Chapter Five
It took me 16 hours and 45 minutes in total to finish. After I finished at 10:10 p.m., I got ready for bed and passed out about 10:30. I had plans to sleep in, but my wife’s alarm went off at 5 a.m. She rolled over, kissed me, and told me that I had homework to finish. “Get up, get ready, have some breakfast, and get back to your homework by 5:30. You will be working on it until it is completed.”
At 12:13pm I finished the last question and hit submit. I was tired, but at the same I felt accomplished. Miss Diana was so nice and encouraging the whole time. Only interrupting me to tell me that I was doing a good job. To hang in there because it will help design my training program. It felt so good.
I got up and stretched. My wife walks in with cell phone and hands it it me. “Miss Diana would like to say hello.”
“Oh okay.” I take the phone from my wife. “Hello Miss Diana!”
“Oh hello Ben. Congratulations on finishing your survey. You did very well. I was looking over your answers as you answered them. I’ve learned so much about you already, and the way you think. Now, I want you take until 1pm for yourself. You and Samantha are going to leave the house at 1pm, and come to meet me for a late lunch. You must be so hungry, you haven’t eating since 5:30 this morning. You may have a small snack, but don’t spoil your lunch. I can’t wait to see you.”
“Thank you Miss Diana. I can’t wait to have lunch with you.”
“Goodbye Ben.”
“Goodbye Miss Diana.”
I hand the phone back to my wife. I go to the kitchen and get some Doritos and a drink. I am really mentally drained. I really thought about every answer, and I was as truthful and complete as possible. I am also Very sexually aroused. All those different scenarios had me thinking about how it would feel to have those things done to me. And now that I have contact with an actual Dom, I keep thinking, will Miss Diana do this to me?
I grab a glass of water, and dEcide to lay on the couch and relax. I turn on the TV. The next thing I know, my wife is yelling at me. “Ben, wake up, we’re going to be late.” I look over at the clock and it’s 12:48. “Ben, you need to put on something nicer. Go put on a pair of slacks, and a polo shirt, you can’t wear that t-shirt and those cargo shorts to see Miss Diana. Now anxious up and get ready.”
I head upstairs, grab my slacks, and a polo and put them on, along with my pair of Vans. I stop at the bathroom on the way out to the garage. My wife is sitting in the car ready to go. I climb in the passenger seat. Normally I would drive, but not today.
“You probably would have slept all afternoon if I didn’t wake you. We are definitely going to be late.” I look at the clock in the car and it says 1:06pm. We are def late.
“Where are we going for lunch?”
“Oh, we will be joining Miss Diana at Butler’s place. You met Butler last night. He is cooking. He’s a trained chef, and has worked all over theworld. Whatever he’s making will be wonderful. I assume you that. He’s cooked for me on several occasions, and the food is always spot on.”
Apparently my wife has been living a second life. I smile to myself. She’s never talked about Miss Diana before, but has apparently known her for quite some. Enough time to have hung out, and even had meals served to her by her butler. Wait, her butler’s name is Butler? I wonder if that’s just what she calls him.
We arrive at a beautiful condo building on the lake. Butler lives in the penthouse. We take the elevator up. There is 1 door in the elevator lobby. We ring the bell and Miss Diana answers the door. “You two are late. I expected you here about 10 min ago.” She then looks at me. “Position 2, Ben.”
I quickly drop to my knees with hands crossed behind my back.
“Yeah, Ben must have been very tired after all that hard work on the survey. He sat on the couch to relax and watch some TV and immediately fell asleep. He would have slept all afternoon if I hadn’t hurt him up.”
Miss Diana looks back at me. “Punctuality is important. No matter the circumstances, tardiness will not be tolerated. You will be punished.”
Miss Diana takes 2 steps towards me, and extends her hand. “Greet.”
I reach up and take Miss Diana’s hand in mine. I kiss her hand softly. ” Good afternoon Miss Diana. Thank you for inviting us to lunch. We are happy to be your guests today. Please forgive our tardiness, I will try to make it up to you.” I lean down and kiss miss Diana’s hand again. She pulls her hand away, and I return to Position 2.
“Oh, don’t worry dear. You will make it up to me. As I said, you will be punished. You owe me 10 minutes of time for your tardiness Along with 10 minutes of time for causing you lovely wife here to be late. If I remember correctly you owe me 5 minutes from yesterday, so that’s 25 minutes of you time that owe me.”
