Training a Friend 03: An Inspection

“Ok girls, ready for inspection?” My submissive play partner of a few months had arrived with a new toy – her friend. We’d spent a little time getting to know each other and setting some ground rules and expectations and now it was time to get these girls naked. My baby walked into the living room of my apartment, to the far end in front a floor-to-ceiling window where a few tools awaited and started to remove her clothes, her friend Following suit.

“Clothing off, ladies. Need you both completely nude. Fold them neatly on the ottoman there.”

The lights were low when I turned off the entry light (to minimize the attention my window might get from neighbors), just a table lamp and some bookshelf lighting. My playmate (wearing no undergarments of course) slowly removed her sheer top over her head as she walked so her long, blond hair cascaded down around her, knowing my eyes were on her. She unbuttoned one button of her low slung skirt and slipped it off her hips, then folded both items neatly and assumed her position at the end of the room. Her hands were behind her back, gripping her elbows, breasts out, chin high. She had quickly tied her hair up in a loose bun behind her to reveal her entire body for my perusal.

The new girl struggled a little, rushing to get her more substantial clothing off fast so she could take her presumed place. “Easy, hon,” I reassure her, “I prefer quality to speed. Take your time, fold things properly. Let me watch you.” My girl gave her a smile and a nod over her shoulder.

“Yes, sir.” She stood silhouetted against the window with the light coming up from the street below, the vertical blinds half closed so we could see out (and at just the right angle, others could see in, though it was the fourth floor and that provided some privacy). Not a small girl, our guest was still very pleasant in her proportions. Long, heavy legs, small wait, large breasts. She was not shy about her body – a good start. And a beautifulul ass when she turned around and placed her own hands behind her as well. Her shorter hair, dyed red and just above shoulder length, allowed me access to her neck and back.

Once they were both facing the window side by side, I approached from behind. I still had a firm erection tenting my black slacks from the blow jobs I received in greeting at the door. I knelt between them and picked up a leather collar from the black yoga mat on the floor where I’d laid out a few toys for us. Stepping behind my baby, I wrapped it around her neck and fastened it at the back, the tongue passing under the clap and securing it gently to her. I reached down and grabbed the connector at the end of a 1/2 inch thick steel chain that ran from the floor up to a ring in the ceiling and back down. The chain was noisy and heavy but it was fun to see our guest’s reaction as she eyed the tools, heard the steel clanking. I attached the end to a ring at the front of the collar so it ran up between my girl’sample tits, taking a moment to offer a squeeze and press my cock into the small of her back.

“Baby what do we say if we get uncomfortable and need to stop and check on things during the session?”

“We say ‘Too much’, Daddy. But I never have.” She smiled and looked to her friend for reassurance.

“That’s right. No magic words or anything, just tell me it’s too much and I’ll stop.” I stepped over and slide my hand along the top of her friend’s ass, admiring her smooth skin. “Understood, hon?”

“Yes, sir.” I’d made it clear to them before they arrived that she was not to call me ‘Daddy’ like my own girl did – we didn’t have any relationship yet. ‘Sir’ would be fine.

“You girls look so nice for me tonight.” I said, reaching down for another collar and attaching it to the other girl’s neck. “We’ll have to see how well you prepared though. My baby knows the inspection is a part of every play date – I do it for your safety and to help you get into the right frame ofmind. There are some rules.” I clipped the other end of the chain to her collar in the front as well and gave it a firm tug, sliding a finger into the collar to be sure there was enough room. “Tell me if that gets too tight, baby.”

“Yes, sir.”

I reached for a framed piece of paper from a bookshelf nearby. At the top it read “Inspection Standard” in a feminine cursive script. I had dictated it to another sub years ago who’d transcribed it on this yellowing piece of spiral bound paper and it had served me well.

I moved behind and reached around the new girl again, resting my hand on her small belly just below her breasts. “You’ll both be inspected and I’ll read you the standard but I understand this is your first time with us.” I cupped her breast lightly, stroked my fingers over the erect nipple and Spoke low into the back of her neck. “You won’t be held to the standard this time. If we decide to play again though, I’ll expect more from you. Understood?”

“Yes, sir.” I could see her eyes looking over my selection of toys and tools. Ropes, ball gags, a riding crop, a strap-on dildo selected especially for the night, various other acoutrement. Some items I planned to use, some were just for their imagination.

“As I read each standard, you’ll both answer with ‘Yes, sir’ or ‘No, sir’ to indicate if you currently meet it. You answer first baby, then Our new guest. Understood, ladies?”

“Yes, sir.” They both spoke in unison.

“Somehow I don’t think so.” I smiled. They both grinned as well. “To be clear – for the rest of the night, if I ask a question to the both of you or if you’re not certain who I’m addressing, I expect this one to answer first” and I took my playmate by the back of the neck firmly. I had already made it clear we don’t use names so I had to let them know which I was addressing, “then this one may answer.” I said, gripping the new girl’s neck. “Understood, ladies?” I gave them both a firm squeeze.

“Yes, sir.”

“Yes, sir.”

Raising my voice to sound abnormal, I began reading, my voice amplified off the walls and window:

“Hair,” I began, “should be a single color of her choosing, no discoloured roots.”

