My phone buzzed on the coffee table that had been pushed out of the way. I couldn’t resist the temptation and leaned over to grab it with a smile. The young lady with my cock in her mouth and a leather collar around her neck followed my hips, never letting me loose. I saw it was an old friend and answered.
“Hey what’s up?” I said, trying to keep my breathing even. The girl sucked hard, trying her best to distract me. Cheeks hollow and head bobbing, she keep eye contact the whole time I spoke while making her own rhythmic grunts of pleasure.
“Hey what was that book we read in middle school about the kid and the Satanic panic – the D&D thing?” My buddy had a bad memory. She moved to the base of my erection, her tongue flicking around my scrotum, juggling the testicles, before sucking firmly on each. I breathed deep in appreciation.
“Mmm Hobgoblin? Was that it?”
“Fuck! That was it! Coyne or something? I forget…” She moved back to the tip, sucking hard while her tongue stroked the sensitive underside, back and forth. My friend on the phone trailed off, hearing my masked groan. “Wait – are you ‘entertaining’ god dammit?”
“Damn straight.” I smiled and stroked her hair while her body was knocked forward a few times. Her ass rippled with each impact but she never let go of me, winning with the more vigorous strokes. She was in some pain, I could tell, but she liked that.
“I don’t need to hear you fucking! Why the hell would you answer the phone?”
“That’s the fun part – control, right? Pulling a Clinton on ya! Say ‘Hi’ girls.” Two flirty female voices called out “Hi!” as I held the phone up.
“Uh… you got two girls there? What the…” he started to ask.
“You wouldn’t believe what I’m looking at right now!” I laughed.
“Sonofabitch… Where the hell do you find these girls?”
“You really want to talk about it now?” I asked with another groan. I lifted my phone and pointed the camera in front of me. “What do you think girls? Quick video call? We up for a little tease? He’s a friend, nothing to worry about.”
“Yes, sir!” They both agreed.
“Hey now, am I gonna have to remind you again? One at a time.” I said, knowing my friend was hearing it all. Hard not to show off in front of an audience.
“Yes, sir.”
“Yes please, sir.”
I chose the video call option on my phone and saw my friend’s face appears, my own in the bottom corner, hair sweaty and disheveled. I flipped the display to the rear camera and the little corner view changed. I just gave him a quick look. “Mother fucker!” he exclaimed on speaker at the sight and all three of us laughed.
My hips were at the bottom of the frame, her elbows on my things, hand wrapped tight around the base of my penis, under the balls, lifting everything into view. The head of my stiff, respectably sized cock in her mouth as she was bounced forward. Her shaped ass was pointed straight back behind her and gripping it was anold friend of hers whom she had brought along for the night as another potential play pal for us.
The friend was on her knees, big breasts swinging at the top of the camera’s view (keeping her face out of frame). She was holding tight to a metal dog chain connected to my girl’s collar. Between her legs was an intimidating strap-on dildo, attached firmly to her hips, the business end lodged deep inside my little playmate’s body. She pulled out and launched back in hard a couple times with a wet, hearty smack, burying ten inches of veiny silicane in my girl’s nether regions, while she held her hip with the other hand and smiled.
I flipped the phone back to the front camera and gave a shrug, “Just another Saturday night around here. Maybe I’ll have a dinner party and you can join us sometimes. Gotta run, man!” I smiled and hung up over his shouted questions, putting the phone down next to me. I would find a few texts the next day, my friend complaining “You know, I don’t needto see your cock” before sheepishly asking if the offer to join us some time was real. I’d never fooled around with my friend in the room but had attended my fair share of events where multiple partners were engaged. I wasn’t shy and enjoyed showing my girl (or girls) off a bit. If my baby could bring a friend to the party, maybe I would too one day.
“Thanks, girls.” I smiled at them. My sub gave me a bite, squeezing my shake between her teeth the way she knew I liked. “Careful, hon!” I warned her. The bite was partially a reaction to the large and uncomfortable but deeply satisfying object being pressed into her body.
My girl enjoyed a good toy but struggled a bit with this one. It was a good two inches wide and I knew from personal experience it was a challenge in the back door as well. I’d taken the time to warm her up though, made sure we used plenty of lube and the girls were able to come to an amicable arrangement. She was stretched for sure (and her friend was not being gentle) but starting to enjoy the sensing from the sounds she was making.