I look down towards the floor. I’m feeling sorry formyself now. “Yes Miss Diana. I am sorry.”
Miss Diana looks at my wife. “I’m so sorry I’ve been ignoring you. I do not believe in letting bad behavior linger. It must addresses it immediately.” She leans over and hugs Samatha, and kisses her on both cheeses- very European.
“Well, please do come in. Ben you may come too. Butler has poured us all drinks, and prepared us some hors d’oeuvres. Ben, you can sit there.”
We walk into a beautiful 2 story lofted penthouse. Very modern with marble floors. The kitchen is a chefs kitten for sure. Just off the main living area. I am told to sit in chair across from the couch, and my favorite drink of Jack and Ginger is on the coffee table in front of me. My wife has a Chardonnay, and Miss Diana is drinking a red wine. Butler is cooking in the kitchen. I can tell from here that he has major knife skills.
My wife and Miss Diana sit on the couch across from me. Miss Diana looks at me “before we settle into small talk and then lunch, I want to address your tardiness one more time.” I almost roll my eyes, but stop before I do. “Do not roll your eyes at me young man.” Okay, maybe I didn’t catch myself in time. But I thought this was already addressed, and that I was going to somehow be punished. Now we have to talk about it again? I suddenly feel like a child.
“Put your drink down now. And go stand in that corner. You have lost your privilege to talk with us before lunch.”
Wait, what. Now I’m and being treated like a kid. I head over to the corner of the room and stand in the Wait Position like I did the other night when I was serving dinner. “No sir, you are being punished. That means that you stand in the corner facing the wall with your nose touching the corner.”
I turn around and face the corner. “Ben, please look at me for a second.” I slowly turn my head. “When I give you a command you are to acknowledge it by saying yes Miss Diana. Do you understand?”
“Yes Miss Diana.”
“Good, now turn around and face the corner. And put your hands on your head.” Miss Diana yells from across the room.
“Yes Miss Diana.”
“Now to continue what I was about to say before I was rudely interrupted with the rolling of your eyes.” Miss Diana has risen from her seat on the couch and has crossed the room. “I would like address this tardiness. Usually, immediate punishment would have been issued for any infections- just like your corner-time now. However, I did not want to disrupt our time together this afternoon so I was going postpone it until after lunch. We’ll be eating in about 20 minutes. You will remain the corner until lunch is served. After lunch we will address your punishment for your 25 minutes of tardiness today. Understood?”
“Yes Miss Diana.”
Spending time in a corner staring at a wall is an interesting thing. At first I am pissed that I am being made to stand here. I hate Miss Diana in this moment. I am even more mad because Miss Diana is doubting my time of being late for lunch because my wife was with me. That’s not fair. Now I’m frustrated. My wife and I were together, and only 10 min late. Actually, we were only 6 min late, and Miss Diana rounded up. It’s not like Miss Diana had to wait 30 min, she only had to 10… no, 6 minutes. The more I stand there, the more I think. Then I start seeing it from Miss Diana’a side. Miss Diana was nice enough to invite us to lunch. I fell asleep and was late. I changed the schedule, and that wasn’t fair to Miss Diana. Now I feel sorry.
“Ben, it’s time for lunch. You can come out of the corner now.”
Wow, 20 minutes has gone by already. I can’t believe it. So much thinking. I turn out of the corner. I want to run over to Miss Diana and apologize. But before I can make my way across the room Miss Diana says “stop where you are. After a punishment, I expect a proper apology. You will now learn a new position. This position is called Punish. When your punishment is over, you will assume the Punish Position. I will then acknowledge you, and you will say a proper apology. At the end of your apology, I will forgive you. You will knee down and kiss each foot, and then assume Position 1. I will release you from Position 1 when I am ready, and your punishment will be considered over.”
Shit. I’ve been in the corner for 20 min and apparently my punishment is only half over.
“Now to teach you the Punish Position. First stand with your feet at shoulder width. Now squat down with your knees spread. You will need to spread your knees wide so that you can balance.” As I squat down I slightly lose my balance and have to touch the floor in front of me. “You will notice that you are on the balls if you feet. Get your balance or you will fall During the next part. Now, put your hands behind your neck and interlock your fingers.” I am getting very shaky now. “Now push your chest out. Very good. You will now maintain this position. I can see you shaking already. You will learn to hold this over time. If you fall, you are to immediately get back into position. Understand!”
