Training Tina, Days 07

I loved watching Tina’s tits bounce and jiggle as she worked with the free weights. Her body had a slight sheen from the workout and it took effort on my part to resist throwing her on the floor and fucking her silly. Instead I throw myself into some abdominal crunches. Even after just a few days, I could see the difference in Tina’s muscle definition. I hoped she kept up the exercise regime after returning home. I like really ripped women, but tone and firm in the right places is a real turn on.

After our run we had a light lunch and then I had Tina take a quick shower before getting dressed for our next adventure. I had her put on a tight, thin, scooped top with spaghetti strips, and a short, light skirt. No bra or underwear. Four inch pumps adorned her feet. She definitely looked slutty dressed like that, but with her eastern European features, Tina also had an exotic quality about her. She was sure to be popular where I was bringing her.

In the car Tina looked nervouss, and I didn’t have to guess why. The thin top clung to her shapedly tits, leaving little to the imagination. When she sat down the short skirt hiked up enough to reveal her first class pussy if she kept her legs parted, as she was required to do. In fact, the way she was dressed could easily get her arrested in some places. But not where we were going, fortunately.

“You look nervous, slave,” I said, glancing at Tina as I drove.

“I feel naked, Master,” She replied.

“Don’t worry, you’ll soon be in good company,” I answered cryptically.

“I don’t understand, sir.”

“You will soon enough.”

After about 30 minutes on the road we arrived at our destination. The building itself was nothing much to look at, and the sign was on the smallish side. It read:

House of Breasts

Gentleman’s Club

It Tina a second to realize what kind of place I was taking her to, but when she understand it was a strip club, she looked at me in surprise. Under the circuitumstances her expression was comical and I chuckled.

“Are you expecting me to dance here, Master?” She asked with a trembling voice.

“Not today, my pet. Today we are just customers,” I answered.

Relief flashed across her face, but was quickly replaced by a quizzical look. I opened my door and got out of the car before she could ask me any more questions. There weren’t too many other cars in the parking lot so I knew the place wasn’t very busy. But I also knew that would change when the business men got off work around four o’clock. For now though, this was just what I wanted.

Once inside it was obvious to even the casual observer that the owners had put all the money into the interior. Even though the outside was a little shabby looking, on the inside it was clean and newly decorated. Not fancy by any means, but a nice change from some of the upholstered toilets I’d been in before. In fact, if not for the large central stage and stripper poles you might think this an ordinary bar.

I picked a table near the empty stage. Tina looked distinctly uncomfortable. A waitress appeared before too long. I ordered a beer for myself and a glass of wine for my Croatian slave. As we waited I noticed that some of the other patrons kept looking our way. I guessed that woman don’t come in here too often unless they are dancing. Especially hot exotic looking women dressed like my Tina. That’s when a familiar voice rang out behind me.

“Mind if I join you?”

Tina’s eye’s went wide, but I wasn’t surprised. After all, I had invited her.

“Please sit down Marie,” I answered without turning around.

The sexy red-head circled around the table and sat on the other side next to Tina.

“So do you come here often?” I asked Marie.

She just smiled at my joke as it began to dawn on Tina that I had set this all up. That’s when the waitress returned with our drinks and took Marie’s order. Tina took a big gulp of her wine and then turnd to Marie.

“Have you ever been in a place like this before?” She asked.

“Yes, a couple of times,” Marie answered.

“I thought it would be more…sleazy,” Tina replied.

“This is one of the nicer places,” Marie said, “Would you have preferred sleazy?”

“No, I mean, maybe. But it’s not up to me,” Tina responded.

“Yes. That’s your Master’s decision, isn’t it?” Marie observed.

“How…how did you know?” Tina asked in surprise.

With a twinkle in her eye Marie answered, “It’s obvious if you know what to look for.”

I don’t think it occurred to Tina that others might know about our relationship without being told. It took her a moment to digest this Revelation.

Looking around she asked quietly, “Do you think any of these men know?”

“Maybe,” I answered, “But they sure as hell are wondering how I got to be so lucky to have two such sexy ladies sitting with me.”

The both smiled broadly and made my cock twitch. Just then the music started and a booming voice announced that the next dancer was “Amber.” A twenty-something blond glided out onto the stage dressed as harem girl. She had large tits and was a bit overweight, but still looked pretty hot.

