Note: This complete story is fiction and there is no intention to identify anybody, place or activity in any way, shape or form. The first part is my original story ‘finding a sub’ with minor revisions. The second part is darker than the first part. Remember this is still complete fiction and is not intended as a training manual nor acceptable behavior.
Part one – Finding a sub
I saw her at a rather boring party hosted by a friend of a friend. She was a brunette of middle height. Judging by her dress, her body was firm with reasonable breasts. I first noticed her hair which although up was obviously more than shoulder length and shone with health. She appeared to be alone so I went over and starting talking to her, quickly establishing that she was acquainted with our host and had been asked at the last minute. She was also bored, not knowing anybody else.
As we talked, I noticed that she constantly implied fault in herself. When she dropped a crisp, sheapologised for being clumsy, as she did when she split some wine. I gradually came to the conclusion that she was an unconscious submissive. I was attracted to her anyway, so I decided to test my theory. When we finished our drinks, I told she to get refills, asking for a whisky for myself and herself a white wine (until then she had been drinking weak vodka and tonic). She went off to get them without any protest. Good.
When she returned with the suggested drinks, she offered mine with a slight dip, saying “your drink, as ordered.” As she took a sip from her drink, I spoke “I did not say you could drink.” She looked up quickly and stepped back, then came forward and lowered her drink, looking at me with a questioning expression. “You may drink.” I said, after sipping my drink. She took a small drink, hesitantly.
She stood for a moment and then started to speak “er..”
“Be silent for the moment, I wish to look.” I said in a quiet but firm voice. She heard me but no oneelse did. I did not want any interruptions at this point. Stepping to one side nearer the window, and moving away from the others, I indicated with my head that she should follow. She did, after a small hesitation.
” I believe that we may be suited.” I put my glass down. “Come with me and have lunch. We can talk in peace then.” I moved towards the hallway. As I passed her, I put my hand on her arm and turned her towards the door. “Did you bring a coat?” I inquired as we reached the hallway.
“Let’s go then.” I propelled her through the front doorway and called farewell to my friend who was standing in the hallway chatting to a guest. To avoid being blocked in the driveway, I had parked my car on the street. I opened the passenger door, ushered her in and walked around to the driving door.
As we drove off, she wriggled and said “where are you taking me?”
“To a small restaurant I know, where we won’t be disturbed. But first I need to buy something.”
“You will see. Now be quiet please, while I drive.” I was very pleased with her reaction so far. She was responding like a geneuine submissive. I had not given any really forceful orders yet, nor any which could provoke a strong reaction but she had unconsciously obeyed without any hesitation. Any non-submissive would have refused to follow me out or, at least, argued before agreeing. The week-end could be very promising and it was still only early Friday afternoon.
We pulled into the local shopping centre car park and I led the way to the pet shop. It was a large store and I had difficulty at first identifying the shelves I wanted. I then saw the display of dog collars and leads and led her over to them. Without any explanation, I started to examine the collars. “Do you like black or brown leather? Or perhaps a metal one?”
Without thinking, she said “black is my favourite”.
“Black it is then but I think a wide one, at least two inches, with plenty ofstuds.” I rooted through them and pulled one out. “This looks just right and it should be long enough, it’s fourteen inches long. Perhaps a matching lead?” I found one. I also picked up four puppy collars in the same style and two choke chains, then went to the engraving machine and engraved a tag with ‘please ring my owner at’, my telephone number. And went to the cash desk, saying “I’ll just pay for these and then we’ll eat.”
As we returned to the car, she spoke “why the collar?”
“We do need to talk about ground rules soon but not for the moment. I would have thought the collar was obvious. Every pet needs a symbol of ownership.”
“I’m not sure I understand. Do you have a dog?”
“No. But I believe I’m about to acquire a pet, don’t you?”
She walked silent for a moment and then said “You don’t mean. . .?”
“do I?”
She stopped and turned to me. “I think you do.”
“Perhaps, under the circumstances, we should go straight to my house. We can getto understand what has happened then.” We returned to the car and I drove home, neither of us wanting to speak. On arrival, I drove right into the garage and climbed out. I walked around to the passenger side and opened the door. “If you go straight through that door and turn right, the bathroom faces you. I’ll follow in a moment after I lock the garage.” She got out without a word and went into the house. I locked the garage door, secured the car and then went into the house. I entered the lounge and pouring myself a drink, waited for her.
