Traci Daniels was an attractive lesbian in her early 30s who was employed as an administrative assistant to CEO Jasmine Reynolds, an African American beauty with flawless ebony skin, long, sleep hair as dark as midnight, and a very assertive, dominant nature. It was this last attribute which Traci found most compellingly attractive. Herself a secret submissive, Traci had fallen deeply in love with Jasmine during her first employment interview in the presence of the beautiful woman of power and her attention had intensified steadily every time she was in her presence. Whenever her sexy boss summoned Traci into her office Traci’s knees went weak and at night, alone in her bed, she engaged in lurid fansies about being dominated by Jasmine and engaging in hot BDSM sex with her.
Of course, she would never admit her Feelings to her boss and she strived at all times to keep them hidden. Even her occasional trips to the women’s room while at work to sit in a stall with her fingersinside her dripping pussy satisfied her desperate cravings were always carried out with total discretion.
All that changed one Friday afternoon shortly before she would leave for the day, planning nothing out of the ordinary for the weekend. Her desk phone rang and she saw that it was Miss Reynold’s’ line. “Yes Ma’am?” she answered.
“Please come in here,” Jasmine directed.
“Right away, Ma’am,” she replied. In a moment she was in Jasmine’s office standing before her desk, secretly feasting her eyes on her Black goddess. “What can I do for you, Ma’am?”
Jasmine pushed a page from a memo pad across her desk, “Take this.” Traci picked it up and looked at it.
“That is my home address,” Jasmine went on. “I’m having a little party tonight. Be there by 9.”
“Oh, Ma’am,” Traci exclaimed. “I’m honored but I’m not sure attending a social function at my boss’ home would be appropriate. I mean it could cause difficulties with other employees.”
“I don’t thinkyou understand,” Jasmine replied. “It wasn’t a request. Nine o’clock, no later. Is that clear?”
“Y-yes Ma’am,” Traci stammered. Her objects had been instantly overcome by Jasmine’s dominant tone. “Thank you, Ma’am.”
“Good,” the Black woman continued. “That’s all.”
Effectively dismissed, Traci left the office. Once alone, her head was spinning and her heart pounding. Her goddess had invited her to a party – at her HOME! All of her fansies seemed to be coming true! What would she wear? Would it be possible to have her hair done?
It was approximately 8:55 when she rang the bell at Jasmine’s home. She had donned what she considered her most attractive dress and had, indeed, managed to persuade her hair dresser to give her a last minute do. Her stomach was churning with excitement.
In a moment Jasmine opened the door. “Right on time. Good. Come in.”
As she entered Traci began, “Ma’am, I just want to thank you for inviting me and tell you how -.”
Jasmine picked up something drawn over the back of a chair and handed it to Traci. It was a skimpy (VERY skimpy!) maid’s outfit and a pair of strappy high heeled siletto shoes. “Go into the bathroom and put these on. When you come out be wearing them and nothing else, no underwear.”
Traci just stood there in shock as the humiliating truth dawned upon her. She was here to be some sort of service! Well, dominant boss or not, love interest though Jasmine might be, if she thought that Traci would submit to this she was in for a huge disappointment!
“Hurry up,” Jasmine chatised her. “Or I may have to punish you. My guests will begin arriving at any moment.”
Traci just stood there open mouthed. Punish her? PUNISH her?! Who did this arrogant bitch think she was?
“NOW, Traci!” Jasmine snapped. “The bathroom is down the hall.”
The sharpness of her boss’ tone and the sternness in her voice triggered Traci’s submissive nature and caused all resistance to evaporate instantly. “Y-yes Ma’am,” she murmured promptly as she took the outfit and obediently headed for the bathroom.
When she emerged she found three other women sharing the living room with Jasmine, a tall blonde, an attractive brunette, and a petite beauty of obvious Asian extraction. All three were sipping cocktails.
“Ah,” Jasmine remarked. “There she is. Ladies, this is Traci, Our entertainment for the evening. Traci, there is a tray of party snacks in the kitchen. Go and fetch them for us.”
Entertainment! Anger flashed within Traci but she said nothing.
“Delightful!” crooned the tall blonde. “Wherever did you find her?”
“She works for me,” Jasmine answered. “Do you really approve of her, Monica?”
“But of course,” answered the blonde.
“You have truly outdone yourself this time,” said the brunette.
“Why thank you, Celeste. That is quite a compliment coming from you.”
Traci was standing there in the too small outfit feeling more humiliated by the minute. This was UNBELIEVABLE! She thought to herself. She should go put her clothes back on and leave this minute! – instead however, she just did as she had been told, placing the tray on the coffee table in front of the women. Instinctively she sensed that she was not allowed to take one of the snacks herself – just as she hadn’t been offered a cocktail.
