Training Tina, Days 10

It was a little strange to wake up with someone other than my wife in the bed. That’s not to say it was unpleasant, quite the opposite in fact. But it wasn’t something I was used to. Then I started wondering again how things went with Sherry and Mark. All of this made me very horny and I was tempted to give Tina a good morning fuck, but I wanted to save myself for later when my wife came home from work.

So we went through our established morning routine. During our work-out I noticed that Tina had improved noticeably, so I increased the reps on the weights and a few of the other exercises. Today I had not provided her with any clothes, so she was nude. Normally the blinds for the sliding glass door in that room are closed from the previous day because it faces West and the sun steams in and makes it too hot in the afternoon. But for some reason we hadn’t closed them the previous day and I really didn’t notice they were wide open. I also didn’t notice that my neighbor Steve wasout working in his yard until we were nearly done with our exercises. When I did, he was just standing there enjoying the view of my naked slave doing stromach crunches. Steve is a bachelor and from what I could tell didn’t have a steady girlfriend, so this was an interesting situation.

I didn’t do anything to alert him to the fact that I knew he was there until Tina finished with all her exercises. Then I pointed him out and instructed her to smile and wave to him. I could tell by her blush that she was a little embarrassed by this, but she did as I told her and waved nicely to him. He waved back, not sure what to do next, but probably hoping the show wasn’t over yet. I decided that he should get a closer look, so I waved him over. He walked across the yard and when he neared the door I motioned for him to come in.

“Hello Paul,” He said, “Who’s your sexy friend?”

“Steve,” I answered, “This is my slave slut in training, Tina. She’s from Croatia and is visiting me fora couple of weeks while her husband attends some training in the city.”

“So you’re her master?” He asked incredulously.

“That’s right,” I said.

“Wow! You lucky bastard,” Steve replied, “Does your wife know about this?”

“Of course. That’s not something I could really hide,” I answered.

“Oh fuck, double lucky!” He exclaimed. “Well that certainly explains a few things then. I thought maybe you were cheating on Sherry or something.”

“Not a chance. She knows about, and approves of everything that I do with Tina,” I responded.

“So, she will do anything you tell her to?” Steve asked while staring at Tina.

“Yes,” I answered. “Why? Do you have something you’d like to have her do?”

“Well, I haven’t had a blow job in ages…”

I snapped my fingers and pointed at Steve. Tina got the message and was soon on her knees sucking his cock like it was ambrosia. Steve’s eyes rolled back in his head and he extolled the viruses of her oral skills. Whe erupted in her mouth, she managed to swallow it all down without spilling a drop. Steve was impressed and said so.

“That was fucking awesome. I owe you,” Steve said to me.

“Don’t worry about it. Tina loves to suck cock, don’t you my pet?” I asked Tina.

“Yes Master, very much,” She answered.

“Now thank Steve for the nice load of cum,” I told her.

“Thank you Steve for letting me suck your nice cock and giving me all your tasty cum,” She said to him.

“Any time,” He replied. “Say, I’m having some friends over on Friday night for a bonfire. You are welcome to join us if you are around.”

I knew he really wanted my slut to attend his little party and live it up. My plans for that day were not yet set in concrete so I told him that we might just do that. After he left I had my slave get dressed while I made a few phone calls. When she returned she looked hot. Per my instructions she was wearing a tight white tank top that molded perfectly to her tits and a skin tight pair of spandex shorts. Without a bra or underwear, this left little to the imagination; her nipples and cunt were clearly outlined. If she got excited it would be very obvious.

We got in the car and I drove to my favorite shopping area. It has a number of stores that I shop at on a regular basis. I didn’t tell Tina where we were going or what I had planned for her. On Our way I was watching the thickening clouds, hoping to get lucky with the weather. When the first rain drops splattered on the windshield I smiled, knowing the effect the rain would have on Tina’s attire. By the time I parked the car there was a steady rain coming down. I handed an envelope to my slave.

“There is a shopping list in there and enough money to buy everything. I also indicated which store you can find each item at. So off you go, and don’t return until you have everything,” I told her.