I don’t know what she was doing but it was about twenty minutes before I heard her coming out of the bathroom. “In here!” I called. “Would you like a drink?”
“Please.” she said as she entered, stopping just inside the door.
I poured a white wine pointedly without asking her preference. I walked over to her, handed her the drink and then said, casually, “drink up, while I talk.” I moved across the room and sat down.
“Do you kNow what a sub is?” I asked.
She stood and thought for a moment. “I believe I do.” She said slowly.
“Very well, tell me what you think it is. Let’s see if we agree.”
“I think sub is short for submissive, a person who wishes to be controlled, ordered about and dominated, both physically and perhaps sexually, even being punished if they do something the other person I sipped the drink and then continued “I believe you are a submissive, looking for a master. I need a sub and like the look of you. Obviously you are completely untrained but I am prepared to understand this, assuming we agree terms.” As she opened her mouth to reply, I held up my hand and continued “Don’t speak without permission. That’s the first rule. Secondly obey without hesitation or be punished. You will be allowed a safe word, that is a word to speak, or action to make if you are unable to speak, which will stop any activity immediately, if you feel you have reached your limit. If you use it improperly you will either be punished severely and/or dismissed. As you may have realized, the collar is for you, the tag showing my ownership. I suggest that we set a limit for the first time, either tonight or this week end, depending upon your circumstances. Do you live alone?”
“Yes. I have a small flat.”
“If we suit, you will move in here. Is that a problem?”
“What about friends? family?”
“No living family other than distant cousins. Work mates, no real friends, too shy, I think.”
“Probably your submissive nature. Difficult to get close on level terms. Are you free for the weekend or would you prefer to try just the evening?”
She thought for a minute “can we compromise? Try this evening and let me decide about the rest of the weekend then?”
“Suits me. Shall we say until midnight at the latest? If you wish to stop then, I’ll run you home or you can sleep in the guest room and we’ll decide on the next occasion at breakfast otherwise we can carry straight on. Happy about that?”
“Yes. How do we start?”
“Finish your drink first. No hurry.”
We chatted, while we finished the drinks. I don’t like heavy use of alcohol in scenes. It’s too easy to go too far when your senses are dulled. Anyway, with a good sub, who needs alcohol? When we finished, I stood up. “Go back to the bathroom and have a shower. Put a bathrobe on only, barefoot, and return here. When you do return, stand in the middle of the room and wait for me. Meanwhile I’ll have a shower myself but upstairs.”
I then went up to my bedroom and showed. I deliberately spent a long time. I needed her to have finished and be waiting. Finally, I returned to the locke and stood in the doorway looking. She was standing in the centre of the room as ordered, wearing a bathrobe several sizes too large. Her hair was still up.
“Let the hair down. I don’t like it up.” She released her hair which fell below her shoulders, nearly to her wait. “Good, that’s better.” I undid the tie of her bathrobe, slipped the robe down her shoulders, removed and throw it onto a chair. “Stand still while I examine you.” I walked slowly around her, she started to turn with me. “I didn’t say you could move.” She stopped and I completed my circular walk.
I ran my fingers through her hair, pulling it gently back over her shoulders. “A pony tail, at first, I think.” My hand slide down to her nose, I took her septum between my fingers and squeezed. “Ah, solid.” I opened her mouth, pulling the lips back to expose her teeth. “Good sound teeth.”
She started to shift a little as my hand slide over her breast, not resisting but uncomfortable with my action. After kneeing the breast and ‘weighting’ it, “Firm breasts, no drop.” I gripped a nipple and squeezed, gently at first then firmly. She started to gasp but stopped and held steady. “Nice nipples, we may pierce them, if you suit. They would carry bells very well, I think.” After feeling her stomach and hips, my hands moved down her tights towards her knees. “Lift the left.” I said as I pulled on her leg. She lifted it and I slide my hand down it to the foot. I held it at a convenient height, for me, and fondled the toes. “The right.” I released her left foot and checked the right. “Sound feet, your mother looked after them.”
