Train Car Named Submission Ch. 01

Author’s Note: As is often the case when I write a story, at some point, I see more than one possible ending to my tale. After this first post, I will have two more posts, both will be a different ending to the story.

And I always appreciate your opinion. Please rate the story, and leave a note if you like. Let me know which ending you prefer. Constructive Criticism and compliments are always welcome.



As the train pulled into the next stop, I could see that I was in for some trouble. I had meant to just take an Uber home, but my phone died so I was stuck taking the T. Usually it’s no big deal at all, in fact it’s faster for me to take the Boston subway, but today was one day I wanted to avoid it.

I had just finished my jog along the Charles and jumped on the Green Line at about the time the Black Women Expect Respect rally ended. I hung around the river for awhile in hopes that most of the crowd would be gone by the time I got tothe T. I was way off.

I took a seat on the aisle next to a girl who looked like she was a student, probably at BU. The train was nearly empty, and I thought I had scored the perfect ride. My seatmate was lost in her music and the textbook she was studying, so I left her alone. I’m not even sure she glanced at me.

I thought that if we could get through the next T stop, I’d be safe, but as the train slowed and entered the station, I could see I had miscalculated. It was a mob scene on the platform. As the car began to fill quickly with rowdy black women, the few white riders departed. The women didn’t care who they bothed, and they didn’t care what the driver said. Soon the car was packed.

“Hey! Get the fuck up!” one black woman said, smacking me in the side of the head. “Ain’t going to be no white privilege on this train.”

“Hey! Quit it,” was about all I knew to say. “I was here first.”

Today she wasn’t going to take any back talk from anyone, especiallya white boy.

She slapped me across the face this time. I hadn’t expected that, and it stung pretty badly.

“I said, get the fuck up! I’m going to sit there, and you’re going to stand. My names Mercedes Brown, and I don’t care who knows it.”

I didn’t know what to do. Fighting a black woman was not really an option. The train grow quiet as the other black women around us began to pay closer attention. I even saw a few phones focused on me. If I fought back or even talked back, those videos, edited I’m sure, would make it to the Internet, and I’d be branded a racist. In the interest of keeping the peace, I stood.

Everyone cheered, except the girl who I had been sitting beside.

“You too, bitch!” the victorious woman screamed at the girl.

“I’m not budgeting for you! I have every right to sit here, and you’re not going to intimidate me out of it!”

She was ready to fight. Maybe the black woman respected the fight in her or maybe it was because she was agirl, I don’t know, but she let the girl sit there, sandwiched against the side of the car with no escape. Or maybe it was because she had a white boy standing basically between her legs, wearing nothing more than running tights and a tight compression T-shirt.

Holding on to the strap hanging from the ceiling, I stood between the two sets of seats facing towards each other. Not that any of my other tights were any less tight, but today I chose to wear my new Rufskin running tights. Somehow, they are more form-fitting, and the wait is cut much lower, ending just above the base of my cock. With my hands raised to the strap above, my shirt was pulled halfway up my stomach, leaving almost my entire lower torso exposed.

I nearly jumped out of my skin when I feel a set of hands begin to cares my ass. I tried to ignore it as the women around us began to chuckle, encouraging her. The hands explored the back of my legs, then moved to the sides and even up the front of my thighs.But when a hand went between my legs all the way up to my balls, I had had enough. I swatted the hand away and began to turn to tell her to stop it.

But before I could utter a word, or even turn towards my offender, the woman in front of me slammed the heel of her open palm into my balls. I went down in a heap. Before I got any strength back, the woman reached over me and pulled my T-shirt up and over my head. Then I was picked up by two women who held me upright.

“Both hands on that strap, boy.”

Naked from the bulge up, I obeyed. My balls throbbed, and I was barely able to stand upright on my own. I held on tight to the strap, but with my abdomen in pain, I was still bent at the waist.

“Don’t like being harassed on the train do ya, boy? Well we’ve had to put up with it for 200 years!” Cheers in stability filled the car.

She reached out and began to cares my bulge.

I know there’s a law against upskirting, but I don’t think there’s no law against upcocking. And that’s when my cock began to grow. She outlined it in my tights with her fingers, tracing it over to my right hip.

More cheeses.

I began to protest, as my cock throbbed and stretched, but as soon as she pressed against my aching balls, I shut up. We had an understanding.

In a minute, she had me completely hard. The hands behind me began to care me again, not only my ass, but my lower back. And when they went between my legs to cup my balls, I didn’t protest.

“You want to feel him?” she asked the white girl beside her.

The girl was petrified. Of course she had been watching in horror, and didn’t want to be pulled into it.

“No, I don’t want to touch him.”

“No, go ahead. Ain’t he got a nice size cock…for a white boy?”

The black woman stared at her, waiting for a response.

“Ain’t he?”

