Training Day at the Ladies Club

[Reading my story, “Toilet Training Elizabeth”, will provide some useful background for this story. Those who do not wish to read about bodyly functions should read no further. All the characters are over 18 years of age.]

After her presentation to the Ladies Club on How to Toilet Train Your 25-Year-Old, during which Kendall humiliated her 25-year-old bank executive daughter-in-law Elizabeth, the program committee of the Ladies Club asked her if she would be willing to conduct a training session for members who wished to emulate her techniques in dominating their own grown daughters or daughters-in-law.

Kendall, only a few years older than Elizabeth, was a very assured wealthy woman, married to a Texas finance and with her own sizeable inheritance. She was a natural dominant, having gotten her own way since childhood, first from her parents who doted on her, and then from her husband, who enjoyed the hot sex the couple had.

She had raised her son Donald to follow her orders and when he married, she at first wanted her new daughter-in-law, Elizabeth, to assume responsibility for controlling Donald. Elizabeth, she soon realized, was more interested in advancing her own business career at a major bank than in making use of the paddle Kendall had given her to use on Donald.

Accordingly, Kendall had decided to train Elizabeth as another sub in her house, and Increased the young woman’s humiliation by placing Kendall’s daughter, Sally, who was only 21, in a superior position to Elizabeth. Now, Sally was able to order her sister-in-law around, making Elizabeth lower her panties to be inspected and yes, spanked, by the much more assertive Sally.

Elizabeth now suffered when she came home, as she and Donald continued to live with his parents, for Sally might be Entertaining her friends, all of whom enjoyed seeing her discipline her 25-year-old shaped sister-in-law while they watched. Sally had learned from her mother and now madeElizabeth use a wooden child’s potty in the living room in front of Sally’s friends when the young executive woman needed to move her bowels or empty her bladder.

Finally, the day of the Ladies Club training arrived, and Elizabeth accompanied her dominant mother-in-law, thinking that however much she would be humiliated; she would have plenty of company this time. After a lovely lunch, the two women Walked to the podium, Kendall in her short white leather skirt, radiant blue top, and eblematic short white boots, while Elizabeth wore her standard-issue grey pinstriped suit in which she was invariably attired at the bank.

Kendall took the lavaliere microphone and started her presentation: “Last time, ladies, we were pleased to demonstrate to you how you might train your 25-year-old daughter or daughter-in-law in the way I have taught Beth here to mind me and to submit to my disciplining.

“Today, we see a smaller but probably more dedicated segment of our membership, each lady accompanied by a daughter or daughter-in-law who is Beth’s age, and who I am sure will benefit from your imposing the kind of intimate discipline which I demonstrated to you last time,” she went on.

She then invited one sultry brunette, Amanda, to come up to the podium with her daughter, Andrea. It was clear that Andrea was no happier than Elizabeth had been to be shamed in front of these rich women.

“Now, my dear Amanda, have you been having problems with Andrea of ​​the kind I discussed having to deal with concerning Beth?” Kendall asked in a soft tone.

“Well, Kendall,” Amanda smiled, “Andrea doesn’t leave stains in her undies, I’m glad to say” which of course referred to Kendall’s humiliating display of Beth’s soiled panties which exuded both sight and smell of her body functions, as the whole audience could readily view the yellow, brown, and red streaks in the pink panties Kendall had held up.

“But Andrea seems to have developed a naughty habit oftalking back to me, so I decided that some of the discipline you recommended might be in order, especially if it is done right here with all my friends and their girls to see,” Amanda added.

“Very well,” Kendall responded, seeing Andrea making a decided pout as her mother spoke. “Amanda, I can see that she thinks she is too old for this kind of punishment, but we will show her she is Not.”

Then Kendall invited Amanda to sit in the large armless chair she had placed in the center of the podium and told Andrea sharply to stand next to her. It was clear that Andrea now was coming to realize that she was in for a very unhappy time here.

“Now, Amanda, tell her very bluntly how you want her. Have her lift her skirt and you may wish to lower her panties yourself,” Kendall suggested.