So far there had been no real reaction to my examination. “Place your legs apart, about eighteen inches or so, standing straight and still. Hands by your sides.” She shifted her position. “You’ll need to have this mat shaken.” I placed my hands on the top of her thighs and slide them between her legs. She stiffened and then relaxed. Good. My hand slide upwards onto her mons and I pushed my forefinger between the labia and into her vagina. She was wet, not a lot but enough to show her reaction. Rubbing gently on the walls of the vagina, I movedMy fingers onto her cliporis and started a circular motion. Almost immediately she moved in rhythm and she began to pant. I could feel her breath on my neck. “Head up straight, don’t move unless I tell you to.” She stood still as I pulled my fingers out of her vagina and placed them in her mouth. “Lick them clean.” Without any hesitation, she tongued my fingers clean. When she finished, I stepped back. “I am pleased so far. I’ll fit your collar and then we will discuss what is to happen tonight. Stay.”
I turned and left to fetch the collar and lead. When I returned, I noticed she hadn’t moved at all. Good. Holding up the collar, I said “Come here and be collared. You’ll wear this when we are together. If I decide to keep you, then I’ll get a metal one made and you will wear it all the time.” Once the collar was fitted, I clipped the lead onto it and stepped back to admire my price. Untrained as she was, she had behaved very well.
“Follow me and try to keep the lead slack.”I turned and walked slowly around the room holding the lead. At first it kept tightening as she tried to work out my pace. After several circuits she was managing to walk behind me without the lead tightening. “Halt. That’ll do for the moment. Now stand there while I fetch some treatments for my pet.” I left for the kitchen after unclipping the lead and placing it on a coffee table.
I returned after a few minutes carrying a small box and a dish with some pieces of fruit and some chocolate. Putting the box down on the coffee table, I walked across to her and picking up a slice of orange, I placed it in her mouth. “a little treat for you before we start on your training.” I went to the box and took out two of the puppy collars, a choke chain and two small brass padlocks. “Turn around and put your hands behind your back.” I ordered. Once she’d done this, I padlocked the choke chain to her collar, fastened a puppy collar on each wrist as a cuff and padlocked both wrists and the other end of the chain together. The short choke chain lifted her hands to wait level and clear of her buttocks. She pulled at the now locked hand-cuff, testing the result. “Don’t fight it. Relax. If you try to pull on it you will hurt your throat. It is only to show my control.” I picked up a piece of chocolate, placed it in her mouth and patted her shoulder.
“I wouldn’t hurt my new pet, not at this stage. Perhaps it’s time I gave you your safeword? Use the word ‘firewall’ as the safeword. It’s not a word you would use in this context, I think. If later, you can’t speak, hum the phrase ‘a little bit of bread and no cheese’ or ‘shave and a haircut, two bits’ as the Americans would say. I won’t be pedantic about your rendition. I’ll stop immediately and ask if you really used the safeword. If so I would then find out if you meant to stop the current action or that you wanted to finish completely. If so you would be my guest until I could take you to a suitable address. Is that understand? After all, I want a happy, willing submissive, not a kidnapped slave.” I deliberately caresed her buttock then slide my hand between her legs searching for her vagina. I was doing this slowly and carefully to ensure that she knew I was ‘taking advantage’ and giving her plenty of opportunity to halt me. In fact, all she did was to open her legs a little to ease my access.
Putting my fingers in her mouth, I Let her suck them clean as I continued. “One thing to remember about a submissive, they get plenty of sexual activity, even if they’re not always allowed to climax. Time I gave you some rules. Rule one: You call me ‘master’. Rule two: Speak only when asked a question. The only things you can normally say without being asked is ‘Yes, Master’, ‘permission to speak’ and ‘please may I cum’. Rule three, obey all my orders immediately and without question. Finally, rule four, you cannot do anything without my consent, eating, drinking, not even leaving the room but especially havingan orgasm.” I wagged my finger as I said that but continued. “If I take you on you will be asked to sign a contract covering our relationship. Briefly summarized it will mean I own you body and soul. As I own you I get to name you as well. For the moment, I’ll call you Blossom. Remember to respond to it.”
