Toys, Toys and More Toys

We all love toys. Men love toys, women love toys, children love toys… we all love toys. As we women get older our toys seem to be bedside drawer, or under the pillow based but as the male of the species progresses their toys get bigger and bigger and they cost more and more and yet more and yet more and certainly won’t fit into a bedside drawer or under a pillow. With my husband it started with steam. No, not a kettle chugging away in the corner but a full blown miniature steam engine that, when running, would power poisoning discs and grinding wheels, hammers that went up and down and, joy of joys (yawn), a whistle.

To be fair, at various parties if he fired it up and got everything running like clockwork a small crowd would gather round the table, their mouths wide open and dribbling with jealousy. But they were exclusively the men in the house. We women were talking about our children, whether we wanted to move, where we were going on holiday – nothing as important as the chas whoseutterances would be along the lines of ‘we used to have one of those’ and ‘my dad had one’. You get the idea.

Of course as time marched on and dust gathered all over the Mammod and it eventually made its way into the attic it was replaced by a classic car. An MGB Roadster. British racing green, brown leather interior, coffee coloured mohair hood and, of course, wire wheels. Then there was the garage to house it. Things had already got slightly out of hand until one day and, totally out of the ether came the breakfast table statement “I’m thinking of buying a tractor.”

We have a few acres surrounding our house and for thirty years we’d managed perfectly well with a little 42 inch cut Wheel Horse ride-on molder.

I did my best but before three sunrises had passed I found myself being bundled into the car and driven twenty or so miles to a place in the country where there were rows of ‘compact’ tractors. None new but all very nice and practical. And there standing in frontof a wooden stable block stand Harry.

Ah, Harry. Six feet three inches tall. Typical Englishman with his immaculate overalls, peaked cap and a slightly rough edge to his aristocratic bearing. As though fiddling with the tools of the ‘trade’ had rubbed off on him and he was now operating at a more ‘human’ level. Lucky (rich) people have houses on top of a hill, facing south with beautiful views over uninterrupted fields with the occasional cow grazing leasurely in the dappled sunlight. Harry’s house stood near by just such a position. He was one of life’s fortunate ones.

My husband took the tractor he was interested in buying off around the paddock, testing all the gears, the hydroulics and so on. In all it took no more than ten minutes but even as he was driving off Harry stared at my short (ish) skirted legs. I went beetroot but he chirped up.

“I like women in short skirts…” he paused, then added “especially when they’ve got the legs to carry it off.” I wasn’t wearning a mini-skirt but it was short enough to demand care when bending over.

“Right.” was about all I could manage.

“You carry it off well.”

“Thank you.”

“No, thank you, for brightening my day, giving me something even better than the countryside to feast on.”


“You see I think women that wear short skirts are making a statement.”

“What sort of statement?”

“Now that, my darling, would be telling – and I’m not sure I know you well enough to do that” another pause then added “yet.”

I think I must have gulped or made some sort of noise. “Hope I’m not offending you.”

“No. No, not at all.” He wasn’t offending me in the slightest but I was suddenly looking at him in a completely new light.

Long story short: they haggled, they bargained, they talked money, delivery, dates, times and so on, then they shook hands and the deal was done.

Two days later and, without my prior knowledge, Harry and tractor arrived. My husband drop it around the property, checking everything was as expected. Harry piped up once more, this time in a more darkly, deep voiced, mysterious way..

“Shame.” It was just one word but I knew what it was about..

“I didn’t know you were delivering it today, otherwise…” My voice trailed off as I realized where I was heading but it didn’t matter because he finished my sentence.

“…You would have destroyed a short skirt and not jeans.” I was slightly taken aback and my voice almost failed.

“Yes.” My husband slowed the tractor up as he came towards us. I was staring up into Harry’s eyes and my husband’s enigmatic smile gave his thoughts away ‘I know what’s going on’. At that stage though, I’m not sure I did.

Two days later with my husband at meetings in London I got a text message from him:


Harry forget to bring the service history, instruction manual and other bits of paper for the tractor, plus the standard toolkit that should have comewith it.

Would you mind collecting them when you’re next up that way? Better phone first as he’s often out collecting or delivering bits and pieces. His number is 01234 567890.

I know there’s your favourite Masseur up there so maybe you could combine the trip with some stress relief.


