I remember vividly what I was doing when the announcement came over the intercom as we were pulling into the station. I was looking up into Brax’ eyes hoping that as a guy, he’d take some goal on me and tell his sister to quite pulling on my balls. If he hadn’t been there, I know none of the women would have looked out for me. I mean, why would some black women care what the girl was doing to a white slave’s balls?
Brax was still wiping his cum soaked cock off on my tights, when he glanced over at the girl.
“Hey, Porsha. Knock it off.”
That didn’t sit well with the girl, but she listened. Instead of pulling the string, she decided to just tie her end to the metal bar of her seat. Like I was going to make a run for it, otherwise. I glanced back up to Brax with exacerbation, but he just shrugged his shoulders and smiled.
“Least she ain’t pulling on them no more,” he offered.
“Girl, you awfully quiet over there,” Mercedes said looking towards the female sstudent.
The girl just tried to croouch further away in her seat with a frightful look.
“You telling me that you got no interest in riding that stick of his?”
She shook her head.
“Come on. Porsha, get up so the white boy can sit down. I barely managed to make it to the seat with my balls tied to the railing.
God, I needed this fuck. I needed that girl to just sink down on top of my shake, just once. I knew I’d blow my wad if she was as tight as she looked. I had to have it. My cock was ramrod hard against my sweaty abs, eager for relief. I know she saw my needs in my eyes. I pleaded with her silently.
“Come on, girl. Just sit on his lap, and let’s see if you want more.”
The girl stood, looked at me, then sat on top of my closed legs. She leaned back against my shaft. My inherent male sexual instincts took over. Slowly, I rubbed up against her, thrusting my hips only slightly. Her short gasps told me she wanted me.
Mercifully, she reached back and tilted my shaft towards her pussy as she settled herself down. I felt my cock slide into her ever-so-hot hole. I nearly lost it there. I held her by her waist and guided her up and down. My eyes were closed, and I was completely lost in my impending orgasm when I heard the communication and everyone fleeing the train. I had heard some sort of announcement, but my needs were too important. I was focused. I vaguely recall hearing different voices yelling at me to stop. I opened my eyes to see the transit police yelling at me, pulling my hands off Emma and another female cop pulling her off my spasming cock.
My first shot of seed was planted just deep enough inside her tight little pussy to remain there the rest of the night. But every other shot splattered on the floor or my chest. I was left with a ruined orgasm.
I ended up being hauled off as the only one arrested. The charges included public indecency, lewd sexual acts in public and rape. I was the one tied down by my balls, but I was being charged with rap.
Eventually, once the facts became clear, the rap charges were dropped, but I was still left with public indecency. I beat the charges in court.
Two weeks after the trial, I was trying to get back into a normal life again. My girlfriend had broken up with me when she heard the charges, but took me back once I was vindicated. We were having a makeup dinner at my place after work when we got into a bit of an argument. She had been pushing for sex, but I told her I wasn’t quite ready. She was understanding for about ten days, but her patience was growing thin on this night. I made another excuse, but she wasn’t buying it.
She didn’t walk out on me, but she did take off to think things over and grab a loaf of garlic bread and another bottle of wine.
There was a knock at the door. It couldn’t have been my girlfriend; she wouldn’t have knocked. Somehow deep down, I knew who it was.
As soon as I turned the doorknob, the door flew open, hitting me in the face and knocking me back a few steps. Before I could gather my balance, a big black woman was in my face. She got one good smoke in against my cheek which sent me flying backwards. I ended up on my back and my legs were spread wide, a very inviting opportunity. Just as I began to sit up, Mercedes landed her heel between my spread legs, squarely against my balls. I screamed in the highest pitch I had ever hit. But before I could even roll around, Brax lifted me to my knees, holding me by my arm and head, exposing my neck to his mother.
The woman wasted no time. I felt the tight leather collar pulled tight around my throat, and heard it snap in place behind my neck. Braxton dropped me, and I felt the pull of the leash. Mercedes was in control. I felt it in my aching balls and the stranglehold of the collar around my neck.
“Hello white boy. You forget about us?”