“Yes, Miss Diana.”
I look over at my wife. She is leaning against the counter sipping her white wine, and taking it all in. She winks at me.
Butler looks over at me and says “Punish Position doesn’t get any easier, but you will slowly learn to hold it longer. It just takes time.”
Miss Diana then stands over me. “Do you understand why you were punished and placed in the corner?”
“Yes Miss Diana. I disrespected you by rolling my eyes at you. I am terribly sorry and I will work hard to make sure it does not happen again.”
“Very well Ben. I accept your apology. You may now thank me for forgiveness you.”
I take my hands from behind my head and use them for balance as I transition to a kneeing position. I lean forward to kiss the top of Miss Diana’s right foot. Her foot is very very sexy. Her tan extends to her feet. Miss Diana is about a size7 shoe and has the cute short little toes. Miss Diana is wearing light pink sandals with a tiny 1 inch heal. The front of the sandals have open toes, and four little leather strings that interweave as they cross over the top of her foot- making the sandal. In the middle is a cute little bow. “Thank you for forgiving me.” I place a kiss just behind the bow on her right foot. I am looking at her left foot now. Those toes are just too cute. I lean down to kiss Miss Diana’s left foot, but I just have to have those toes. I kiss her second and third toes. “Thank you for forgiving me.”
I am turned on and embarrassed. Here I am in front of three people. My wife is watching as I have been punished like a child, made to squat and apologize, kiss the tops of Miss Diana’s foot and now knee down with forehead on the floor.
Miss Diana speaks and I move into to Position 1 my face down on the floor. “Oh, that’s right, you have a thing for feet. Samantha, did you know that? I don’t think you did. Well according to the survey Ben here looks at your feet all the time. He especially loves it when you wear your capris yoga pants and your feet are bare on your hardwood floors. Seeing your sexy ankle and your bare feet is huge turn on. Ben, also has a thing for toes. Hey Ben, maybe next time instead of kissing my feet, I’ll let you suck on my toes.” Miss Diana giggles. She has the cute little giggles. “Ok Butler, please move the salads to the table and refill our drinks. Ben will be having water now. He has lost his privilege of having an adult beverage.” Miss Diana said adult with emphasis. I could almost hear the air quotes. “You will be joining us, so make sure there are setting for four.”
“Yes Miss Diana.” I hear Butler says.
There are lots of noises around the table. I can hear things being places down, and chairs sliding. Butler says “please let me help you.” I hear two chairs slide out and back in. I am assuming he has help my wife and Miss Diana take their seats.
“Okay Ben, you may get up and join us. Your punishment is over.” I get up and walk towards the table. I feel like they are staring at me. Well probably because they are. I see an open seat between my wife and Miss Diana. Butler is standing behind his chair. I pause for a moment before taking my seat. Good thing too. “Butler, Ben, you may be seated.” Apparently I needed permission to sit.
Samantha reaches for my thigh under the table and rubs it. She leans over and give me a kiss on the cheese as her hand makes it way to my crotch. All of the embarrassment is actually turning me on. “Hmmm. Someone is hard. Maybe we can take care of that later” she whispers and then nibbles on my ear. “Let’s hope Miss Diana let’s you.”
Lunch is mostly uneventful. Miss Diana and my wife talk a lot about travel through Europe. My wife did a lot of traveling before we met. We talk a lot about going Europe, but so far our international travels have been Japan, and Singapore. Butler is an absolutely amazing chef. Our main course was a roasted duck. I’ve never been a fan of duck, but the way he prepares was exhaust. He even did a Dutch apple cheesecake for desert. All made fresh in the kitchen. I am full and my tummy is happy.
After lunch I am instructed to help Butler with cleanup. Luckily there isn’t much because he was cleaning up as he was preparing. We mostly just had dishes, and we put them in the dishwasher. We joined Miss Diana and my wife. They all had drinks but I was restricted to my water. Conversations had moved on, and they were talking about some TV shows that they both watch. Butler and I were mostly quiet.
Miss Diana then says to my wife “so I think it’s time that Ben receives his punishment for being late yesterday and again today.”
My wife looks at me an smile. She looks back at Miss Diana and says “yes, I think you are correct. It is definitely time. You have my permission to punish him any way you see fit.”