“Yes, sir.”

A small pause and “No, sir.” I grasped her by the hair and slowly pulled her head back so as not to cause her to lose her balance. Hard to catch yourself While grazing your elbows behind your back but the chain was long enough that they both could fall to the floor with plenty of slack if they had to. Her roots were obviously grown out a bit, dark brown, almost black. While holding her, I took the opportunity to lean forward over her shoulder and look past her breasts to her rather unkempt public hair. We’d address that soon enough.

“Be better next time baby.” I said in her ear.

“Yes, sir. I will.”

Loudly again, “Makeup should be modest and successfully applied – sexy but not slutty.”

“Yes, sir.”

“Yes, sir.”

I agreed. “Nails.” I said by way of preamble. “Nails should be painted a single color, hands and feet, none broken. Fingernails should be manicured and long enough to scratch.”

“Yes, sir.”

“No, sir.”

I bent down behind our guest, craning my neck around her elbows to see her nails. They were painted, not recently, two broken. Toenails had no paint and needed a trim.

Part of the fun of inspection is the careful scrutiny of the naked body and the challenge that can present to any person. I planned to make her feel submissive and that means a little humiliation. It was a fine line to walk when discussing someone’s body. I didn’t want to hurt her but focused on simple things that were easy to change. Like those toenails. Time to push her a bit.

“Those filterthy toenails of yours need some work, new girl. I expect a significant improvement if we meet again, is that clear?” I didn’t wait for her to answer but addressed my more prepared sub, “Baby have you got nail poison today?”

“Of course, Daddy”

“Start making a mental list of corrections. I’ll need you to take her to the bedroom and work on her some when we’re finished. Can’t have a girl in my home with nails like this, can I?”

“No, sir.”

“No, sir. I’m sorry, sir.”

“Don’t apologize to me. When I spread your legs, those toes will be a thing of beauty. My good little girl will make sure of it. It’s her you need to make it up to.”

“I’m sorry, miss.”

“Baby if you need to reinforce the lesson, my belt is in the closet. But not too rough, ok? She didn’t know the standard I held my girls to so we’re not punishing her. Just reinforcing with a little discipline.”

“Yes, sir. She’ll remember, Daddy.” A long pause and a deep breath to let that sink in. My baby was liking this! I was certain she was working up already.

I continued reading, “Skin tone should be even across the body, no strong tan lines.”

“Yes, sir.”

“Yes, sir.”

“Knees, elbows and feet should be smooth and clean.”

“Yes, sir.”

“Yes, sir.”

“Yes… sir.” She said slowly, not sure if she should call her feet unclean (which they were not). I moved on.

“Pubic hair should be precisely shaken with a ruler – a strip 1/2 inch wide and 2 inches tall. Add that to your list as well, sweetie.”

“Yes, sir.”

“No, sir.” I reached around our friend again, running my hand over her public mound. She had clearly shacked herself completely about a week ago and it had grown out evenly since then. I slide my finger downward into the folds of her vagina and felt prickly hair along the sides as well. She definitely needed attention here. Sliding down further, I felt the slick moodness around her entrance. Good to know she was enjoying this.

“There should be absolutely no signs of injury, other play or sexual activity – briising, scratches, etc.”

“Yes, sir.”

“Yes, sir.” This is where I prowled closely around them both to be sure they had no existing injuries. Any bible or scratch they left with should be my doing. I had them turn around one at a time to get a close look front and back. My girl had a small scratch on her thigh, maybe did it herself. I let it go in the interest of time.

“Body jewelry should be simple unless otherwise ordered – nothing dangling that can catch on clothes or other items.”

“Yes, sir.”

“Yes, sir.”

“Ok, turn around girls. On your knees facing forward. Careful, keep your hands behind you. Sit on your heels. There you go. Eyes on me.” Just making sure their knees were in good shape. “Last question, and most important: Are there any medical conditions I should know about? Any sickness, any STD, any soreness in muscles, joints or limbs, anything that would restrict your physical activity in any way?”

“No, sir.”

“No, sir.”

I backed up to take in the scene. Two girls on their knees, arms back, tits out, the chains running up under their arms to their collars. The light throughthe blinds painted stripes on the ceiling around them. I stepped in close to our guest and spoke in a matter of fact way, letting her know this was outside the “scene”. “One thing – how do you feel about pictures or recording? You’re free to say no. No one outside this room will ever see anything we do here. Right baby?”

My girl looked her shackled friend in the eye and told her directly, “Yeah – has never been an issue.”

“I’m ok with it” our guest confirmed. “Can I get a copy of anything you take?”

“Of course. Eyes forward, tits up, knees apart!” I said loudly as I backed away and pulled out my phone. “No smile in my dungeon, you naughty little sluts!” We all smiled big, releasing some of the tension. I still enjoy that picture.

“Ok, time to get her ready baby. You know what needs to be done?” My little girl kept a stern look on her face and took her friend’s hand. Fun to see her enjoying this. I was looking forward to listening in, but wanted to let her have some fun on her own too.

“Yes, sir. She’ll be ready!”

“One hour, baby.” I gave her my own stern face. “If she’s not prepared in one hour, I’ll come for you.”


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