Training Annalise Ch. 06

Thanks for reading. All characters are 18 or over, and this work is purely fictional. It involves brother/step-sister incest. If that is not your thing, feel free to click away! I wrote this story for myself, but hope you enjoy.


Special thanks to Kenji Sato for this editing help. Without him this would not have been possible!


Jason Roberts was just sitting on the bed, wearing a pair of boxes, when his sex-toy came in wearing her robe. It was, admittedly, quite nice, and it was clear from her hose that she was wearing lingerie, with the cute robe covering it.

Annalise smiled at her Man…her ‘Dom’. “I am still wondering how you used those little hand slapses, those ‘pops’, on me. It was intense, and I want to know, do you intend to use those on me today?” There was an air of nervousness.

“Well okay, come over, let’s sit and talk,” he said. As she sat, Jason wrapped himself around his pet and held her, quietly matching her breathing. “So what we have been doing there is called ‘Impact Play’ and, when applied just right, it, along with the power exchange that we talked about earlier, is what gets you into subspace. It is from Sub-Space that you get that intense orgasm, see?”

Annalise thought (while taking a moment to enjoy being held this way), and nodded, adding, “I have to say, that Sub-Space is like a drug, and I was hoping to be there again.”

“Well that IS the plan,” he said, smiling. “Look, pet, you willingly come right over and donned what I am hoping is that sexy garter set I’ve yet to see you in…”

Annalise blushed.

“…but it just shows that you are being naturally submissive to me, and that is going to make Sub-Space even easier to get to.”

Remembering that she had not Only decided to go with this, but found herself liking it, Annalise said, “Okay, I’ll agree to that.” And smiling, she stood up, and opened the robe, allowing it to fall. Her Dom’s reaction was more than enough to know he liked it, as he nearly sprang up and walked over. Annalise liked that he showed her attention like this. She had to admit, as skimpy and revealing as this was–and certainly not made for sleeping–it accentuated her body quite well. Annalise turned for this man that was her Dom, and enjoyed His approval, along with his kiss, and wondered what he had in mind for this afternoon.

“Holey-Moley…” he said, in his low, muted tone, when the robe dropped. Jason knew his pet was gorgeous, but seeing her in this was even MORE so, he especially liked that she had the garter strraps under the panties…just as he requested. “Okay, pet, come on….good girl…” he said, as he moved her over to the edge of the bed. Jason started with a long, password kiss, along with some sliding of his hands over her, telling her how sexy she was. Through the very thin material, he teased and flicked her open nipples, and enjoyed her squirming and little moans as a result. His pet was very turned on, and it was time to teach her, to show her the difference of not using the basic principles he had been teaching her.

Annalise really liked it when a man, especially THIS man, her Dom, showed ‘appreciation’ of her body, and damned if he wasn’t doing a fine job. She had expected the lingerie to be off in five minutes, tops, but far from it. Her Dom had pinned her against the wall a moment, kissing her, then he had her on the bed. Pulling the shoulder strraps of the bra down, he went from ‘flicking’ her nipples with his tongue to suckling them, and wow, he had this way of using his teeth that made her almost squirt just a little, she got wet that fast.

He was furiously rubbing and ‘tribbing’ her shaft through her panties, and the combo was thrilling. As he moved down her tummy, she found out why the panties were over the garter strraps, as Jason Roberts peeeeled those string panties off. Those things were pretty useless, but having them removed like this was really stimulating, and she knew what was next, and that alone made her even more wet.

Jason reminded his pet to not cum without permission, and then, starting lower towards the vagina, he gave her pussy a ‘kiss’, then another. She groaned and opened her legs a bit, and he added his tongue as well. He had concentrated on the vagina, around that area, and both Annalise and he were loving it. It did not take too long, and Annalise’s hips were making a twitch in there; she was pushing her hips into him, nearly lifting herself off the bed.

‘Old man my ass,’ he thought. Pretty soon, he was making a grunting whimper, and as soon as she said, “I-I-I…I’m-m-m…’ Jason STOPPED. Climbing onto the bed beside her, he gave her a kiss without even bothering to wipe his mouth, letting her taste her juices, then said “Okay, pet, I want you to mount me.” Jason had her close, he knew, just to use that girl she kept marveling over to push her over the edge.

After being given a deliciously-wild teasing via oral, Annalise required no prompting to mount her Dom, though she was surprised, as this allowed her the most control. However, she wanted Him inside her, so quickly she straddled Jason. Raising up, she was quick to take the large handful of the dick in her hand, and looking down at him with a smile, she gave it a squeeze and pump, lined it up, then began leaning back into Him. Annalise’s face immediately assigned Just a bit with a lustful grimace, as she felt her insides stretch to accommodate him. With a smile, she began to alternatively lean back in, feeling his dick invade and stretch her, then back out, feeling it move. The sensing caused her to moan loudly, as she enjoyed the feeling of being stretched.