“Thank you so much Samantha!. Butler please get my punishment chair, and set it in the middle of the room. Ben, please stand and remove everything from the wait down, and then assume the punishment position.”
I completely freeze. She is asking me to basically strip here in the middle of the living room.
“Ben, did I not give you an order? What are you waiting for?”
“Oh, ummm… I’m sorry Miss Diana. Yes, Miss Diana.”
I get up and I take off my shoes and place them on the floor next to my chair. Then I undo my belt and remove my slacks and then socks. I place my pants and socks on the chair I was sitting on. Miss Diana then says “is that a proper way to care for your clothes. Please fold your items neatly and place them down. Don’t forget to remove your underwear.”
I pick up my clothes and fold them as neatly as I can. Then I remove my underwear. Again I am struck with a hard-on. Embarrassed as hell, and somehow- turned on. I suspect that I will be receiving a spanking. I have not yet been told, but I have told my wife many times that I would to be spanked by her. Other than the occasional birthday spanking it hasn’t happened. I did open up a lot during my survey about spanking. I even admitted that I want my wife to take control a bit, and punishment me with a spanking if I was ever out of line.
“Very good Ben. That’s much better. Now please assume the Punish Position.”
I step to the side the chair, and squat down. I place my hands behind my neck and interlock my fingers, and make sure that I have pushed my chest out. I am very unstable, and my ankles are shaking.
Miss Diana continues. “This is the time that we will have a discussion about your behavior, and the reason you are being punished. I will tell in very clear terms what the Punishment will be, and what you should expect. You will listen until I ask you if you have anything to say. At that time, and only at that time, you may speak. You may choose this time to offer any…” Miss Diana stops speaking to motion air quotes “‘alternate viewpoints.” I will take them under consideration, but you must know that I won’t often change my mind to be in your favorite. This would also be your opportunity to come clean about anything I may have forgotten as it relateds to this punishment. Your best option however, would be to use this time to apologize for your mis-happenings. Besides, if I decided that you are taking too much of my time, making excuses or just babbling, I will cut you off, and your punishment will most likely double.” Miss Diana then reaches out and touches my cheek. “We don’t want that, do we Ben?”
“No Miss Diana, we do not.”
“Very well then. So, you are being punished today for lack of respect, keeping me waiting, and because you apparently did not listen when I told you that Punctuality is important. You have upset myself, and your wife, and you will be receiving a punishment spanking today. I will tell you that I know how to give a damn good punishment spanking. I will not be going easy on you. As your answers in the survey indicated, punishments, the use of implements, superior woman, and pain were all high level turn-ons for you. Today will you be experiencing what a real punishment feels like. I will also be teaching your wife today as well. I will be using a medium sized wooden paddle. Butler, can please go retrieve Your medium paddle from its storage box?”
Butler says “yes Miss Diana,” and runs out of the room.
Miss Diana continues. “You have kept me waiting for a total of 25 minutes. You will be puzzled for that in two ways. The first will be your spanking. The second will be by me taking your time away from you. More on that later. Now the spanking portion..”
Butler returns to the room. He knees in a position similar to the Greet Position, and holding the paddle in in hands. “Ahhh, very good Butler. Ben, do you see the position that Butler is in?”
“Yes Miss Diana. I do.”
“Great. This is the Gift Position. If I ever ask you to retrieve something for me, you will get it, and return with the item, and then present it to me using the Gift Position.”
“Yes Miss Diana.”
“Very good. Now where was I? Oh, yes. You will be punished with a spanking today. We have already determined that you have kept me waiting for 25 minutes. Is that correct?”
“Yes Miss Diana, that is correct.”
“Great. And you keep your wife waiting for 10 minutes in the car before leaving your house. Is that correct?”
“Um, yes, I guess so?” I was hesitant, because I thought that the 10 min late with my wife was already accounted for in the 20 minutes we discussed earlier.
“Well, um, yes, but I thought that was already calculated in the 25 minutes.”
Miss Diana calms down, but sternly tells me. “That. is not. correct. sir.Lets add this up. Yesterday, you were five minutes late back from your break before you started the survey. Today you were 10 minutes late to our luncheon. Is this correct so far?”
“Yes Miss Diana.”
“Now we are getting somewhere. You were with your wife, making her 10 min to the luncheon. So I missed out on 10 minutes worth of time with your wife. Is that correct?”
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