I had a different sort of stress relief in mind but I am so often wrong about people and situations that I wasn’t at all hopeful of anything happening. But naturally I had no objection at all and immediately rang the number and left a message for Harry to call back. I’m sure you can guess what was on my mind, and when he returned my call the following morning suggesting I visit early that afternoon he added, somewhat mysteriously, ‘Because I’m free till six’. My heart skipped a beat and I was almost lost for words. All I could manage was that I’d be there around 2.30.

At this point I’m trying to remember my thoughts and feelings. He was a devilishly handsome man. Tall andseemingly very fit with darkly bright blue eyes. He wore immaculate light grey overalls, with poppers all the way down the front and I found myself wondering how he kept them so clean. He was clearly perfectly refined and sophisticated but with an air of honest son of the soil but he also appeared to be nothing of the sort. My husband is a writer so gets to know the details about everyone he meets. Say’s it’s like food for him and he had previously told me that Harry was once a banker in Switzerland, made a lot of money but hated the lifestyle. He was the second son of a wealthy farming family but his elder brother had taken over the running of the estate since their father had retired.

All of that means that Harry was now in one of the larger and very remote estate houses, including a stable block and disabled tennis court and a few acres of grazing land and on that site he kept all of the machinery he had for sale. So yes a son of the soil but one who’d flown and found a newway.

2.00 PM came and I took a deep breath and climbed into my car. It was only a fifteen minute journey so I had to drive round some little single track lanes to use up some of the time. These little tracks and lanes have passing places every so often and wouldn’t you just know it, the very first car I met and had to reverse for was driven by – you’ve guessed it – Harry. He lowered his window and I Did the same.

“Are you lost?” He asked.

“No, just a little early.”

“So not lost… just keen.” I left that all alone in the air.

“Mmmm, I’ll see you in a few minutes.”

He was gone and I felt so stupid. I was back in the land of my childhood: always being the first one to arrive at a birthday party and having to make small talk through red cheeses, or being called teacher’s pet for clearing up the text books after class and thanking the dinner ladies after lunch. Here I was making a fool of myself all over again. It was all so silly.

I turned the carround and made my embarrassed way to Harry’s yard. Of course he was waiting for me, leaning nonchalantly against his Land Rover, that devilish grin decorating his face and all six foot three of him hunkilly handsome and self assured. I got out of the car.

“Ah, even shorter than the first skirt I saw you in.”

“Is it?” I muttered lamely

“Yes.” he was so laid back I was amazed he didn’t fall over. “Even shorter and hurt for me no doubt.”

“Well, I’m not sure…” my voice tailed off.

“Were you wearing it when I phoned to arrange for you to come over here?”

“Well no, but it’s a hot day and it was clearly going to get…” I stopped myself from immediately finishing the sentence, trying desperately to think of another ending: There was none “even hotter.”

“Yes,” his laconic style inhabiting the pause “I think it probably will.”

“The toolkit’s here in the stables and the paperwork’s in the house. After you.” He held out his arm indicating I shoulderd go to the stables. I made my way inside and was simply amazing at how fantastically well preserved it was. I could imagine it being used for hundreds of years by successful hunting men and women and all the stable girls and boys and, of course, all the shenanigans that would have taken place. Even more fascinating and, in my case, aposite was the staggering collection of riding crops that were hanging from the walls. There must have have hundreds of them and I found myself in automaton mode walking down the line caressing them, imagining them biting my bottom, my thighs, my tummy, breasts and the palms of my hands.

“It’s quite a collection isn’t it?”


“Some were here when I took over but I’ve added quite a few. Some new but a lot from antique and junk shops, some used by famous jockeys, horse men and women.” He opened a drawer in the large cabinet in the corner. “Here’s the toolkit. I’ll put it in your car shall I?”

“Yes please. It’s open.” I carried on with my journey down the line of crops on one side and then along the rest down the other wall. Oddly enough, I wasn’t self-conscious. I was so engrossed in this extraordinary collection that even Harry’s exit hadn’t had my progress. His voice broke my reverie.

“Do you want to come up to the house and collect the paperwork?”

“Mmm, yes, yes. Sure.” I started off following him up the drive, the silence between us seemingly the beginning of a sort of bond. He stopped.

