Author’s Note : Thanks to Angel Love for her wonderful editing.
To my Mistress: What a joy it is to belong to someone like You.
“Good Morning my sweet boy.”
I respond still a little grggy, “Good morning.”
You cut me off with one finger to my lips and a soft, “Shhh.”
“I have something to tell you this morning dear boy, about what it means to be mine. I want you to listen and not to speak. If you understand I want you to nod. Is that clear?”
I nod my head slightly and you removed your finger from my lips. I kissed it just as you pulled it away. You intotoxicate me. I still feel a warmth, your warmth, wrapped around me from the night before. Entranced, under your spell, completed in you, having been claimed now by you. I look into your eyes as you continue, finding the warmth, and fire there irresistible.
“Now, my dear boy, that you are mine, you will serve me. I am not your better, just the object of your desire. But I know that your desire is to serve and to please me. Just knowing that makes me so happy. You will, from now on, be my precious boy. When I can, I will call you by that name. When you please me, I will praise you with it. When you displease me, I will scold you with it. When I cannot, due to the situation, I will refer to you as b. Let the muggles think it is short for Brian, I don’t care. In private you will call me Mistress.”
Once again you place your finger on my lips, and I kiss it tenderly.
“Is that clear my dear boy?”
I nod eagerly.
“It is a private name, whenever we are not in a private situation you shall call me D.”
You remove your finger.
“Is that clear?”
“Yes, Mistress.”
“Good boy.”
At those two words a warmth passes through me like a shiver of heat.
“And you know how to respond in public?”
“Yes, D.”
At this you smile and I feel both pretty and smart. (It is so good to be teacher’s pet).
“Good, boy”
I wonderIf this is how a cat feels when it purrs. Your finger returns to my lips.
“Very nice, now just continue to listen. I am sure that our new relationship is very confusing to you. So I want you to understand, as much as it is possible to understand, how I feel about you, and what you mean to me. First, you are not mine because you are inferior. If that were so, I would not want you. It is precisely due to your exceptional emotional, intellectual, and physical traits that I want you for myself. However, you enjoy, and were created to respond to someone else. As we saw last night, the more you surrender to my desires the more intense you bring pleasure to yourself.”
I blush and you respond with a sly smile which causes me to blush more. At this you chuckle softly.
“You are such a sweet boy.”
I sigh with a look of pure rapture on my face.
“Ahem, as I was saying, you may see a conflict between the desirability of your intelligence, and talents, and your new role asmy submissive. There is none. You will please me at times with your quick wit and problem solving skills, just as you pleased me last night when I tied you and rode your lovely face.”
At this my eyes close briefly, relishing the memory.
“We will have discussions, we will make plans, we will even debate, (you raise your eyebrow), at times. However, you will Stay mine. Today we will go out together. First we shall go shopping, I have an outfit in mind that I will want you to wear the rest of the day. I can see that you like that idea. Or is it just me?”
You step closer, and your finger on my chin slowly guide me to my feet. Then you move to stand behind me. I can feel the warmth of your body merely inches from my skin. Your voice is warm, and soft in my ear. The sound of your voice sends shifts all over my body. You wrap one arm around me. Your forearm across my navel, and your hand hovers two inches from my scaling cock.
“What a good boy you are. I love itWhen your body responses to me as it is doing right now. I also enjoy illicating this response, and more, from you, at any time and in any place. Do not be frightened my dear boy. You need to learn to trust me. You also need to learn to focus on my pleasure. Once you learn to focus on my pleasure, and approval, even when we are in larger social situations, your fears and distractions will cease hindering you from serving me. Are you scared my dear boy?
I managed to respond with just over a whisper, “Yes, Mistress.”
Immediately your hand moves, and your fingernails pinch the head of my cock. The sensing is lost somewhere between pain and pleasure. I respond again this time with full voice, “Yes, Mistress!”
Instantly your touch softens and as your fingertips release me, now rubbing tenderly, a small drop of precum appears on the tip of my cock.
“Much better, my boy, now go wash up and get ready.”
I am still afraid, but also very excited as I wash and anxiously dress in the simple clothes you have set out for me. I figure we were headed for some special fetish store, but instead we went to the nearest mall. I groan internally as the teaming masses of intentionally distracting young shoppers always left me feeling uncomfortable.
Somehow you sense my appreciation and as we step out of the car you remind me, “You must remember to focus on me, boy.”
“Yes, D.”
“Good, b”, you say with a sly smile. “Then lets go shopping.”