I could only respond my shaking my head. With the pain I was feeling betweenmy legs, speech was out of the question.
I looked up to Brax. He already had his pants down and his eleven inch black meat was pointing directly at my face. It deserved my respect. I craned my neck and took the tip into my mouth and worked it with my tongue until I heard him groan. I looked back up at the black man’s beautiful green eyes. I felt my own cock stirring as he looked at me.
“Alright Brax, do what you came to do,” his mother said as she made her way into the kitchen. My apartment was pretty small and was an open plan, so you could go from my bedroom to the kitchen in only a few steps.
Brax yanked on my collar and led me over to my bed. He ripped of my T-shirt, jeans and underwear in no time flat. He didn’t have to tell me he wanted me on all fours. I know where this was going.
“Turn him around. I don’t want to watch that black ass of yours and your balls all flopping around. I want to watch the white boy’s face when you take him again. Brax lineard himelf up with my ass, and I felt that familiar feeling of being filled up beyond the point of acceptance. I thought I remember exactly how he felt inside, me, but I swear he felt larger today.
His needs must have been great because he went to work on my ass like he was pumping a new virgin field for the first time. The black man held me by my throat and forced me to arch my back as he pulled my head back. Mercedes smiled at my dilemna.
She ate the dinner I had been preparing from my plate, sitting in my seat. All I could do was grunt every time Brax thrust his eleven inches home. I could barely handle his rhythm. He needed to cum badly. Sweat dripped from his chin onto my lower back. A few more minutes and he dumped his load of hot cum deep in my cunt.
Brax only took a moment to Revel in his orgasm before pushing me flat on the bed as he got up to join his mother at the table for dinner. Just before he left me, he turned and held his cock out for me. Instinctively, IKnow to lick his cockhead clean.
“First thing in the morning, if you want to kiss me, you kiss my cockhead. When we go to bed, you lick my cockhead. After I come, you lick my cockhead clean. You understand me?” Braxton instructed me.
His cock was in my mouth so all I could do was nod slightly as I sucked the last of his cum out of his shaft. There was enough left to coat my teeth.
“Get in here and get my boy a plateful of spaghetti. He’s hungry after breeding you,” Mercedes said through her mouthful of food.
Brax sat his naked ass down on the chair and waited for me to serve him. I wiped my mouth and walked into the kitchen to fix a plate for the man. I set it down in front of him and watched him eat.
“Is that the same string Porsha tied around your balls?” Mercedes asked.
“Yes, ma’am. I never took it off.”
“I like that. Porsha gonna like it too. You knew we was coming for ya, didn’t ya?”
I nodded. “You took my ID, so I was pretty sure you’d be coming for me.”
“But you didn’t say nothing to the police?”
I just shook my head.
“You hungry, ain’t ya?” Mercedes asked.
“Well, go fix you a plate with just the spaghetti. Don’t you put none of that red sauce on it, neither.”
I set the plate of plain spaghetti down at the spot near Mercedes.
“Now you’re gonna put your own sauce on them spaghettis. Go on. Get yourself off on your dinner before it gets all cold and all.”
I had been ramrod hard since being fucked, but my cock throbbed at the idea of masturbating for my intruder.
I started out slowly, keeping my cock pointed at the plate in front of me, but it wasn’t long before I was working my meat as hard as I could. Afterall, it had been nearly two weeks since I had last had an orgasm.
“You don’t cum until I tell you to,” Mercedes ordered me.
I just grunted, hoping I could hold out for her. She had to see the destination in my expression. I had to let loose. She reached over and simply touched my cockhead with her finger. That’s all it took. I exploded all over the plate of spaghetti. I yanked on my cock as fast as I could, milking it for all I had. Two weeks worth of built up cum was covering my plate of spaghetti.
“Now sit down and eat. You ain’t done till that plate is clean.”
I gladly collapsed into the chair and mixed my white sauce with the noodles and began to eat, much to the delight of the black woman.
I tried not to think too much about exactly what it was I was eating, but I knew I didn’t have a choice, which made it all go down a little easier.
As I was eating, Mercedes decided to share a little story with me.
