Patrick Malone was lost in thought as he drove along the dark two-lane road towards his condo. It had been a good day. Quarterly sales were posted and his department had the highest sales and profits. The music blaring on the radio only intensified his good feelings. Life was good and he didn’t have a care in the world. Tapping the steering wheel in time to the music, he didn’t realize he was driving fifteen miles over the speed limit. Rounding a long curve, he saw a vehicle on the side of the road and as soon as he passed, he saw the lights of the police cruiser turn on. He cursed, “Shit,” over the sound of the music. The red and blue lights flashing in his rearview mirror made his joyous attitude sink. “Awww fuck….. goddamn it,” he swore, pulling onto the gravel shoulder.
Sitting in his car, he watched the red and blue spinning lights illuminate the surrounding trees. As he waited for the officer to approach the his car, he realized if he got a ticket, it would be his thirdticket in the last year. That would most likely mean the loss of his driver’s license. “I can’t afford another fucking ticket,” he muttered, seeing the police cruiser door open in the driver’s side mirror. Glancing over to the passenger side mirror, he saw another figure exit the cruiser. “Just what I fucking need…… two fucking cops,” he spat as he glanced at each of the side rear view mirrors. Seeing their silhouettes, he smiled realizing they are female police officers. He chuckled thinking how he always had a way with women. “Maybe I can sweet talk my way out a ticket,” he mused, hitting the button to lower the driver side window. Putting his hands on the steering wheel, he thought that maybe if he is on his best behavior, the female officers will let him off with a warning.
“Good evening officers,” he says in the most innocent sounding voice. He blinked when the light from the officer’s flashlight shined into his eyes.
The police woman ignored his friendly smile. “Sir, I’m Officer Erika and my partner is Officer Ilse. Do you know you were speeding?”
Patrick tried to look into her eyes but the brightness of the flashlight concealed them. His mind worked at lightning speed trying to come up with a good excuse. “Well officer, I worked late and was anxious to get home. I know I was wrong to speed but it’s late and there’s no one else on the road.” Hearing no immediate response, he quickly added an apology, “I’m really sorry.”
Erika smiled. “Just because no one else is on the road, you think you can speed. And I’m sure you’re sorry you got caught. Your driver’s license and registration please.”
Patrick silently cursed as he pulled out his driver’s license, handing it to the officer. Leaning towards the glove compartment, he saw the other Officer at his passenger window place her hand on the butt of her weapon as she shined her flashlight into the compartment. Rummaging through the clutter of papers, he found the registration and proof of insurance. Handing it to Officer Erika, he said, “I truly am sorry for speeding and I promise it won’t happen again.”
Erika noticed he wasn’t wearing a wedding ring and smiled. Just to make sure, she asked, “Mr. Malone….. do you always drive this reckless when Mrs. Malone is with you?”
Patrick quickly told her, “I’m not married officer.”
Erika looked at her partner, seeing a soft smile that told her everything was perfect. “Officer Ilse will you kindly come over here and keep an eye on him while I check this out?
Patrick watched the other officer cross in front of the headlights, noticing how tight her uniform fit. His immediate attention was drawn to her breasts that seemed ready to burst the buttons of her uniform. His eyes remained on her chest as she approached the driver side window. Without the flashlight glaring in his eyes, he saw her blonde hair and what he took as a soft smile. When he glanced downward at her breasts and then back at her face,he knew she caught his roving eyes. He quickly turned his head to look out the front windshield hoping he could somehow talk his way out of a ticket.
Officer Ilse saw his lewd gaze and chuckled as she put her hand on her nightstick. “You can wipe that smug look off your face.” She smiled seeing his hands gripping the steering wheel and added in a rather cocky tone, ” We may have to write you up for leering at a police officer as well as speeding.”
Patrick was stunned. What the hell was she talking about. He looked out the open window seeing her breasts before looking up at her soft smile. “I’m really sorry officer. I….. ahh…… I didn’t mean anything malicious.” He fidgeted trying to come up with something to say, deciding to talk about his speeding. “If you could just give me a warning, I promise to not speed again.” He wondered if his words had any effect on her. Looking past the flashlight, he only saw that she wasn’t showing any goal.
