We stand together on the platform, holding hands. Watching for the train. It’s exciting. We never spend a night together before. I’m looking forward to spending more time with you. You make me laugh, and we talk so easily. I’m looking forward to holding you in the night. To see what you look like sleep. To watching you wake. You are special to me.
The train rumbles in, and we step back slightly until it comes to a stop. Then climb the step onto the train, grabbing our bags as we go. You lead me along a corridor, and open the door to a compartment. I didn’t know there were trains like this any more! We go inside, and sit opposite each other, by the window. You hold my hand and pull me close. We kiss, long and slow, I love your kisses. I’m lost in your kiss, drifting, when I’m Pulled back to reality by the opening of the door. We pull apart as a middle-aged couple enter, and stare for a moment. They don’t speak; just sit, like us opposite each other. Shame, it would have been nice to be alone with you in here.
The man leans back and stretches his legs, which seems to instantly annoy the woman who gives him a hard star, and tus loudly. He scowls at her, and doesn’t move. You catch my eye, and I turn my face to hide my smile. She grabs a paper from his bag, and starts to read. They have obviously been rowing. I can feel the tension between them.
The train Pulls slowly away from the platform, and I lean back, relaxing, this will be a long trip. The train falls into its gentle rocking rhythm, and I can feel my eyes closing. I open one eye to take a look at you, those deep green eyes I love. I grin when I see you, because you are staring straight up my skirt. Out of sheer development I let my knees fall a little wider. You beckon me, and I sit up, and lean forward, you lean towards my ear.
“Go to the toilet and take your knickers off kara.” You whisper.
I smile, that’s OK with me. I know the air will feel good against my bare pussy. I mentally plan that when I come back I will let my legs fall open again for you to see. I stand and leave the compartment, taking my shoulder bag. I walk along the swinging corridor, and lock the toilet door behind me. I quickly step out of my knickers, and ball them up in my hand. Shove them into a corner of my bag, and let myself out again. As I re enter the compartment, you are looking at me. I move towards you, but your voice makes me freeze to the spot.
“Hand me your knickers please kara,” loud and clear.
My face turns scarlet, and I star in disbelief. No! You wouldn’t do this to me! Not in front of these other people. I can’t move. You hold out your hand and look at me expected. The man and woman look up at me and I shuffle from foot to foot uncomfortable. You are enjoying it, I know. You love to wrong foot me. I should have known. The woman looks disgusted and the man is leering at me. Slowly, I reach into my bag and remove the balled up knickers. I reach past the man and woman, and place them into your outstretched hand; your fingers curl around them. You dont take your eyes away from mine for a second, my stomach is turning over and over.
I quickly move back into my seat. Passing the man I keep my face down. Now he knows I am bare under my skirt. How could you do this? I drop into my seat, blushing fiercely.
I look up at you
“Did I tell you, you could sit?”
“No.” I mumble
“No what?” you ask pleasantly.
My mouth hangs open, not here! Not now! But you look as if you expect an answer.
“No Sir,” I almost whisper
“Better, but you can be sure to expect punishment later for not waiting for permission. And PLEASE stop looking away when I’m talking to you, do you want me to put you over my knee right now?”
Oh My God, I groan inwardly, but raise my face to yours. I have never been so ashamed in my life. The man is now openly grinning at me, enjoying this no end. You gaze into my eyes, and I actually think for that moment that you will do exactly that, put me over your knee in front of them. My eyes are locked on yours, and I shift awkwardly in my seat. A gesture you spot immediately, and you smile. You know why without asking. No longer shade, now Im uncomfortable because my cunt is dripping wet. I don’t know if the man next to you understands this, but soon he will be able to smell me. This only adds to my confusion. My stomach is churning. I feel a hot, weight between my legs that I know will not go.
“Thank you kara.” You say, and put the knickers in your pocket.
I breathe a sight of relief, I think that it is over, for now. You cast a sideways glance at the woman and then smile at me again.
We ride for some time in silence, before the couple decided they are hungry and stashing their bags under the seat, make their way to get some food.
As they leave the room, I am about to raise my complaint for the earlier treatment, when you silence me witha finger on my lips. Your hands move between my tightly closed knees, and gently, push them apart. One slow, careful hand makes its way up my thigh, until it finds my soft, wet, pussy at the top. Pushing slowly, one finger delves inside, exploring the wetness it finds there. An involuntary groan escapes my lips.
“kara, you dirty little slut, what’s this?”
You bring your finger out, covered with my juices. Holding it to my lips I start to lick and suck, tasting my own wetness.
“Seems you like me to humiliate you kara, is that right?”
“No!” I reply, desperate in case you have some other different plan in mind.
“Well, your cunt seems to say different, sweetie.”
As your finger plays with my clip, I find it hard to argue. I simply rest back and allow your clever fingers to explore as they wish.
In moments I am breathing hard, and understanding against your hand. You pat your knee and I get up. Unzipping your jeans with one hand, you guide me onto your lapwith the other. I sink slowly onto your now huge cock. Slowly, down, feeling you sliding all the way into me. So big, you feel so good inside me. I rock gently against you, pleasure rolling over us in waves, rocking with the train. Calm and slow, enjoying each other.
The door!
My head snaps us as I hear the door open, and Oh GOD! What do I do? Stay? Move? My mind whirls. I look at you, what do we do?
will be continued…!
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