Jason REALLY liked how it felt to have her glove-tight pussy wrapped ’round him, and the look on her face as her hair hung down was quite a sight. Her pace after just a minute, began to pick up. Shit it felt good. After a bit, he began to push up into her. His pet leanedforward, placing her hands on his shoulders. He rewarded that by massaging her breasts and, of course, teasing those wonderful nipples. Shifting his hands to her hips just to slow her, he then began to thrust fast and hard up into her, holding her in place, and enjoyed her cries each time he went fully deep inside her. Jason then held her tight, gri-i-i-inding his hips into her, then slamming into her as before, before slowing, then pushing her to make his sub sit up. This young lady was close, and he was about to push her over the edge.

Annalise had thought she was close before, but His action of controlling her with her on top, was really doing it to her. It had been building as her hands were on his shoulders, grinding her clip against him, and the action of Jason Roberts pushing UP into her was something she had never had, but she certainly wasn’t Complaining. Then, though, he had her up, and…what?…he was running his hands very fast on her clip, and THAT did it. The wavewas released, and with a deep and mighty, “Oh, oh-oh-oh, ahhhhh!” Annalise finally came, relaxing onto her Dominant, feeling that thick cock go soft inside her.

Jason enjoyed holding his sex-toy against him, and as before, he breathed steady and deep, and in just a minute, she was matching him, which was ideal. “Okay, pet,” he said, breaking the silence, now I have a question.”

“Yeah-Yes?” Annalise replied.

“So that orgasm, the one I just gave you,” he said, knowing his words would enforce his mental goals, “Was that one as intensity as your last few?”

His pet smiled. “Well, it was very good, don’t misunderstand,” Annalise said, seeming to choose her words. “In fact, these last few days have been intensity. But Actually…no, it was not.”

Now it was his turn to smile. “It’s okay, pet,” he said. “The reason is, that I did not apply any of the things that he had been using the last two days, like power exchange, putting you in Sub-Space, or the like. I wanted you to experience a ‘vanilla’ orgasm, for comparison.” Then he added, “Intense for me, as well.”

“Well, I want you to know,” Annalise responded, “I was thinking that this would be a one time, or two times at most. I was NOT expecting this, and really I shouldn’t admit this, but I am enjoying it.”

Jason had to chuckle just a bit. After all, that comment really boosted his ego. “So, young lady,” he said, standing up, and taking his bag (pillow case, actually) of rope, he stepped back to the bed, continuing, “I’m still not done with you. Now that you have had ‘vanilla,’ I want to just expand your horizons just a bit more.” Taking a long length of rope, as with the first time he bound his sex-toy, he coiled the rope ’round her forearms, behind and across her back…a few passes ’round her torso…then something totally new.

Annalise enjoyed having her body appreciated with the kisses and the rubbing. ‘Every time that man plays with his nipples, it excitings me.’ She found herself thinking. Annalise felt her body seems to almost relax into the ropes, as though she wanted to have the coils ’round her arms, her wait, across the chest, and…wait, what’s this? Annalise thought, as she felt Him coil two more just under her breasts. She liked it as He pushed her onto the bed, in a ‘play-rough’ manner, showing her with kisses, pulling down the bra’s shoulder straps to again expose her nipples. She moaned in lust, as her Dom took them into his mouth, taking time to suck on them to their full erectness, as her body was still sensitive from the first orgasm. She was intrigued as her Dom made several coils that went down the cream at her thighs, between her legs, then up, a coil ’round the waist, then under the other leg. Annalise could still move, but her body was under His full control, and that excited her as well.

As in other rooms of the home, this one had exposed beams, and to that end, over at the wall, Jason had looped a coil of the ubiquitous rope.He pulled that over to the center, and it was hanging just off one side of the bed. With care, he helped his bound pet to her feet and turning her just a bit, he was able to attach the ceiling rope to what was a ‘rope harness’, and he cinched the rope just a bit, taking out the slack. “Okay, pet?” he cooed, and he got a nod, so he steadied her, then cinched it again. Annalise was bent slightly forward, only just touching the bed, the majority of her weight held by the rope. Jason took a minute to stroke hold his pet, silently assuring her it was good, then, walking over to the dresser, he removed a small leather paddle, placed it on the bed, and also another special item that he was sure would make for a fun afternoon.

Annalise had to marvel at her Man’s skills. She had always thought herself to be ‘sexually liberated’ and therefore open-minded, but damn, what was this man doing to her? It was one thing to find that he was really well endowed, another to be able to understand howto use it–and was she ever glad he was willing to do so–but how he, Jason Roberts, had been able to cast a seemingly magic spell was beyond her. She had met one or two guys her age, that seemed to be able to do this, but their lack of maturity and experience means that they did not really understand how to use it. Jason Roberts DID, and it was very much to her benefit.

Somehow, this Man had her wearing lingerie, had her bound, and had laid out sex toys and spanking gear? She couldn’t believe it! Yet, Annalise Garcia was not only allowing this, part of her–that deep, deep part that she had never told anyone about–wanted it. Annalise wanted to see what this was like. She listened to her Dominant Man, he was explaining that he was going to go s-l-o-w, and while she wanted it slow…she very much wanted it.



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