Training Rose Ch. 02

Part two. you really need to read part one first to mke sense of this but here they are in a pub on Saddleworth Moor, Naked ecept for her Ponygirl tack and bound, blinkered and blinded Rose had just pulled Henry ten miles across Saddleworth from the Farm in a two wheeled cart, now she serves the regulars before pulling him home again.


The Box, it was a cardboard box. They bent me over the back of something solid like a table, and I think they snipped the box away so it went over my back and hid my head completely because the sounds were even more muffled and then they started, they jabbed something up my backside something slippery, and when they pulled it out again I felt the first warm slightly soft penis nudge my poor bruised backside as its owner tried to worm it inside me.

I tried to kick but someone grabbed my feet and tied them to something, table legs probably, and then he was in side me and it hurt.

“Ee, Henry, it ent the same we gag in.” someone said. so he removed my bit, he must have lifted the box and there were tearing noises and I could hear better, “Aaaaggghhhh!” I screamed.

“Go on Eric, she loves it!” some one laughed.

“Want a pie Henry?” a woman asked.

“No, oh this un ent had her snap yet.” he said.

“No, oh this un ent had her snap yet.” he said.

“Noooooo” I wailed, “Please no!”

“It’s only a meat pie!” Henry said and as I took a breath he shoved a wad of steak and kidney in my mouth, I choked which made me convulse.

“Her’s cumming, Eric!” someone said and as I choked I felt his disgusting slip gushing into me.

“Good lass, Have a drink,” Henry said.

“Henry,” I started to say before he shoved another spoonful of pie in my mouth.

“Her wants a Henry!” some wag suggested, which wasn’t bad because an Orange and fizzy Lemonade was just what I wanted.

Henry or someone held the glass to my lips and I drank as someone else unexpectedly shoved his meat up my backside, it wasn’t as bad as the first, and the drink was very welcome, “Want some more?” he asked.

I nodded, it was surreal, but the pie was nice and warm and I was starving and I didn’t really have much choice, “Another pie Maggie she’s insatiable, and a Henry.” Henry chuckled.

“My bum hurts,” I said, as I waited, “Why must you be so horrible.”

“This is horrible?” someone queried, “Yer all soft down south!”

“Hey hold up Seth!” Henry advised, but Seth was not to be denied and I smelled the arca of stale piss and realized he was waving his penis in front of my face.

“Sod off Seth!” Harry said, “I’m not sewing it back on if she takes a bite out of it.”

“It’s only pie!” Henry suggested, “Eat up!” as he fed me some more steak and kidney, “Meat in one end and steak pie in the other!” he chuckled, what a greedy Pony,” he said, “And you Charlie Hebble, that’s twenty quid if you want’s a poke.”

I heard a rustle of notes and I can only guess it was Charlie Hebble that forced himself on me next,”I usually brings one of the Lasses over of a Saturday night,” Henry admitted, “But you’ll need taming before then,” he said, “Both ends!” he said, “You like sucking cock do you?”

“No!” I said quietly.

“Lesbo see,” Henry said, “His bloody Lordship’s daughter’s plaything as far as I can make out,” he said, “I shouldn’t mine poking her, what’s she like eh?” he asked.

“She smells better than you!” I said.

“Ent got a cock though has she?” he laughed.

“Henry, it’s time us closed!” Clive mentioned quietly and as soon as the last man pulled out of me Henry throw the “Bag” back over me.

“Bloody good idea that Burka,” someone muttered, suddenly it made sense, it was one of those head to toe Muslim cloaks, Henry hadn’t refitted my bit so I kept quiet, till we got outside.

“Why the blinders, Mr Bryant, “His Lordship doesn’t use blinders,” I asked.

“Because it works, look how calm you are now, I bet you don’t know how many blokes fucked you do you?”

“Ten?” I asked.

“I cleared two hundred and seventy quid after paying old Harry.” he said, “Sixteen, I guess that makes sixteen are you sore?”

“Bruised and torn in half more that sore,” I muttered, “What can I do to make you let me go?”

“Win at Harrogate and see if thee gets any offers!” he suggested, “But I like you,” he said which worried the hell out of me.

He pulled the bag off me but it was raining and the cold rain chilled me and when he hitched up the cart I could barely stagger along. Henry must have seen I was in a bad way because he didn’t attempt to attach the bit but walked with me to the top of the hill, “See,” he said, “I’m not a monster, will you suck me off now?”

“No!” I said.

“That’s Disappointing,” he said, “Tomorrow perhaps,” and he led me down the hill to the farm.