The girl nodded nervously. “Yeah.”

“Say it.”

“Yeah, he’s got a nice sized cock for a white boy.”

“You ever had acock that long before? Ever ridden something that fine?”

She shook her head in terror.

“There’s one right here if you want it. I can arrange for a free ride. This boy’s my bitch now. He belongs to me, and that makes that my cock. And I’ll let you ride it if you want. For free.”

“No…no thanks,” the girl was all but crying now.

“Well how do you know? You ain’t touched it yet. Go ahead, touch it.”

Scared to death, the girl tedily reached out and ran her fingers along the length of my shake before withdrawing her hand quickly.

“No, you gotta touch those big balls of his, too. Come on, feel him up. You know he’d do it to you. Hell he probably over here thinking about how he was going to rap you before I came Along and saved you. Go on, touch his balls.”

Again, she reached out and touched both my balls with the tip of her fingers. “Yeah, they’re big.”

“Yeah, let’s see just how big.”

Mercedes yanked my tights half way down my thighs, allowing my cock and balls to bounce freely between my legs. My cock stuck straight out towards the woman’s face. I was at Mercede’s mercy. For some damn reason, my cock bounced to attention without Mercedes even touching me.

“Check it out! White boy likes being treated like this,” she said.

I didn’t like it, but somehow my cock did. Like every other guy, it has its own brain. I tried and tried to will it down, but that only seemed to make things worse. In less than a minute, my cock was hard up against my abs.

I glanced up to see that everyone’s attention was focused on me now. I only had one set of sympathetic eyes on me and those belonged to the girl who was mostly responsible for me achieving a hard-on.

“Oh yeah! White boy likes having his balls busted,” she continued. With no hesitation, she reached out and pulled my cock down like the one armed bandit at a casino. She released it and enjoyed watching it smack hard against my abs. The women around us cheeredand jeered. I felt nothing but humiliation.

As this was going on, I became aware of someone unlacing my running shoes. Not just untying them, but unlacing them. I did nothing to stop her.

“When’s the last time you masturbated, boy?”

I couldn’t believe she was asking such a question. She slapped my balls to emphasize the point that she expected an answer.

“A couple days ago,” I said, and for whatever reason, I glanced over to my one friend. I felt a special thrill and my cock twitched when our eyes locked, if only for a moment, I thought she was lusting for me.

“Them full balls then. Maybe white girl wants to see how much cum your balls makes?”

My cock throbbed. How could I say no to that? But just then, the train screamed to a complete stop. We looked out the window to find that we were in a tunnel. No way out.

A voice came over the intercom, “The train’s being delayed because of a disorder in one of the stations ahead of us.”


In her listless voice, she finished, “Please be patient. It’ll probably be a while. I’ll give you a heads up when we’re about to move.”

“Well, looks like we got plenty of time to play, boy. Maybe you want to keep that cum inside those balls a little while longer.

A couple sets of hands surrounding me peeled my tights down off my legs, removing my laceless shoes and socks as well. I was completely naked.

“Ain’t that a fine sight! Anyone within reach had their hands on my body, whether it was my back, shoulders, legs, or anywhere in between. Someone else took her turn with my one-armed bandit.

The same small hand that had groped my balls first, was back at it. She gathered my balls in the bottom of my sac and pulled them back between my legs, forcing me to bend forward, then fall to my knees. The indignity never stopped, and when I thought it couldn’t get worse, it did.

With one hand holding my balls tight, the other wrapped my shoe string around the base of my nutsac and tied a knot, imprisoning my balls in a nice tight package. I grunted when she yanked on them. I heard her laugh behind me.

My face was now inches from Mercedes’ crotch. I glanced up and saw it in her eyes. I knew what she was expecting. She pushed her hips forward and pulled my head in to meet her pussy as she spread her legs. Pantiless. That was convenient.

I licked her pussy lips, and dove in with my tongue at just the right time. I felt the wave of pleasure overtake Mercedes. She hadn’t been treated like this in years. As much as I hated her, I felt it was my duty to use my tongue and lips to bring her the best orgasm of her life. Maybe it was the not-so-gentle tugging on my balls, or maybe it was because she had so completely dominated me over the last thirty minutes. I don’t know, but the closer she came to an orgasm, the harder I worked.

Finally, she squeezed my head between her thighs, trapping my face against her cunt. She drenched my facewith her orgasm. She kept my face buried so tightly against her body that I thought I was going to drop. The pressure of her thighs relented, and I fell back, gasping for air.

For the next ten minutes or so, Mercedes left me alone, basking in her orgasm. I was pulled back to my feet by someone, and I just prayed that the train would move again. It would have been bearable, had it not been for the periodic tug on my balls from behind. The women had calmed down around me, but there were still the snickers as my hard-on bobbed downward with each tug to my balls.

