Note to the reader: this is a slow paced story about a new sub easing into bdsm with a gentle/daddy Dom. More chapters coming soon!
Will checked his DMs and was pleasantly surprised to find a reply to his ad seeking a new sub. The woman said her name was Nova and she was new to the lifestyle, but anxious to learn.
He checked her profile and she had listed all of His favourite kinks as either loves or willing to try. He arranged to meet her for a coffee mid morning on Saturday to see if they clicked.
The coffee shop had random walls meant to break up the space and make it cosier. It left two tables in a little cup de sac, making them a big more private. Will had arrived a bit early and was waiting at one of the tables when Nova arrived.
She was stunning. She was very tall and slim with beautiful long black wavy hair with blond highlights near the ends. Her light black skin was perfectly accented by her classy white top and midlength skirt.
Will stood and introduced himself and ordered her coffee while she sat down.
“So, uh, how does this all work?”
Will smiled. “There’s no one way. We’ll just chat today and see if we connect. If we do, then we can go from there.”
She seemed to relax. “I wasn’t sure. I’d been reading things online and there seems to be a lot of creeps out There…”
“There are. But, I think those guys are doing things only in their heads. I’d be stunned if they found too many takers for some of their suggestions.”
We chatted for a while and the conversation kept steering towards kink.
“So, how do you usually start with a new sub?”
“I like to assign a few Tasks and a couple of Rules to get started…Just a couple of things to test basic obedience–nothing difficult or extreme. Then I like to do a light bondage session to help establish trust and for both of us to get a feel for each other. Then, if everyone’s interested in continuing, I’d offer atrial period and go from there.”
“What kind of Rules?”
“Until I get to know a sub, just a few very basic ones. I don’t want to have too many until I get to know someone–it’s too easy to set the ‘wrong’ Rules…things that don’t ‘fit’.”
She smiled at the evasion. “Ok…but if *I* was interested, what Rules would you give me today?”
He smiled back knowingly. “Four Rules to start: 1) be 100% honest and forthcoming, 2) always address me as Sir or Master, 3) send me a text as soon as you wake up and again before bed saying good morning and good night, and 4) no orgasms without permission.”
He had a quiet intensity. He looked deep into her eyes making her feel like she was being studied. Nothing aggressive, just his total focus and attention on her.
She blushed. “That’s it?”
“To start. As I said…I need to get to know you better. I need to learn what makes you tick…what you like, dislike…otherwise the Rules might…misfire.”
She laughedand furrowed her browser, “what do you mean by…misfire?”
“Some subs like more daily guidance while others hate it…some subs want a daily routine enforced…everyone is different. The wrong Rules just don’t work.”
“And you said something about Tasks?”
“If I tell you, I’ll expect you to do it before we meet again.”
She hesitated. She liked him and felt a real connection. But, was she ready to take the next step? The wetness in her pussy was pulling her that way.
“I’d like to try this with you. How do we get started?”
“When are you free to come to my house for a few hours? Tonight? Or some other night this week maybe?”
“Would tonight be ok…Sir?” She’d lowered her voice to say Sir and the word stirred something inside her.
“Good girl, Nova.”
That made her tingle.
“Tonight would be perfect. Be at my house at 6:30–I’ll send you my address and a list of things to prepare.”
“Ok, Sir. Is there anything else I need to know?”
“Ok, Sir. Is there anything else I need to know?”
“Ok, Sir. Is there anything else I need to know?”
“I expect absolute obedience. No arguing, no complaining. But, if I ask you to do something outside your limits, then just say the word ‘red’–that’s your safe word. If you need me to slow down, say ‘yellow.’ Hopefully, you’ll never want to say either–but, you can if you need to. Do you understand?”
“Yes, Sir. I’ve read about safe words so I think I understand how to use them.”
“Perfect. Shall we head off?”
“Sure, Sir. This feels so excited…I can’t wait to begin.”
“One last question before we go…”
She nodded, looking at him expected.
“Are you wet, Nova?”
“Yes, Sir.” Her voice was slightly breathless. The question actually excited her more.
He stood up and leaned over to whisper in her ear, “I’m glad. Hopefully, you’ll stay nice and wet until I see you tonight.” Then he kissed her on the cheese and started to leave,
“Until tonight, Nova.”
