
“Emma I want you to begin your education, your training. I want you to stay with Mistress Louise for a few days. You have things to learn.”

I looked at the floor. I knew he was right but scared that he didn’t think I was good enough. I knew I had to – it was only training. Things I hadn’t done, things I could practice, to be better for him. He wanted me to be his pleasure slave. I wondered if I didn’t please him enough now, but he had had me marked with the tattoo and given me his ring and collar. I was going to be the best for him. Determination held back the tears.

Then he surprised me. He took me in his arms and kissed me.

“You are mine because I want you. I still want you, but I want you to learn things, about yourself and to make you able to please me even more. I want you to do it for all those reasons, but I want you to do it. You have given yourself to me. You will do it and you will know by doing it you are pleasure me. That should be enough.”

“Of course, Master.” It was enough. I knew. Even now calling him Master was exciting in itself. It made me remember, it made me feel disappoint at the knowledge that I had signed myself over to him completely. The copy of the piece of paper was in my bag. I would look at it over and over. All the things I had agreed were his responsibility, all the things that I had accepted I would do for him were physically written down and signed. It always made me hot just to read it. The only reason I didn’t read it more was that I was afraid that the paper would wear away on the folds.

I had to report to his office on Friday. I walked past the bored receptionist, up to Louise’s desk. He wasn’t there. She had me sit and wait. Tears wet my eyes without my bidding at the thought of me not being with him. She was speaking with Another woman, older than her. Showing her things. After twenty minutes she had packed away. There was no sign of Michael. The other woman went down the corridor. Louise came over to me. Looked me over as I blushed. She held out my collar!

“Stand up. You are to spend some time with me. Please close your mouth. It is more appropriate for it to be closed at the moment. Master Michael told you that you would be going away?”


“Now present your neck.” I had to knee on the carpet. She removed my collar for me to kiss it, then refasted it. I wondered if the other woman might return. “In future you will address me as Mistress. Is that clear?”

“Yes… Mistress.” Adding the latter uncertainly. Throat dry.

“You will do exactly as you are told, you will speak only when appropriate and you will learn. I will expect total obedience. Without that you will learn nothing.” I didn’t know whether to speak or not. Evidently it was not required. My heart was pounding. I was frightened; I didn’t know what I would have to do. Still, she was strong; she would guide me as she had already. It was better than being with someone who I did not know at all.

She drove confidently. I was told to place my hands by my side, my knees two inches apart. I kept my eyes down on my knees. I would have liked to look at her but only allowed myself surreptitious glances out of the side of my eyes, at her thighs moving inside her trousers, at her long fingers on the steering wheel. She appeared totally relaxed and happy with life, in control of the situation. I felt my breathing was loud.

The house seemed to have originally been a small farmhouse. Beams, cosy, it sat on its own. A Japanese girl about my age opened the door as we drove up, shyly smiling with large red lips, white blouse and black skirt. Geometric bob. I had not thought of anyone else being there. She took quick glimpses at me. She was my height. Hovered around Louise. Her name, I was told, was Suzie. She took Louise’s bags inside. I noticed a small tattoo on her neck.

I was to put my bag in a cupboard by the door. Suzie standing, hands at her lap, smiling a shy smile, would hang my things. I followed Louise into a blinde. She sat back seemingly content, I stood uncomfortable before her. Suzie was sent to bring wine for Louise.

“Your Master wants you trained further.”

“Yes… Mistress.”

“You needn’t be alarmed. But it is expensive in time. You should be grateful and ensure that you work hard to show your Master that you are worth it.”

“Yes Mistress.”

“He wants you as a pleasure slave. Most slaves have more than one, well, role, but this is all your Master demands of you at the present. Maybe later he will have you trained for others. He needs you a little, ah, how shall we say, more experienced.” My face must have shown some surprise. At that moment Suzie came back with the wine. Louise took it and sipped it. Suzie took up a position against the wall by the door, watching.

“Suzie, for instance has been trained as a maid, amongst other things.” Suzie kept her eyes down. “She’s a good one, most of the time. Thoughgh she makes mistakes and needs to be disciplined to ensure high standards. Would you describe yourself as experienced?” She asked me with a smile on her face. I looked at the floor. The silence stretched until I realized I must answer.

“No Mistress.”

“How many men have rooted about inside you before your Master?” I looked up shocked at her words, then again at the floor.