He left Martha to unhitch the Cart and she fed me some soup or something and some juice and led me to my stall for a rest.

I must have slept for twelve hours or more because next thing I knew Martha had hurt me with a kick in my backside, and despite my protestations she dragged me outside for the hosepipe routine, “Nooo!” I wailed.

Henry came over to us, “Now Rosie, do you like shouting?” he asked, “You want a bit or not?”

“Not, definitely not,” I said.

“Use a ring bit Martha.” he said and walked off.

“Ring Bit?” I asked.

“You’ll love it, helps you breathe,” she said, it did that, it took three of them to hold me down and wrench my jaw open wide enough to get the ring bit in, I don’t know if you’ve seen a ring bit but it’s like a ring gag except in metal with “Ears” for the reins.

“Hiss sorrible!” I managed to say as Martha almost brutally stretched my jaw open, and forced the ring into my mouth “Eeeeeek!”

“You want first poke Albert,” Henry asked.

“Thanks Dad” Albert replied, “I’ll stand on tump.” he said, and Martha and Henry dragged me across so their son could do what he wanted and I just knew he was going to stick his cock in my mouth, but even so when it actually happened it was still a shock.

I tried to stop him with my tongue but all I did was nearly choke myself , “It was your idea not to have a bit!” Henry laughed. “Hitch her up!”

They brought the car along, hitched it up, and with the usual flurry of whipping they made me head out across the mud and slime of the farmyard and away up the slope to the moors, it was raining, again. “Bloody run you daft cow,” Henry squealed, but I was too scared of falling over to really try to run, so he made me turn around and we went back to the farm.

Martha watched curiosly as we approached, “Got a clip Martha?” Henry asked.

“Oh, all right, are you sure?” Marthat replied uncertainly, “She’s a southerner remember.”

“Yeah and some weights!” Henry ordered, “This will teach the bitch to drag her heels.”

I just stood there, “Open,” he said pointlessly because my mouth was wide open anywayand do you know he pinched my tongue and dragged it out of my mouth and then clipped something to it, it hurt like hell.

“EEEaggghhh!” I wailed and then he put a weight on it, and before I could react he had hung something on my clip ring and things over my barbels on my nipples as well.

“Gwan” or was it “Go on!” he shouted as he roughly dragged the reins round and whipped me until I started off paddling through the mud and slime again.

The weights were torture but I struggled on, the tongue weight hung between my breasts and the breast weights inflamed my nipples and the clip weight, well you get the idea, it just drove me mad, I certainly wasn’t cold anymore, and when he started flailing my buttocks with that whip I was so excited I could barely walk let alone run.

Finally I slipped and fell, I landed against the shake of the cart, Henry thought I was struggling to get up, what an idiot, no I finally had something to grind my clip against and all the frustrations of the last two days just ebbed away,

“Hey, you all right!” Henry asked, suddenly my release came flashing stars, fireworks, exploiting green elephants, psychedelic pussy cats, the works wow. One of the best. Ever.

He helped me to my feet and he removed the tongue clip and all the weights, “I’m pushing you too hard,” he said, “We’ll take short cut.” He helped me to my feet, I felt so much better, but he was too stupid to realize it.

He led me some way along a track and then unclimped the blinder, “It’s rough up here,” he said, “Watch your feet I’ll guide cart.”

As my eyes became accustomed to the bright light of the day I saw the farm away behind us, the track ahead was narrow and rock stiffen and climbed steely and I struggled to find anywhere to put my bare feet, but slowly I picked my way around the stones and Henry pushed and we gradually climbed the step slope to the moor, and finally we got to the crest, Henry quickly refitted the blinder, before I could get my bearings, and then I trotted quite briefly where Henry guided me.

We must have stopped at the same place as the previous day, because after a brief halt Henry detached the cart, and dropped the “Bag” or Burkah over my head and led me back to the pub.

And he went in asked about strangers and everything and they took me in the back before Henry pulled the Bag off me.

There was no point protesting, all the kicking and struggling did me no good before so I let them bend me over the Table but then something was placed over my back, “Clive made a blank for you,” Henry said, “Stops the!”

“Nuff said!” Clive cautioned, and he said, “Tom’s been waiting since half ten I promised him first poke.”

“Fair enough!” said Henry, “Who wants first poke in her gob.”

“I mean Gob,” Tom said.

“Well Fred were next,” Clive muttered, “mebbe he could have first poke up its ass?”

