Training Annalise Ch. 03

All people in these stories are 18 years or older. the following is the story of a woman’s introduction to BDSM. of that isn’t you thing, please click away now!

HUGE thanks to Mr. Kenji Sato for his editing help, without him publication would mot be possible!


Jason Roberts’ new pet laid against him, gasping. He held her, still impaled on his cock, and worked to match her breathing. Yes, it was there. This was the best part of being in control. It was her orgasm, but she clearly understood it was his doing, and that was the goal. It was time to check and push a potential limit.

Annalise liked that her Man held her, and she had to admit that his cock, while smaller than before, was clearly still stiff. Just as she was thinking this, she caught her second wind, she felt him moving. Although he slipped out of her, she felt as though she somehow just ‘knew’, and moved with him, letting him reposition her. She was on the couch, and He was above her. Annalise was not used to men producing a second orgasm from her, she had only had that happen once, and needless to say, she wasn’t expecting that, although in fairness, she wasn’t expecting the first one either. Annalise was silent as she stared at him. She was clearly in for more, though she knew not what. But, she was VERY content to allow him to position her to His liking. What was this? A bit of…rope? She had only read About this, but He clearly wanted it, so as a result, she wanted to experience this at His hand.

His pet was now below him. As he stood, he moved a ‘conveniently-placed’ cushion over for her. Underneath it, he also had a few small coils of rope…and something else. The rope was that standard, soft, black bondage rope, but it would fit these purposes quite well. Jason gave his pet a kiss and then, lifting an ankle, he wrapped around it, then he delicately bent the ankle to her thigh, and with the same wraps, followed by a simple Burlington Bowline knot. With the otherleg so tied, his pet was now bound with her wrists to her calves, her knees played open. This gorgeous young woman was now fully open to him, and it was an incredible sight.

He wore a broad smile as he stepped up to her, and kneeing on a low footrest designed for use at a desk, putting his dick at just the right height. He kept his eyes locked on hers, and began by lightly pinching, tugging and twisting her nipples, much to her delight. He took his time, and eventually, he slowly worked his way down, across her navel, tugging on her pubic hair, until finally he began to use his fingers to explore her clip first, then spread her labia, tracing down until, finally, his fingers entered her vagina.

As Annalise had recently orgasmed, her pussy was rather sensitive, along with her nipples as well, but when He began to play her body like a fine musical instrument, she shortly found herself twisting and squirming in erotic delight. The feel of his tongue suckling her erect nipples was incredible. She pulled against her bonds, enjoying the combination of feeling what this Man did to her, and the feeling of powerlessness, as a result of those bonds. Unlike earlier, His fingers were pumping quickly in and out of her, and his hand ‘slapping’ against her sensitive pussy was an incredible feeling! It was pleasure, with just a tinge of pain, and the look from Him, combined with that tinge, was incredibly exciting. She could almost feel a wave building, and so Annalise laid back, and enjoyed the feeling of being controlled. It was a ‘floaty, magical feeling’, and she embraced it, not wanting it to stop.

Jason knew he could finger fuck her for quite a while, maybe even make her orgasm again, but it looked like his pet was in that ‘Sub-Space’, and besides, the little head was doing its share of thinking, and it wanted to be back inside her. He know that her sensitivity would make it even more intensity than before, so with a knowing smile, he leaned back and takinghis ‘pipe’ in hand, he figured every porn-watching college kid (which is to say, all of ’em) had either rubbed it on the outside, or spanked it on that pussy a few times, or both, and he wasn’t doing ‘the-same-ol” here, so he pointed down…fit to the opening…and in.

He wasn’t hard on the entry, just lined him up, which caused her to gasp, then with eyes locked, he began a steady puuuush, enjoying Her look and the feel, as his girl expanded her. Grasping her hips, he pulled her closer to the edge, then pushed a bit deeper. Then, he placed a hand on each knee, and began to thrust into her with determined, powerful strokes. And this time, he did not move as slowly.

