Training Celina Week 01 Ch. 03


Celina …/b>

If it hadn’t been for the alarm siren I think we would all have slept on and on so great was our exhaustion following the first full day at slave school. I was deep into a wonderful dream about Master Si when the damn bell interrupted me. I opened my bleary eyes carefully, slowly remembering where I was. Gradually the feeling came back into my body and I felt the swelling in my ass where the butt plug was still embedded deep within me. My dreams had been so vivid and Master Si so real that I wondered if I had actually cum?

I was still chained down to my bed, as were the other slaves, including Brittany. I guessed that Master Hagrid had taken her down after 2 hours as he promised and then secured her to the bed, butt plug and all, just like the rest of us. I could see the tired eyes of the other gyrls opening slowly as they too began to remember where they were.

Just then the door to our dorm room burst open and in marched Master Hagrid and Mistress Mei Ling flanked by two brown uniformed guards. He was as impressively half naked as he had been the day before and his presence quickly made me remember my status. Mei Ling looked stunning in a very short red kimono with red heels on her feet.

“Good morning slaves,” he remarked, “I’m here to check your asses.”

Here we go again I thought to myself

I watched as Hagrid moved first to Monique and then to Candi and slowly removed their plugs. The gyrls were not gagged and so each exhaled a low groan as their asses were freed up again. I strained my neck to see and noticed how the plug had left Candi’s asshole wide and round, like the opening of a jar. It looked like it could take anything — I guess that was the point. The he came to Brittany. She hardly stabilized, being so much more tired than the rest of us.

“So my little golden haired slave,” Hagrid teased her, “Let’s have a look at you.”

As he pulled the plug out a little more vigorously than he had the other two, and began to release his cock from his pants, I could see that Brittany was going to get humiliated and fucked again. I have no idea why I did it, but I couldn’t stand to see her continuously abused in this way and so I spoke out. Big mistake!

“Please Master Hagrid, leave Brittany alone … don’t hurt her anymore.”

All the gyrls looked at me, amazed at what I said, even Brittany herself. Master Hagrid stopped in his tracks and glared at me.

Clearly losing his patience, Master Hagrid undid my chains and, leaving the butt plug in place, swept me off my feet, scooped me up and in no time had me fastened to the ceilinging menacles just as Brittany had been the night before. Fuck, me and my stupid, slut mouth! With a cruel laugh, he pushed me viciously backwards and made my body swing painfully from my wrists. There were no table stands for me.

“That was such a stupid thing to say slave Celina and stupid, naughty girls have to be punished, don’tThey?” chided Hagrid, as he pinched my nipples painfully between his forefingers.

I nodded, scared now.

He reached into the leather pouch around his waist, extracted a cutthroat razor and opened it slowly. The dim light glinted wickedly on the sharp, shiny blade as he turned it backwards and forwards, admiring it lovingly. My eyes opened wide in horror as I gazed in fascination at the deadly instrument.

“What…what… are you going to do?” I whispered through dry lips. I could feel the continuous strain of the butt plug stretching my ass.

Holding my hips steady with one mighty hand Hagrid proceeded to swiftly take away any morning stubble from my pussy and mound. The sensing from his expert dry shake was not all unpleasant and he sensed my intake of breath.

“Fetch the pussy chains Mistress Mei Ling.”

He smiled while his free hand stroked the soft slit of my pussy, his thumb finding the sensitive bud of my cliporis; his forefinger parted them andstarted to slide in and out of me. He turned his head and spoke. ‘Are you ready Mistress Mei Ling?”

Mistress stepped forward, and my eyes widened, trying to see what she held in her hand. I glanced down and noticed how Monique was thrusting her groin slightly but regularly against the soft bed sheets. This whole thing must be making her hot. I was not surprised, watching such a scene would have made me hot too.

I started to shake with fear. What were they going to do, how long would I be hanging here? My body reached so much. Hagrid held in his hand a short length of thick gold chain. At each end there was a toothed clap, similar to a sharp crocodile clip. He dangled it in front of my eyes.

“Now you will really see the foolish nature of your words!” He smiled cruelly as he leaned forward, holding a clasp in each hand.

