Tracy Identifies as Ch. 03

This is a work of erotic fantasy. As such, it doesn’t depict real events or people. No person, business or institution in the work is based on any actual person, business or institution and any resemblance is coincidental. All characters are fictional and are adults.

The idea for this story was suggested by a poster on another forum and I thank him for it, even if I have diverged from his original suggestion. Now that this is out of my head and committed to text and I’m back in the habit of daily writing, I’m not close to a complete first draft of chapter four of “The Cost of My Dreams”.

“Tracy Identifies as” Ch. 03 – Conclusion

By LoyalHound


POV Tracy

I knelt on a folded towel at Emily’s feet by the pool, occasionally putting my head down to the bowl of wine cooler and sucking it up. (Lapping doesn’t work real well with humans.) Emily stroked my hair gently. Penny was slightly irritated with me because, when we’d gotten back from lunch in the beachside park, changed, and went out to the pool, I’d spotted Brenda Cartwright and reflexively decided to up my human service animal game, asking for my wine cooler in a bowl, rather than a glass.

Penny and I looked pretty hot in our dayglow orange human service animal bikinis and our collars. I’m sure a lot of the guys would have liked to have me on their leash, but I was, in effect, taken, at least for now. Emily wore a nice tank suit and smiled at everyone. Penny got out a book and started to read. Brenda Cartwright wondered over and greeted us.

“You all look so cute,” she cooed. “Stunning even.”

“Brenda, you look beautiful,” said Emily. “What’s your secret? Do you work out?”

“Of course, every other day. You can’t overdo it, but if you want keep your figure, you have too. Rodger appreciates it too.”

“He’d better or one of these boys might steal you away.”

Brenda laughed and said “Honey, the only thing better than a husband who loves you are children who love you, and children leave you eventually. Rodger never will.”

“You have children?”

“A daughter,” Brenda said. “I love her to death but she’s had her issues. Being a mother is hard.”

I relaxed a bit. *That* was Cartwright’s interest in us. He wasn’t looking for frauds; he was looking for an emotional support human for his daughter. Still, he would be studying us, so it wouldn’t due to let our cover slip.

I drank some more wine cooler and eventually Brenda left. She was right about one thing. The three of us were hot.

“Emily,” I said “I’d like to go for a swim. Will you be OK?”

“Penny’s with me. I’ll be fine.”

I jumped into the pool and swam underwater. Our Shock collars, I knew, were the sport model, waterproof to six meters, so nothing would short out. I started adding up all of our expenses as human service animals: The clothes (though much of it was cheap), the sport model collars, the leaves and muzzles, the license fees. She could have covered our air fare down here easily with that money, though the hotel bill would have been like ten times that amount. This place was at the cheaper end of on the beach, but it was still way out of my league. Still, I was starting to wonder about Emily.

I didn’t trust the Cartwrights and with good reason. I was starting not to trust Emily, at least where my interests might conflict with her need for emotional support humans. This way lay insanity, so I tried to keep it together and force myself to put things into perspective. I was a human service animal but I was a human and the Cartwrights couldn’t simple steal me from Emily; they would need my consent, but would they see thru our fraud? I would see to it that they would not.

In spine of my concerns, it was a good vacation. Oh, every time I ran into the Cartwrights or even thought about them too long, I could only save my dread about being exposed by finding ways to be an ever more ideal human service animal, forcing myself further into character, but most of the time was fun, even allowing for either Penny or I having to stay with Emily at all times. We enjoyed the beach; we enjoyed the pool, we went to a comedy club, we tried the local amusements, and we enjoyed the nightlife, even if most of the boys were more curious about me as a human service animal than attracted to me as girl. One They even got to lead me back to his room by my lean for a few hours.

The Cartwrights, I realized, were rarely together. It was always either him or her. I wondered about their daughter. She didn’t seem to be at the hotel, but were the Cartwrights watching her in turns?