“Do a good job and you might earn a reward tonight.” I teased our guest. I knew there’d be no reward though. Her first night had to be strictly training and well did I know you always had to leave a girl wanting more. She’d spend the night on duty.
“Thank you, sir!” She grasped my baby’s hips and thrusted with an invigorated pace. My girl closed her eyes a second and exhausted hard, groaning in pain.
“How’s my little pussy doing, baby?” She looked me in the eye and nodded.
“So deep, Daddy.” She moaned, squeezing my balls as she laid her head on my thigh
“I know. You can take it though, can’t you?”
“Yes, sir.” She came back to my cock, head bobbing but still distracted.
“How long has it been?”
She looked at the wall clock in the kitchen over the bar and said, with her mouth still full, “27 minutes, sir.”
“Good job, sweetie. You could still use some training, but not bad.” She would be getting a reward tonight. Not only for taking the pounding, or offering a more than decent blowjob, but for bringing me a very willing and surprisingly submissive friend. “I’m feeling about ready for round two.” Her eyes lit up at that. I’d already spent myself earlier sampling the wares of our new guest. Her friend was a little larger, but still very shaped, and with an amazing ass. I had happily sprayed semen over them both in nearly record time. We then took a little break before exploring the toy collection. Now, after a half hour of watching and some pretty intense fallatio, I was ready for more.
“Ok girls, that’s 30 minutes. Let her go, hon.” Our friend released the chain and slipped out of my sub’s depths with a flop, the wet dildo dropping near her knees. “Turn around baby.” She stiffly but obediently swirled around, waving her ass at me. The monster had done its worst and her normally sweet little vagina was a swollen mess. Lube and vaginalfluids seemed to cover her whole body from the waste down and she was sticky with it. Glad we had towels laid down.
She wiped the big rubber phallus with a towel and took it between her teeth, clearly struggling a little to fit it in her mouth. I leaned up to have a look and saw she was taking about half of it – impression. I looked to her friend, gave her nipple a twist and ordered, “Deeper, now. We push against limits, right girls?”
“Yes, sir.” My baby’s voice muffled by the huge silicane penis in it.
“Yes, sir.”
Her friend grabbed her head and pressed slowly against her esophagus, not too hard. My girl, ever exuberant, forced herself harder over the big toy. A few seconds of that and tears rolled down her cheeks but she got another couple inches down before reeling back, coughing and gagging.
“That’s the best I get, eh?” I asked her. Can’t let them off too easily.
“Sorry, Daddy. I’ll try harder.”
“Yes you will, baby.” I nodded to our guest,who pushed the big cock forward into her friend’s face. Tears welled up again as her throat expanded, accepting her lesson. When she felt the head push through into her throat, our guest took the initiative to make a few shallow pumps, working the tip to test her gag reflex. My girl made me proud for a few seconds before pulling back and retching hard. Strings of mucus and saliva drawn off the tip of the dildo as it came out like an alien invader. She arched her back, fighting the urge and spit a little into the towel but she did not lose her dinner. “Good girl!” She smiled and wiped her mouth.
I sat down on the edge of the couch behind her and pulled her hips back into me. I was still rock hard and ready to go a second time. Reaching up for her hair, I pulled her head back and plugged my cock into her. Training or not, I got what I wanted. She pushed back to meet me and groaned loudly. I definitely wouldn’t last long, enjoying the sight of her friend, sweaty and backlit by theTV, big dripping cock dangling between her legs.
I finished again in a few quick minutes, wondering if she could even feel me after being so abused, thinner spurts of semen spraying them this time. My sub was firmly on birth control so I was free to fill her up if I liked but we had an audience and I did like the idea of spattering them a second time. Our guest even offered to return the favor and clean up after us like my girl had done earlier but I thought that could wait for another night. My baby needed some aftercare and it was time to get cleaned up.
We toweled off and I showed first, then headed for bed nude as usual. They got in the shower together after me. “Don’t take too long, ladies!” I called. It was strange how good this felt, the three of us. Initially it was a little awkward but after some training, a meal, some discipline and some amazing sex, this felt surprisingly comfortable. We could get used to this, I thought. A few giggles later (for my benefit I’m sure), they came out, toweled off and went for their night bags. I laid under a sheet, hands under my head, the light from the bathroom cast across the bed.