“Hold her securely,” he snapped at Mei Ling, as I attempted to twist and turn. Mistress’s hands gripped the top of my thighs, holding me in place as Hagrid set about his business. I screamed at the twin stalls of pain as the clips gripped the tender lips of my pussy, drawing them together, closing them and concealing my slit under their painful, nipping security. Fuck he had clipped my pussy lips together under the sharp touch of the serrated metal edges. I closed my eyes against the extreme pain and screamed.

Gradually it dulled to a throbbing sensing and I grooaned again as each throbbing pulse sent quivers of sensing from my groin to every part of my body.

Hagrid looked me in the eye.

“Bet you wish you’d keep quiet now slave don’t you?”

“Y…yes… Master,” I sobbed.

“You have learned another early lesson today Celina.”

Fuck. It wasn’t a lesson learned; I knew not to speak out of turn. It was even a basic Premise for my relationship with Master Si. Why had I opened my stupid, slutty Asian mouth?

Again he pushed me slightly, making me swing back and forth. My pussy hurt so much now under the nip of the crocodile clips.

“Mistress Mei Ling, bring me the tray.”

She appeared at Master Hagrid’s side with a tray full of weights.

“Now you will really suffer. Get Candi over here.”

Candi …

I felt the menacles at my wrist and ankles being undone. I had heard them say my name but I could not see Celina too clearly from my position and so I was not entirely sure what I was being asked to do. My bottom hurt and I was scared.

“Come here slave Candi,” I was ordered once I had struggled to my feet and put some life back into my aching limbs. I was dragged by the brown suited guards over to where Master Hagrid and Mistress Mei Ling were standing.

I looked with goal at Celina. She had been crying and was still wrapped with small sobs. I could see from where I lay on the bed that they had chained her high to the ceiling hooks and I now looked upon her stretched body thinking how beautiful she looked. Then I saw the real instrument of her pain. A lovely delicate gold chain hung in a short length from her pussy lips. The chain had 2 sharp clips at its ends that were being used the clamp her lips together. What was my role in all this?

“Okay Candi, now you see this …”

Master Hagrid reached down and tugged slightly on the gold chain making Celina groan and complain. It clearly hurt her.

“… well you will add Weights to it one by one and cause slave Celina enough pain such that she remembers her place. Okay?”

No it was not okay. It would be awful for me having to do it and … poor Celina, what would her pain be like? But I was in no position to argue. A weight was offered to me from the tray and so I took it. I looked at the small dark object. It had a hook on top and a ring underneath it. I could go on adding weights until they told me stop. I looked from the small weight to Celina’s face. I saw the terror in her eyes but I already knew enough about being a slave to know that she would not say a word.

“Place the weight on the chain Candi.”

I did as I was ordered, wanting, but not daring, to apologise as the weight was hooked onto the chain gripping Celina’s pussy. I held my breath as I heard Celina groan quietly. I could see the teeth on the clips working harder now, pulling at poor Celina’s pussy flesh … nipping, hurting.

“Again,” came the order from Master Hagrid.

I took another weight and hooked it underneath the first. Celina breathed deeply, feeling the pain. Once more the order came and once more I added another weight. There were at least 20 weights on the tray. This could go on for a long time yet!

Celina …

My mind was a blur of age. I was scared to think of what this was doing to my pussy. It had been 7am when we had been woken. I had been chained up like this for nearly 2 hours now and Candi had been made to add 12 or so weights to the chain gripping my pussy. I had no idea what weight that was but it hurt so, so much and that infernal dildo was still impaled deep inside of my ass.

Master Hagrid and Mistress Mei Ling had stepped back to admit the handiwork and were now smiling at my prediction.

“So slave Celina, you have 6 pounds of weight pulling at your pussy lips now. Does it hurt?”

“Y…yes Master,” I replied.

“Good, then your lesson has been learned. Get her down,” he said to the guards,” and have them shown. I want them all in the classroom in 30 minutes.”


Half an hour later and we were all four being led on a connected chain down a new corridor into the ‘academic block’. My pussy was so sore and now showed a number of small scratches. That had been a shocking start to the day … could it get any worse?


“Masturbation is also strictly forbidden, the punishment for that is severe. You see it is important that the school strictly controls if and when a student can have an orgasm.”