“I don’t care,” Henry said, “Twenty in back twenty five front,” he affirmed, “Cash up front.”

It smelled of soap, this bulbous soft knob end, it barely touched the ring part as it slide inside me, I didn’t panic or try to stop it, I knew better, but then someone said “Well suck it then,”

“She can’t suck you daft beggar there a bloody great ring in her gob, he’ll have to fuck her face proper like.”

So he did but not before Fred had thrust himself up my poor abused anus which at least gave him something to thrust against.

There was no question of spit or swallow, it was swallow or choke, as his slip flowed down my throat even as Fred humped away energeticly at my anus.

“Phew Magic!” Tom agreed, “It fucks like an Angel.”

“Tell you what!” Henry said, “Get her a big pastie and some of that fizzy orange she likes and stick her in the upstairs bog till tonight, that way I can get some work done with Astral sky.”

“Lock-in Lads?” Clive asked, and when the cheer went up they let me up.

Henry released the ring and he fed me, I think he liked feeding me, and he let me drink but when I asked a question he clipped the tongue clamp on again. “Sssshh.” he said quietly.

I had a job climbing the stairs, and then they took me across a room and made me bend, it smelled like a lavatory, I can’t describe it because I never saw it, but there was a tummy support which they bent me over, and I’m sure they pulled down a partition over me because my bum was colder than my top, anyway something pinned me down so I rested on my tummy and breasts but I wasn’t bent level like over the table, no I was at an angle, perhaps forty degrees.

I must have been head first through a hole in a wall, and the floor one side was obviously higher than the other because for the next few hours a steady stream of punters used me, my mouth and my backside, like piece of meat and the worst thing was no one fucked me, or even played with my breasts or clip, I needed something, just something to rub against but there was nothing,absolutely nothing, and while seemingly every man in the pub used me it did absolutely nothing for me.

I even tried to sleep, I actually woke with some man’s meat in my backside, whether I fell asleep in mid performance or if he took me in my sleep I neither knew nor cared, the abuse was continuous but the strangeness and tightness had gone, it all seemed so pointless, and what the hell it had to do with winning Ponygirl events I couldn’t begin to imagine.

He came for me eventually, it seemed like around midnight, he took me downstairs, flung the bag like Burkah over me, pulled rubber wellington boots on my feet and led me to his Land Rover.

“Got held up,” he explained, “I chucked cart in back, hold up I’ll put seat belt around you!” and we drove for ages all round the edge of the moor to cover a distance of less than three miles or so in a straight line.

He muttered about his other Ponygirls and the incessant rain lashed the windshield and rattle the doors, at least I suppose it was the door. and when we got back he just stuck me in my stall and left me, at least the Burkah was warm and in a surprisingly short time I was sleep.

They tired me next morning, the al fresco enema was simply a fact of life now, and the pipe slide easily in my bruised and batteryed backside, Henry took me out again, he changed the ring bit for a traditional bit and he just took me out in the Cart, he tried for more speed by swearing at me and whipping me but I didn’t want to risk another fall so I kept to an easy jog, I was beginning to learn the route by feel and eventually we stopped where Eli lived, we paused briefly.

“Look I want speed, speed, speed,” Henry said, “You should be well under seventeen seconds for the hundreds with the cart!” he insisted, “So on my mark, Go!”

I sprinted but then the fear closed in and my speed fell away, and in exasperation he stopped me with a harsh pull on the reins.

“What’s up with her Dad,” I heard a voice, it had to be Albert.

“Sluggish as hell son.” Henry said.

“You fucked her yet?”

“She’s sewn you dopey idiot!” Henry exclaimed.

“Got an ass ain’t she?” Albert replied.

“You think she needs fucking you bloody do it.” Henry said.

I heard the rustle of trousers and Albert said, “Bend then,”

So I bent, like good obedient little Pony, there really was no other option.

At least he wasn’t particularly big or long or energetic, but as a downside he gushed what felt like gallons of slime into me, and if in Bryant reasoning a backside full of slime was going to speed me up, well it just didn’t do it for me!

Albert slide out of me and to my surprise Henry straightened me up, “Fat lot of good that did she barely even noticed,” he said but he patted my head, “I just had an idea!”

He reached up and unclipped the blinder from the right side. I blinked furiously, but as I looked there was Albert, with a pair of Ponygirls in a tandem rig and four whereel cart which I had never seen before, and there in front of me was a wide swathe of soft short grass leading away for hundreds of yards ahead.

I cursed the stupid man for using the blinder, it would be sure joy to run on such a surface except for the horrible feel of Albert’s slip in me.

