Training a New Slave – Ch. 01

Andy woman up in a dark, cold room on a damp, concrete floor. He crawled to the wall, trying to find his bearings.o feel his way around the room. The chain on the collar around his neck verily allowed him to reach this wall… verily. A tiny light flickered on, growing brighter till he could see a woman and 4 men in the corner.

“I was wondering how long you would be out, dear.

Andrew looked Around the room. It was a very large, cold dungeon cell with a bed in the center. The woman stood next to the bed as the four men kneeled naked behind her. Her blond hair flowed down to her ankles around her perfect feet. Her tight-fitting, low-cut leather top showed the perfect amount of breast. The leather pants were so tight… the only word he could think of was perfect. The man was tall, dark, and completely naked, his eyes fixed on them like you would fixate on a car wreck as you drive by.

Anthony is the quarterback for the school’s football team. Or was I guess his mom and dad died in the car wreck that made him homeless last summer. The kids of that school graduated without him last week. People respected or feared him. He was a big, strong guy. Built like an ox, his dad would often say. But here he was, the one afraid.

“Where… why am I here?

All your questions will be answered soon. 1st, though, I want you to remove your clothes- now, Please. The woman moved closer to him. He took a hesitant step back, placing himself against the wall.

“No way… that is not happening.”

She stepped closer. “If you refuse, then I will be forced to have Matt and John assist you.”

“OK, that is not happening… no, no, no, no, no…”

She was standing right in front of him. “Try this… Let’s start small. Remove your shirt, and I’ll make you a deal. Each time you do what I ask the first time, the men will move closer to the door. Disobey, and they move closer. See the circles on the floor? They will move back each time you obey me and forward each time you don’t.”

His fingers tremble as he unbuttons the shirt. He holds it in front of him for a minute then throws it as if challenging her.

She nods her head and motions the men to the green circle.

“Good boy….Now the pants”

His face fell; she was not joking.

“Please… I don’t feel comfortable with them in here…” She motioned to the men, who started to stand.

“Wait! No, please…” he swallowed, taking a deep breath, ” I’ll do it…”

She places her hand on his bare chest.

“I know this is scary and uncomfortable, but in the long run, it is necessary and may save you from being seriously hurt on the island.”

His hand hesitates on the zipper, and her hand goes in the air, ready to call the men back to the inner circle.

“No, wait, I’m just scared. Give me a minute, please….”

“One minute, then the boys come back to red circle.”

Andy jerks his jeans down to his knees and kicks them off. The underWear under the clothes was ratty and too big to stay around his thin waist.

“Now the underwear.”

He lifts his head, looking at the men and laughing. She lifts her hand, and they move to the blue circle.

“Are you going to fight me each step of the way on this boy… They have more holes than clothes.”

Without thinking, he rips them off and throws them on the floor… a challenge.

She smiles, motioning the men to the purple circle.

“That’s my good boy see nothing that hurt right… very good. Now I want you to sit down right here on the bed. You’re not going to be hurt, but you will need to sit down for the next part of this game.”

“I sit there and you are going to fuck me… just say so I’m not stupid”

“I have no intention in fucking your ass…not yet anyway… now sit down on the edge of the bed”

Hesitantly, he walked over to the edge of the bed and sat down slowly.

“The men are in the white circle; they will remain there unless I instruct them otherwise. Now, we are going to start the tasks. These are a little harder than the first ones.”

He stressens on the bed.

“Relax. You have 4 basic senses we will work with tonight: sight, feel, hearing, and speech. The goal is that at the end of the tasks, you will have learned that there is nothing to fear.”

“I don’t understand.”

“The first sense we are going to work with is feel… your hands will be taken away from you.

“NO!!! “One of his biggest fears was to be helpless. Breathing becomes rapid. He jumps up, pacing the length of the bed.

“Do you want me to call the boys back… This is the last time I will allow disobedience… If you don’t obey instantly, then I will bring them back without a reminder.

“You don’t want me to be able to fight them… What’s the matter? Afraid I might hurt one of them…”

“Sit down and hand me your hands before you earn a punishment… now!”

He glances back at the men one last time before reluctantly sitting back down on the bed and placing his hands in front of him.

She ties his hands tightly.

“Those boys won’t hurt you.. You just need to learn to obey me… to trust me. Lay back on the bed, Anthony.”

She proceeds to tie his hands to the bar at the head of the bed.

“Relax, you’re not going to get hurt…”

She takes his legs, tying one to each of the foot bars.

“I know you’re nervous-. You have to learn to trust me and my men…

Matt, please join me in the red circle.”

Anthony tensed

“You promised!”

Matt knelt at her feet. He was from Louisiana, a true Cajun, he liked to joke.

