Training Aide Ch. 01

While working on the computer one day, my wife Angel informed me we were going to attend a class next Tuesday night and handed me a brochure which read.

“Mistress Elaine will be giving an all day class on domination and its many aspects, to women interested in becoming a Professional Dominatrix. The charge for the class is $100 but attendees bringing their own submissive will receive a 50% discount.

I was rather shocked that she would tell, not ask me if I wanted to come to the class and that she was interested in becoming a profession Dom.

The class was being held at a BDSM club that we occasionally visited so I knew it was not a rip off.

I asked why she wished to attend and why she wanted me to go with her.

She calmly replied, “You know you love it when I dominate you. I just want to poison my skills and take you along to save some money, or would you rather I asked someone else?”

And I was shocked at her blasé’ attitude. We usually discussedand planned our activities together but I quickly agreed not wanting her to dominate someone else.

We arrived at the class at 10am. There were ten other women there but no men. It appeared that I was the only submissive male that was in attendance.

Mistress Elaine ignored me at first and addressed the ladies. “Welcome to domination 101 ladies. I will be instructing you today in the many aspects of domination including, initial training, discipline, breaking his will, humiliation, feminization, cuckolding, and forced bisexuality .”

She then looked at me and said, “I see we have only one submissive male to act as a training aide today but we can share him, that is if you don’t mind?” She asked looking at my wife.

Angel replied, “No that’s quite alright, just don’t do any permanent damage.”

The other women laughed at her remark.

Mistress Elaine then explained, “In the initial phase it is important established rapport and to let your submissive knowledge exactlyy what is expected of him.”

She then addressed me. “Strip slave, and on your knees!” Her tone was so commanding I couldn’t help but obey. She looked so formidable in her black leather bra and cropch-less shorts, shoulder length gloves and thigh-high boots.

I hesitated undressing and she slapped me hard across the face. “Faster, bitch” she commanded as I quickly remove the rest of my clothes.

When I was completely naked, I got down on my knees. I could hear the giggling and snickering from the class. Not being very well endowed, I felt completely embarrassed and was beginning to wonder if I bitten off more than I could chew.

I looked up at my mistress while she recalled the rules.

“You will not speak unless asked to speak. You will address me as Mistress Elaine. You will not look directly at me or any other mistress unless asked to do so.” She instructed.

I quickly looked down at the floor not wanting to get slapped again.

She continued, “You will follow my every command without hesitation. Is this clear?”

“Ya ya yes!” I quickly replied.

“Smack!” You could hear the blow echo in the room as she slapped my face again, “Yes what?” she asked.

“Yes Mistress!” I meekly replied as the tears started to well up in my eyes.

Mistress Elaine then turned to the class and said, “You see, in a matter of minutes I have him naked and kneeling at my feet. We have established the beginning of our dom/sub relationship. He knows the rules and is aware that I mean business.”

At his point one of the women in the class asked, “What if he defies you?”

“That’s simple”, replied Mistress Elaine. “You simply tell him to get dressed and leave. He obviously is not interested in becoming a true submissive but was merely curious. You give him a 50% discount because he wasted your time and send him on his way. The client signs an agreement before the session begins, stating that if he wishes to discontinue the session, a percentage of the fee will be charged depending on the amount of time spent.”

“What if he becomes aggressive and tries to attack you?” Another woman asked.

“I am skilled in martial arts and I pity the fool that tries to attack me. For those of you who are not trained, we have security guards watching by video cams, who will take charge if the client tries anything.” She replied.

Mistress Elaine Continued, “The next step is called, “breaking his will.” Now that he is naked and vulnerable, it is time to test his pain threshold and break him. A safe word has been given and he knows that all he needs to do is say it and the rough discipline stops. Remember, most men are really sissies and cannot take anywhere near the pain a woman can take so, go easy on them.”

At this point I was commanded to lie across my mistress’s knees with my cock against her tights and my butt exposed.

The quickest was to break a man is with the cane. Canning is the most painful punishmentment. You start slowly and lightly and build up speed and pressure. Most men cannot take more than twenty five swats before they are sniveling like babies.”

Mistress Elaine then added, “To make this even more humiliating, you have him count and say “thank you”, after each five swats.”

She then began her demonstration. Swish, “one”, swish, “two”, swish, “three”, swish, “four”, swish, “five, thank you Mistress Elaine!” I quickly replied, waiting for her to continue. It stung quite a bit but I could tolerate it.

My mistress then said, “Ok, now you try five and handed the cane to one of the women, a cute, buxom redhead named Sandy.

Swish, “six”, I said, smiling to myself, she was barely applying the cane.

“Harder!” Mistress Elaine instructed, “You’ll never break him at that rate.”

Swish, “Oww, seven!” I cried out, she was really laying it on.

“Not quite that hard.” Mistress Elaine injected, “You don’t want to draw blood, yet”

Swish, “eight” a little soft, swish, “nine, oww!” this was beginning to really hurt, swish, “ten, thank you Mistress Sandy!” I said through my teeth trying not to cry out.

I wasn’t sure how much longer I could hold out. My bottom was red and straked and each new swat dramatically increased the pain. I didn’t want to use my safe word, but I knew my threshold was drawing near.

“Who Wants to go next? ” My mistress then asked the group of anxious women who all held up their hands.

“I think this one is near his breaking point,” She stated, “Why don’t we give his wife the pleasure of giving him the final strokes?”

Angel then took the cane, bent down and whispered in my ear. “Remember Darling, this is going to hurt you a lot more than it will me.” She then continued my punishment.

Swish, “eleven”, swish, “twelve”, swish, “thirteen”, swish, “fourteen, please, no more, no more, I can’t stand it!” I screamed, tears running down my cheeks.

“That’s enough for now dear, he’s broken. Sorry none of the rest of you got a chance to cane him but I will try and make it up to you later.” Mistress Elaine stated.

To be continued…


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