“You know the way, you go first. I can savour some of the lovely views.” As it means climbing some stairs I was slightly thrilled to think that the views he was referring to were my bottom and legs. When we got to the house he opened the door and led me along a corridor and into a large sitting room at the other end of which was a very strong looking door. I was clearly staring at it a bit too obviously.

“Can I tell you something?”

“Yes, of course.”

“That door is the entrance to my study and nearly all the time if I’m not here, or whenever I have ‘ordinary’ guests it stays firmly locked. I only allow very special people to pass through it. People who, I believe, share certain attributes, attitudes and foibles with me.” He moved closer and into my personal space. “I think you may be one of those.” He paused and stared right through me and into my soul. He flicked the hem of my short, short skirt. A shot of electricity zapped through me. “Am I right Joanna?” But he gave me no space for an answer, quickly adding “I’d like to take you through that door. Would you like to go through it Joanna or would you be content to stay on this, the pale side?”

My immediate thought was ‘pale side equals vanilla side, ergo; the other side is the dark side.’ I gulped feeling my body heat rising. For me, the term ‘sir’, is no longer merely a common noun but has taken on the role of an adjacent. I can add it to the end of a sentence and it becomes a statement that I am subMissive and willing to submit to whomever I am speaking with.

“I’d like to go through and see the non pale side…” I nearly added that word to my statement but refrained, not being totally sure what I was being offered.

“Come along then.”

There were three locks on the door and as he undid the top one the sharp click reminded me of a siletto heel on a marble floor, the second of a restraint collar being locked into place around a delicate neck and the third of a handcuff snapping shut around a small, trembling wrist. He walked through.

“Come.” I followed and found myself in a heavenly daze, bemused and speechless, for the sight that opened up was truly made in my heaven. It was a large oak panelled room dominated by a wall of bookcases on one side and facing it a staggering array of paintings of every manner of corporate punishment plus very classy black and white, beautifully framed photographs depicting naked and semi naked women striking poses that reeked ofsex and spanking. I realized that the time had come for me to submit.

“It’s a beautiful room…” I paused and added “Sir.”

“So, I was right. And your statement with your short skirt that I mentioned when we first met was ‘beat me’, is that right Joanna?”

“Yes sir. Please beat me.”

“Is that all you want from me Joanna?”

“No, I want to be used by you sir.”

“In any way I wish?”

“In any and every way you wish sir.”

“Move to the centre of the room.” I moved to the spot he was indicating. “You should be aware that I don’t mess about. I spank hard, I wild implements with an expert eye and a strong right arm. I stretch and suspend my victims in such a way as to allow me full and unfettered access to all of the most intimate parts of a woman’s body. I scold and I degrade a woman, telling her how low and filtershe is, calling her names and making her feel worthless and all the while making her feel wonderful through the physical reactions I am caUsing throughout her entire being. I make the judgement about the level and pace of punishment and there is no safe word. I’ve not got it wrong so far.” He started circling me, looking me up and down as he did so. “If you, at any time, ask me to stop, the session will end there. Do you understand me Joanna? I am in total control.” I could feel my innards shivering at the thought of three hours of being used and abused by this man. But my answer was both inevitable and predictable.

“I understand Sir.” He was facing me and I was gazing up at him as though I was a little girl staring up at Santa Claus. I felt his arms reaching round me and then the hem of my skirt being tucked out of the way and into the waistband. I could feel his breath on my forehead, a slight graze from a thumbnail across my skin. I was wearing full, white panties and he felt my bottom through the thin material. I heard my stomach gurgling again. He stopped and went to the desk and drew a short wooden paddle from the drawer and then moved a chair into the middle of the room. He sat and beckoned with a waggling hand.

“Over.” I draped myself, knowing what to expect and had to wait no more than a few seconds for the first blow to land. I realized immediately that he had meant what he said and, not only about the level of punishment to expect but also the standard of verbal abuse that poured forth with it. He decorated each wallop with a single word and I shan’t replicate it exactly here as doing so becomes dull, so I’ll just repeat the sentence you can insert the walls.

“You are a filthy slutty fucking who, from the moment we met has been causing no end of grief in my life as I was forced by your temptress like behavior to be in a permanent state of randiness. People like you only understand two things: Punishment and sex and Today my little strumpet you are going to get both in spades, in bucket fulls, by the hundredsweight and, when I’ve finished with you I’ll throw you onto the street where slappers like you belong.”