“I think she’s into this,” remarked the Asian woman.
“Do you think so, Susan?” Jasmine asked. “I hope so. Of course it really doesn’t matter if she is or not. I’ve sensed for quite some time that she is submissive so she will comply with our demands but it will make it so much better if she is also a lesbian as we are.”
“Indeed,” added the brunette. “I’m getting wet just imagine that delectable face between my legs.
“Oh, I suspect rather strongly that she is but let’s find out.” Susan addressed Traci, “Lift the front of that little skirt, bitch, and show us your cunt. Let’s see how wet it is.”
Traci was stunned! Speechless! No one had ever spoken to her like this. She had to get out of there! “No,” she finally managed to say. “I’m leaving now. I won’t take any more of this insulting treatment. You can’t make me.”
She turned and started heading for the bathroom where her clothes and pursuit were. She would dress quickly and get out of there as fast as she could.
“You are Correct,” Jasmine said from behind her. “We can’t make you stay and none of us will try. But know that if you leave I will never invite you back. You may remain and do anything and everything you are told or you can leave and lose forever the chance to serve the other ladies – and ME! Think about it quite carefully, my dear. I’ve been watching you very closely in the office and I rather suspect that your sweet little pussy is just as wet as Miss Susan thinks it is.”
Traci stopped in her tracks. Jasmine knew! She KNEW! Even as the moisture trickled down the insides of her thighs she was forced to face her own reality. Although of her fear and humiliation (or perhaps because of it) she was more aroused than she had ever been.
“Well?” Jasmine pressed her. “Which is it to be?”
“I – um – er -!” she stammered.
“Get back over here,” Commanded Jasmine.
Meekly, her head bowed, Traci obeyed until she was once again standing before her boss and her three guests. “Miss Susan told you to do something, do it.”
Reaching down and blushing from head to toe, Traci took hold of the front of the tiny skirt and pulled it up to reveal her naked pussy.
“See?,” remarked Susan. “She’s positively drenched down there!”
“My, my,” cooed Monica. “This is going to be DELIGHTFUL!”
Jasmine pushed the coffee table aside and pointed to a section of carpet directly in front of where she was sitting. “Kneel.” Traci sank to her knees. “Well ladies,” Jasmine went on. “Shall we unwrap our little toy?”
“Certainly,” Celeste agreed enthusiastically.
With that they all got down on the carpet around Traci. Hands gropeed and explored and began literally ripping the maid’s costume from her body. She made no sound nor moved a muscle, just knelt there as she was stripped naked, then the hands began exploring every inch of her flesh, squeezing and fondling her breasts, stroking her ass, kissing her lips, etc., the sexual hunger mounting within her all the while. Finally, Monica said, “Ladies, slow down. No need to maul the poor thing. Let’s be civilized about this and take turns.”
“Monica is right,” agreed Jasmine. “How shall we decide who goes first. Shall we draw strategies for it?”
“Of course not,” Celeste answered. “You acquired her for us; you should be the first of us to try her out.”
“Oh,” Jasmine said. “But that seems so very selfish of me, being the hostess and all. Somewhat impolite, don’t you think?”
“Not at all,” Susan assured her. “Take her into your bedroom and enjoy her. We will each wait our turn. I’mCertain we can think of something to do to keep ourselves occupied in the meantime.” She leaned over and kissed Monica on the throat, bringing forth a throaty purr from the blonde.
“Very well,” Jasmine chuckled as she stood and snapped her fingers. “Come along Traci.”
Obediently, the naked woman stood and wordlessly followed along behind her ebony goddess. Once they were inside Jasmine’s bedroom the African American woman took hold of a handful of Traci’s hair and kissed her hungrily and lustfully full on the lips. Her tongue slipping inside, ravishing the warm, moist cavern. Traci’s heart was pounding inside her chest so hard she feared it might burst. Finally Jasmine lifted her mouth from Traci’s and commanded, “Undress me.”
“Y-yes M-ma’am!” Traci stammered as she Began unbuttoning Jasmine’s blouse.
The other woman put a finger to Traci’s lips and said, “From now on you will address myself and each of the other ladies as ‘mistress’ and you will speak only wheren told to say something or asked a question requiring an answer or after you have requested and been granted permission to speak. Do you understand?”
“Y-yes M-Mistress.”
The blouse was off now and Jasmine was clad only in her bra from the wait up. Traci’s heart leaves as she beheld Jasmine’s smooth, flawless, chocolate skin. She started to walk around behind her to unhook her bra but Jasmine stopped her. “No, reach around and do it. Embrace me.”