Mistress Victoria was addressing us. We were all standing in a straight line listening to our professor talk. In fact there were 2 lines and about 20 students, all female. I wondered whether there were any male slaves here. It had been a shock to discover that there were other slaves at the school at the same time we were. All the girls had been dressed in a simple yellow skirt that was slit up both sides for its entire length. That was all we wore. No underwear, nothing on Our feet and our breasts completely bare.

“Another rule,” Mistress said, “is that you are not allowed to ever close your legs. Your knees should always be well apart. Your public area should always be as accessible and on display.”

I glanced at Candi and could see that she was on the verge of crying. The rules were all designed to humiliate us as much as possible

“While you Are here, the Masters and Mistresses, both academic and physical, may order you to have sex with them. If you refuse, you will be punished. And if you do not perform well, you willbe punished. One of the smartest things you can do while here in learn how to satisfy both men and women sexually.”

I saw Candi’s eyes open wide.

“The rules are difficult to follow and when you fail to follow the rules, the punishments are harsh. You will do almost anything to graduate from this school and never come back.”

Candi’s mouth just continued to hang open. I knew a little more about the type of things we were here to learn from my time with Master Si.

“This school is very effective in behavior modification,” Mistress Victoria went on, “You’ve been here only a short time and already you’ve all taken the first steps.”

Mistress smiled and continued, “Now, all of you sluts take a seat. Go on, sit!” she spoke to us like we were dogs.

We all turned to look at the classroom chairs and horror spread over our face. Each chair, whilst looking conventional, contained two dildo sections and it was obvious what they were intended to achieve. Each sectionion showed the head of a dildo protruding about an inch.

“Girls, please sit down and make sure the exposed dildo heads are positioned accurately at the entrances to your ass and you pussy.”

So this why we had our asses stretched? I flicked up my brief skirt and positioned myself as ordered squirming slightly as the nub head of the devices nestled in the folds of both pussy and ass.

When we had all obeyed we sat waiting in anticipation of what might happen next.

“The dildos you have on the seats can be extended by me through my control panel to a length of 8 inches. They can also be heated up, made to sprout suds and made to vibrate. They will be used to discipline you.”

No one spoke but I was shocked and so I guessed the others were also.

“So we will start you all off with 3 inches inside your asses and 4 inside your pussies.”

She flicked the remote on the wall, which showed each one of our seats separately, and we all let out a collective groan as we were partially filled. We were effectively secured to our seats by the dildos. What now?

“So slaves, for the next 2 hours we shall have a quiz.”

A fucking quiz, I thought to myself, shifting slightly as the dildos made my sitting position quite uncomfortable.

Mistress Victoria continued, “The quiz can be about anything, and for each answer you get right You will have the dildos inside you reduced in size by an inch. But for each one you get wrong you get an extra inch plus some of the ‘extras’.”

Fuckkkkkkkkkkkkk! Now I could see her game.

“At the end you will be scored against each other and the one with most wrong answers will be the loser. Oh and by the way if any of you should orgasm then you automatically lose a further 10 points. The loser will be the opening performer at the slave games tomorrow, but beware that the one who loses gets to pick her opponent for this performance, so none of you are safe. Believe me slaves, being the opening performance at the slave games is a very hard, very painful but sometimes pleasant task.”

I was shocked. Fuckkkkk this quiz was going to be more important to our continued well being than I first thought.

“We will go around each of you in turn, starting with you.” Mistress pointed at Brittany who was seated at the front first on the left as Mistress looked out at us.

“You have a badly whipped back slave Brittany, why is that?”

“Because Mistress, I was a bad slave yesterday.”

“Were you indeed, well let’s hope that you improve today. Okay then we’ll start.”

Brittany prepared herself to be first, and we all watched to see what would happen.

“Slave Brittany, all of you sluts demonstrate lascivious behavior. Spell lascivious.”

Her eyes widened as if to tell us all that she wasn’t sure.

“Erm … l-a-s-i-v-i-u-s …”

Mistress Victoria smiled. Even I knew she was wrong.

“Wrong slave,” Mistress said simply.

Brittany let out a deep sight and quiet groan as she took another inch of the dildo into each of the holes between her tights.

Next up was a slave I didn’t know.

“Okay slave Angel, what is the capital city of the USA?”