Amanda indeed in a quiet voice told Andrea to lift up her tweed skirt—Andrea was a schoolteacher so she tended to wear less formal but proper outfits—and to bend over so Amanda could lower her panties.

Andrea began to whimper as she bent over and felt her mother put her thumbs in the waistband of the young woman’s pretty lime panties and pull them down almost to her ankles. She bent to look at the panty crotch and saw it was clean, telling the audience that there were no observable stains.

Kendall then announced that Amanda might wish to inspect her daughter’s intimate areas for cleanliness before beginning the punishment. No one could see Andrea’s face but it likely had reddened in advance of the spanking that would make her bottom cheeses crisis soon.

Amanda smiled and rather roughly placed her hand between her daughter’s tightly-closed thighs so that the girl knew she had to move them apart. Then she moved her hand so that the audience could see it probe between Andrea’s now-spread legs and feel right through them along her labia.

“Yes, Kendall, she’s already wet,” Amanda announced, as she moved her index finger to press into her daughter’s mostprivate place, her crinkly little anal rosette.

Amanda removed her finger and saw that there was a prominent brown smudge along her fingernail.

“I think my little girl here will soon need to make a doody, Kendall,” Amanda said with a bit of a lilt in her voice as he daughter’s face turned bright red.

“Well, let’s have her wait until you finish spanking her,” Kendall chimed in.

“Yes, I’m quite annoyed at her for coming here with me not having made sure she would be clean back there,” Amanda stated.

Then she began using her large palm to spank Andrea, all over her bottom cheeses with increasing power. Andrea resisted crying out but finally broke down as sobs emanated from her while Amanda kept on spanking the big bottom.

“Now are you read to do a poop?” Amanda asked her as if she were a small child.

Andrea realized that the finger and the excitement had stimulated her system so she sadly replied, “Yes, mother, I really do need to do #2 now.”

Kendall motioned to Elizabeth who went behind the podium to retrieve the large wooden child’s potty. Then Kendall commented to the ladies, “It really makes an impression when you require your little girl to do her business like a small child and in front of everyone. It also gives you the opportunity to supervise her wiping to make sure she cleans herself properly.”

Elizabeth set the potty down right in front of the women on the podium and Amanda calmly ordered, “Andrea, sit on that potty and do your business right now.”

The shamed Andrea took a deep breath, happy that the spanking was over and wanting to rub her tortured bottom, but horrified that she would now have to move her bowels in front of this audience.

She sat on the potty as the audience gazed at her neighborly trimmed triangle of golden pubic hair which in its lightness did nothing to conceal Andrea’s luscious lower lips and pink vulval flesh. Then her face reddened some more as she spread her cheeses on the seat and emitted a few crackling most unladylike farts.

After what seemed to her like ages, she felt the poop move down in her rectum and slide right out of her anus into the potty. She was at least happy she had not had to obviously strain or deal with a wide turd getting stuck in her anal opening.

“Turn round and squat over the potty with your rear facing out and lift up so I may wipe you,” Amanda directed her totally-abashed daughter now. Positioning Andrea this way allowed the ladies to see her anal crack both before and after it would be wiped clean by her mother. Amanda took a few sheets from the toilet roll on the podium stand and wiped her daughter’s anal crack, showing the audience the soiled tissue with dark brown marks on it before dropping the toilet paper in the potty.

“I think you are clean enough now,” Amanda concluded, “so stand up and pull up your pants.” Kendall whispered into Amanda’s ear now.

Smiling, Amanda then ordered her daughter to removeHer blouse. Andrea was surprised by this added humiliation, as her matching lime bra was now exposed to everyone.

“You will now remove your bra and hand it to me,” Amanda ordered rather offhandedly.

This pushed Andrea over the line and she while,”Oh mom, do I have to do this?” She hated the idea of ​​all the women staring at her rather prominent 34C breasts.