Tina looked out at the rain and then around inside the car.

“What are you looking for?” I asked, although I already knew.

“An umbrella, Master,” She answered.

“I didn’t bring one. You’ll have to do without,” I replied. “Don’t worry, you won’t melt.”

She looked down at her tank top and I could tell what she was thinking. It would probably become partially transparent when it got wet. The question was: how much? She got out of the car and ran over to the Tobacco shop. I was OK with her running; that would make her tits bounce exclusively. And she was still going to get soaked anyway because I didn’t park very close to the stores.

By the time she pulled open the door on the Tobacco shop her hair was plastered to her head, so I knew her clothes must be soaked through. She had to get three cigars, but since she knew nothing about them she would have to ask for help. I shopped there often and considered the owner a friend of mine. I didn’t really need the cigars that badly, but I wanted to make Tina show off her body and give my friend a nicetreat at the same time. I imaged how her nipples would get hard in the air conditioned store, especially since she was soaking wet. Ed wouldn’t be able to help but notice. I couldn’t wait until Tina returned to tell me how he reacted.

A few minutes later she emerged and quickly made her way to the computer parts store a few doors down. This was one of those few places left where you could still buy Computer parts like motherboards, memory, drives, etc. right over the counter. Most of that business had moved to the Internet and was mail-order only. Like the Tobacco shop, I knew the owner of this place pretty well too, but in addition he usually had several young men working for him. Most of them were college kids, but a couple were still in high school. He only hired the geekiest kids, so I knew they didn’t get to see a woman like Tina very often, at least not in the flesh, as it were. She was to pick up a hard drive for me, which seemed appropriate given the way she was dressed.

With that task complete she had one more item to purchase. From my vantage point I couldn’t see details, but it was clear that the tank top was quite transparent and also was sticking to her body like a second skin. I watched as she walked past several more shops and then entered the liquor store. Here she was to purchase a particular bottle of wine. I knew because of the value it would be kept in back, so she would have to ask for it. At this time of the day she would either be helped by an older gentleman who would, I’m sure, leer at her near nakedness, or by a young woman with multiple tattoos and a pierced tongue who I was betting was gay. Either way it would be an interesting situation.

In all these stores I had no idea if there would be any other customers inside at the same time that Tina was there. It was that random factor that made games like this so fun. On her way back to the car she didn’t even both running anymore. I suppose she figured she couldn’t get anywetter than she already was. As she got closer to the car it was apparent that the tank top was almost completely transparent. Her tits and nipples were clearly visible. I had already put a heavy towel on the seat, so after she put the shopping bags in the back seat, she got back in the car. I asked her to tell me about her experience and this is what she told me:

“I tried to run to the tobacco store, but by the time I got there I was still soaked. I knew my tits could be seen though the wet tank top, but I went in anyway. Between the naughtiness of what I was doing and the cool air in the store, my nipples got very erect. The man who was running the store gave me a long look before he asked if he could help me. I told him I was shopping for my boyfriend and read the names of the cigars from your list. I don’t think I pronounced all of them correctly because he stepped next to me so he could look at the list. But maybe he just wanted to stand close to me, I don’t know.”

“The led me into the big room where most of the cigars were stored. It smelled nice, cedar I think. Anyway, he picked out the cigars and then we went back out into the store. He put the cigars into a plastic zipper bag and then into a regular shopping bag. He said that my boyfriend had good taste in cigars. I told him you had good taste in everything. To which he said, Apparently so, as he looked straight at my tits. Then I paid for the cigars with the money in the envelope and left. I had no idea cigars were so expensive!”

“I was very nervous when you first told me what I must do, but after the experience in the tobacco store I was feeling more confident. But when I went into the computer store I was instantly nervous again. There was a couple in there, maybe about 30 years old, being helped by a young man. When I walked in they all looked over at me and just stopped talking. I could feel them staring at my tits. Then the woman elbowed her man in the ribs and he reluctantly looked away. The young man helping them keep stealing glasses my way though.”