As I spoke, I fed her another piece of fruit. This made it easier for her not to speak. I turned back to the box, getting the rest of the little collars and the second choke chain. I fastened these to her ankles as a hobble, padlocking the choke chain between the cuffs. This restricted her walking to paces of about fifteen inches. I also warned her. “Remember, no talking. If you do, I’ll gag you after I’ve punished you. I expect perfection, anything less is paid.”
Part two – Training a sub
“To begin with, Blossom, I need to teach you some basic positions. But before that I think you should walk around the room a few times to get used to your uniform.” She lookedPuzzled at this. “The cuffs and chains. You will be wearing these or similar items most of the time. Freedom is a privilege, not a right. Walk around until I tell you to stop.” She hesitated then started to move. At first she was constantly jerking the hobble as she tried to stride too much, but she gradually adapted and after several circuits was walking steadily without snapping the hobble tight.
“That’s fine. You’re pacing nicely but we need to work on your Stance now.” I encouraged her. “Lift your head, shoulders back, back straight. You’re showing off your master’s property, so don’t slouch, be proud. As you push your shoulders back, it should perk up your breasts, make them more prominent, push them forward.” As I said this, she was adjusting her posture According to the question. “That’s better. Make me proud. That’s right.” As I said all this, she responded. Already she was conceding to me the right to tell her how to behave. What’s more she was actively displaying herself as ordered.
After a few more circuits, when she was further away from me. I told her to stop. She stopped and then looked at me. “Don’t look at me. When told to stop, you do just that. You stop and don’t move, just await further instructions. We’ll try again, walk on.” She started walking again. Again I adjusted her posture until she was moving correctly. “that’s how I want you to walk. Please remember it. Make me proud to have you. Now let’s try the stop again. Remember to stand stationary and not look about. Ready, stop.” This time she stopped and stood rigid, without moving. I compiled her. “That’s much better.”
I crossed to her and stand in front. “When you stop moving, for whatever reason, you must take up the position ‘stand’. You’re not far off it. Shoulders back, breasts pushed forward. Head up straight, eyes looking straight ahead and slightly down. Don’t look at people eye to eye. Remember your status, you must be subservient. Your legs to be apart, about ten or twelveinches. Bum tucked in, pushing your monks out. Mouth slightly open. That’s right. Now always hold this position when stationary. Don’t move or look around without permission. If I tell you to relax, then you may look about and change your posture.”
Going back across the room, I turned and looked. Raw as she was, she looked magnificent. I continued. “The next is the ‘approach or here’, we’ll use that phrasing as ‘come’ may be confused. This is simple and obvious. You walk, correctly, towards me and stop about three feet in front. Take up the ‘stand’ and stay still, waiting for the next command. Let’s try it. ‘Approach!’” She turned towards me and walked across the room. When she stopped in front of me, I said. “Not bad but you forget to walk properly. Now go back to where you were and we’ll try again. Go on, back over there. And remember to walk properly and take the stand when you get there. Go!” She crossed back to the other side, took up a creditable ‘stand’ and waited. I calledagain. “Approach.” This time she walked properly and took up the ‘stand’ just in front of me.
I stepped forward and hugged her. “That was excellent. We’ll have a quick break. You’re doing well. Come on.” I led the way back to the coffee table and I sat down in the chair next to it. Motioning to her, I said, “Kneel at my side and rest.” She awkwardly struggled down to a kneeing position and shuffled to get comfortable. “I’ll tell you how to knee properly later but you are doing very well. Excellent progress. Blossom, I’m proud of you.” As I was saying this I was caresing her body, tweaking her nipples and struggling her face. I then got some more chocolate and fed it to her, all the while complimenting her on the results so far. I then said. “I don’t know about you but I need a cup of tea and a bite to eat. You’re alright, I’ve been stuffing you with chocolate and fruit but I’ve not had a bite since the party, and the nibbles there weren’t too great.” As she started to speak, Iput my finger to her lips and shook my head. “That wasn’t a question. Just a comment.”
I then led the way to the kitchen. I told her to stand by the table while I checked the fridge contents for ideas. There wasn’t much there but I settled for a cheese and bacon sandwich. I made a small pot of tea, grilled the bacon and toasted some bread. I prefer toasted bread with bacon sandwiches as it cuts the greasy feel. While doing the sandwich for myself, I cut up some bacon and cheer into a shallow bowl then made some toast soldiers for Blossom.
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