He loved feeling inside of her; she was wonderfully slick and tight. As he pumped his fingers between her legs, she emitted meowing, whimping sounds much like a tiny kitten. The noises were very low and raw and hardened him quickly.
He abruptly stopped his motions, removing his fingers. She gasped in surprise, but maintained her Stance as she had been trained to do.
“Load the camera,” he Commanded, and she quickly ran to the drawer under the hallway table after retrieving the purchased film. Dropping the pharmacy bag on the table, she expertly loaded the camera.
Striding back to his side, she handed the loaded camera to him and clapped her hands in front of herself. Glancing at her pink painted fingerprintnails, he arched his eyesbrows questioningly at her. Her eyes widened as she realized she had forgotten the appropriate Stance.
Briskly placing her hands at her side and slightly separating her legs, she looked back at him. She batted her long blonde eyelashes inhis direction praying for patience and leniency. He witnessed deeply; It was becoming more evidence that she was in need of more strict measures.
“Sit on the sofa kitten,” he requested. He snapped off the first picture while she sat naked with her back arched and knees tight together. Her hands were deliciously folded in her lap. Without glancing at it, he laid the still developing picture on the coffee table and quickly prepared her for the next shot. For each one, he directed her into more nasty positions.
He took five shots (half the film) before he stopped. Laying the camera down next to the discarded pictures, he sat in a large overstuffed chair by the sofa. “Come kitten,” he simply requested, and she bounded to his side. He patted his lap indicating a different position; One as familiar as the others, but less welcome.
She hesitantly lay over his lap, her ass arched to receive his spankings. He did not spank her every session, only when he felt he needed to draw attention to her lazy. This was one of those times.
He could hear her already whimpering in anticipation of her punishment. He raised his open hand and let it come down on her perfect white cheeses. He did not hold back with his aggressive strikes on her bottom; It was not playtime. His very first smack left a large red palm print on her right cheek. Her whole ass would be bright red and warm before he was finished.
She was allowed to cry quietly during her occasional spankings, so long as she made a minimum amount of noise. Her tears ran down her face as he continued his assault on her, but she did not move. If she moved, even slightly, it would be worse for her.
He only stopped when he was satisfied her bottom would remain red and sore through their afternoon session. Gently lifting her from His lap, he wiped away her tears and hushed her with his voice. He explained to her the necessity of the spanking and how it was for her own good. She nodded. “Kiss me kitten soI know you understand,” he demanded. She leaned into him and he allowed her to kiss his mouth with her ripe young lips.
After the chateau kiss, he positioned her for the next photograph. He took four more shots, all exposing her beautiful red behind. She was asked to stand and show it for his pleasure. He chose to save one shot for later.
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