“Then an older gentleman, maybe your age Master, asked me if he could help me. When I told him what I needed, he looked down at me under his glasses for a moment as if trying to decide if I was serious or not. He must have decided I wasn’t joking because he went into the back of the store where I image they store most of their Inventory since the front of the store was quite small. As I waited for him another young man came out from the back and stopped dead when he saw me. His eyes got big and when he realized he was staring he hurried over to the other young man helping the other customers.”

“That’s when the older gentleman – the owner I’m guessing – came back out with a small box. He gave me the box and I paid for it with the money you gave me. I was surprised the computer part was less expensive than the cigars. He gave me all the signs of disapproving of my appearance, but he sure did take a long time finding a bag. And he never seemed to take his eyes off of me.”

“After that I was expecting to run into someone else outside or maybe in the liquor store, but I didn’t. The only other person inside was an old guy behind the counter. He was a real lecherous old man too. He even asked if I was a prostitute. I told him I was just a woman trying to stay cool who got caught out in the rain without an umbrella. He said I had a lot of guts to still go shopping looking like that. So I teased him and asked if there was anything wrong with the way I looked. He said no, you are damn sexy honey. So I thanked him and asked for the wine you wanted. He whistled and said that was some expensive ‘shit’ and asked if I had enough money. I showed him the money I still had left in the envelope. He shook his head and said nobody walked around with that kind of cash anymore and asked if I was sure I wasn’t a hooker. I said I was not; that I never charge for sex. His eye browsers went up and I thought he was going to say something else, but he just turned around and went into the back. He returned a minute later with the wine and I handed over the money. It took almost everything I had left. He leered at me for a few seconds before putting the money into the cash register and the wine into a bag. Then he thanked me for shopping at his store and I left.”

I told Tina that she did a great job and that we would share the fine wine with supplier. She said she couldn’t wait. Then I asked her if she was ready for more fun.

“I don’t know if I’m ready, but I’ll do whatever you say, Master.”

“That’s a good answer, slave,” I responded. “Do you know how to ride a bicycle?”

“Yes I do.”

“Good,” I reply as I put the car into gear. “Let’s go.”

As we drove north to the city the rain slowly ended. My luck just continued. We were going to Bill’s house. Before I tell you what happened there I need to explain a few things first. Bill is an unusual guy; shy and not very comfortable in social situations, especially those involving girls. But he was also very intelligent and an avid inventor. Being single he had plenty of time to do whatever he wanted, including surfing Internet porn sites. He was literally a fucking expert, and one of his favorite things is a series of Japanese videos titled “Orgasm bicycle.”

For those of you that have never heard of it, these are videos of young women riding a very specialized bicycle. It has a second chain leading up to a sprocket near the seat. This sprocket drives a dildo up through a hole in the seat. The woman either wears a dress and no panties, or bicycle shorts with a hole cut in the bottom. As she rides the bike she is fucked with the dildo. The faster she pedals, the faster she is fucked. The bicycle is equipped with at least three or four video cameras. She then rides around on city streets as she is recorded trying to keep from running into anybody. Even though all the extra equipment on the bikeis quite conspicuous, none of the people on the street appear to even give them a second look. Japanese culture I suppose, but that wouldn’t work in this country.

Bill wanted to make his own Orgasm Bicycle, but he knew he would need to make it look as much like an ordinary bike as possible. Otherwise it would attract too much attention, and the idea was to have the girl being fucked, and maybe having an orgasm in public without anybody else knowing. So he enlisted me to help him with the video cameras while he took care of the mechanical parts.

Bill got rid of the extra chain and sprocket, electing instead to drive the piston directly off the main sprocket. Using a clever cam arrangement he was able to hide the long piston inside the frame member that the seat is mounted on. A little reworking of the seat mount resulted in a bicycle that looked normal except for the dildo sticking up out of the seat, and the clear window in the bottom.

I had a real challenge in hiding the cameras. I selected small “pinhole” units that didn’t take much room. The compromise is that they don’t have very high resolution, but they are good enough for our purposes. I hid one in a speedometer to give us a good view of the rider’s face. A second camera and batteries for the system were hidden in a modified water bottle which was mounted in the normal location on the lower frame member. The wiring leading to the first camera was routed through the frame.