While Annalise had really enjoyed the sensing of the bonds before, feeling Him as he invaded her with his girl made her cry out. She wanted to place her feet against him and push away, or to use her hands to slow him down, but the method with which they were currently bound, especially with His hands on herknees, meant she couldn’t do anything except take it. She knew that she could take it, and as she settled into this, with each stroke she emitted a distinct, “UH!” He was struggling into her hard and fast now, and her voice was a steady, “Uh-uh-uh-uh!!!”

Now his pace was picking up, and she found herself saying, “Oh–SHIT–Jason…it feels so g-go-goo-good!” It wasn’t like her to curse, but getting pounded this way was unlike anything she had ever had, and she was enjoying it. Her reaction of ‘uh’ was replaced by a continuous moaning wail, as he picked up in pace and power. Just as Annalise thought that she would give into screams, this Man slowed, and she fell to a whimper. The floaty feeling was still there–clearly at HIS control.

He was both surprised, and not at all Surprised, to hear his pet curse. Jason didn’t like that in a woman, but she was doing such a good job of taking it, he certainly couldn’t complain. He had to be careful because he knew she wasn’t on the Pill, but the feeling of being inside this young woman was unlike anything he had ever experienced. It was a risk when he started this, and the risk was far from over, but it was REALLY worth it. What’s more, he could tell that she was about to orgasm a second time. Jason was starting to break character. He had his chin tucked and he was power-stroking that cunt as hard as he could, his pace quickening. His balls were churning, the edge was near, and there was no turning back. “D-D-Damn, g-g-girrrrl…” he got out. His hips were tightening. Jason knew he had to buy some time, because he was close.

Annalise had been calling out and she could tell that again, the wave of orgasm was coming. More than that, was her man–he was thrusting yet faster. She could feel her pussy getting hotter, it was like He was staking an Oven, and again, she could feel her juices flowing. She could also tell that her Man was close, because he was tucking his chin and his movements were ‘tighter’ if that madeAny sense. “C-C-mon, dah–um, baay-bee…” she got out. She needed him to hold that orgasm back.

Also, she was not on birth control, and while she wanted to say something, she was lost in password. Just when Annalise thought her Man was going to cum, he seemed to pull back a bit. He apparently had one more trick up his sleep. She had not noticed, but from nowhere, Robert produced a smallish, finger-sized, blue metallic object. She immediately knew what it was, before she heard the hum. But when she felt that ‘hum’ touch her clip, THAT did it. Her orgasm, which had been steadily building, suddenly burst forth, and like a raging river, it coursed through and out of her. Still her bonds held, as she strained HARD against them. Her fingers grazed empty air, as she finished with a mighty, shaking scream.

The neat thing about a vibrator was that, when used properly, you could make a woman go from ‘almost-there’ to ‘over-the-edge’ with just a touch. When he touched her clip, Jason could have sworn that he saw a spark. Okay, so maybe it wasn’t a literal spark, but it had the desired effect. For just a moment, his pet’s body simply froze, then she seemed to ‘explode’, spasming and jerking as his pet throw her head back and screamed. The feeling of her pulsing on his dick was too much. It was time.

Jason was glad that his nearest neighbor, Mrs. Donovan, who was both Some distance away and elderly, couldn’t hear what was happening because she would surely have called the cops. Yeah, he was feeling his oats because he had made a gorgeous woman over four decades his junior, have a second incredible, screaming orgasm, but as Annalise throw her head back and began to shake and yell, he had just enough time to whip out and dump his goo across her pubic hair, flat little belly, and maybe a bit on her tits, too. And in the process, he also bellowed like a dying buffalo. The feeling was beyond description. It had been a long time since he had sex, much less like ths. He honestly looked up to see if the ceiling plaster was cracked.

The neat thing about his knots was that releasing them was a simple tug, and he did so. The back cushions were long disposed from their frantic fucking, so he pushed them out of the way, and turning his pet to her side, he dropped in behind her, spooning up, pushing his flaccid cock against her. Jason Roberts held his pet like this for a few minutes. It was sweet, but it was also necessary, he was not as young as he used to be….and she DID feel nice.

