Thanks for reading. All characters are 18 or over, and this work is purely fictional. It involves brother/step-sister incest. If that is not your thing, feel free to click away! I wrote this story for myself, but hope you enjoy.
Special thanks to Kenji Sato for this editing help. Without him this would not have been possible!
With his sex-toy properly positioned, he then stepped around and adjusted a large, three panel mirror in front of her. “Now pet,” Jason said in a low, calm voice, “I need and want to be able to see your face. It is important that I see your face, your emotions. Now remember, I am going to go slow, and teach you as I please you, hmm?” Seeing his pet nod, he could also see that she was both excited and focused, exactly as he had hoped.
First, he simply ran his fingers along her back, the edges of the ropes, across her incredible ass, and juuust to the edge of her sex, giving her little ‘pecks’ and telling her how pretty she was. Having done this for a time, he next flattened his hands, and began to ‘rub’ her body in those same areas. At her should blades, he gave little ‘bumps’ with his flattened hands, saying things like, “this is a good spot…here is another,” and so on. Working his way to her ass, he did the same, reminding her, “Relax into me, pet, relax. Let yourself flow.”
She nodded and partially closed her eyes, allowing it to happen.
Jason Roberts repeated this, then, he picked up the small round leather paddle.
Annalise really enjoyed what was happening. His light touch and fingerprinted just a bit, arousing her, and when he switched to rubbing her, showing her places He intended to ‘use’, she felt oddly calm about it. After all, He was talking about spanking her. However, this ‘link’ that Jason Roberts had been building was working well. The ropes, along with his slow pace, and as always, that look–all let her know that every bit of this was about pleasure. Already, Annalise could feel herself beginning to drift. It was like she was floating. Then, she felt the leather paddle, as it moved similar to His hands. She looked at Him in the mirror, smiled, and nodded. She felt the leather lightly bump, not strike, her skin, as she drifted into her own personal space.
He smiled as he knew that his sex-toy was getting there. The paddle was being used to first lightly ‘rub’ circles on her back, upper thighs, and ass. Jason would lightly ‘tap’ Annalise, not unlike someone tapping you on the shoulder. Even so, his pet was starting to ‘pant’, meaning it was more mental than physical. PERFECT. With his free hand, he rested it on her shoulder, holding her in place; he moved and adjusted the rope, and that allowed him to grip her breast. There were two coils a bit looser that allowed him to grasp, and her to feel, and he increased the intensity of each ‘spank’, as most were now being applied on her ass. Her flesh was gloriously rippling, and she was panting abit harder, and making some whimpering noises, too.
Annalise was in a drifting, faraway place. The massage-like ‘bumps’ were increasing a bit, and she liked it. She was in her own world, and then, her Dominant was squeezing her breast as he struck her. “Oh Gah–…” she moaned. Annalise was loving this total concentration on her body. She was in Sub-Space again, and did not want it to end. Suddenly, a Very hard strike across her bottom! She yelped and jumped, but the rope held her in place. The paddle was struggling her lightly again, and she understands. The hard strike brought her back down, and then the soft allowed her to drift again. He was controlling her Sub-Space. It made her incredibly wet, and she was moaning as she waited for the next strike.
Jason Roberts then slowed, stopped, and placed the paddle on the bed. Taking her panties, he adjusted them, and kissing his pet’s bright pink ass, he slid his fingers down, lifted her leg, and then the other. Pulling them up slowly, he fitted her panties back on her body. Why? He took a moment, and held his pet, telling her how well she was doing, then, he picked up the egg vibrator that was on a cord. With one hand, he stroked her mound through the panties, and liked that it was already wet. His pet moaned at his touch, as he pulled the panties aside. Puuushing the vibrator inside Annalise as deep as his fingers would allow, he Pulled the panties back over to hold it in. Turning it on low, he picked up the paddle, and began the process all over again, sternly reminding his pet to not cum
When Annalise felt him run her mound, she practically gushed. As she felt him pulling her panties aside, she heard herself saying, “Yes-s-s…oh…” but when she felt the object being inserted inside her, she actually shrieked a little. Shortly, it began to vibrate — “Oh SHIT!” she said aloud. She was sure her juices were running down her legs, but she didn’t care; she wanted him…badly. The ropes were taking her weight, she was helpless. So when He began to start with the paddle, Annalise’s moans found their voice, and in short order, she was moaning loudly. Annalise was now caught in between Sub-Space, and her need to orgasm. Her Dom would vary the speed, and with each strike, not hard but they were loud, she would shriek. Not so much from being spanked, but because the strike would cause her pussy to shake, increasing the incredible sensing.
For the first time since he didn’t know when, Jason Roberts was really enjoying himself. He had this gorgeous woman, his own personal sex-toy, under his full control, all his work was for this. Wow, it was just incredible to see how her flesh rippled upon each impact, and her nipples, which he enjoyed tugging, were really stiff. That, along with the moaning, told him she was very much enjoying this. He worked the paddle up to her back, the area just below the shoulder blades. He could not strike as hard here, but no matter, she arched naturally toaccept it, His fuck-toy-submissive had the rope supporting her, leaning at least thirty degrees or more, and the moans were giving way to speech. And then, His submissive was asking to cum! Of course, with a request like that from such a perfect pet, he could not resist.