As they waited in silencefor the other officer, Patrick hoped the other officer would have more compassion. When Officer Ilse turned sideways to look at her partner, he again saw her large breasts pressing against the police blouse. The looked even larger that straight on. He quickly averted his eyes when she turned towards him. He thought of them naked, but now was not the time to think of such things as he turned his head towards the front windshield, staring out into the darkness. He cussed under his breath, trying to figure out how to get out of this ticket, mulling over what he might say to convince these officers to let him off with a warning.
Officer Erika wore a wry smile when she returned and addressed Patrick. “Sir….. You have two prior speeding tickets within the last year. One more and you lose your license.” She looked at her partner and added, “It appears… Mr. Malone…. you seem to have a lead foot.”
Patrick saw the seriousness on her face and knew he couldn’t afford another ticket. “I know officer. Can’t you see your way clear to give me a warning this time? I promise not to have a lead foot and I’ll do anything not to get another ticket.”
Officer Erika turned to her partner. “What do you think partner?”
Ilse’s hands were on her hips, staring directly into his eyes. “He looks like a repeat offender. I don’t care what he says,” she added in a gruff tone. “As far as I’m concerned…… let’s give him the ticket,” she said putting her hand on the butt of her weapon.
Patrick silently cussed Officer Ilse’s hardline attitude. Her partner seemed more compassionate and with a little more convincing to be a good driver, maybe…. just maybe she’d let him off with a warning. He saw a bit of contempt in Officer Ilse’s eyes, figuring she was a bitch and would screw things up if given half the chance. There was only one other thing he could say and he turned his attention to Officer Erika, trying like hell to give her wishful smile. “Please, Officer. I can’t afford another ticket……… I need to drive for my work, please.”
He saw her lips break into a soft smile and when Officer Erika motioned for her partner to step away from the vehicle, his hopes to get off with a warning seemed good. He watched them confer, unable to hear their conversation. Fidgeting in the front seat, he grew more confident he’d get off with a warning. He watched Officer Ilse wave her arms in the air as she spoke, her blonde hair waving from side to side. A couple of times he saw her head turn towards him and then turned away, recovering her talk with Officer Erika. He felt optimistic, seeing them laugh and then turn and approach the vehicle.
Officer Erika put her hand on the butt of her weapon and issued a stern command, “Sir…. we need for you to exit the vehicle.”
Patrick was confused, wondering what the fuck was happening. The menacingly look on Officer Ilse’s face did not look like a good sign. Slipping out of the car, he offered a sly smile hoping to get on their good side. But as he stood next to the car, he saw only serious facial expressions. He was waiting for them to speak when suddenly Officer Ilse alone up to him, quickly grabbing his arm, spinning him around to face the vehicle.
In a harsh and demanding tone, she said, “Put your hands on the top of the vehicle and spread your legs sir.”
When he did, his temperature got the better of him. “What the hell. What did I do wrong officer.” He turned his head, seeing their deadly serious professional stars. When Officer Ilse’s body pushed against his back, he felt a leg slip between his thighs, kicking at his shoes until his legs were spread wide apart. He felt her warm breath on the back of his neck, thinking it was awful strange behavior for a simple traffic stop. When his legs were sufficiently spread, he felt Officer Ilse’s hands on his shoulders and feel a shiver run down his spine when she began to pat his broad shoulders and then moved down his sides toHis wait. He jerked a little when her hands circled in front of him and then move upward to his muscle chest. He didn’t have a record so why are they doing this? Why are they treating me like a common criminal?
Officer Ilse gave her partner a knowing smile, “Nothing here,”
Patrick was started by their behavior and in an angry tone, spit out, “What are you looking for? I don’t have any weapons on me!”
Officer Ilse grabbed his chin, turning it towards her as she pushed her body against his back and grew, “Shut up and be quiet or else!”
Patrick closed his eyes hoping this was all a misunderstanding. He kept his eyes closed, waiting for her search to be over. He felt her hands on his left leg, frisking him as they rose higher. He took a deep breath, hoping she was not going any higher but when her hand touched the underside of his ball sac, his body jerked. A little perspiration formed on his browser when he felt her hand cup his balls and cock. “Hey, what are doing,” he called out incredulous at her actions.