‘Well, today has been one of surprises,’ Annalise thought. She had not been expecting much, only to have had her socks knocked literally off. The most amazing thing was, she had, for a short time, had this very…almost euphoric high feeling. The only time she had even tried smoking dope before sex, the orgasm, while intensity, was actually muted, especially in comparison to this, and she wanted to know more. No, she had to know more.

At last, we both sat up, the afterglow of his fun fading. He knew she would have questions, and he was ready for them. He needed to maintain control though, so he started. “Okay, pet, I want you to go to the bathroom, and run a pair of washcloths under hot water, then come back here, and we’ll talk about the next few days as you clean me.”

“Okay. But I have something I must know,” Annalise said, and then left the room. Jason heard her doing as instructed. She was still in submissive mode. Good.

“Now use that first washcloth to wipe me clean, and hand me the other.” He enjoyed watching this young lady, as she wiped their shared slipness off his limp cock, balls, and pubes. It felt good.

When she was through, Annalise asked, “How did you get me into that floaty feeling? I could tell that you did it, and it was no fluke.”

“You’re right,” Jason said, as he nudged her onto her back on the couch. Was this thing ever going to need a real cleaning. She knew what He wanted and reclined back. He gave her knee a kiss, then began to carefully wipe away the fun leaking out of her as he spoke. “What you had there was called ‘Sub-Space’, and you are lucky to have it. Not all women can get there.” He enjoyed carefully moving her labia with the clothes. A woman’s sex is a beautiful thing to behold, and hers was particularly so.

Stopping, he pulled her back to her sitting position, and “So, Annalise, my plan is to take you to that place again. In fact, I plan to show you a side to yourself that you did not know existed. I can show you how to get to that place repeatedly. I’m thinking that you want to know more about it?”

Annalise responded with, “This is not at all what I expected. But I have to say, I feel like I need to know more, and if We are going to be doing this for the next few days…”

“Okay, and as I said before, it is making yourself fully available to me. You thought I just meant sexually, but I mean more. Open up to me mentally, let me in, just a little, and I can use this time to show you a part of your personality you never knew was there.” Seeing her nod, Jason said, “Good little pet…good. Now each time we are together; after, you are to get the washcloths and clean me, then I will do the same to you. Also, you are going to dress me, and again, I for you.”

Jason enjoyed having her hold his underwear, then his Shirt. She was a natural submissive, and they don’t come along often. She really showed it, as she knelt in front of him, ‘tucking’ his dick in, and zipping him up, glancing up with those doe eyes. It made him wish he was twenty years younger, he’d have pounded it out again right there. But instead, he chose to enjoy the same, taking time to kiss and lick her nipples and her clip. Jason really wanted her to look forward to this.

“Now, tomorrow,” he told her, as he opened the front door, “I want you in that skimpy bikini I’ve seen you tanning in. We both know those contractors will be there, so you can disguise it under a shirt and shorts. Tomorrow’s time is earlier, let’s make it one o’clock.” Seeing her smile, he added, “Get some rest, and be freshly-showered. Tomorrow’s going to be a longer day.”

Later, Annalise soaked in her bath, reflecting on what had just happened. She had literally sold herself, in order to avoid having to face up to her parents and own up to her actions. Her actual plan was to let the old pervert abuse her, then call the police. But in the process, she had not one, but TWO incredibly intense orgasms. That alone was reason to see if the old geezer had a third in him, but the fact that HE had taken her somewhere mentally, she had no idea existed, it just fascinated her.

She stared at the phone, and the police non-emergency number she had pre-programmed in, before walking over to Jason Robert’s house. She thought about how sensitive she was, and how he had played with her nipples, how he had done everything. “Can he have his cake and eat it too?” Annalise said aloud. She decided there was only one way to find out, and with that, she tossed the phone to the side, and pulled the drain plug. She needed to be rested up for tomorrow.


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