Tina tried not to watch, but Marie kept commenting on her performance and pointing out things which repeatedly brought Tina’s gaze up to the gyrating woman on the stage. Her act wasn’t too bad and I looked forward to seeing what the prime time dancers looked like. When she was down to just her g-string, Marie held up a five dollar bill and Amber made her way over to the edge of the stage. Marie stood up and slipped it under the small band of her g-string, getting a handful of the blond’s ass at the same time. This seemed to shock Tina, but I just watched and smiled.

After her dance was over and Amber left the stage there was a small break. Marie asked Tina what she thought of Amber’s performance.

“She is very athletic, but not too graceful,” was Tina’s opinion. Inwardly I agreed with her.

“Can you imagine how erotic it would be to dance like that in front of a crowd of horny men?” Marie asked her.

“Oh I could never do that!” Tina exclaimed.

“You might be surprised at what you can do. You have an exotic, sexy charm that just oozes out of every pore of your body. I think you’d be a natural,” Marie announced.

It looked to me like this comment blew Tina away, but she still had an objection. “Don’t you think my boobs are too small?”

“They’re called tits my pet, and yours are the perfect size for you,” I chimed in.

“It’s the shape and how you present them that matters most,” Marie added. “Here, I’ll show you.”

Then Marie turned to the nearest table with a couple of young guys drinking beer. “Would you guys do me a favor?”

“Sure babe, what do you need?” One of them responded.

“Tell me if my friend here has nice enough tits to be a stripper,” Marie said and turned back to Tina. “Lift up your shirt and show them, darling.”

Tina looked quickly to me and I nodded slightly – just enough to tell her that I wanted her to follow Marie’s instructions. After only a short pause Tina lifted her shirt up until it was around her neck. As she held it there Marie cupped one soft globe, and held it up for inspection.

“So what do you think?” Marie asked. “Does she have it or not?”

“Oh yeah, I’d love to see her up on stage,” The first one replied.

“Fuck, I want a lap dance from the bitch!” The other one said.

Marie let go of Tina’s title and allowed her to pull her top back down. I could see that most of the other men in the place were again staring at us, or rather Tina.

“It looks like you have some fans already,” Marie observed as she looked around.

I think that’s when Tina realized she was the center of attention. She blushed furiously. Whether from embarrassment or arousal, I wasn’t sure. Maybe both.

The music started again and Amberdanced another set. This time she was dressed as a cowgirl complete with boots and chas. This routine was a little better than the first one. Perhaps she needed a dance to warm up. Again Marie was talking to Tina during the performance, but I noticed something else. Marie was flirting with her; touching her arms, brushing her hair out of her eyes, and leaning in so close to talk that her lips almost touched Tina’s ear. And for her part, Tina wasn’t pulling back or resisting Marie’s advances. I just watched with growing interest.

After Amber was finished with her routine she asked if anybody wanted a lap dance. Marie’s hand shot up immediately. I was a little surprised by that, but I was even more surprised when Amber sauntered over and Marie pointed to Tina! I smiled my approval and Tina turned her chair out away from the table.

Somebody must have been watching because the song “All She Wants to Do is Dance” started playing. Amber sat down on Tina’s lap, facing her and began shaking her tits right in Tina’s face with the beat of the music. Tina didn’t really know what to do and just sat there with her hands at her side. Marie was watching very intently and her eyes got big when Amber brushed her nipples across Tina’s lips.

Marie leaned in and said something to the blond grinding away on Tina’s lap, but I couldn’t tell what it was. A few seconds later Amber started playing with the bottom hem of Tina’s shirt. She was saying something to Tina as she slowly lifted it up. I think it was, “Let’s see what you’ve got,” or something close to that.

By now there were a few more men in the bar than when we arrived, and they were all watching the stripper slowly reveal, again, my sexy slave’s fine titles. When they finally came into view there were some appreciated shouts from the men around us. After she had pulled up the top as far as it would go, Amber rubbed her tits up against Tina’s. It was a very erotic sight. Tina’s jaw was slack and she was looking down at the dance their nipples were making together. Marie had a look of total lust on her face.