The tone of Officer Ilse’s response sent more ships up and down his spine. “Shut up. We’re searching for weapons or drugs. I think we may have something here.” Squeezing his balls, she called to her partner. “I can’t be sure. Feels like he may be hiding some drugs.”
Patrick’s mouth hung open in disbelief and yelled, “I don’t have any drugs hidden on my body.” Instinctively he pulled his hands off the top of the car and suddenly felt a hard object poking into his back and knew it was one of their nightsticks. “Take it easy officer… I’ll do what you want.”
Officer Erika chuckled as she pushed the nightstick into his back, hearing him grunt and then she snarled, “Shut the fuck up.”
Patrick took a deep breath and contemplated telling them this was all bullshit. He shuffled his feet and started to close his legs. But just as he started to turn, a hand grabbed his wrist, pulling it behind him while roughly shovinghim against the vehicle. A cold steel cuff snapped on his wrist and then just as fast, his other hand is pulled back and cuffed. He started to struggle but to no avail as he yelled, “What…… what the hell are you doing? I was only speeding! Give me a fucking ticket and I’ll be on my way!” His mind was in a turmoil as he was spun around, seeing Officer Erika holding her service revolver against her leg, wearing a smirky smile as if ready to use it if he resisted.
“Don’t even think about arguing with us. We’re taking you into custody for a drug search and bribing an officer of the law.”
Officer Ilse spun him around to face her and he gave her a hard star. “What do you mean….. drug search and bribery?” When they don’t answer him immediately, he adds in an incredulous voice. “What….. I was only speeding… I… I didn’t bribe you… and… and I surely don’t have any drugs on me.”
Both officers laugh and then Officer Ilse smiles. “Oh yes you did try to brib an officer of the law.”
“I didn’t try to bribe you!” he exclaimed in a high-pitched exasperated tone.
“You said you would do anything to get out of the ticket and that is considered bribery. And when I frisked you, I felt a large lump which could mean you are concealing drugs on your person. We’ll have to do a strip search at the station.”
His face turned red with anger and then screamed, “What the fuck are you talking about? I didn’t try to bribe you and I don’t have drugs on me. I want to call my lawyer.”
Officer Erika chuckled loudly, “Oh…… You’ll get your phone call soon enough Mr. Malone. Now get in the backseat.”
Patrick knew there was no room to argue or try to reason with these officers. Once they were at the station, he’d call his lawyer and get this mess straightened out. In the backseat of the patrol car, he watched Officer Ilse lock his car doors and then slide into the passenger side of the squad car, telling her partner that everywhereng is secure.
Patrick could not believe what was happening. One minute he’s driving home after a very successful day at work and now he’s in the back of a police car being taken to jail. And for what….. a simple speeding violence!!!
He thought about arguing but knew that anything he said would fall on deft ears and so he remained silent looking at the trees and darkness give way to lighted streets in an older section of town. When Officer Erika turned on a nearly deserted street, he saw the old police station that was deserted a few years ago when a new building was built a few blocks away. He started to say something about knowing where they were taking him but he kept quiet for now.
Stopping behind the deserted building, Officer Ilse called the dispatcher, informing them that they have a prisoner in custody and need to do a strip search.
Patrick shuddered at the news of the strip search, seeing Officer Ilse walk to a rear door of the deserted station house.Turning his head he saw Officer Erika open the rear door of the police cruiser and roughly grabbed his arm, telling him in a demanding voice, “Get out.”
As he was half-dragged out of the cruiser, he complained, “Why am I here and not the new police station?” There is no response from the brunette officer. Instead, he feel her squeeze his arm hard, pulling him in the direction of the door. “What…….. what Are you going to do to me. Why aren’t we going to the new station?”
Erika glared at him and in a rough gruff tone, told him, “Shut the fuck up.” Pulling him to the door, she again glared at her prisoner, adding, “you’ll see. Now get your ass inside…… move…. or else.” When he hesitated a moment, she pushed him through the open doorway causing him to stumble a little.
Patrick easily caught His balance and then looked around, seeing the remnants of the old police station. Desks and chairs scattered around the spatial room made it clear that the furnishings left behind were useless at the new station. Glancing at the two officers he could tell by the looks on their faces that the abandoned station was their private lair. Were they the only officers using this facility? How many other officers in the police department used this place for their private business? A scary chill trickled down his spine as Erika nudged him to move further into the old jail.
