Training Kitten Ch. 1

She had always been a perfect young lady. She attended the local Catholic High School, where she never missed a day and was an A student. She was always a good girl; Her parents were proud.

Her route home from school each day led her past a pharmacy. Walking in, she made her usual purchase of Polaroid film. The cashier accepted her cash and put the receipt in the bag. He curiously Watched her leave the store; her crisp plaid skirt bouncing behind her. He took a moment to wonder why such a beautiful school girl needed film everyday, but was quick to dismiss the question when another customer stepped up to his register.

Since she was perfect high school senior, and never gave her parents a moments worry, they never questioned her many after school activities. According to her parents, she was president of Many clubs and societyties that required her complete devotion. She also spent time after school in the local library completing her always perfect homework. In actuality she spent no time staying after school or at the library; she had developed other interests.

Walking several blocks past the pharmacy and turning down Oak Street, she approached a large Victorian style house on the right hand side of the street. Without a moments hesitation, she turned into the driveway and walked up to the front door. An observer might assume this was her home, but it was not.

As she approached the heavy wooden door, it swung open to receive her as if her arrival was expected.

She entered the darkened living room of the home on Oak Street and stood in the center of the room holding her books close to her chest. A voice asked her if she had made her purchase as requested. He asked this question of her every day, and her reply was always the same, “Yes sir,” as she lifted the little white bag with the film for him to see. “That’s a good little girl kitten, leave it on the table,” She dropped the bag in the same place as she did yesterday and the day before.

This ritual was how they started each afternoon together. It was more symbolic than necessary. It eased her into a lifestyle very different from her schoolgirl/daughter life. It was designed to soothe and woo her into a state of mind he wanted.

“Strip kitten,” he reminded her when she hesitated, as she sometimes did, to proceed on to the next step of their ritual. He was always more lenient during This part of their sessions. He allowed that she needed some transitional time.

She nodded an apology and started to disrobe. She slowly pulled off her white cardigan, dropping it on the chair next to her. Then unbuttoned her starched, white, blouse, gentle not to muss up the lace. She folded the shirt more carefully than the sweater it ended up laying on top of.

Leaving her white cotton bra on, she reached Behind herself to unzip her skirt, allowing it fall past her hips and hit the ground by her feet. Using her toe, she lifted the skirt until it reached her fingertips and could be discarded on top of her other removed clothing.

She quickly slipped out of her white sneakers then rolled her knee length navy blue socks down her long legs. The socks were each placed inside a sneaker. She stood up straight and proud like he had taught her and looked him in the eyes.

Without further prodding, she bite her tender pink lip and reaching behind her back, she unhooked her bra letting it gradually fall of her shoulders. As it dropped to the floor her pink nipples were exposed to him.

This effected him the same way no matter how many times he experienced seeing her. Her natural, pure beauty took his breath away.

Hooking her fingers into her panties, she inched them down slowly and left them on the floor. Occasionally, he had her put on panties he had purchased so he could keep They after her desk, but today, he wanted her exposed.

He noticed she took a large breath and held it as she anticipated what his desires would be for this afternoon. He grinned and stepped forward and began her daily inspection.

He touched her hair, ran his hands over her body touching her everywhere. She often closed her eyes when his fingers rubbed her nipples or slipped between her legs. Sometimes he allowed that, others, he insisted she kept them open so he could fully see what she was experiencing.

She had very light blonde short hairs between her legs that he allowed her to keep. They were barely noticeable and although he would have preferred to have her shaken smooth, he did not want to take a chance at alarming her parents if they should happen to accidentally notice. For now, he allowed it.

He barked at her to open her legs as he first gently explored her slit then roughly entered her. He smiled as he felt the wetness. He recalled how dry she use to be at first. Her desire pleased him. She opened her eyes wide and gasped as he rammed his finger deep inside her cunt.

To Be Continued…


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