It was Friday Evening and we were at the poolside bar. While Penny and I wore our leashes, we had rolled them up and shortened them and secured the ends to our belts. I watched Emily carefully in case she needed me,but, provided I stayed close, she seemed all right, except that she was drinking way too much.

She started to order another cosmopolitan and I interrupted, “Woe there girl, haven’t you had enough for tonight? You’re gonna regret this tomorrow.”

“You’re supposed to be my ah, service animal, yea. You do what I say.”

Shit, she was further out of it than I’d realized. “I’m not just here for your emotional support; I’m supposed to protect you. Right now, that means telling you that you’ve had too many. You should not order another drink. Come on, pet me, play fetch with me, but don’t order another drink.”

She shoved me away and said, “I want another cosmopolitan,” to the bartender.

Fuck, she was wasted. “Keith,” I said to the bartender “I’m not qualified to do your job and I’m not trying to tell you how to do it, but Emily,” I hesitated.

“Way ahead of you, sister. Ms Richardson, I’m afraid you’ve had too much already. I’m cutting you off.”

Emily stood and staggered over to me, enraged. “I want another drink. You get me another drink,” she ordered.

“Emily, you’ve had too much already. You can barely walk. Please come back with me to our room and lie down. I’ll sit with you; you won’t be alone.”

“I want ANOTHER DRINK! Get me another ah, cosmo… cosmopolitan.”

I looked over at Keith and, While I was distracted, Emily hauled off and gave me such a slap that I staggered into a man at the bar and fell onto the floor. What the fuck?

As I tried to get myself together, the other patrons got between me and Emily. She shouted at them that I was her animal and I belonged to her. Then some idiot called the police.


Emily was arrested for abuse of a human service animal, assault, and drink and disorderly. “Shit, we’re so screwed!” I said to Penny. “If they hold her over the weekend, we’ll be out on our asses without money or any clothingOther than our HSA clothes. If we turn ourselves in to the animal welfare people, they’ll rehome us and we’ll never make it back to the university. If we don’t turn ourselves in when they kick us out of the hotel, we’ll be straights. Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit!”

A familiar voice said “Ladies, I may be able to help you. Please come back with me to my room and we’ll discuss the matter. I turned and it was, of course, Rodger Cartwright.

“Checkmate,” I moaned.

A cop came over and asked “Do you know these women? Ms Richardson isn’t fit to own these two, she isn’t going to get a bail hearing until Monday and their checkout day was Sunday. We may need to get the animal welfare people involved for their own safety. These are valuable animals and they need protection.”

Mister Cartwright turned to us and said “I value you and want to offer you a deal. If you want another option, you have to trust me a little. Do you, Tracy Allen, and you, Penny Thane, accept me as your keeper pending Ms Richardson’s bail hearing?”

Our options seemed to be shrinking but in one way they had just expanded. Cartwright wanted us as human service animals, but for who?

“Yes,” I said loudly and clearly.

Penny hesitated a moment and said “yes.”

The cop looked dubious but an older cop came over and said “Thank you, Mister Cartwright. I Thought we were going to have to call animal welfare for them. I’m sure they’ll be fine in your care.”

“Let me write down my contact information. For business reasons, I’ve been renting a room at this hotel, but it would be best to contact me thru my office.” He scribbled something on a notepad, gave it to the older cop and said “I’d appreciate it if you didn’t spread my mobile number around.” The older cop nodded and gave Mister Cartwright his card and the remote control for our collars.

“Please email me the location of these service animals if you move them out of the hotel. They’re in you care temporarily butanimal welfare will want to keep track of them so they can be officially rehomed.”

“Of course,” Mister Cartwright said “though I think I can offer them a posting that they will accept.”

“Give me your leashes,” he ordered. “I’m now responsible for your care and protection. You wouldn’t make it as straights. Anything might happen to you and none of it would be good.”

Anything might happen to us anyway but between him and making a run for it, he was, without question, the safer choice. My hand shook a little as I handed him my leash.