We head directly to the store, my eyes focused on you or the floor, as I attempt to follow your instructions. At the store you ibegan selecting clothes very quickly, consulting me for the appropriate size only to pick items one to two sizes smaller.
Once again sensing or predicting my appreciation you says,”You need to trust me, b”
“Yes, D.”
My eyes obviously brighten, and pulse slow at the precious g word.
Deciding that you had picked out enough outfits you send me to try them on in a specific order and then to walk across the store to where you will be waiting. You will determine what looks best. You make sure to tell me what went with what, and how many buttons to leave undone, or where you want a shirt zipped up to. Now I am beginning to feel really nervous. You place a finger under my chin, and forcefully, but not painfully, raise my eyes to yours.
“Put Your fears aside boy, I am looking forward to this little fashion show, and I expect you to put on a good one for me.” T
There is a noticeable pause and then I say just above a whisper, “Yes, Mistress I will do my best for you.”
In the dressing room, my hands are shaking as I strip down to put on the first outfit. The clothes are tight, but not overly so, and I do Feel sexy, and attractive in them as I walk out to where you are waiting for me. I try to strut a little, feeling self consciousness but trying to please you. As I get closer you motion for me to turn for your. Then once more, but you stop me half way around.
Coming up behind me, you whisper in my ear warmly,”Not bad, boy but I am not seeing enough cock. Don’t make me go back into the dressing room with you and stroke it for you.”
You smile knowing that this is unnecessary as your words have caused the desired effect, in addition to making me blush. “Much better boy,” you purr into my ear, as you sit back down.
Once seated you have me do another turn, your eyes burning into me, before you send me back to change again.
This time I shake less, excited, and anxious to perform better with the next outfit. Your eyes burn into me as a walk across the shop once again to you. I have no problem remaining excited, and I can see that you approve. I feel your gaze all over my body, and I began to ham it up more, in response. People may have started to stare, I really have no idea.
Part of my brain said, “How can you be so into this? You are just a guy trying on clothes.”
But withEach outfit you seem to enjoy it more, and I got a little more into it, and a little more crazy. I was really enjoying this. I hate shopping. And I should be horribly embarrassed, what is going on?
I put on the last outfit, and walk out. You meet me half way across the store put your arm around me and playfully slap my ass. Maybe a little harder than playfully, but no one seems to notice. You then tell me to wait in line at the counter, in the pair of tight leather pants, and satin shirt you have picked out for me.
You leave me there in line and go to collect my original clothes from the dressing room. I begin to notice how many people are now in the store, and how many of their eyes are on me, when you return, my clothes now in a plastic shopping bag that I had not seen before. You wrap your arm around my waist, and with a finger from the other hand, under my chin, turn and tilt my head to meet your gaze.
“You look very good, b, and you have made me very happy withhow well you behaved on our little shopping trip.”
I feel so good at this prayer I almost melt. Then turning to address not just the clerk but all those near the registers you say, “Doesn’t my pretty boy look great? I insist that he wear these out of the store.”
Now turning to face the clerk directly. “You will ring us out without him having to change clothes wont you?”
The clerk looks quite taken back at this request, but mutters something like, “The customer is always right,” and started towards me with the scanning gun. If it were possible I am getting even more aroused, as I just know she would have to scan some tag on my inseam or something like that. Then she reaches behind me and grabs the collar of my shirt, and scans the tag. I jump a little, When she reaches down and grabs the waistband of the pants and pulls out the other tag.
I guess you see my reaction because the next thing I know your arm is around me, and your hand has slid down into my pants, andYou are cupping my ass in your hand. The clerk seems to notice nothing unusual as you continue to fondle my bare ass inside my clothes, while you hand the woman a credit card to pay for the clothes.
Somehow you manage to complete the entire transaction, grab the bag of clothes I came in wearing, and lead me out of the store at a saunter, without letting go of my ass. Just as we leave the store, you stop, slide your hand out of my pants press your body tightly against me so I feel your nipples through the back of my shirt, wrap your arm around me, and slide your hand back into my pants, grabbing my throbbing cock.
Your warm breath accentuates the husky whisper of your voice as you purr in my ear, “That was fun, boy, and I think you are learning well, and I know you had a good time.”
At the word “good” your hand tightens around my cock, and you squeeze just a drop of precum from me. You bring your finger up to my lips so that I can taste it. Then you spin me to face you, and kiss me deeply for a taste of your own.
To be continued . . .
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