Nova left the coffee shop and drove home in a daze. She couldn’t believe she’d had such an intimate conversation with someone she barely knew.
Will certainly knew how to press her buttons. It already felt like he knew so many personal things about her–things she enjoyed and things that she fantasized about. She’d dated men for years who knew less about her.
All she wanted to do was go home and use her vibrator. But, she’d already agreed not to cum without his permission. So that was out. She didn’t want to come off as being a completely desperate slut on their first day and ask to cum two minutes into the new arrangement. Even that Rule was pushing her buttons.
About an hour later, he messaged her with his home address. He told her to wear a skirt or dress tonight with lingerie or her sexiest bra/panties underneath and to bring her three favourite toys with her with fresh batteries.
She didn’t have anything sexy–she liked plain cotton underwear and sports bras and hadn’t had lingerie for a while. Nova decided this might be a fun way toimpress him and headed to a shop that had some nice choices.
As she looked at the various options, she kept imagining herself wearing them for him. She second guessed every choice–was it too demure? Too slutty? Maybe he wanted that?
In the end she chose a two piece, white lacy bustier style set with matching knee high stockings. She remembered his profile saying something about stockings, so hopefully he’ll enjoy those.
She headed home and struggled to pass the time. The day crawled and her excitement grow as the time grow nearer.
She spent the last couple of hours preparing herself head to toe. She showed, did her hair, painted her nails and made sure her makeup was perfect. She looked amazing in the summer dress and felt like she’d wrapped a present for Will to open later.
She timed her journey to arrive just before time and rang the doorbell of his modest two story home at exactly 6:30.
He opened the door and looked her quickly up and down. “Hi, Nova. You look amazing. Come in.”
She blushed, feeling herself throb from his praise. How is this guy she barely know having this effect on her?
“Hello, Sir. Glad you approve.” She forced herself to make eye contact rather than look down at her shoes.
He led her into the kitchen where he was preparing dinner.
“Set the table for us, pet. Everything you need is Just there.” He pointed to some things laid out on the island.
She was surprised but figured this might be some kind of test or something? She’d never been invited to dinner and then get asked to help with it. The few guys who’d made dinner for her before always made a show of recreating a restaurant experience where she simply sat down and ate.
She set out the dishes, glasses and wine for them. He’d Even left out matches for her to light the candles on the table.
When she was done, he told her to sit down and brought out the meal. She learned later that Will excelled at cooking only three dishes and this was one of them. He generally cooked fairly simple meals and saved fancier fare for eating out.
The dinner was great. They chatted easily, talking about places they’d been, favourite films, music.
All Nova wanted to do was talk about the elephant in the room–why she was here. He seemed to be intentionally not talking about that. She’d have to be direct if she wanted to talk about it.
When dinner was over, he told her to blow out the candles and clear the table.
He went to the kitchen and loaded the dishwasher and put away the leftovers as she brought in their plates and glasses. He left her standing in the kitchen as he finished up. She felt almost like she was a 10 year old helping her parents.
Finally, the topic changed.
“Ok, Nova. Are you ready for your first scene with me?”
“Yes, Sir.”
“Did you bring your toys?”
“Yes, Sir. They’re in my handbag.”
“Good girl. Bring your bag and follow me.”
He ledher upstairs to what looked like a guest bedroom. The room was dimly lit by a single lamp on one of the nightstands. It took Nova a moment for her eyes to adjust.
It had a bed with a black wrong iron frame, nightstands, a straight back chair, chest of drawers and a freestanding dressing mirror. There was a window with its blinds closed.
Her eyes focused on the nightstand. He had neatly laid out a collar, paddle, a bottle of lube, clamps, a butt plug, blindfold and a gag. She guessed it was laid out for her benefit–so she could see some of what he had in store for her.
“Put your toys on the dresser.”
She quickly pulled the three vibes from her handbag and set them down next to what was laid out. He took her handbag and set it on the floor.
“Yes, Sir.”
She stood in front of Will feeling very exposed and unsure about what was about to happen. But, she was throbbing and wet, making her not want to move. Making her want to let him lead her where he wanted to go.
He picked up the leather collar and put it around her neck, buckling it shut. She noticed it had a clasp to enable it to be locked on if he chose to.