When he got as back to his hotel room, it turned out to be as suite, the best in the hotel, with two bedrooms, a living area, and a small fridge and microwave. My instinct was to knee on the floor before him, but I forced myself to sit at the table with him instead.

He said “This concerns my daughter, who you’ve heard of, I’m sure. Her name is Elsa Cartwright. Yes, that Elsa Cartwright.”

He was right, I’d had heard of her. You’d have had to be living under a rock not to have heard of her. At age 30, the pale, waif like, black haired singer had twenty Grammy awards and had featured in two critically and commercially successful movies. She’d sold out stadiums in a few hours. She’d gone up like a rocket while still projecting a wide-eyed innocent that often made her seem simple. Well, at least I know what his interest was.

“Oh,” said Penny. “Isn’t she the one, well one of the ones, who have a fucked up…”. Penny fell silent, embarrassed.

“Yes,” said Mister Cartwright “she has personal issues, which we are helping her with, before she kills herself or someone else. Music is a rough business for an innocent young woman, surrounded by coyotes and vultures, predictors and scavengers, and all out for their own interests. I’m an attorney, but there’s only so much I can protect her from. We’ve convinced her to pull back and avoid her show biz acquaintances, but she needs help. Her psychologists tell meShe needs an emotional support animal, but she’s too unstable for a mere animal. She needs an animal that can deal with her shit and you, Tracy, definitely fit the bill. She needs an emotional support human and there were none available. Most of them are like you two, they only come out when they’ve met the person they want to support.”

“And you heard we were coming and decided to check us out, to see if You could separate one of us from Emily?”

“Or take the three of you in. I am desperate. Everything about your history suggested you were frauds but it’s become clear, over the past few days, that both Emily and you, Tracy, are completely for real. No one could doubt your devotion to your mistress. You are the emotional support animal my daughter needs.”

Well now it was all on the table. What the Fuck. He wasn’t wrong; without trying to, he’d scared me into becoming the human service animal his daughter needed.

“Mister Cartwright, aside from Emily’s needs, I haven’t committed to the life of a service animal. This was only a three-month trial and I really can’t afford to drop out half way thru a semester.”

“I don’t think you have any choice about dropping out for the semester. Emily is going to have a court date and she’s from out of state and you’re going to be rehomed. That requires your consent, of course, but you are a human service animal and you cannot legally skip out of your trial period. If you’re compatible with my daughter, I’ll can take care of your university, getting you incompletes and having your stuff packed up and sent down here and arrangement for financial compensation. But first you have to establish you’re compatible with my daughter and make it thru a two-week test period.

If you make it thru that period and commit to an extended trial period ending in August, assuming you preformed adequately, a trust fund will vest in your name, even if you decide you’re not cut out for life as a human service animal. If you eleded to continue at that point, that trust would grow each month you continue as my daughters emotional support human.”

“What about Emily and Penny?”

“Emily needs more help than her therapists can provide. I will bail her out of jail, and, for the duration of the two-week test period, provide both housing a legal representation for her, and pay for her psychiatric treatment. That should get her off the Punishment track and onto the treatment track, but, after the way she abused you, she’ll never be permitted emotional support humans again. If either you or Penny agree to the extended trial period, I’ll house her and continue to pay for her treatment.

Penny, I’m offering you the same deal as Tracy and, if both of you prove compatible, I will accept you both and see to your care, training, and Maintenance. But be advised, you’ll have to be a human service animal from the top of your head to the tips of your toes. You can’t fake this, not with my daughter; she’ll see right thru you. If she pegs you as a fraud, I’ll turn you over to animal welfare and let them sort you out. You have to make yourself the human service animal you prepared to be but I think that’s true where ever you’re rehomed. They really don’t like fake human service animals in this state. Just a few weeks ago they sentenced a fake animal and a fake owner to three years in prison.”

“What if I’m just not cut out for the life? That is what the trial period is supposed to determine,” asked Penny.