That was much easier than Brittany’s question. Was this quiz going to be fair?

Slave Angel smiled, “Washington DC Mistress.”

“That is correct slave.”

Slave Angel’s eyes opened wide as the dildos were slipped an inch out of her.

“Ok slave Monique, please tell me how many time the number 4 goes into the number 20.”

Shit, that was sooooo easy.

“5 times Mistress.”

“Correct,” slave Monique also had her dildos reduced in length.

“Okay slave Veronica, you must name for me the season in which the leaves fall of the trees.”

“That is during the Fall, Mistress.”

“Well done slave.” She too had her dildos reduced.

It was me next.

“Okay slave Celina, listen carefully. If the population of a country increased by an average of 2% per year from 2000 to 2003, and the population of this country was 2,000,000 on December 31, 2003, then what would the population of this country on January 1, 2000, to the nearest thousand have been.”


“Could you please say that again Mistress?” I asked almost in tears.

“No repeating slave. If you were Not listening then you will receive an inch and half extra if you do not get the answer right.”

I was nearly sick at the thought of where this quiz was clearly headed. I had thought that Brittany’s question was hard but mine was just so fucking unbelievable. Were they still punishing me for my translation this morning? It sure seemed like it.

“Come on slave Celina, answer me.”

I had no fucking idea. “I am sorry Mistress I do not know.”

I could see the smile on her face as she pressed the remote switch applicable to me and I groaned loudly as I was penetrated in both my ass and my pussy by an extra inch and a half.

The quiz carried on. It was taking about 20 minutes to get around all of us and I desperate as I heard the continued easy nature of the questions all of other slaves were asked, including Brittany. Then it was my turn again. The previous slave, Veronica, had just told Mistress what 6 added to 13 was and I now awaited my question with fearful anticipation.

“Okay Celina, What Are the Elements in the Human Body?”

I bowed my head and sobbed.

“Come on anxious up.”

“Er … water, oxygen, calcium and …”

I was pretty impressed that I had got these 3, but I had no idea how many there were. I was destined to lose this game. It would be me as the main attraction at the salve games tomorrow, I was sure of that.

“Slave Celina there are 12 main elements not including water, so you have 2. Now come on, answer me.”

I just shook my head, “I am sorry Mistress but I have no idea.”

And she smiled as another inch was remotely slipped into my holes. I groaned loudly again, and what was worse I could feel myself getting wet.

Another round of easy questions followed for everyone else. Although this a few of the slaves were so stupid that they were also impaled. So, I thought, I’m not out of it yet thanks to the stupidity of the others, and I might just even get a question I can answer. However, even as I thought this I could Feel an unwanted sensing building up in the pit of my stomach.

By the time it came around to me again a lot of the slaves were already almost free of their dildos completely. There was just me and a couple of other stupid slaves who had also failed to get any answers correct despite the easy nature of the questioning. All 3 of us had failed completely so far but I had the extra length from the first question.

This time However Mistress was determined to make sure that I became the clear leader. Easy addition sums for the 2 of them was followed by being asked to name several key dates from the American War of Independence — what the fuck! How was I supposed to know? What was worse was that Mistress decided my attitude was becoming sullen — course it fucking was — and so decided that I deserved an extra inch inside both my pussy and my ass.

I was beyond control now. Not only did have an extra 2 and ½ inches of dildo inside both my holes I was now seriously juicing and found myself having to concentrate more on not cumming than I was on the questions. A situation of course that was only heading one way!

By the time my next question came around I did not even hear it spoke so distracted was I by the awful, terrible, wonderful feeling of approaching climax.

“Slave Celina, are you listening to me,” I heard Mistress shout.

“Y … yes … Mistress,” I shuddered, “Ohhh … ohh … ohhhhh!” Fuck I was almost over the edge. Everyone was watching me. Monique at my side turned to face me and whispered, “don’t cum Celina, please don’t cum.”

But Mistress Victoria was determined to finish me off now. She approached me and leaned down into my desk.

“So little bitch, not only are you the most worthless, useless, stupid fuck-toy I have ever taught but you are going to cum are you?”

I nodded, “I will try n…n…not to Mistress,” but I know that it was no good.

“But you need more dildo for your most recent example of stupidity don’t you slave?”


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