“Let’s go boy….. get in the cell,” she demanded in a gruff tone. And when he hesitated a moment, Officer Erika grabbed his arm, pushing him towards an open cell.
Stopping at the cell’s door made of steel rods. another creepy feeling crawled down his spine, wondering what these two women had in mind. He started to resist and sputtered, “Hey, you can’t lock me up just for speeding. And why are we here and not at the new station? I am entitled to a call…… I want to call my attorney!” A sudden pain scorched through his lower back causing him to loudly yelp. Turning quickly, he saw agleam of pleasure in Officer Ilse’s eyes as she patted the wooden nightstick on her palm.
“How many fucking times do we have to tell you to shut the fuck up. Now get your ass into the cell or the next one will really hurt.”
Patrick quickly entered the cell, while his eyes focused on Officer Ilse’s baton. Glancing from officer to officer, he saw the look of anger expressed on their faces and again Wondered what the fuck was happening. Turning towards the two women on the other side of the thick iron bars, he saw their stern facial expressions leering at him.
Officer Erika walked into the cell, pulling her baton from its holster. In a strong authoritative tone, while patting her baton on her palm, she said, “Now listen good. I’m only going to say this once. If you resist it will only get more painful for you.” She saw the timing nod of his head and then announced, “Turn around.” When he did as she requested, she uncuffed one hand and stepped back and commanded, “It’s time to see if you’re carrying any illegal drugs……… strip.”
He looked the two officers who now were in the cell with him. “What? You can’t be serious.”
Ilse’s face took on an ominous appearance. “Do what Office Erika told you to do or else the consequences will be something you won’t like.”
Glancing again from one officer to the other, Patrick knew he was not getting out of the jail until he stripped. Unbuttoning his shirt was met by greedy eyes staring at the revelation of his muscle chest as they tapped their nightsticks on their palms. When he removed his shirt, revealing a well-developed torso, he saw their tongues lick at their lips like two hungry kittens waiting for food. As his fingers fumbled with the belt buckle, Erika was quick to chide him. “Keep going mister,” tapping her nightstick Against the iron bar beside her with a loud whack which resonated in small cell.
Patrick was nervous undressing in front of the two officers. He could see the cravingglint in their eyes as unbuckled the belt. A crazy thought rammed around in his head, thinking he could overpower one officer. But two officers with nightsticks and weapons; he would be a fool. As he hesitated pulling down the zipper, he heard Ilse’s scolding voice.
“Come on man….. we don’t have all fucking night.” To make her point, she dragged her nightstick along the vertical iron bars making a series of loud noises and then let it trail down his chest with an ominous glare.
Perspiration formed on his forehead as his fingers pulled the zipper down. He was about to push his trousers off when he heard Erika’s voice.
“The underwear too,” she scoffed.
Closing his eyes for a moment, he hesitated and then pushed his trousers and grey boxer shorts downward, stepping out of them when They hit the concrete floor. His hands instinctively covered his flaccid cock as he gazed into their needy eyes, knowing it was a futile gesture. He had no idea what they’re planningbut he quickly got the impression this was not going to be a normal strip search.
Ilse’s tapped her baton on the back of his hands and said in a menuing tone, “Take them away.”
He had no choice and as soon as his right hand moved, he felt Ilse’s strong grip pulling his arm upward and then cuffing his wrist to the iron bar behind him. He shuffled his feet, feeling Erika’s baton on his chest propelling his body backward against the cold iron.
Ilse moved quickly in front of their prisoner, grabbing his left hand and cuffing that wrist, pulling it upward to be cuffed to another iron bar. Ilse chuckled, seeing the scared look on Patrick’s face. “Mmmm very nice,” she murmurred taking in his naked body.
Erika chuckled as she gazed at their prisoner’s naked torso. “Well partner I see he’s not hiding Any drugs, at least not on the outside but it does look like he is carrying a concealed weapon.” She closed the distance between them, pushing her body against him, feelingher nipples stiffening inside the tight police blouse. Grabbing his soft cock, she smiled and chuckled as her hand cupped his balls and grabbed his soft cock. “I think we’ll have to do a more through search to find out how dangerous this weapon is.”
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