“See, it’s a straight clear run, now you run do you hear?” Henry ordered, and I nodded. He left the blinder hanging and as soon as he climbed aboard the cart he slapped me and I set off running strongly but I was finding feel of my stretched anus was uncomfortable and as I tried to clnch my buttocks, the shake between my legs seemed awkward, it banged painfully against my legs because my running action was all over the place, but despite everything I was covering the ground quickly.

I was going well, I hardly felt the lightweight cart until somehow I got my left foot the wrong side of that single low shaft and down I went, it was completely unexpected and Henry wasn’t expecting iteither as I saw him fly over my head as the shake dug in and the whole cart swung around violently throwing Henry to the ground.

I sprayed awkwardly, I wanted to shout but I couldn’t, he wasn’t moving, Henry wasn’t moving at all.

I felt helpless, but try as I might I couldn’t shift the straws to release my arms, at least my blinder was off but Henry’s leg looked very awkward. I looked around but Albert and the four wheel cart was nowhere to be seen.

I nudged Henry with my head but he was out cold, breathing but unconscious, I realized the cart was badly damaged but I managed to pull it clear of Henry and dragged it with me as I ran for help, the cart tracked way to the right as the frame was bent and the left wheel leaned drunkenly and the rim wobbled, but I ran flat out uphill to where I hoped to find Eli and when he was nowhere to be seen I ran again rushing downhill towards the farm house.

The track seemed different to how I imagined, rougher somehow, and the farm somehow looked different from up on the hillside, the gates were open and I rushed into the farmyard.

“What the fucking hell are you doing!” a total stranger asked. I suddenly realized why it looked different, It was the wrong farm!

The stranger was about twenty five, muscle, ginger haired, badly in need of a shake and probably a wash, not too tall and certainly not too bright, “You want to play Kiky games?” he asked I shook my head violently and turned around to lead him to Henry but he advanced menacingly towards me, “You want a fuck is that it?” he tried again so I just wheeled around and ran, ran as fast as I could back up the track.

I ran dragging the useless cart and that ginger haired idiot chased me, I managed maybe two hundred yards before he caught hold of the cart and slowed me down, and as I slowed he grabbed the reins and stopped me, I shook my head violently but he came closer, grabbing my poor sore nipples with his rough hands before exploringmy clip ring and running a finger along my poor stitched and neglected pussy.

“Has thee got any rubbers?” he asked, I shook my head.

“Best fuck thee ass then,” he said and he made me bend over I felt his fingers on my buttocks spreading my loose anus and he suddenly exclaimed.

“You filthy bitch,” he said, “Yer ass is dripping with spunk,” I felt dirty and rejected, like a Whore where the punter won’t pay the price and yet this was free, the humiliation hurt me and finally anger boiled inside me, I had to run away, I had to.

He was straddling the shake, the Cart’s left wheel was at a drunken angle but the seat and everything was still there so as I lunged forward, the seat caught him behind the knees and he fell back throwing his weight back behind the wheels and axle which over-balanced the Cart and brought the shake up in to excruciatingly violently contact with my crotch, while he in his turn fall backwards into the seat, I staggered with the shock of the blow to my most tender parts but despite the pain and his considerable weight I just bolted for the moor and ran and ran.

“Yee Ha” he shouted as he sprayed back in the seat, “You sure are one mad bitch,” but I wasn’t interested, I ran past Eli’s house and there ahead was Henry, I tried to stop by him but the momentum carried me past, slipping and slipping on the wet grass.

“Bloody hell it’s Henry Bryant!” he said, “Why didn’t you say!”

“Nnngghht” I snorded.

“Oh right your sex game went off half cock did it,” he said.

“Ngghrrrfft” I tried

“What the hell is it,” he asked and finally he realized and undid my bit and at last I could try to communicate, but first I gasped wordlessly for breath before I was able to say,

“We, ah, crashed, uh, do you, uh, know, whee, ah, first aid?” I asked as soon as I could.

“No,” he said.

“Do you have a, uh, phone.” I asked.

“Yes,” he said, “At the farm!”

“Then for gods sake, ah, letme out of these, uh, straps!” I demanded, “I did first aid at school!”

He released my arms but the pain was indescribable, “Ahhhhhggghhh,” I wailed as I tried to move, but eventually I managed to make my hands work, “His leg’s broke.” I announced as I ran my agonised fingers over Henry’s awkwardly angled right leg.

“Right,” he said.

“He needs an ambulance!” I said.


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