“Would you like us dressed for bed, Daddy?” My girl asked.
“Yeah let’s see what you brought.” A few minutes later, they joined me in the bedroom. My baby, knowing my preferences, was in a tiny half t-shirt and Some sexy little “boy shorts” style panties, her shaped ass cheats peeking out below them. Her friend was in a more traditional black teddy and matching panties, both still in their collars. They made little pirouettes for me at the foot of the bed so I got a good look. “Not bad, but you could match better. For future reference, I prefer sexy sleepwear to lingerie, ok?” I looked our guest in the eyes.
“Yes, sir. I’ll remember. Should I take it off?” She asked?
“No, you’ll need it. Let’s take off the panties though.” I motioned my girl into bed while her friend slipped out of her panties and startedto crawl aboard as well.
“Hey – not on the bed!” I warned her. I pressed my foot into her shoulder and firmly pushed her backward. She disappeared with a thud off the end of the bed. “My baby had to work for this privilege and so will you!” My sub smiled and curled up next to me, her head on my stomach, waiting for our guest to reappear. I stroked her back under the t-shirt. This was her reward.
“Sorry, sir!” The silly girl apologized, getting back on her feet, little pussy peeking out beneath her frilly teddy.
“You have work to do. Go get the yoga mat from the living room. All the toys that are laid out on it should be placed on the carpet exactly like they are on the mat, then bring it back here and lay it out at the foot of the bed, understanding?”
“Yes, sir.” She disappeared out the door, leaving us alone for the first time tonight.
“Come here, baby girl.” I lifted my arm and she raised her head to my chest and throw a leg over my knee. “What do you think?”
“It was a fun night.” She smiled, letting down the role a bit.
“Yeah she did a good job. I think having a friend to lean on emotionally helped a lot. She could check in with you with a look when she wasn’t sure about something. Seemed to make everything easier. I was honestly surprised!”
“Me too! I didn’t think she’d be that into it!” She laughed. “She was enjoying that fucking strap-on though, let me tell you.”
“Gonna be sore tomorrow for sure.” I stroked her hair, enjoyed her cleavage peeking through the t-shirt.
“I already am, Jesus…” We laid in silence a bit. She hugged my chest hard, enjoying the release, the freedom. Her friend came back awkwardly wrestling with the yoga mat until she got it on the floor at the foot of the bed. She’d sleep there tonight, no pillow, no blanket, no panties. If I woke up in the middle of the night with a hard-on, I might climb out of bed, drop down on her, make use of her exposed orifices. No words, just a few minutes pressing into her to ease my erection, then leave her to go cuddle with my baby again. But first she had more work.
“Ok a few more things before you sleep. Go get the apron on the peg in the kitchen, put it on and come back.” As I gave her instructions, my girl lowered her head to my cock, pulling the sheet down just enough, and took it gently in her mouth. She would suck me slowly until I fell stay, then curl up next to me.
“Yes, sir.” She moved quickly, a good instinct. A minute later she was back and I motioned to give us a twirl so I could see how it fit. The white apron was low cut and just barely wide enough in the chest to cover her nipples. The sheer nightie didn’t leave much to the imagination. The tie around her waist raised her lingerie in back, fully exposing that beautiful, belt-marked ass but her hips were covered in the front.
“Gather up the toys we played with and wash them thoroughly in the kitchen and lay them back in their places. Then wash and put away the dishes from the meal. Empty the trash and take it down the hall to the trash cute, about eight doors down on your left. Be sure the door is unlocked before you go though – don’t lock yourself out, ok?” My baby’s lips slide gently up and down my erection, just exciting enough to keep me hard but not enough to keep me awake. She had plenty of practice here. Her friend would, too.
“Yes, sir.”
“Once done, you can quietly come back in and sleep on the mat. Do a good job and you’ll earn a blanket you can sleep with next time. Is that all clear?”
“Yes, sir.”
“Any questions?”
She thought a moment, hesitated, then made up her mind. “No, sir.” I closed my eyes and laid my head back on the pillow. “Sorry, one thing, sir,” she said tenatively. I opened my eyes to look at her and raised my browser in a question. “Thank you, sir, for tonight. I hope I can be better for you next time.”
I nodded. I knew I had to stay aloof, but I appreciated her effort.”Go.”
I drifted slowly off, gentle, wet pressure massaging me as I thought of the possibilities in store.
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