“Tell you what, I want you to walk down to the end of this car and find the handsome boy with green eyes and tell him to come back here. He’s got a little lighter skin than me, but plenty handsome. Has a build ’bout like you, maybe a couple inches taller…longer too.”

The women around her laughed.

Shit. I thought maybe she was done with me.

“Get going,” another said.

I walked the gauntlet. Even though Mercedes may have been satisfied, the other women on the train hadn’t. Word had spread quickly of the service I had just performed, and I heard all the lewd calls to fall to my knees in front of them as well. Again, the hands were all over my body. My cock was pulled or stroked by everyone who could reach. Others grabbed my bound balls and squeezed, while others pulled on the shoe string dangling to the floor. One woman with deadly fingernails managed to trap my right nut between her fingertips and pinched. I screamed and nearly fell to my knees. I stopped myself from going all the way down. I knew that if I went down, it’d be a long time before I was allowed back up.

There was. A tall handsome black boy, probably a few years younger than me, stood in the aisle. His green eyes were absolutely captivating. He was maybe two inches taller than me, standing 6′ tall, and probably my weight of 170 pounds.

But beyond that was what he was carrying between his legs. Hestood with his pants pulled down to his knees, exposing the longest and thickest damn cock I had ever seen. If mine were just over eight inches, his was every bit of eleven inches.

He stared me down with his glassy green eyes. I knew what he wanted, and he deserved it. It must be a primary guy thing. It’s in our genes to respect and honor the longer, thicker cock. It wasn’t because I was gay that I dropped to my knees, but rather it was out of respect for that piece of meat that was too heavy to stand upright.

I looked up at this smooth-skinned boy and took as much of his meat into my mouth as I could. His girl stretched my jaw to its limit. I felt his head at the back of my throat, and I nearly gagged. I wrapped my arms around his legs and sucked on his shaft like a newborn calf sucking on his mother’s title.

The train dumped, sending me back on my heels. Oddly, I felt disappointment that we about to move. I was free of the oversized cock, but yet I wanted it. Nosooner had we moved, than we came to a halt.

“Sorry. Brake slipped,” the intercom said.

“Mercedes want me to bring you to see her. She has something for you,” I said looking up at him from the ground.

He ignored his composition and nodded. I stood and put myself through the gauntlet again. More hands, more strokes and squeezes.

When I got back to Mercedes, she had a black leather collar on her lap. I understand. I knelt down and put my head back between her legs where she fastened the collar tightly around my neck. She clipped on a leash and handed it to the boy behind me.

“Brax, happy birthday!”

The entire car cheered.

“It’s not every 18 year-old who gets to own a white, but you deserve it because you’re the best son a mother could have.”

I felt him take my lean. I felt the tug on my balls again.

“You know what you want to do, so do it!” Mercedes exclaimed.

He didn’t hesitate. He yanked his pants down before kneeing down between my legs. He parted my ass and leaned over my back as he placed his oversized cockhead at my opening. Mercedes held my head in her lap as I screamed when he penetrated my virgin hole. I would have sworn that he was splitting m lower torso with that cock of his. He kept driving it steadily deeper, never giving me a reprieve.

The pressure I feel in my ass was indescribable. It was so much more than physical. It was as though he was rewiring my brain as he was splitting my ass.

I looked up at Mercedes with a look of shock and horror, but she just stroked my cheek and ran her fingers through my hair.

I grunted loudly each time Brax thrust his manhood deep inside me. The pressure I felt up my ass was more than immense. I felt his balls slap against my own bound set. As he lay atop me, I feel his breath on my neck and his sweat on my back. He was dominating and subjugating me so completely and fully that I knew I would never be the same.

His mother feigned to comfor me, struggling my hair and looking into my pleading eyes and telling me that it would all be OK soon enough. I couldn’t talk, but my expression had to tell her that her son was too much for me, and I needed him to stop, but she proudly watched her son turn me into a white bitch.

His grunting grow louder and his thrusts more desperate. Finally, he sank his cock in a full eleven inches then deposited his entire load deep inside my pussy. Brax collapsed on top of me. It was all I could do to keep on my hands and knees with nearly his full body weight on my back.

A moment later, he popped his cockhead out, and I felt the greatest sense of relief I could ever imagine. But the damage was done. I would never be the same after that fuck. I was no longer a man, I was a black man’s cum dump. As much as I hated what he Did, I knew he had every right to do it. He had the master cock, and a cock that size should never be denied. The biggest cock always dominates, and the rest simply exist to satisfy.

Surprisingly, as I sat there gathering my thoughts, I had no anger towards anyone. Not Mercedes, not her son Brax for fucking me, and not even the girl yanking on my throbbing nutsac. And even though the people around us cheered Brax and Mercedes on, I didn’t blow them. I had been turned into a sex slave and that gave them the right to cheer against me.


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