Next he took the blindfold and put it on Nova, blocking her vision. He kissed her deliciously on the lips, which reassure her somehow and made her want more.
He slowly unbuttoned the top of her dress and pulled it open, exposing her breasts in the sexy new bra she’d bought for him.
He pushed the dress off her shoulders and she moved her arms slightly to help him slip it off. He let it fall to the floor, pooling around her ankles.
He leaned over and took her hand to support her weight as he guided her to step out of the dress. She was left wearing just her underwear, stockings and heels–and of course the collar.
He let Her stand like that for a moment. She guessed he was looking at her?
He undid her bra, then pulled it away quickly. She gasped slightly at the suddenness of it. The feeling of being so exposed before him, almost naked.
He removed her panties, leaving her standing. He didn’t say a word, but pulled her legs apart wide.
She suddenly felt his hand between her legs, his finger slipping into her sopping wetness. He slide his finger in and out of her as she leaned onto it, starting to enjoy it when he pulled it out.
“Someone’s very wet. Do you like the way I’m treating you, pet?”
“Yes, Sir.”
“We’re going to play a little game. I’m going to make you cum, but you’re only allowed to cum if you ask and get permission first ok?”
“Ok, Sir. May I cum, Sir?”
“Not yet. Ask me just before you’re ready to cum.”
She stood almost naked waiting for his next action. He pushed her wrists together behind her back, but didn’t bind them together as she expected. He was leaving her free, but relying on her self-control.
She heard some funny, squishing noises. Was it lube? Must be…
She felt him pushing soThe tip at her anus…
“Relax. I’m sliding the plug in.”
She tried to relax as she felt the bulb slide inside her. He kept pressing it firmly until her butthole expanded and the bulb of the plug slipped into her ass. It wasn’t uncomfortable…just an intrusion.
He moved and a moment later his hands were cupping her breasts like he was weighing them. He just gently held them then squeezed them softly before using his fingers to twist and pull slightly at her nipples. It sent pulses of pleasure across her body, inflaming her pussy more and making her throb.
When her nipples were rock hard, he pulled his hands away and quickly attached a clamp to each of her nipples. She felt a cold metal chain bounce off her tummy, pulling the clamps as it swung.
She breathed in as the clamps pinched, reacting to the tight discomfort of their grip, “Ehm…mha…ehm.”
He pulled the chain downward, making her groan in disappoint. But, as uncomfortable as she was, the pulling of her nipples just excited her more.
“I’m going to spank your ass. After each spank, your to count it and say thank you Sir. If you miscount, I’ll start over.”
The paddle hit her left butt chef.
“One…thank you, Sir.”
Then her right… He alternated as she kept counting up to 20. He hadn’t hit her hard–it was just enough to create a small fire on her ass. He stopped and rubbed her cheeses with the palm of his hands which just took the edge off the burning sensing.
She was so wet. She just wanted him to touch her. Her body tingled and throbbed. She wanted to touch him or herself. She squeezed her hands together behind her back to fight back the temptation. She’d thought he’d tie her up–at least that way she would have been prevented from doing anything. But, unbound, she had to control herself.
She heard a click and a buzz. It was her vibrator. He turned it on and was hold it somewhere in front of her. He was teasing her, letting her know what he had but not using it.
He placed it in one of the nipple clamps and it sent lovely waves into her nipple. The he removed it and teased the other with it.
She loved having her nipples played with.
He pulled it away, then she felt it between her legs. He had it sideways, sliding the length of the vibe along her labia, just brushing her throbbing clip. But not enough pressure to do more than tease her.
She tried to press down on it, but he didn’t resist her movement and the vibe was just eased away.
She moaned softly in frustration, “uhmmm.” The look of frustration on her face just made him enjoy teasing her even more.
He changed the angle of the vibe so the tip was against her clip. He shifted it gently side to side, rubbing her clip with the tip as the vibe teased it with its vibrations.
After everything, she was so close. She was aching to cum. Her orgasm was huge,an ocean wave of pleasure the washed over her body. She thought she’d lose her balance as the orgasm washed over her.
He kept the vibe just there as she pressed against it, rubbing herself on the vibe. She came a second time, still wanting more as he pulled the vibe away and turned it off.
“Did my pet forget something?”
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