about that. You have a great body with natural tits and a sealed pussy,” I reassure her. “Trust me, they get tired of seeing the professionals all the time. You are a natural MILF and they will love you. Mind what Carol teach you this afternoon and just concentrate on the dance. The rest will take care of itself.”
That’s when the manager came out and led them away to “get ready”. Tina didn’t need to do much more than touch up her makeup, but the older woman had a gym bag with her, so I suspected she was planning on changing into an costume. She must be one of those semi-pros that Carol had talked about. I didn’t care if Tina won or not, but it would sure be a nice bonus if she did.
I made my way up to the front right next to the stage and managed to snag the last small table. The place was starting to fill up more than I had expected. I was hoping for at least fifteen or twenty men, but it looked like there would be double that by the time the content started. I was working on my second beer when they announced the amateur contest would start soon.
I had been at the club one before on amateur night so I knew what to expect. They would not use the girls real names if they provided a stage name on the form. I didn’t fill out that box for Tina. I figured nobody knew her here anyway, so why bother. Each girl got two songs to dance to. Usually they needed the first one just to warm up and most didn’t take their clothes off until the second dance. There were six entrants the time I was there and one contestant waited so long into the second song that she didn’t get completely naked, leaving the stage topless but with her thong panties still on.
After they all danced the manager brought them all back out onto the stage for voting by the audience. They could put their clothes back on or wear a robe, but he always warned them that nobody ever won doing that. And he was right – the girl that refused to strip completely came back outin a robe and actually got some boos. To decide the winner the manager had each girl step forward and the audience claps and yells and otherwise make noise for the girl the like the best. The one that gets the loudest response wins.
Finally the manager came out onto the stage and said, “Are you ready for some amateur booty?”
The audience yelled and whistled in response. He announced the first girl to dance was Amber. One of the nervous twenty-somethings came out and her first song started playing. As I anticipated she just danced around during the first song. When it ended I think she was a little surprised it was already over, so when the second song started she immediately began removing her top. She was clumsy, but she tried hard to be sexy. In the end all she really had going for her was a so-so body; nice tits, but a bit on the small side, and a wild overgrown bush. She obviously wasn’t prepared. Probably only entered the conversation on a dark or a danger.
The secondContestant was the older gal that I thought was a semi-pro. She was called Candy. Sure enough, she had on cheeseleaders costume and had done a pretty good job with the makeup. She looked pretty good and moved smoothly. Her routine was more raunchy than erotic, but not bad overall. By the end of the first song she was down to a skimpy thong. She ditched that pretty early into the second number and then showed off her stuff for the rest of the song. She was pretty athletic and I thought she might have actually been a cheerleader or gymnast when she was younger. She had a pretty hot body for her age. Her tits were fake – a good job, but fake none the less. Still, I figured she had a good chance to win.
My Tina was the third contestant. She looked just like the hot housewife MILF I knew she would. I was hoping this would be different enough than the standard fare here to give her an edge, especially combined with her recent strip teasing dance lessons. As she shuffled out onto the stage she was introduced as Tina, a vacationing housewife from Croatia. Perfect! Her first song was “Watch Her Strut” by Bob Seger, but when it started playing, she frozen with that deer in the headlights look. I was about to stand up when she spotted me. I gave her a stern but confident look and said, “Dance.”
I don’t think she could hear me, but maybe she read my lips because she began dancing. She was a little stiff at first, but then it looked like her recent lessons kicked in and she improved noticeably. Soon she was swinging her hips in a very sensitive manner and acting quite naughty for a housewife. By the time the song was over she had removed her blouse and skirt. I was very proud of her at that moment. The audience reaction was good and I think that actually boosted her confidence.
The second song I had picked for her was “All She Wants to Do is Dance” by Don Henley. She teased her audience by unsnapping her bra, but not dropping it right away. She held it up and just gave them little peeks at her tits. Then she did a tight spin and let it go. It flew halfway across the stage and when she stopped rotating, she was facing the cheering crowd of men, her tits still bouncing slightly. She teased them with her panties too. Turning away from them, pulling them down, and then back up quickly. Then she pulled them up tight while facing the audience. I could clearly see her pussy outlined in the thin material. Tina looked hotter than I’d ever seen her.