Finally the song ended and Amber stood up. Marie handed her a couple of bills and she strutted off. I didn’t even realize she was going to do another lap dance until I heard the music start again. I was too busy watching Marie and Tina kissing. And I’m not talking your brother-sister type kiss, I’m talking About a full on, open mouth, soul kiss. That was too fucking hot. But what happened next exceeded all my expectations.

Marie suddenly stood up without a word and held her hand out to Tina. She took it and the two of them walked hand-in-hand in the direction of the bathrooms. They entered the bathroom and then began one of the longest waits of my life, or so it seemed. It was probably only five minutes. My imagination was running wild thinking about what they were doing in there. I was tempted to peek in on them, but I figured the bouncer would have me by the collar before I even pushed the door open.

When they returned, both women had that flushed, just-had-sex look. As they sat down Marie said, “Sorry, but she smells so good that I just had to taste her.”

“Did you like?” I asked.

“Oh yes, she has a delicious pussy.”

I looked at Tina. “Did you cum?”

“Yes Master, she told me to,” Tina answered.

“OK, as long as you had permission. Is Marie a good pussy licker?”

“Oh yes, she is very good. One of the best I’ve ever had,” Tina replied.

“Did you return the favor?”

“No, I thought I had kept her in there long enough. I didn’t want to worry you,” Marie answered for her.

“Hmmm, we’ll have to arrange for you to have Some more time with my slave another day,” I told her.

“I’d like that. Actually I’d love to have her for a whole day,” Marie responded.

“I’ll see what I can do,” I said.

The place was starting to get too busy for any more games. Tina wasn’t ready for that much exposure yet, so we left. In the parking lot the two women had a long lingering goodbye kiss. It was too hot. On the way home Tina described how Marie stripped her in the bathroom. First she pulled off Tina’s top and sucked on her tits. Then she pushed up the skirt and lifted Tina onto the counter. Marie practically attacked Tina’s shaken pussy with her mouth and tongue. After Tina came there was a small puddle of her juices on the counter.

“Even now I can feel it running down the inside of my legs,” Tina informed me.

“Show me,” I ordered her.

She lifted her skirt up and spread her sexy legs for me. I looked down, and sure enough I could see wetness glistening on the entire inside of her thigh right down to her knee. The car started wandering off the road and I had to return my attention to my driving.

“What do you think of Marie?” I asked my slut.

“She’s really sweet. I like being with her.”

“Is she the first female you’ve been attracted to?”


“Would you like to spend a day with her?” I asked.

“I think so,” was her answer.

“You aren’t sure?” I pressed.

“Everything is happening so fast and I’ve never had these kind of feelings for a woman before,” Tina explained. “But she is smart and fun to be with, so…”

“Maybe just an afternoon,” I interjected.

“You know me so well, Master,” she told.

“I’m learning my precious T, I’m learning.”

At home my wife was already there and had started on supper. Tina what into the kitchen to help her. I watched them from behind for a little while and couldn’t help thinking that the show would be better if they were only wearing aprons. That might fit in with tomorrow’s plans, I thought to myself.

While we were eating I told Sherry about our day. She seemed quite interested in the strip club and asked quite a few questions.

“Do you want to go with next time?” I asked my wife.

“Maybe,” She responded.

“Really?” I asked surprised.

“It might be fun,” She answered coyly.

She had never shown any interest in going to such a place before. In fact, quite the opposite. I didn’t push it any further, but I was furiously thinking about the possibilities. I raised the possibility of going out somewhere after supper since it was Friday night, but Sherry was tired from a busy day at work. So I offered to have Tina give her a good rub down.

“That sounds like a better idea,” My wife agreed.

I had Sherry strip down while I pulled a foam mat out of the closet and put it on the floor in the middle of the living room. Then I instructed her to lay face down on it as I retrieved some mass oil. Tina warned us that she had not given a lot of massages, but that she had received a few and would do her best. To her credit, she did a good job for someone without any training. I especially liked it when she was working on Sherry’s butt and thighs.

After Tina finished with her legs, I had my wife turn overonto her back. I immediately saw that her nipples were erect, so I knew the massage was having the desired effect. Tina started with Sherry’s arms and shoulders, but quickly moved down to her chest. Happily she spent a lot of time there, more fondling her tits than massaging them. I was OK with that and from her sights I think Sherry didn’t mind either.

