
Jamie woke to sunshine illuminating her room. She stretched and yawned before rising to get breakfast. She moved slowly as the last bits of sleep fall away from her. She tossed bread into the toaster and raked a comb thru the brown rat’s nest on her head. The smell of toast reached her nose just before the toast popped from its slots. She took a quick test bite, the exterior was slightly crunchy while the middle was soft and warm. Perfect. As she spread jam over the bread, her mind mused on the reason that well done toast serrated the roof of her mouth, was she delicate? Surely not.

With toast in hand, Jamie started and logged on to her computer. She thoughtlessly chewed as the computer awoke from its own slumber. She quickly checked the activity on her chat-room. AlleyKatty69 was waiting and had already messaged her.

“Can I have my pet next Monday?”

Jamie licked her fingers then began clicking away on the keyboard “Yes, but it will cost a bit more and I cannot guaranty my training will have fully sunken in and he will be more likely to be aggressive. If you could wait the full seven weeks, I suggest you do.”

“I want to enter him into a conversation. I need him Wednesday at the latest.”

Jamie told and pinched the bridge of her nose. She pitied this woman’s pet if she just wanted to show him off “For $500 I will begin intense training and get him to you by Tuesday.”

“Yay! Do it! X3 I’ll transfer the $ right now.”

Jamie checked her bank balance. Suddenly she was five hundred dollars richer.

“I’m starting now.” She left the chat-room and shoved the last mouthful of toast in her mouth.

Jamie’s thin floral night gown and short hair flew in her haste to get to the kennels. She opened the basement door. Cool, slightly musty air greeted her. She took a relaxing breath. There was much work to do. Him sensing her hurried mood would be counterproductive. Her feet nimbly maneuvered the dark stairs into the basement. With one hand she pulled a cord, with the other she took her riding crop from the shelf it rested. There was a small pop as the cord turned on the basement light.

The basement was now dimly lit but she could see her five kennels and their three occupations. Each of the three people wore black leather bondage hoods that covered the eyes, head, nose and neck. The hoods left the mouth and chin exposed. The neck portion had a metal loop that a metal dog tag with their number, was attached to. The back of the neck was where the hood was strapped into place then secured so the wearer could not remove it.

She walked towards the kennels, inspecting their posture as she did. 309 was a black male, he had been with her two months, he had a muscle build and his nipples stood erect at the idea of ​​her presence in the room. He was sitting perfectly, butt barely kissing the floor making his muscles tense in a wonderfully masculine way. She smiled and slide the riding crop thru the fencing; its tip gently ran over the sensitive flesh of his inner thigh. He became slightly aroused. Jamie stopped playing and inspected the next pet.

271 was a Latina female, small and appeared fragile. She had been in training for four weeks. Jamie frowned at 271’s posture. She was sitting incorrectly, her buns were fully on the floor. Her spine was bent forward causing her shoulders to slouch and stomach to fold in an unattractive manner; it almost looked like a misplaced double-chin.

“271” Jamie grew this warning.

The woman quickly corrected her posture.

Finally, Jamie looked at the youngerest of the group, a thin white male. He was huddled in the corner of his kennel. He had great potential but he was not giving himself to her training… yet. She told.

“403, Sit.” She said firmly. He curled into a tighter ball.

She looked at the other two, both sitting perfectly.

“309, relax. 271, keep sitting like that. Move a muscle and I will make you dearly regrett it.” She turned back to the white male “403, Come.”


She hit the riding crop against her leg, enjoying the light sting. “403, Come Here.” She commanded grimly.

He shivered then slowly crawled towards her, grouping to find his way.

“Good boy.” She prompted sweetly.


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