Ken had begun to regret his idea. Sherry had always been a little too smug for his tastes, and he had taken the opportunity to teach his slave a lesson. The bet had been simple, and Ken had been overconfident. His computer had taken a turn for the worse, and would not even turn on. Ken had brought it to a computer repairman, and was given the bad news. The computer was unable to be fixed. He hadn’t been too happy when he came home, carrying the carcass of his machine.
Sherry offered to fix it, and he had refused, telling her what the repairman had said. As usual, Sherry asked again, assuring him that it could be fixed. Ken was angry, and almost said no once again, but he got an idea. He made Sherry a bet, that she could not fix the machine. He sweetened the bet, by giving a prize that he knew she could not resist. Sherry had Always exhibited desires to be the one in control, and he offered her just that. The deal was made, that if Sherry could fix the computer, then he would be HER slave for an entire day. Sherry had taken the bet, and Ken now wished that she hadn’t.
When Ken returned home from work the next day, Sherry greeted him with a big smile, and a working computer. Ken was amazed when she told him that it was a simple thing, and that the repairman had tried to scam him. Ken had been happy that his computer was working, but he soon remembered the bet. Ken had agreed to give her the next Saturday as her day, and the day had now come.
Ken was tied firmly to the examination table that he had tied Sherry to so many times. He found the table at an on-line audit, and couldn’t resist getting the real thing. His legs were spread in the stirrups, and locked in place, while his balls ached from the leather straps that Sherry had wrapped tightly around them. He was glad that she had left him alone for a While, even though she had left him tied, with a ball gag in his mouth. Sherry had kept up her end of the bet, and had spent the entire day usinghim in one way or another. Kens mouth and lips ached from what seemed like hours licking her pussy, and his stomach was aching from his desperate need to cum. He would have given Sherry the ride of her life if the roles were reversed, and those images flitted through his mind. He tried to clear his head, knowing that he had used the same mental games and tricks on Sherry many times before.
Ken had begun to fall When the hell had she bought that? She smiled as she caught his eye, and waved a bottle of lube at him.
“I think you should know how it feels to get a good strong fuck. God knows I love it, and so will You.” she teased him.
Ken shook his head from side to side, and tried to shout around the gag. He tried to command her to stop. He tried to regain control, but she couldn’tMake any intelligent sounds. Ken always enjoyed having his ass licked, and even lightly fingered, but he had never taken anything so large before.
Sherry turned at him, and knelt down. Ken groaned as he felt her hot, wet tongue circle around his tight hole. Sherry licked in small circles, just like he liked, and then began to slowly push her tongue into his ass. Kens head lolled from side to side as she rimmed his ass. He could feel her tongue working deeper, like a wet little snake. Sherry pulled her tongue from his ass, and then pushed a finger into his spit-slicked hole. She watched as Ken’s hips jerked forward, his cock fucking the air.
Sherry returned to licking his ass, her tongue teasing the rim of his hole, while her finger twisted and squirmed. She slipped a second finger into him, and then a third. Sherry soon had her fingers twisting about, and rubbing Kens prostate She opened her fingers, stretching his hole, and causing Ken to moan with a mixture of pleasure and frustration. Ken was shaking and jerking when she finally pulled her fingers from his ass.
Sherry stood up, and Ken could see the wicked look in her eyes. She showed him the bottle of lube again, and twisted the tapered top, opening the bottle. Ken was surprised by her creativity, as she pushed the bottle to his ass. The tip of the bottle slipped in with a slight push, and Ken could feel the sticky warm lubed squirting into him. Sherry withdraw the bottle, and gave it a shake, as a thin trickle of lube oozed from Ken’s ass. She poured some of the lube onto her cock, and spread it about.
Ken waited with baited breath as she dropped the bottle of lube to the floor, and moved herself into place. She made a show of getting herself into position. She pretended to make sure that she was at the correct distance, and gave a test wiggle of her hips.
“I want to make sure that I have enough room to give you just the right strokes.” Sherry said with a wink and a smile. She pressed the head of her cock to his ass, and watched his legs tighten up in response. Sherry didn’t continue, but began to circle the head of her cock around his asshole. She teased him with it; letting the head slowly work it’s way into his ass. Ken didn’t even realize when she had the head sunk in almost to the ridge.
Sherry smiled, and gave one quick push, and the head of her cock popped into Ken’s ass. Ken groaned as the egg shape filled him, and his ass snapped close around the shake of her cock. Sherry gave him a moment to get used to the feel, and then began to slowly push more of her cock into him. She kept pushing, only stopping every few inches to let his ass adjust to the feeling. Ken was smoking by the time Sherry had the full length of her cock inside of him.
“Ooo yeah baby. That looks so good. Don’t you like it?” Sherry cooed.
Ken could only nod his head as she began to pull her cock back out of him. He held himself still, but she only pulled out part way. Ken groaned when she pushed back in, filling him again with her cock. His cock strained as she began to fuck him with short slow strokes. Sherry began to increase the length of her strokes, pulling her cock almost all the way out with each movement. The pressure on her clip, and the vibe inside of her, sent shivers through her body every time she pushed into him.
Ken shivered as Sherry began to increase her pace. She soon had Her cock seeing into his ass like a well-oiled machine. His ass was opened wide, and small spurts of lube dribbled down the back of his ass. Sherry grabbed his feet for support, and began to swing her hips with sharp motions. She was on the verge of coming again, and the sight of the helpless man in front of her only made it all the sweeter.
“Oh yeah…” she said over and over.
Ken had lost all control, and humped his ass forward to her, taking her cock deep with every stroke. His body rocked with the force of her strokes, and his cock was rockhard. He began to groan unconsciously as Sherry battered his hole.
“Oh Yeah…. Yeah!” Sherry yelled as she began to cum. Her body jerked back and forth, as her cock wiggled wildly in Ken’s hungry ass. She kept fucking him, growing like an animal as she rode out her orgasm. Kens moaning grow louder as Sherry raked his legs with her nails, and his cock began to pulse as if it were on fire.
“Do you want to cum?” Sherry asked Ken, sweat pouring down her face “Tell me if you want it?”
Ken nodded his head frantically, and kept nodding as Sherry unwrapped the cord from around his balls. He shook as she grabbed his cock, and began to stroke it. Sherry resumed her fucking, and timed her thrusts with the stroking she was giving him. It took less than a dozen strokes, and Ken’s cock erupted. Ken yelled as he came, his cock blasting thick spurts of come into air. His come spattered onto his chin and chest, and he almost blacked out from the intensity.
Ken was wasted, andShe reached into a drawer on the table, and pulled out a thick, red jelly butt plug. Ken could only wince as she pushed the plug into his ass, being that the plug was slightly larger than her cock. She held it as his ass closed up, and held the plug firmly. The night was almost over, and Ken couldn’t figure out what she was doing. Sherry should have been untying him, but she wasn’t.
“Confused?” Sherry said to him, as she came up to the top of the table.
She ran her hair through his sweat soaked hair, and smiled.
“I think I like this arrangement better than the old. I know that you might feel different, but you will come around to my way sooner or later.” She told him with a smile.
Sherry walked away from the table, her cock bobbinglewdly in front of her.
“I’ll give you some time alone, to think about our new arrangement. Be ready for your second fuck when I come back. You see I am much smarter than you give me credit for. I know what you want. You will be my slave.” She finished, and then left the room.
Ken took a deep breath, and tried to relax. For all that she was, Sherry was one thing. She was right.
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