“Brax, that string look familiar?” Mercedes asked with a grin.
Brax just glared at his mother. She chuckled.
“I’m gonna tell you this story so you know why your man here isn’t talking to his sister,” Mercedes offered as she snooped around my living room.
“Mama, why yougot to tell him that?”
“Cause I like embarrassing you, that’s why. You need to be knocked down a notch or two every now and then. See, Brax fell asleep in the sun last weekend, buck-naked, and as you will no doubt find out, he’s a very deep sleeper. Well, Porsha thought it’d be funny to tie your other shoe string around her brother’s balls just like she did with you. So she did, and he still didn’t wake up, so she tied the other end to the side of the chair…in a damn good knot.
“Well, Brax finally woke up but didn’t realize what had happened, and when he stepped over the chair to get up…I still don’t quite understand how you ended up like you did, but somehow Brax wound up face down, half on the chair beside him and his chair on top of him and his balls Somehow carrying the brunt of his weight.
“Now, I wasn’t nowhere around. It was only Porsha, and she went out to help when she heard him screaming.”
“She didn’t come out to help. She came out to taunt me.”
Mercedes continued with a chuckle. “My girl ain’t no stupid girl. She a spitfire, but she ain’t stupid. She got a head on her shoulders. See, Porsha demanded Brax pay her $50 every time he masturbates for the rest of the summer if he wanted her to rescue him. That’s a lot of money for a boy like Brax. But he agreed, so I’m guessing the pain must have been real bad.”
“It fucking hurt,” Brax confirmed.
“This was about the time I came home. Brax says she had been trying to untie the string for about ten minutes before I got there. Brax was cussing up a storm, so I cut it with a knife, and saved the day. Porsha was mad because she wanted to keep the string intact to remind her of the day on the T when she had your balls all tied up.
“And, ohhhh, was Braxton angry. It’s probably a good thing he didn’t have much strength left in him at the time, ’cause I think he would have knocked her into next week.”
“That fucking hurt, and you made me keep the deal.”
“Boy, you need to learn that there are risks associated with having those things hanging between your legs. Don’t go thinking you’re all high and mighty because you got some big black cock. Even a man has vulnerabilities. It wasn’t no bad lesson for ya to learn. And if you want to be a man, you need to learn that you have to keep your word, no matter what. You made a deal; you keep it.”
“But she got to respect a man. And I am a man, and she disrespected me.”
“You’re a young man, and a young man gotta learn. You’re still learning. And it ain’t like I didn’t discipline the girl. She’s grounded for a month, and she can only keep half of what you pay her.”
“And you’re keeping the rest.”
“The rest goes to fixing up the house.”
“She should be grounded for as long as I have to pay her.”
“Young man, you live in a female-led household, and as such, I make the rules. When you get your own place, then you can make the rules.”
Brax just grunted and looked away in disgust.
“White boy, you didn’t mention us to the police. You could have, not that they would have found us. But why didn’t you?” Mercedes asked.
“Because he knew we’d be coming for him,” Brax interjected.
“Well, that was part of it. But I don’t know. It’s hard to say, but for some reason, I thought I deserve it. I don’t know if it’s because I believe that white privilege should be punished or what, but something.”
“You both wrong. I’ll tell you why,” Mercedes replied. “It was because you still had a little of Brax left in ya. You absorbed his cum into your body, and it changed ya. That and when a submissive is dominated like that by a man, he knows it’s right, no matter what the law says. Now come on. Let’s get going. You coming with us, boy.”
It was inevitable. My cock, satisfied as it was, throbbed, and it wasn’t lost on either of my guests.
“Can I get a few things?”
“No you may not,” Mercedes responded. “It’s gotta be just like you disappeared into thin air. If it ain’t in the pockets of your jeans, then you ain’t take’ it. Put your pants back on and let’s go.”
I didn’t put up an argument. I slipped my loose fitting jeans back on, a pair of sandals.
I hung my head as Brax led me out of my apartment by my leash. I heard Mercedes close the door behind her. Tonight would start a new life, and although my balls were empty, my cock was as hard as it had ever been.
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