“Your history practically screams fraud and the animal welfare people might just keep you for the duration of your trail period if they believe you can’t be placed. They’ve done it before. Then you’d be kicked out penniless at the end of your trail period.”

Well, that was that. We were both thoroughly fucked. I looked at Penny and said “I don’t see we have a lot of choice here. Besides, he’s right about me; I’ve started to have dreams where I’m an animal protecting Emily.” Iturned to Mister Cartwright, knelt and said “I accept you offer and will try to win over you daughter to the best of my ability. I am no fraud. I am a human service animal.”

Penny diplomad for a few moments and then joined me on her knees and said “I request training so I may become the human service animal your daughter needs.”

“Excellent,” he said. “I need you to write down your measurements so I can get you better HSA clothing. My daughter loves fashion and she’d be turned off by your cheap HSA outfits. Your new clothes will arrive here by tomorrow morning and I’ll take you to my daughter’s compound and introduction you, Tracy, to her. You, Penny, will have a couple of training sessions so you can get your head straight prior to your introduction.”

One of the bedrooms had two kennels in it and, when he locked us up for the night, he told us to make free use of the litter. He didn’t want us wondering off or maybe being snatched by animal welfare while using the animal reief area.

The clothes arrived during the night and it was a wonder what you could do with the human service animal uniform specs if you had the money to do it. Designer HSA outfits, these were. Thick, high-quality material and a sexy cut in what was supposed to be a utility outfit. When I put on an HSA skirt and top and looked at myself in the mirror, I felt good. When Penny looked at herself, she smiled for the first time since Emily’s blow up. If this was how we were treated, she could make this work.

We gathered our things from our hotel room, which Mister Cartwright paid for thru the next two weeks, and joined him for the trip to her daughter’s compound.


Well, it took some doing and I had to truly get inside my HSA headspace, but after two weeks Elsa accepted me as her emotional support human. After I signed the documents to become her HSA until the end of August, Mister Cartwrighttook me aside and gave me a little gift.

He presented it in a lovely box, like a neckless. It was a metal locking human service animal collar in my size with GPS and other features that would ensure I could always be found and directed. It was supposed to help protect me from petnapping as I was now a very valuable animal.

It was so solid and permanent looking. It gave me a thrill just looking at it. I touched it tenatively. So cold and so permanent. I felt disappoint. Once it was on me, I wouldn’t be able to remove it. Mister Cartwright stood behind me and had me lift my hair out of the way as he fitted the collar around my neck. When I heard the snap as he locked it on my neck, I came. I knew, when the end of August came, I’d accept life as the Elsa’s emotional support animal. Whatever my motives to start with, I was now a human service animal to the depths of my soul.

It took Penny a few days longer, but she too was accepted by Elsa, though she was never as close to Penny as she is to me. Penny too wears a locking metal collar, though eventually she was rehomed with another troubled celebration.

It’s been eight years now. I’ve been with Elsa on tour across North America and Europe and she’s now touristing the far east. I’ve also been with her in rehab, twice, though the second time stuck in part due to me. Every time someone has offered her coke or she got that look in her eye, I would rub up against her and demand her attention, get her to play fetch with me, whatever it took but let’s be real: She made it because she was strong enough to make it. I helped her, but it was her own will that keep her off the drugs. It was the will off my mistress and I was proud of her.

She’s been clean for five years now, and she’s a lot better. She can even do without me for hours at a time, though I really don’t like it when she’s away. She takes me almost everywhere, as she should, and, even in her worst moments, she’s never treated me as anything elser than her loyal service animal and pet. Sure I’m naughty sometimes, but who wants a boring pet?

So let that be a lesson to you. You are, in part, what you pretend to be, so be careful what you pretend to be. Life has a way of giving you exactly what you deserve.

We’re in Japan now and Elsa wants to take me for a walk in a few minutes, so this will have to do. My mistress awaits.


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