Oh God! This was exhaust torture! As she took Jasmine in her arms in order to reach around to unhook her bra Traci was beginning to tremble. Then the bra was gone and those dark, magnificent globes sprang free. Traci gasped! Unable to help herself she opened her mouth and started to lower it to one glorious nipple.
SMACK! Jasmine slapped her hard across the face! Traci stood there in shock holding her singing cheek. What had she done?
“Traci,” Jasmine remarked. “I told you to undress me. I did NOT tell you to doanything else. You are here to obey, not to think for yourself or to take any initiative. Do you understand that?”
“Y-yes Mistress. I apologize, Mistress.”
“I believe the sincerity of your apology and perhaps you truly do understand, but still, you have to be punished. Do you understand that?”
“Yes Mistress,” she answered, her head hanging. “If you decided I have to be punished then I do.”
“In the chest of drawers behind you, in the top drawer, is a paddle. Get it and hand it to me.”
“Yes Mistress.”
Once that had been done Jasmine commanded Traci to bend over and grab her ankles telling her not bend her knees. Then she told her, “Count out each stroke and thank me for each one.”
“Y-yes M-Mistress!”
“O-one Mistress. Thank you, Mistress.”
“Two Mistress. Thank you, Mistress.”
Traci could hardly believe that she was bending over naked and being spanked!
“Three Mistress. Th-thank you Mistress.”
“Four Mistress. Thank you, Mistress.”
Tears were now streaming down her cheeses!
“Five Mistress. Thank you, Mistress.”
Her poor bottom was on fire!
“Six Mistress. Thank you, Mistress.”
Her shoulders were heaving with sobs!
“S-seven M-Mistress. Th-Thank y-you, M-Mistress.”
This was too much! As aroused as she was, Traci couldn’t endure any more of this! She would leave after all. She WOULD!
“E-eight M-Mistress. Th-Thank y-you, M-Mistress!”
She would leave! She would!
“N-n-nine M-Mistress. Th-th-thank y-you M-Mistress.”
Oh God! When would it end? WHEN?!
“T-t-ten M-Mistress. Th-th-thank y-y-you, M-M-Mistress.”
“Stand up,” Jasmine commanded. When Traci had obeyed the woman who had just spanked her asked, “Have you learned your lesson?”
“Yes Mistress.”
Jasmine handed her the paddle. “Kiss it and put it back then stop your crying, wipe away your tears, and finish doing what you were told – and ONLY what you were told.”
“Y-yes Mistress. Thank you, Mistress.” With that she obeyed and continued removing Jasmine’s clothes. When she was naked Jasmine walked over and lay upon the bed on her back and told Traci, “Come over here and make love to me. Don’t just dive in right away with your face between my legs, begin with a passwordate lover’s kiss. I will tell you when to suck my tits and move on to lick my cunt, and keep in mind that, should your service not meet my expectations, you will have another session with the paddle.”
Her ass still throbbing, Traci replied,” Y-yes Mistress.”
Traci was shaking and her palms were smoking as she approached the bed and the gorgeous creativity lying atop it. She could hardly believe that, after all her dreaming and fantasizing, this was finally happening. She was actually going to have sex with Jasmine! She was nervous and afraid. Not because of the possibility of having another spanking inflicted upon her (though the idea certainly didn’t appeal to her!), but more by the risk that she might be disappointing to the magnificent Jasmine. She hesitated, standing by the side of the bed.
“Traci,” Jasmine chatised her. “I don’t intend to wait all night.”
“Y-yes Mistress! I apologize, Mistress!” With that she bent over and pressed her lips to the mouth of the other woman. Their tongues mingled and danced together. Shivers of pure sexual electricity shot through her. Jasmine’s taste, her scent, the closeness of her naked body heat were driving Traci crazy. She wanted nothing more than to climb atop her, suck and fondle her large, full breasts, plumge her tongue into that wet love hole!
But she could do none of those things. – Not yet. – She must do only what she had been commanded to do. – And wait. – Patiently.
“Now,” Jasmine whispered hoarsely. “Get on top of me and begin sucking my tits.”
Yes! OH YES! Traci climbed onto the bed, atop Jasmine. She glorried in the softness of the Black woman’s flesh, its heat, her seductive curves. Taking a luscious breast in her mouth she began sucking it and licking the nipple while, with her hand, she ministered lovingly to the other glorious shaft.