The mental ‘well’ in Annalise’s mind, in which she had drifted in Sub-Space, was nearing fullness. She knew now that this means an absolutely-crusting orgasm, quite possibly the most intense she had ever experienced. But Annalise knew she still had time, and there was one thing more she wanted. Even though HER Dom had not told her to do so, she looked back and through her moans said, “S-Sir…will you p-p-please fuck me? I want you so bad…” She knew her request was granted, as her Dominant responded by putting down the paddle (fun though it was) and then proceeded to again remove her panties. The vibrator, along with a large ‘dollop’ of her wetness dropped out into his hand. She was panting hard, as she gladlylicked his fingers clean. Annalise’s moans turned to outright shrinks, as she felt what she wanted most at that moment, begin to invade her soaking-wet cunt, stretching her insides. The feeling was incredible. The well was now brimming.
The feeling of his having his dick inside this incredible young lady could not be put into words. With it in there, it required no prompting at all, and Jason’s submissive began to immediately push back into him. One knee on the bed, his pet was using the rope as a type of ‘swing’, and Jason realized he was going to find it hard to keep from orgasming too soon, she felt so good. His pet went quickly from moans to screams, she was literally screaming, and that along with the wet –shlap, shlap- sounds, were making him want to blow his load. He was holding her hips and thrusting, feeling himself bottom out in her, and they were both yelping. Jason really should have stopped, he should have done something different, but instead, he gave his toy permissue to do what we both longed for. “P-P-pet…” he stammered, “CUM-M-M…”
At last, ‘the well’ tipped, and the wave came. The buildup using the ropes and the paddle, the time spent in Sub-Space, her full-mental submission to a man older than her father, finally came to a head. “Uh-Uh-Uh…AHHH!!!” Annalise heard herself saying very fast as she was no longer in full control, then her hips, her body began to involuntarily contract and release, followed by, “AAAHHHHH…!!!” in a blood-curdling scream. Annalise’s orgasm was like having multiple waves breaking over her. She could feel her pussy literally gushing fluid, her torso shaking, the ropes supporting her as her knees went totally numb. What’s more, HER Dom’s fingers burned, as they dug into her hips, and she could feel him spurting inside her, her cunt milking him for all she was worth.
If he were a younger Dom, he would have held for longer. If he were a younger Dom, he would have made her beg more. If he were a youger Dom, he would have left marks on her ass that she’d see in the mirror for days. But, thankfully, Jason was more experienced and not as young as he used to be. As her pussy started gripping his dick in her orgasm, he heard a deepeep bellowing noise…from himself! The bell improved to the roar of a lion again, and this time a lion claiming his turf. He had to stand there and just feel his softening cock buried deep inside what was, most definitely, his. Afterward, he knew just what was needed. Carefully loosening the ropes, he helped his pet onto the bed. Jason had brought with him a small tube of lotion. Straddling his sub, he carefully took time to rub those areas that the ropes had bound, finishing by rubbing his pet’s incredible pink ass. The whole time, he was careful to whisper to his pet how well she had done, and how proud he was. Jason had to say, he was beyond beat, and lastly, having applied a proper amount of after-care, he lay down too, and spooned up behind his pet,who was already falling asleep, enjoying her scent, as they drifted off.
How were they to know they weren’t going to get another opportunity? The workmen were done later that very same day, and just after, her parents let her know they were coming in a day early. The furniture delivered just an hour ahead of the Garcias returning. Just as when this story started, Jason sat on his porch, and watched them pulled in, and truth be known, his heart sank.
It has been more than a month since that day, their last encounter as told above. Jason Roberts washed the toys they had used and put them away, along with the rope, and in the very back of the closet he tucked away something he never got to see his pet in, and just went back to life. Same. Boring. Life. Jason had noticed a young man or two, over there since then, perhaps she had found a Dom. He just hoped it was someone who treated her well.
And then one day, as he was mowingthe yard, he saw the Garcias pull into the drive, get out, and proceeded into their house. He noticed that one family member fell back, moving slower. Looking up, they made eye contact. Jason brought the mower to a stop, and for perhaps thirty seconds, Annalise Garcia, a gorgeous woman, young enough to be his kid and then some, and he just stared, both longingly. Annalise was wearing a nice pair of pleated pants with a flower print blouse and cowgirl boots. As they stared, Jason saw her finally break into a big smile, and then, at the call from her mother, she turned and walked in, and he went back to work.
Jason Roberts had just stepped out of the shower, having washed off the yard work dirt, and his phone buzzed from a text. People of his generation didn’t text, and not texting is something he was known for. So when he heard the text come in, he knew it could only be one person. Jason smiled.
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