Eventually Tina moved down to her stomach and thighs, but strangely she avoided my wife’s pussy. She did get close as she slide her hands up and down Sherry’s tights, but she never touched her shaken honey pot as far as I could tell. I think maybe Tina was teasing her. In any event, when she announced she was finished I told Tina to insert her finger into my wife’s cunt and tell me if she was wet. Sherry opened her legs slightly and let out a soft moan as Tina slipped her finger inside.

“Yes she is, Master,” Tina announced.

“Is she dripping wet? I want to fuck a dripping wet snatch tonight,” I said.

“No, she’s notthat wet,” Tina answered.

“Then get her that way, slave,” I ordered.

Tina knew what she needed to do and pushed Sherry’s legs open even further. Then she dove in and started licking Sherry’s pussy with vigor as she pushed first one, then two fingers into her slick hole. Sherry responded by moaning and pulling on her own nipples. I moved up by my wife’s head and started kissing her. I love it when she moans into my mouth as she’s being pleasured. It’s so erotic.

Soon I got to do something even better. I kissed my wife though her first orgasm of the evening. When it was over I looked up and Tina was sitting back on her heels.

“She’s dripping wet now, Sir,” Tina informed me.

I didn’t really need to be told, but I liked hearing Tina says it Anyway. She’s so fucking hot. I stripped down and mounted my wife. She was incredibly wet of course, so I slide in to the hilt on the first thrust. Sherry moaned loudly.

“God that feels good. I love the feel of your cock inside me,” She exclaimed.

“Does my slut need to be fucked?” I teased as I held my cock buried deep in her hot pussy.

“Oh yes, fuck me, fuck your slut. I need your cock,” She begged me.

I stroked in and out of her a couple of times and then I stopped and asked, “Do you want my other slut to suck your tits while I fuck your hot cunt?”

“Oh yeah, have her suck my tits,” My wife answered.

“Then order her to do it,” I instructed.

“Come and suck my tits Tina,” Sherry ordered.

Tina moved over to one side and started sucking on Sherry’s tits as she was told. I was altering between slamming hard and fast into her, and grinding in slow circles. When I saw her second orgasm building I told Tina to kiss her until she was done coming, but to also keep playing with her tits. Sherry’s whole body stiffened as she came and I could hear her moaning into Tina’s mouth. I just kept pumping her hot pussy and as her final spasms subsided I hit my climax and blasted my cum deep inside her.

“Clean me up, slave,” I ordered Tina after I withdraw my slimy cock from my wife’s snatch.

Tina came to me and immediately bent to her task. In very little time she had my cock and balls completely cleaned of cum and pussy juice. She has such a sweet mouth.

“Now suck my cum out of Sherry’s cunt, but stay away from her clip. I’m sure it’s Very sensitive at this point,” I told my Croatian slut.

Tina moved between my wife’s legs and began slurping at the cum that was leaking out.

“Use your fingers to scoop out as much as you can,” I instructed.

After a minute or two she had cleaned out as much as she could and I told her to stop. Then I surprised her by telling her to assume the position. Tina quickly got onto her knees and put her hands behind her back.

“So are you ready to begin the submissive slut training?” I asked her.

“Master – I don’t understand,” She stammered. “I thought that’s what I had been doing all this week.”

“No, no. This last week has just been a warm-up. The real training will begin tomorrow if you you think you are ready. But before you answer I want you to have an idea what’s ahead,” I explained. “You will be fucked every day – by a different cock. Sometimes more than one. You will be made to expose yourself to strangers and perform lewd acts in public. At times you will be forced to have many orgasms, and at others they will be denied you. There will be no tolerance for disobedience or even hesitation when given an order. Punishment will be swift and severe. So I’ll ask you again: Are you ready to begin the real training?”

Tina only thought about it for a moment before she answered. “Yes Master, I am ready.”

I pulled her up to her feet and wrapped my arms tightly around her. As I held her I whispered in her ear, “You are a very brave girl. I only hope you don’t live to regret your decision.”

“I can’t fail you or my Mark. I can only go forward,” She said softly.

“Off to bed with you then. You have a busy week ahead of you my pet.”

When Tina was out of the room I told Sherry, “I will need your help tomorrow.”

“Whatever you need, my love,” She cooed, still basking in the glow of her two orgasms.

“I will need you to show Tina what it means to be a submissive slave,” I said.

She studied my face. “What are you planning?”


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