I won’t go on dear reader, but he did: on and on during a full ten minute paddling. And, I have to admit that, although I don’t like that sort of verbal abuse, from Harry, my new Master, it was having an effect that was as much between my legs as across my buttocks. But, it was also causing a noticeable change to a very truncheon-like profile that had nudged against my tummy between his legs.

“Up you get.” I used his thigh to heaven myself up. “What do you say?”

“Thank you Sir.”

“No whore. From now on you refer to me as ‘Master’ Got it?”

“Yes, I understand… Master.”

“Take that silly skirt off.” I unclipped it. “Give it to me.” I handed it to him. You won’t be getting it back: you’ll be driving home naked. Understood?” I cought but remembered the bit about the session ending at the first sign of protest.

“I understand, Master.”

“Say it, whore.”

“I will be driving home naked, Master.”

“Come closer.” I stepped forward. “Legs apart.” His hand shot out, snake-like and felt my panties. “You REALLY ARE a slut aren’t you? You’re soaking wet already. I could rip your clothes off right now and abuse you for an hour and you’d love it wouldn’t you?” I said nothing. “WELL?”

“Yes, Master, you could rip my clothes off right Now and abuse me for an hour and I’d love it Master.”

“Well, you’re gonna have to wait. Panties off.” I slipped them off and without being asked, handed them to him. “Over again.” If I’d thought that the paddling was hard the spanking was worse, far worse. Hard and fast but also concentrated first on my left buttock for 24 spanks then the same on my right cheek, then following with 36 still on the right cheek followed by 36 on the left, then 48 on the left and finally 48 on the right. I was in a daze, my head empty and my bottom on fire. He pushed me gruffly off his lap and I tumbled to the floor. I wanted to rub but knew that would be like pouring petrol on a fire so rolled my bottom against the carpet instead.

“Up.” As always his masterful tone was abrupt and slightly chilling. I struggled to my feet. “Spread your legs.” I obeyed. “Further apart.” I stretched some more just as he rose standing to my right, placed his left hand against my bottom and, with his other hand inserted two fingers inside me. I squirmed onto him Feeling the passages rising in me as though a kettle were just starting to boil. His left hand started a rhythmic spanking, not as hard as before and, this time altering one spank on each buttock. It gradually became harder and my grinding more aggressive. I could feel myself getting close and I started to grind from side to side as well but he must have sensed my advanced state because he withdraw.

“Take the rest off.”

“Yes Master. This moment couldn’t have come soon enough. I simply longed to be naked in front of this man and realized that this had been the case since I first laid eyes on him. In fact it was at this moment that I realized that, in fact, I wanted to be naked with this man. I unbuttoned my blouse and slipped it off. He took it. Reaching up behind me I unclipped my bra and slipped that off as well. My first wish had now come true. I was naked in front of Harry. He stepped forward and gripped my nipples, twisting them delightfully cruelly. I mewed and he twisted harder. ‘My kind of guy’ I mused. He nodded towards the other end of the room.

“In a moment you are to go through that door. In the other room you’ll see a post with two dildos attached, one at mouth height the other round about the level of an average pussy. They are both adjustable. Have the top one in your mouth and the lower one rubbing against your clip. I’ll be Through in a moment.” He carried on his pinching and twisting and I continued loving it. When he stopped however it was only to attach a pair of butterfly nipple clamps with weights hanging from them. “You may go.”

I hadn’t particularly noticed the door and as I opened it the light came on automatically and there, in front of my eyes was the playroom to end all playrooms. ‘I’m in heaven’ was all I could think: the place was loaded with ‘gear’. In front of me, as promised, was a heavy upright wooden beam that seemed entirely superfluous and unnecessary. Attached to it were two dildos just as Harry had described. As I made my way over to it the weights swung to and from sending little rivulets of pleasure through me. I lubed the upper one with spottle then swallowed it all the way down and ground the lower one between my legs. From the corner of my eye I saw Harry entering the room. He quickly attached cuffs to each wrist and then fastened each to hooks in the wall either side and above me. It was a wonderful set up and I was Helpless. Then he fastened something around my ankles, drawing them together, thus forcing the pressure from the lower dildo to be even more intense.


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