“Matt, this is Anthony… Anthony, this is Matt.”


“Anthony – Matt is going to jack you off. This wont hurt but you will cum for me but only when I demand it do you understand?”

Matt, not looking up, reaching his hand out and begins slowly struggling Anthony. Anthony whimpers.

“Matt, I want you to make him cum for me.”

“As you will, my Mistress,” Matt declares

Anthony whispers, begging her to make him stop, but she just smiles.

She can feel he is so close as she whispers.

“Anthony, cum for me”

He didn’t want to obey, but the feel of this guy’s hands on him and her voice pushed him over the edge.

The moment Anthony came, Matt stopped Framing him. For just an instant Anthony wished to thrust his cock back into the boy’s hand.

“That’s my good boys… Matt, you can go enjoy your day. Dear thankyou…… Anthony, you did so well. Are you ready for the next challenge?”

She holds up a thick leather hood. His face goes pure white…

“Please, no… I’m claustrophobic, please….. ” He fight the urge to scream, knowing it would be useless; she would not have compassion on him.

She touched his arm. His breathing was rapid, and he was sweating. She sat the hood down, opting instead for a thick leather blindfold.

She reaches up struggling his face..

“It’s alright, dear. I don’t want you afraid… unnecessarily.”

She pulled back once again all business.

“Lucas, come give Anthony your very best blow job.”

Without a word, the boy obeys her, climbing onto the bed next to Anthony. At first, he tries to pull away, but Lucas whispers, ” It’s ok, I promise I won’t bite.”

Anthony’s best friend in high school had been a Cajun kid from Louisiana; the accent was unforgettable.

She watches the shy, futile resistance.

“Anthony I want you to cum.. Cum in his mouth let him swallow every drop of you.”

He whimpered he could feel the reaction he was having to this he wanted to please her… but surely he could not cum again.. so soon.

She leaned in close to his ear and spoke 4 words that changed his world.

“Cum for me… NOW”

He didn’t know how she did it maybe she was a witch… but no sooner did the words leave her mouth then his hips began to buck uncontrollably and he cries out as his cum erupts from his body with gale force slamming into the back of the boy’s throat but Lucas true to word did not loose a single drop.

She smiled; this was going better than she had hoped.

“Lucas, you may return to your room. You’re doing very well, Anthony.”

“Why are you doing this to me? I’m not gay! I don’t want to do this, please…” his sentence turns into a litany swearing he is not gay.

“I’m very happy to hear that, love, but you need to remember this is about you learning trust. Trust me… I won’t let anything happen to you… Time to lose your hearing love so you wont hear the command to cum so instead you will cum when I tap your arm 3 times. understand?”

“Please, not again…”

She places the sound buds in his ears and calls Mark to the circle.

“I want you dick to dick… lotion him up then stroke both of you off with nothing more than your cock against his.. massage the rest of his body and Mark he is going to fight so hold on tight my little cowboy.”

Mark slowly begins massing the lotaging onto Anthony’s chest then abs… so far so good but the minute the boy touches the sore cock he tenses. Mark slowly climbs to where Anthony’s body is between his legs Anthony struggles not sure what is about to happen but the second Mark’s body slides across Anthony’s and their cocks touch Anthony freaks out struggle to get away believing that his greatest fear was about to happen and this man child would shove his cock up Anthony’s ass.

Anthony can feel the boys rock hard cock fencing with his own as Mark’s slides easily throw Anthony’s parted legs teasing the man’s ass but never entering the forbidden area.

She gently massed Anthony’s arm, reassuring him she was still there protecting him. Then it happened: she tapped his forearm 3 times, but in his head, he heard her voice giving the command as clear as day.

“Cum for me – NOW!”

He had no choice his body responded to the command as his cum mingled with the lot and the seed of the boy he felt an odd sense of accomplishment as the boy slide silently down from his chest and walked away.

She allowed him to relax for a few minutes as she spoke to John.

“your to gently fuck his mouth nothing extreme yet just let him get a taste of it and a good load of your cum.. understand?”

“OF course, Mistress, I’ll be gentle as a momma with her kiddo.”

She pressed a button on the side of the bed.

The head of the bed lowered, and he whimpers, frightened.

She soothed his browser, removing one earbud.

“I swear that John will not fuck you but I want you to open your mouth… I am going to put a device into your mouth… it won’t hurt…”

“please don’t let him rap me”

Without a word, she replaced the bud in his ear.

He slowly opened his mouth, and she buckled the open-mouth gag in place. His blind explored it for a moment.

John stood up his full 6 ft 3 inch frame dwarfed the Mistress but he bent to kiss her hand as always. He placed one strong black leg on each side of the young man’s head. Anthony fidgets nervously, imagining what is about to happen to him. John tucks his feet under Anthony’s should blades setting his cock right at the opening of the gag.