Kendall again whispered some advice to Amanda, who responded, very calmly to surprise her daughter, “Very well, Andrea. It appears you need more disciplining. This time you will lower your panties for the cane.”

Andrea now was shocked at what she was in for. She was so frightened that she unhooked her bra and hurriedly handed it to Amanda, who took it but indicated that Andrea would still be made to submit to the added humiliating punishment.

Amanda told her to bend over the chair and Kendall handed her a small, nasty-looking yellow cane. While Amanda seemed to be unfamiliar with caning technique, sheStepped to the side of her daughter, whose bottom was still quite red, and flicked the little cane twice on the bare bottom.

Andrea could not hold back from emitting soft groans and cries at each stroke. Her mother was annoyed at her talking back so she flicked the cane three more times and saw the thin red tramlines appear.

“Now pull up your panties, put your blouse back on, and sit down before I decide You need to be punished still more,” her mother commanded.

The humiliated Andrea did as she was told and rejoined the group on the couch.

“Thank you so much, Amanda and Andrea,” Kendall gushed. “I might add that you have seen that making your girl remove her bra is a delightfully effective additional humiliation. If your little girl resists or whiles like Andrea here did, you might remind her that bras are for big girls, not little ones who need spankings.

“Now ladies,” she went on, “it’s time for each of you to have your daughters or daughters-in-law submit to being inspected and then distributed. You all have been given for use now and for as long as you need them, a pair of plastic gloves, a small paddle, a brown oiled punishment sticker, and a small thin cane.”

“Girls,” she said in a loud voice, “stand up, lift your skirts and pull those panties down and bend over for your mothers or mothers-in-law to inspect your bottoms and pussies.”

The women in the audience stood up and each daughter or daughter-in-law followed Kendall’s instructions so skirts were lifted (all attendees had been instructed to wear skirts and not pants), panties were lowered, and a roomful of bare bottoms were bent over chairs at each table.

“Tell your girl to hold her bottom cheeks apart for inspection,” Kendall announced over the microphone. “Put on the gloves and visually inspect her rear and then insert your index finger into her bottom-hole and move it around in there. When you then remove it, look at your gloved finger carefully to see if your girl had any naughty bits of poo or tissue that show.”

She waited now to allow the ladies to conduct the terribly humiliating anal probe and inspection.

“Would those of you who found something in your daughter’s or daughter-in-law’s anal passage please raise your hands?” Kendall asked.

“About one-half of the ladies raised their hands.

“Hmm,” Kendall commented. “I think these little girls are learning that they need to focus on keeping themselves clean back there, inside and out. In future, they will now like my Elizabeth does, give themselves a small enema before they are ready for inspection.”

She then invited all the ladies who raised their hands to bring their girls to the front.

The women now were told to have their girls bend over a long benchmark, with their bottoms spread and facing the audience. So about 20 girl bottoms now were exposed to the group.

“You will find a small pail under the benchmark where you are standing,” Kendall advised.”Take out the enema bulb, which has been filled with water, and insert it in the girl’s bottom and press it to explore the water into her,” Kendall instructed.

“Girls,” she now said in a very commanding tone, “you will retain this little enema until I give the order permitting you to explore. When I do, you will squat over the pail and allow the water to be explored from your naughty bottoms.”

There were many groans but all halted when Kendall added, loudly, “Any girl whom I catch making noise like that will get a caning while she is retaining the enemas.” This scary prospect appeared to quietly the group quickly.

As the girls concentrated on retaining their enemies and avoiding the extreme humiliation of losing control and all the ladies see their shameful failure as the turgid water splashed from their anuses, Kendall watched as one girl seemed to be having trouble holding it in.

“You better keep focusing on retaining the infusion,” Kendall snapped to the shamed girl.

Finally, after telling the dominant mothers and mothers-in-law to place the pails behind their girls, she gave the order for the latter to squat and explore.

There were characteristic sounds of water splashing into the pails, along with some plops from those girls whose expulsion contained some pieces of shit.