“Two Mistress.” Blushing furiously. Suzie could hear everything.

“Were they any good? Did you enjoy having them there?”

“No, Mistress.”

“Why not? Didn’t they permit you to climax?”

“No, Mistress.” Another silence. I felt as though I had to fill it, give her more of an answer. “They didn’t consider permission, they didn’t think about it. They weren’t dominant. I suppose they took it for granted that I would.”

“But you needed someone who was dominant?”

“I didn’t realize then, but yes, now I realize what I need, Mistress.”

“And have you had women make you climax?”

“No! Only you, Mistress. When you spanked me.”

“Michael tells me something about a girl called Pia.”

“It was her. I didn’t… She… It was after I met him. He knows about her, he started it Mistress.”

“Yes I know.” She smiled, tormenting me.

“You consider yourself to be submissive, a slave?” I wanted to cry. I wanted a hole in the ground to open up for me to crawl into. I knew Suzie was listening.

“Yes, Mistress.” My face burned. My throats dry as I whispered the words.

“And you enjoy your status?”

“Yes, Mistress.” So softly I had to repeat it.

“Good. And you enjoy your Master or Mistress taking responsibility for you?”

“Yes, Mistress.”

“And do you have any responsibility concerning yourself?”

“To make my Master or Mistress happy, Mistress.”

“Yes, and part of that entails making sure that you can control yourself, your body, your responses, so that you do not embarrass or disappoint your Master or Mistress. If ordered to do something it is not appropriate to do it badly or protest that you do not wish to do it. You must do everything to the best of your ability and with the pleasure of others more important than yours regardless of what you are asked to do. Do you understand?”

“Yes, Mistress.”

“Good. Well we have another matter to deal with just now. Suzie, please bring me the chair and glove.”

Suzie quickly brought an upright chair and placed it next to me, then left the room. She came back, standing before the chair holding a black leather glove. She seemed even quieter than before, and stared at the floor.

“My skirt was created this morning, wasn’t it?” Suzie’s eyes widened, flickered at me.

“Yes, Mistress.” She had a soft American accent.

“Do you deserve to be punished?”

“Yes, Mistress.” Seemingly looking determinedly away from me.

I feel my heart beating in my chest. I watched as she pulled up her skirt until it was around her waist. Her skin had a look of honey, her thighs sleep. She stood displaying her plain white knickers. Louise took a last drink of wine and then stood before sitting on the chair next to me. No words were exchanged. Suzie took her knickers and pulled them down. Her pubic hair was thin and neighbor above a neighbor little sex. Shuffling, with her knickers around her knees, she brought the glove to her Mistress and kissed it before handing it over. Louise put it onto her right hand. It looked tight, black, shiny. Suzie then draped herself over Louise’s knees, her hair falling over her face, her buttocks pushed up and slightly separated. I could see the bulge of her smooth lips. I could see a small tattoo similar to mine. The skin was taut. Looking oiled. My breath was coming in short pants, my bra tight.

“Watch and learn.” She moved me until she was satisfied that I could see everything. Her hand rested in the small of her back. Her other hand spread her tights within the restraint of the knickers around her knees until there was a gap between the legs. Suddenly she began spanking the girl with her gloved hand. Three on one cheese. The slapses were loud in the room. Her flesh began to turn pinker. Then three on the other. This was then repeated.

I watched wide-eyed. My skin felt hot and tight. My sex throbbed. It was as if I was being spanked. I watched as the gloved hand delved between the thighs. Suzie lifted her hips and rocked as fingers entered her. When Louise took them away the smell of the girl’s arousal was in the air. They left evidence of the girl’s wetness around her slit. Again the spanking. Again the exploration. Again the spanking. I realized I was shaking. I wanted to touch myself. This time it was on the thighs. When she had spanked each thigh she moved to the buttocks again without exploring. The girl was sobbing softly now.

As suddenly as it had begun it stopped. Suzie was sent to the wall again, this time facing the wall, her knickers still around her knees, her skirt still high, her tights and bottom glowing pink. Her thighs I noticed were damp. I stared at her flesh. I turned to find Louise looking at me. My face reflected colour of the flesh I was so loathe to look away from. I felt totally transparent in front of Louise.

“Aroused?” I didn’t want to answer. I looked at the floor. Eventually I gave in to her as I knew I would.

“Yes. Yes, Mistress. I have never seen… It felt …” I couldn’t go on.

