Training Luke

Everyone in this story is over the age of 18
All usual disclaimers apply
This is my first try at writing a story, so any constructive criticism is welcome 
So lets get in to the story.

How did I get here? Sometimes that is the question that most people say when they turn 25 years old and are the single owner of three different boys. No?… just me? Well I guess that the life of a Fem Dom. When most little girls grow up they say that they want to be a nurse or a vet or even a little princess. I was one of those girls at one point. But my life branched off into an entire different path. This path was the sound of floggers strking bare flesh and the screams of orgasm after being edged for hours on end. I make my livings as a Boy trainer. Other Doms bring me their wild boys and have me whip them into shape ( Literally ). You see, I don’t have a secret style of training, I just have a way of turning boys into the perfect pets to meet their Dom’s wishes.

Allboys who come to me know that if they can’t take the discipline and the training sessions, then they are free to leave. They just have to come to me and tell me why they can’t take it. When I came into this game, I was a doe eyed, naïve, little Submissive bitch. When I turned the young age of 18, I was swept away with John. It was john who tied me down and teased me and whipped me, and brought all Different types of pain and pleasure to me. John showed me how to break men and turn them into nothing but dirt. He never got his emotions involved with training, something that I could never master. He was my teacher , master, and love. I trusted him with my life and everything I owned. He WAS my life and my everything. But this story isn’t about ME learning how to become the Dom that I am today, It is about how I met Luke.

I mentioned before that I currently have three boys living in my house that I am training. Devin was the first boy that I trained. At 6’0, 175 lbs of lean muscle with short brown hair and shocking blue eyes, He was a price. Devin is naturally a very hairy man for him only being 20. Dark hair covers his chest and trails down his stomach into his public hair. I keep him shacked just so that his 8 inch cock is easily viewed when he is soft. I like my men to be proud and show themselves off to their superiors .He came to me after John had left my life. He helped me fine tune my methods and told me even more ways to take a guy to his knees. Devin is mine. When I decide that I want to visit a club and bring him along people always make many offers on him. They all comment on how wonderful he is and how well behaved. Those nights that he really shows his training in public are exciting nights where I like to strap him down and try out some new tactics on his willingness body.

The other two boys are twins, Alex and Mitch. Both boys are 5’10 and 150 lbs. The twins share the same dirty blond hair and are identical carbon copies of each other right down totheir 5.5 inch boy cocks and the small patch of hair that frames them. I am having them trained for Master Clarence. Apparently those boys are not obeying him as well as he would like. And when he placed them under my care, I completely agreed with him. They would speak out of turn and disobey me every chance they got. But with the help of Devin and with me monitoring their actions, the boys will be ready to treat their master with respect. Ill tell you that the sound of a man finally finding release is a huge turn on for me. So since I took in the Twins, Devin and I have been fucking quite frequently. Almost every night I find myself calling out to Devin and he rises off of the floor and he comes to me. I believe that he feels like a Master or superior to them. Which means that I must remind him that he is nothing but the dirt beneath my boot. But I know that he secretly likes it. I mean… they must for them to all be here right?

Now.. on to Luke. I remember the day that he came into my house. I was in the middle of being eaten out by three eager pets, and testing which one could withstand the most swats from my cane when The doorbell rang. I stood and immediately my pets sprang into action. Alex grabbed my robe and held it for me to slide my arms into, and Mitch went to fetch my boots. Devin went to the door and stood by it, awaiting my order to open it. The way that the pets just knew what to do, pleased me and brought a small smile to my face. The Twins and I met Devin at the front door and the twins stood to either side of the walkway and presented themselves just as I had shown them.

I told Devin to open the door and there stood Mistress Eva and Luke. He was a nice male. Tall and strong but not overtly so. His hair was a sandy blond and He had no hair on his face which led me to believe that There was no hair elsewhere. And although his face was plain, his eyes were amazing. They were the most intriguing shade of green. Dark, like a forest, but with a grey halo around the outer ridges, like snow. Soon I heard Devin asking me if I wanted to talk in the guest living room. With a slight shake of the head I said yes and told the twins to lead Mistress Eva’s pet to the slave room and keep an eye on him.

“You have really outdone yourself with the twins If I do say” Eva said while gracefully sitting down on the burgundy love seat. I Couldn’t help but admire her form. She was about the same height as me, about 5’8 but she was twice as graceful. With her slim frame and High and perky breasts I was envious. I have always had curves but sometimes my C sized breasts and my firm toned ass made me clumsy. At least I had my long legs to out do hers.

“Well thank you. You know that all a boy needs is a firm hand to guide him in his path.”

“Well that is what I came here to talk to you about. You see, my boy Luke just.. isn’t responsive enough. He looked me up at the Club and he signed everything. But he doesn’t seem very into it. Don’t get me wrong, he is not disobedient… but he never goes out and beyond. I was wondering if you could take a look at him?” Im not a damn doctor! But telling her that seemed a little harsh. So I decided that I would humor her and ‘take a look’ at her boy and see why he wasn’t more eager to please his mistress.

So after an agreement that I would look him over and see if there was anything that I could do, she left. So now, the only thing to do would to be to see what is truly up with this boy.

Sorry that this part had no Actual sex in it! I just wanted to set the stage a little bit… but as I said, tell me what you think of it, and what you would like to see happen


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