His 9 1/2 inches slide throw the gag and rested on Anthony’s tongue. The boy panics, thrashing and fighting with everything he has. He can’t move his head side to side. John’s knees hold in in position perfectly. He feels as if he is suffocating. John puts one hand at the back of Anthony’s head, cradling it. With the other, he puts on Anthony’s nose. He pinches the airway Anthony instinctively tries to suck in air with his mouth but instead just slurps on the massive cock. Anthony try to pull away and for a split second John allows it before pulling the boy’s head hard back on to the cock. He releases his nose and Anthony greedily sucks in all the air he can butThen it starts again.. Soon Anthony starts sucking and bouncing on his own he feels Johns balls swell his cock doubles in size…

“Oh Goddess, NO!” he screams in his head.

John pulls out til his massive cock is resting on the boys warm tongue then it exploits a tornado of cum hits Anthony’s throat as John once again pinches off his nose.

She watches as a single tear escapes the leather blindfold. He fought to just focus on her hand gently brushing his arm as if to say Trust me. I will protect you. John eased in a little more not Anthony was getting the idea breathing throw his nose he was able to breath while this huge cock was forced down his throat over and over then it happened she tapped his arm 3 times he tried to resist but he felt his balls cinch and begin spewing semen without anyone touching him at all.

John also got the command to cum and he pressed as far to the back of Anthony’s throat as he dared and released a second massive load of salty hot fluid into the boys mouth.

Then, as if nothing had happened, he slide off his perch and walked away.

The Mistress’s fingers probed Anthony’s mouth, forcing him to swallow the rest of the mess.

Then she pressed the button.

“I’m going to remove your gear for you, pet… but there is one last task before we quite tonight.”

She removed the headphones and gagged first.

“Before I untie you, I wanted to tell you something… You did very well today, and this last game, I sent the boys away. After all I am asking… demanding you trust me, so I am going to trust you. “

He thought about her words. He did indeed trust her, and he was still scared, but he trusted her.

“Yes, ma’am, I trust you.. “

She removed the blind fold.

“Will you obey me no matter what, even if you’re afraid?”

He hesitated, but he knew the answer he wanted to give and bowed his head as he spoke.

“Yes, my Mistress, I will obey you.”

She removed his arm and leg bindings.

“I want you to lay on your stomach.”

Without hesitation, he rolled onto his belly. She could tell he was afraid, but this time, it was different; he was not afraid of her, just the unknown.

“Will it hurt much?”

She dragged her nails gently down his back.

“Just a little and only for a moment or so.. We will start small with my fingers and work our way up at your speed. Now rise on your knees and elbows.”

Slowly he rose on his knees at first just knees than knees and hands he arched his back stretching the muscles before taking a deep breath and sinking to his elbows his ass in the air naked and venerable.

“I’m going to be gentle, dear. Try to relax for me.

He closed his eyes, waiting on the inevitable, but whispered.

“Yes, Mistress, as you command.”

She smiled; he had been listening to the others throw out the day and the ways they addressed her.

She slide a latex glove on her hand and lubed it generally bEffe sliding one finger in and listened to him whimper as his cherry popped. She waited, allowing him a moment to become at ease with the loss before adding another finger than a third.

She whispered in his ear.

“Are you ready, Anthony..?”

He took a deep breath, feeling her fingers inside him.

“At your pleasure, Mistress.”

He knew it was the answer that would please her the most. He had heard the others say it to her many times that day.

“Very good answer, Anthony… I am very pleased.” She slide the dildo past her fingers into the warm opening. He whimpered; she knew it hurt.

“You’re doing very good, but this time I want you to show me with everything you have that you want it…”

Slowly he lifted his ass pressing it into her strap on whimpering each time it grounded into him…

“Say it for me.”

He gritted his teeth and ground out the words he knew she wanted to hear.

“Mistress fuck me please…”

She whispered back


How could he possibly be begging for this when only this morning he was fighting to get away from this place? Maybe he was more gay than he thought.


She slams into him three times. As she does, he notices the four men, two on his left and two on his right, kneeing by the bed.

“When I tell you to cum this time Anthony, your brothers here will share in your gift to welcome you to our pack.”

He didn’t understand but as she gave him the order to cum he arched his back and came the men allowing the cum to splash on their hands. One reached up placing a small amount of his cum on his lips. He resisted at first.

“It’s alright, Anthony. Open Your mouth just a little.”

Mark placed a single drop of Anthony’s cum into the boys mouth than licked the rest from his hand. It was the first time he realized not only did he trust her… he trusted them. After his brothers cleaned the cum fromHis cock he allowed them to bath him and lead him to a small apartment.


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