When Tina came to train with me I called Bill and told him I finally had a candidate for the bike. He called me several times since then asking when I would be bringing her over to ride it. I had to put him off until I thought she was ready. I had decided after Saturday’s activities that she was.

I didn’t tell Tina any of this, so when Bill opened up the garage and showed her the bike, her eyes got big. I’m sure she’d never seen anything like it before. When I told her to take off her shorts, she probably thoughht I wanted her to ride it half naked, but she still pulled them down and handed them over. Bill looked more embarrassed than Tina, but he still didn’t avert his eyes.

I used a pair of scissors from Bill’s workbench and cut out most of the crotch. Then I had Tina put them back on. Bill gave her his cellphone and bluetooth headset. Then I told her to get on the bike and ride out into the street. Our plan was to ride behind her a few hundred feet while I used my cellphone to stay in constant contact with her as she rode around the small lake that Bill lived near. We used a bluetooth monitoring device utilizing the same pairing code as my headset to record everything and allow Bill to listen in too. As long as he stayed close to me.

I could tell she was both excited and terrified, but she did as she was told and got on the bike. It was interesting watching her slowly lower herself onto the dildo as she settled onto the seat. When she pedaled out of the garage I could hear hergasp through the cell phone connection.

“What’s the matter slave?” I asked.

“I thought I was prepared for it, but I guess I wasn’t quite,” She answered.

“Turn left and continue straight,” I instructed.

“OK,” She grunted.

“How are you doing?” I asked her.

“Uh, this is harder than I thought it would be,” She said.

“Just keep going, we’ll be right behind you,” I told her. “Follow the signs to the bike path.”

The paved bicycle path went all the way around the small lake and was 2.5km long. Not really that long on a bike, unless you were getting fucked at the same time. Then it might be a very long ride!

As Tina turned onto the bicycle/hiking path, Bill and I mounted our bikes and started following her. We were about 100 meters behind. She was not moving very fast, so we had to keep a slow pace as well. Since it was the middle of the afternoon on a weekday, there weren’t too many other people using the path, but there were some. It was amusing watching them go past Tina not having any idea that she was fucking herself with a dildo as she rode. They must have thought her panting was just from the exertion of riding the bike.

After she was about halfway around the lake Tina announced, “I’m going to cum!”

“Go ahead if you don’t mind doing it in public,” I said, “While riding a bike.”

As her climax overtook her, Tina stopped pedaling and coasted to a stop. A guy on roller blades went past her going in the other direction, but he suddenly stopped and turned around. He rolled up to her and asked if she was OK. I could just hear him through her bluetooth headset.

“Yes, I’m fine,” Tina responded a little breathless, “Just a little tired.”

“Don’t ride much?” He asked.

“Not recently,” She replied.

“Maybe you should take a little break,” He suggested, “Get off the bike and take a breather over there.”

“No!” She almost shouted, “I mean, I’m OK. I should get moving.”

“All right,” He responded, “But maybe I should stay with you just in case you get tired again. I can catch you if you fall.”

“Accept his offer,” I instructed quickly over the phone.

“Um, thank you, I would like that,” Tina said and started moving again.

Bill and I followed the pair. The man with the roller blades was trying to strike up a conversation with Tina. It didn’t seem like she could masturbate, ride a bike, and talk at the same time though.

“From your accent I’m guessing you are not from this country,” I heard him say.

“No, I’m from Croatia,” Tina responded.

“So, are you here on vacation?” He asked.

“Visiting a friend,” She huffed.

It was amusing listening to him trying to chat her up. She was pretty Distracted, of course. Bill and I had a running bet on how long she would last before she had another orgasm. He thought she would cum before she made it the rest of the way around the lake, but I bet she would hold it together and make it back to his garage. We were both wrong.

She did make it all the way back to where she first got onto the trail and said goodbye to her roller blading friend without coming. On her way up the street to Bill’s house she had her second orgasm. We came up behind her as she clutched the handle bars and shook in orgasmic bliss. I could see her juices dripping off the seat and wondered if anybody else had noticed; thinking of the roller blade guy.


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