“Would you have like it to have been your bottom being scratched?”

“Yes, Mistress.”

“And would you have like to have spanked Suzie’s bottom.”

“I don’t know…. Mistress.” The idea strange.

We both ate a tasty salad that Suzie had prepared and Louise drank a glass of wine while Suzie served us. She was now dressed correctly. Her actions were so precise, so careful, so pleasant. The gusset of my knickers held me uncomfortable wet as I ate. I couldn’t erase the picture of the spanking from my mind. Quivers of excitement ran through me every now and again. Even the oil on the salad reminded me of the wetness evidence at the join of those reddened thighs. I was given water. The food was laid out like it was a work of art. The table organized and decorated to perfection. A single orchid stood in a simple glass vase in front of Louise. I helped Suzie with the dishes as Louise had another glass of wine. Neither of us spoke as we moved side by side at the sink, our Mistress watched. Our bodies touched occasionally

“Well, now we have Emma to attend to. Suzie takes her back into the other room.” I followed the silent Suzie. I stood in the middle of the floor and waited for Louise. She sat on a sofa with me before her. She had changed into a silk dressing gown. I noticed that the opening displayed a little of her thigh. Suzie was in attendance at the doorway.

“Undress.” I guessed that this would come but it still shocked me when it did. It wasn’t just undressing, it was being told to strip for her, to be examined. I looked around wildly. Just remembered to be silent.

“This is not a good start. I expect you to respond to instructions immediately. I do not expect to have to wait. It is irrelevant how you feel. You will submit. The purpose of you being here is my pleasure, your instruction and for your Master to feel proud of you. So far you are not capable of success in any of these areas!”

“I’m sorry Mistress.” I feel tears sting my eyes. I wondered if she might spank me too. The thought not unfortunate. Was I trying to make her spank me? The thought stopped me. It made me wonder if I was using her dominance.

“You will be punished later for that.” A shiver ran through me. Was it for not undressing immediately or for trying to get her to do something? I had never been puzzled by anyone else than Michael. Punished. “Now do you think that we could proceed to a situation were you might begin to grasp the basics or doI have to send you back immediately?”

“No Mistress. I’m really sorry Mistress.” My chest felt tight. I wanted to please her, didn’t want her angry. She was my Mistress.

“I’m sure you are. Now strip off.”

I did as I was told. Had to place the clothes tidily beside my feet. Each time beending to place them. More and more naked. She watched, so did Suzie. I told myself that Louise had seen me naked before. It helped only a little. I had been given over to her. She was my Mistress. I didn’t have to think, just obey. Realisation and acceptance washed over me. It felt right. Along with a quickening pulse at my sex. Suzie came and picked up the pile when I had completed my task. She took them away. Out of the room. I stood naked. I was being appraised. I felt like I was at auction. I didn’t think I would ever get used to being naked for others. With Michael it was different in a way. Although embarrassed by it still I had at least stopped fighting it. I accepted it as naughty and let the strangely exciting feelings washing through me. No, not strange to me anymore. I know myself to be excited. I know just thinking about being like this had excited me. Acceptance. As she looked at my tattoos, my Master’s brand on me.

“I am to be your Mistress for a few days. Are you sure you want that?”

“Yes, Mistress.”

“I could be more cruel than your Master. You know that don’t you?”

“I don’t know.” A whisper. I shivered again. “Yes, Mistress.” Suzie came back.

“You have a pleasure enough body. Smallish breasts that look bigger on your skinniness, nicely upturned and pert. Turn.” I turned so that she could see my bottom. Having to accept being examined. “Good tight buttocks. A young bottom.” She mused. I had to bend over for her. Totally embarrassing. In her control. Knowing I was aroused by it. Held my shins. Parted my legs. “Mmm. Nice legs. My, those lips demand to be seen, don’t they?” I blushed deeper, then told to turn again, feeling dampness between my thighs. “Your mound is larger than I expected. You look good hairless. It suits your body, counterbalances the wantonness in you. Your cunt looks hungry. I can see why Michael likes you.” I glowed at that. “If I touched you now you’d be wet, wouldn’t you?” Blushing, I nodded. Proud, embarrassed, wanting to hide. To run away. Wanted her to touch me. Suzie was there, could see, could hear. I looked at the floor. I saw my chest and breasts displayed the mottling of arousal. “Slut.” She said it like a care.



“Yes, Mistress.”