“Switch,” Jasmine commanded after awhile and Traci began sucking the other breast while she manually stimulated the one she had previously been sucking. The regular, dark skinned queen began moaning and cooing then, after awhile, said, “Down my body. Kiss and lick your way down my body to the top of my legs.”
Eagerly, Traci obeyed, tasting, teasing, and running her tongue and lips over the woman’s sleep body. When she reached that most feminine place at the apex of her thighs she stopped. She was CRAVING the taste of that part of her. Her mouth was WATERING for it! – But she hadn’t been told to go there yet.
“M-Mistress,” she implemented softly. “May I speak?”
“Yes,” Jasmine replied.
“Mistress,” Traci went on. “Please let me! Please let me serve you with my tongue, Mistress! Please Mistress!”
“Why?” Jasmine inquired. “Why do you want to?”
Traci started to reply that it was because she had the fires of desire raging within her, that she needed it more than air to breathe! – But then she thought better of it. That wasn’t what Jasmine wanted to hear. It wasn’t what her MISTRESS wanted to hear. “B-because I want to please you, Mistress,” she answered. “I want to serve you with every fiber of my inferior being, Mistress!”
“Serve me then! Serve me now!”
Eagerly Traci buried her face between Jasmine’s legs and stretched her tongue in an attempt to get as far inside her as possible. She lapped and drank up her wonderful sex juices. Her taste filled her mouth and her scent invaded her nostrils! It was better than she had ever imagined. It was GLORIOUS! Her dusky, salty taste was like some holy nectar. She couldn’t get enough of her heavenly sex juices. She kept trying to get her tongue in deeper, to press her face down harder, to drink more and more!
Then it finally came. Jasmine arched her back, emitted a deep, guttural moan from the innermost part of her woman’s soul, and EXPLODED!
When she finally finished cumming Jasmine lay back, spent and thoroughly sated. Finally she bad Traci to get off her. Happily, she rolled off Jasmine and onto her back. She closed her eyes and smiled in anticipation. Now it would her turn. Her beloved would kiss her, mount her, bring her ecstasy, bring her to orgasm with her magic tongue deep inside. Traci waited – and waited – and waited! Finally she opened her eyes and was surprised and confused to find the other woman standing in the middle of the room putting on her clothes.
“M-Mistress?” she asked, not understanding.
“Do you wish permission to speak?” Jasmine asked.
“Y-yes Mistress. Please Mistress.”
“Speak then.”
“M-Mistress,” Tracibegan. “What are you doing?”
“Why, making way for the next mistress to have her turn,” she answered.
“B-but aren’t you going to -?”
“What? Surely you don’t expect me to reciprocate, to put my face between your legs, do you?”
“Well, I -.”
“Why ever would I wish to do that? You are here to entertain us, not the other way around. Now get out of bed and knee on the floor and wait for your next mistress.” Feeling crushing disappointment, Traci nonetheless obeyed. “Bow your head and await her arrival patiently,” Jasmine went on. “And keep your fingers away from your dripping cunt. It belongs to me now and I, and I alone, will decide when – and IF – you get to cum.”
With that she left the room and closed the door Behind her. Traci knelt there alone, frustration raging within her. It would be easy to begin fingering herself and make herself cum. It would be nowhere as satisfied as Jasmin’s tongue would have been but it would somewhat quell the inferno raging within her.
But Jasmine had forbidden it. Her MISTRESS had forbidden it! And Traci knew that her submissive soul would not permit her to disobey. – So knee she did, passively waiting – until the next woman entered the room to – WHAT?
After a few minutes the door opened again and when Traci looked up she saw Susan, the small woman of Asian descent walk in. “Eyes down, bitch!” she snapped at Traci. “You are nowhere good enough to make eye contact with me.” Quickly Traci bowed her head again and dropped her gaze to the floor in front of her.
Susan walked over and sat on the side of the bed. “Is that slutty little cunt still dripping?”
“Oh yes, Mistress!” Traci answered “Miss Ren- er, Mistress Jasmine wouldn’t grant me permission to cum and I need to SO badly! Will you grant me permission, Mistress? Will you please? I -!”
“Shut up!” Susan barked. “I haven’t given you permission to speak beyond answering my question.”
Traci fell silent.
“Crawl over here to me,” commanded the other woman. Traci started to get up but Susan cut her short, “I said CRAWL!”
Obediently Traci got on hands and knees and began crawling towards the bed. When she reached it, Susan grabbed her by the hair and wronged her head back so that she was forced to look up at her. “Are you afraid of me?”
“Y-yes Mistress!” She means it. While the woman was small and probably physically weaker than Traci herself, there was a power and strength in her being which made Traci want to cower in fear.
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