“Now, ladies,” Kendall said, “take some tissue and wipe your girl’s bottom nice and clean, and you may put some talcum on her little bottom if you wish. Elizabeth will now come by and you may select either a small package of talcum, or if you feel your girl has been naughty, keep your gloves on and you may take a packet of nettles. You will use these by opening the packet—make sure only to touch them with our gloves—and place the nettles in the crotch of your misbehaving daughter’s or daughter-in-law’s panties and have her pull them up. I’m sure that this administration will produce better behavior.’

Elizabeth duly walked down the podium past the ladies, offering either the packets of talcum or nettles. Only two or three women selected the nettles and carefully opened the packets and placed the contents in the crotch of the girls’ panties and told them to pull them up nice and tight.

Now Kendall thanked all the women who participated in the inspection and asked them to go back to their tables.

“It’s time now for spankings,” she said with a gleeful lilt in her voice. “Each lady should have her girl lift her skirt again and get across the maternal lap for a good old-fashioned bottom-smacking. Those girls with nettles in their pants will get to keep their panties up but I suggest each of the rest of you have your girl lift up her hips so you may lower her undies.”

“It is important to make this a ceremony,” Kendall commented as the girls moved across the laps of the ladies who brought them to the luncheon. “Each girl needs to realize that her panties are being lowered for a childish spanking—and, of course, once panties aredown, she should know that if she acts up, her bottom may feel the cane as well. You may also decide she needs or her misbehavior requires you to add on some refinements,” Kendall slightly announced.

“When my Elizabeth resists in any way or acts up while her panties are being lowered or are down, she knows she will be in for some major punishment,” Kendall declared. “So you may select from several options—you might put the nettles in her panties or tell her that she will be having them there. This is effective but it will take some time for her to feel the sting so you may want to use more immediate sanctions first.

“This can range from an enema or insertion of a ginger fig,” she went on. “The fig is a stick of raw finger with the outer skin removed. You carefully insert this anally with enough protruding so you can grasp it to adjust it or remove it. After it is in her anus for a bit, she will feel the singing that the juices released will cause.

“I also sometimesFind that the martinet is helpful in this kind of situation,” Kendall advised. She held up the small-handled implementation with its nasty-looking leather strings. “This may be applied to her bottom and if you aim at the crack, some naughty girls will feel a string or two go between her legs and strike her in a remarkably sensitive place,” Kendall grinned and chuckled so all could appreciate her enjoyment of the imposition of a stroke on a girl’s vulva.

“So go ahead and now and give your girl a nice spanking so she understands she is being trained to be obedient,” Kendall said. “You of course may decide how much to spank but it usually is good to see a nice rosy bottom.”

Now the room was filled with the unmistakable sounds of palms strking bottoms.

As the sound started to diminish, Kendall once again took the microphone in “We will now distribute to you each two pairs of special panties you may use in training our girls. One is a pair of very small little girl panties with ducks on them that you may have her wear to make her realize she is being treated like a child. Another is a pair of control panties, like Spanx, that have a little faster that you may use to keep her in them. It is positioned so you will have to release the catch for her to lower the panties. This will serve to make her understand that you will decide when she will be allowed to perform her body functions.

“Lastly,” she added, “we are giving you a nice comfy diaper that you may use if you feel she has misbehaved so as to need this to remind her that she may lose all toilet privileges. You will of course need to purchase some more diapers if you wish to put her in diapers so you will be able to change her when she soils them. It is adviseable to change her fairly soon so no diaper rash occurred. However, you should let her stay in the messy diaper for at least a few minutes so she can experience the shame of having to use her diaper for excretion.”

Kendall asked Elizabeth to stand next to her, along with Amanda and Andrea. The two younger women were still red-faced from the humiliations they had incurred but were pleased that the program was close to ending.

“We really do hope that this has been educational and useful to all of you,” Kendall said by way of including. “I expect that we will be finding that our households are far more respectful and we are receiving the regard from these young women that we deserve. And you know that I am available for personal consultation and, if you feel it is needed, you may arrange for me to provide some individual instruction at my home or yours.”


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