“Show me.” I opened my legs. I wanted to cry. My thighs were wet. I pulled my sex apart. “You are so wet, sopping wet!” I knew so well.

“Yes. Mistress”


“I don’t know! Mistress.”

“I think you do.” She laughed. “I think that underneath that innocent little exterior you know that you’ve found your role in life, haven’t you, little slavey?” It was not really expected for me to answer.Not at all necessary. I looked at the floor ashamed and excited.

“What do you use to masturbate?” Oh God.

“My fingers, Mistress.”

“A vibrator?”

“No, Mistress. Just my fingers.”

“Why? Nothing? Ever?”

“I was too embarrassed to buy one. A friend’s once. It was too hard for me.”

“Did she watch?”

“Oh no. She didn’t know I used it.”

“Anything else?”

“A hairbrush handle a few times, but it wasn’t really satisfied.”

“Why not? Don’t you like penetration?”

“Oh yes. With a man. But then it feels like it possesses me. With anything else it just filled me.”

“But you like being filled by cock?”

“Yes, Mistress.”

I was ushered near to her. She wanted to watch me finger myself. I felt myself shaking. She waited. I had to force myself. It was getting easier with my Master. This was humiliating again. A woman! And Suzie was still there! Stood with my legs apart. I had to learn control. I began tenatively. Told methat she could smell my cunt. So embarrassed. She told me that she expected a slut to do it properly. My cunt was so near to her. Less tenative now. My knees bent a little and opened outward. I was so wet. Stiff fingers circled around, pulling up the wetness. Slurping. So excited. Letting the wave take me quickly. Ready to come. Knew it was going to be a big one. Suddenly she slapped my hands away. Whimpered. I wanted to carry on. She slapped my hands away again. My hips thrust back and forth desperately. Gasping for breath. Begged her.

I stood before her shaking. Her beauty. Her composition. My need. A tingle of excitement ran up my vagina. My submission. I had given her my trust. Her fingers ran over my thighs. “You speak again.” Her voice gentle. The promise of punishment. Her hand up and down the trembling softness of my thigh. So near to my lips. I attempted to push down. Her hand slapped my thigh. Then her fingers softly fueling my arousal again, slowly but perfectly. I attempted to refuse it but was unable. Her finger in the cleft of my buttocks. I feel her finger nail behind my cunt nearing my pumped opening. An orgasm built out of my control again. The nail scratched over my arse. Her finger making me pant and thrust. My hips rolled. On the edge, then it left me. My eyes and face desperately communicating.

“What do you want?”

“You know, Mistress. Finish me. Please.”

“What do you want?” Her finger plays lightly over me.

“Mistress please let me come. Please Mistress.”


“Anyhow! With your fingers. Please Mistress.” Desperately pushing, trying to make her rub me.

“But these are another woman’s fingers. Michael tells me you think it’s wrong.”

“I know. I know. Please.”

“You want a woman to bring you off?”

“Yes. Please. I’m sorry. Please.”

“You are begging a woman to bring you to orgasm?”

“Oh God! Oh yes, Mistress.” Oh God!

“Don’t you think that’s naughty? Don’t you thinkit’s wrong, with another woman?”

“Oh yes. I’m so bad. So wicked. I’m just a dirty slut. Please Mistress. I’ll do anything.”

“I know. I know you will.” An edge in her voice. “But what I want you to do is to run that phrase around in your head all the time. That you’ll do anything. Anything that you’re told.” Yes. Yes. I’d do anything. Anything. My body throbbed. She was my Mistress. I knew it deep inside myself. We both knew it. “Whenever you need to climax you will need to beg me. Beg me. You will know that your pleasure is determined by me.”

“Yes Mistress. Yes. Mistress.”

“Suzie, fasten her wrists behind her. We don’t want the little tart’s fingers wandering, do we?” That was good. I wanted it. Suzie took my hands behind my back. I felt padded leather cuffs around my wrists, being fastened. I tested them. Pleased that they wouldn’t give. Please feel myself placed so physically in her control.

“Come forward, kiss me.”

I had to bend forward to her, over the arm of the sofa. My breasts hung for her, nipples ready to be clasped, buttocks thrust high as I used the arm for support. Bound. Lips touched lipstick. She made me do the work. Wanted to kiss her. Her lips so soft. Wanted her mouth. Gasping for breath. Not quite there. Open mouth possessed by her tongue. She took my mouth with hers.


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