The song was about two thirds over when she finally dropped her panties and kicked them off to the side. When she turned around and revealed her shaken snatch there was applause and some whistling. For the rest of the song she danced and showed off her hot married body to the horny crowd of men. And while it was very sexy, it wasn’t slutty like the Candy. Tina’s dance was clearly much more classy. I hoped that would set her apart.
When the song faded out, Tina’s entire body was flush and she looked more alive and desirable than I’d ever seen her. I don’t even remember the fourth girl’s name or much about her performance, I was so busy replaying Tina’s in my head. When the last song faded out the other three girls were brought out onto the stage for the voting. I was very happy to see Tina still nude along with the other girls.
Amber received some applause, but I think it was mostly polite. It takes a lot of guts to strip in front of a bunch of strange men like that, so they didn’t want her to feel too bad. The semi-pro, Candy, got a very large reaction from the audience as I had expected. Clearly she was the one to beat. Tina also received a large amount of applause and whistles. It sounded like a tie to me, but then I was biased. The last girl did better than Amber, but wasn’t even close to Tina and Candy.
After a quick consultation with the sound technician, the manager announced the winner: “Candy, by a slim margin!”
I was a little disappointed, but my Tina had done very, very well considering the competition and the fact that she was scared to death. The women left the stage to get dressed and a professional stripper started her routine. About 5 minutes later I spotted Tina making her way through the modernly crowded club on her way to me. But she was stopped a number of times by men who talked to her briefly before she moved on. A few even patted or squeezed her ass.
When she finally made it to where I was sitting I asked her, “What did all those men want?”
“They were telling me that they thought I was the best one and that I was cheated,” She answered.
“I agree with them,” I said.
“I’m sorry I didn’t win, Master,” She said with a dejected voice. “I tried my best, I really did.”
I gave her my biggest smile. “You did everything I asked of you and more. You are a winner in my book,” I told her.
She throw her arms around my neck and kissed me saying, “You are the best Master!”
“You looked really hot up there. How do you feel?” I asked.
“Great! But I’m still shaking from the embarrassment and excitement. But at first I was so frightened that I couldn’t move. Then I saw you and I knew I couldn’t let you down, so I just tried to forget everybody else and just dance for you,” She answered.
“How did that work?”
“Pretty good at First, but then when I started taking off my clothes and the chefs and whistling started, I couldn’t really ignore the other men anymore. By that time it didn’t matter though, because I was so into the dance. I really like the songs you picked for me,” Tina responded.
“Are you wet?” I asked.
“Yes, Master. Very. Even though I was feeling so embarrassed at being naked in front of all these strangers, I was also getting so turned-on,” She answered, verifying what I already suspected.
Just then a young man approached our table. “Excuse me,” He said. “For what it’s worth, I thought you won, Tina.”
“Thank you,” Tina replied.
“My friends would really like to meet you,” He continued. “Would you and your man like to join us at our booth over there?”
I looked to where he was pointing. It was on the other side of the club. I couldn’t see who was sitting there; it was too far away and the lighting too dim.
“You’ll have to ask my Master,” Tina answered. Good girl.
He raised his eyesbrows and looked at me.
“Sure,” I replied to his nonverbal question. “Lead the way.”
Tina and I followed him to the booth and I discovered that his friends were a young couple. The girl’s name was Laura and her boyfriend was Lars. The young man that had invited us over was called Sean. The booth was a little crowded with five of us, but not uncomfortable so.
As we spent a little time getting to know each other I found out that the three of them were all good friends. In fact, Laura and Sean had “dated” for about a year before they broke up and then she and Lars began seeing each other. ApparThey were all pretty cool about it. Eventually they let on that sometimes, usually after clubbing and drinking, Laura took them both on at once. For my part I told them about my relationship with Tina and hinted at some of her adventures since arrival in the US. They were all very intrigued and seemed to hang on my every word.
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