Toys and Torment

I had been working at a local gas station for only about three months. The pay wasn’t all that great, but it was good enough to help me to afford to make payments on the car and still have a little left over. Also, the station was only a few miles from my home, so I could ride my bike there and get a little well-needed exercise. The only bad part about it was on some nights I had to work late, and didn’t return home until after midnight.

On that particular night, we hadn’t had much business all day. Therefore I certainly didn’t expect anyone to come in when it was well past 11:00 pm. It was lonely after everybody else there had left, so I had brought my portable CD player to break up the monthony. It wasn’t the most exciting thing to do, but it would at least keep me entertained until my shift was over.

I was so absorbed in my music I didn’t hear the door opening. When I heard a click, I finally looked up. There, just in front of the counter, was a man in a ski mask, pointing a gun at me. It started me so much I backed away from the counter, causing my CD player to crash onto the floor. I backed all the way up into the shelves of cigarettes behind me. A couple of packs fell to the floor.

“Get your hands up,” the man said in a gravelly whisper.

I could tell that he wouldn’t hesitate to use that gun. I was feeling rather weak and my heart was beating up in my throat as I slowly raised my hands above my head. “What—”

”Quiet. Just do what I tell you and you’ll be fine.” There was a short pause. “Nod your head if you understand me.”

Almost terrified beyond the capability for any rational thought, I blankly nodded my head.

The man nodded slightly. “There’s a good girl.” He tossed me a bag. “Now give me all the money in that cash register.”

I took the bag and opened the register… and winced. The lack of business lately made it so that there wasn’t much in the register. Still, I took everything that was in there and put it in the bag. When I handed the bag over to him, I noticed that my arm was shaking.

He looked in the bag. “Is that all there is?”

A squeak escaped my lips. “We… haven’t had much business lately.”

He grew and raised his gun again. “There’s gotta be more money in this place. And you’re going to tell me where it is, aren’t you?”

I feel my throat going dry. “There’s… a safe where we keep all the money we’ve earned in the past week… it’s in the back room.”

The man reached over the counter and grabbed my arm. The sudden movement made me yelp in surprise. “Then we’re just going to have to go get it, won’t we?”

I stared at him with wide eyes. I could feel my throat go dry.

“Won’t we?!” He shook my arm roughly. nodded.

He came around behind the counter and grabbed me again. “If I don’t get some real money, I’ll be very disappointed,” he said, sounding like a parent talking to his child. He looked around until his eyes rested on the door leading to the back room. He jerked my arm and pulled me over to it.

The back room was a mess; it always has been. It was filled with freezers and refrigerators and boxes filled with products used to restore the shelves.

“Turn the light on.”

I reached over and flicked a switch. Slowly, the light flickered on. “Now,” he grew. “Where’s that safe?”

“In the back,” I barely squeaked out.

We wided through boxes, the robber sometimes kicking boxes aside. I almost told him to cut it out, but I realized that I was in no position to tell him what to do. At last we reached the back of the room. I felt dizzy as I led him over to the safe and opened it up. To my horror, there was nothing inside.

“Well, well… there’s nothing in here.” He turned to glare at me.

I could feel tears welling up. “They… must have emptied it…”

His eyes narrowed through the ski mask. “I’m not leaving this place empty handed… I’ll just have to take something else instead.” He said this almost thoughtfully.

Maybe I could get out of this alive after all. “What do you want?”


The word resounded in my ears like bells tolling. My jaw dropped and I could feel my eyes going wide. “No…” I half whispered, half whimpered.

”Quiet!” He pointed the gun straight at me. “Get down on your stomach!”

His words seemed distant… Everything seemed to be going in slow motion. Still, I obeyed him and lay on my stomach. A moment later I felt him sit down on my upper legs. Looking to my side, I saw something hit the floor—a backpack he had been wearing. I hadn’t noticed it earlier. I heard the zipper being undone.

“I like to be prepared for any situation,” he whispered. Some Boy Scout he was, then.

He grasped my arms and positioned them so my left and was touching the inside of my right elbow, and my right hand was touching the inside of my left elbow. He then proceeded to tie my arms like that. At that sensing of being restrained, I struggled from under him.

He shook me roughly. “Stop struggle!” he hissed. He finished up tying my arms. That done, he turned around and began tying my ankles together with more rope.

I couldn’t believe what was happening to me. To me, this was always the thing you read about in the newspaper or heard about on the news. And I had always been somewhat attracted by bondage and Some of my fans have even been a bit like this. But I never imagined that it could ever really happen.

He finished tying me up and turned me over onto my back. I turned at the weight being put on my arms. He took something out of his backpack. “Open your mouth,” he whispered.

So he was going to gag me now. I really didn’t want that. I stared at him, my mouth clamped shut.

“Come on now, open up,” he said coalingly. Before I knew what was happening, he thrust his hand up my shirt and squeezed one of my nipples. There was no need for the sudden movement; I couldn’t have stopped him anyway, but the touch sent a little jolt of ecstasy through me. Appalled and frightened, my mouth flew open involuntarily to let out a moan of protest. He immediately stuffed a cloth into it.

“Mmmmmphh…. Rrrrrphhhh!!!” I moaned into the clothes. The thing was just too big to spit out.

“So,” the man said as he removed a roll of duct tape from his pack. “How much do you think Your parents will pay to get you back?” He tore off a few strips and put them over my mouth. I tried to resist, but all I could do was turn my head a little, but that didn’t help me much. The terrible reality of the situation hit me like an oncoming car, and I began struggling and trying to scream through the gag. Hearing my voice muffled like that panicked me even more.

My captor seemed amused by this. “Sorry, I can’t understand you… you’ve got something in your mouth.”

He put the last strip of tape over my eyes. “Sorry about this,” he said, “but I’m starting to get sweaty under this mask.” I heard him remove his ski mask. “That’s better… now, let’s get out of here.”

“Nnnnphhh!!! Mmmmm!!!” I thrashed against my ropes. Of course, the struggle did nothing more than tired me out. I felt myself being picked up and carried out of the room with me cradle in his arms like a baby.

I figured we were near the counter when he stopped walking. “You got a purse in that duffel bag there, sweety?” he purred into my ear.

I let out a muffled whimper. It came out as nothing more than the mewling of a kitten. I really didn’t want him looking in there. I had stopped at the store where I get my sex toys on the way to my shift and bought a few new things.

To my dismay, I felt myself being set onto the floor, and a few seconds later, I heard the bag being unzipped. I heard a chuckle. “You like bondage, eh?” he said. I felt a hand struggling my hair. “Then I guess you’re really loving this, huh?”

”Mmmmm…” I moaned. I could feel myself blushing as I understand in my bonds athis touch.

I heard another zipper being undone. “I think I’ll take these toys along too. Maybe you and I can have some fun later on.”

Oh, no. I shook my head. “Nnnmm!”

He chuckled lightly again. “You know, a bound and gagged girl is much better than money any day.” I feel myself being picked up and carried out the door. The cool evening air hit me like a wave. I didn’t struggle much, because if he dropped me now, it would be onto the hard blacktop. There was a short walk, and then I was put down onto the ground as he opened up his car. I heard what I assumed to be the opening of double doors in the back of a van. Then I was set inside. Then the doors closed, and a few seconds later my kidnapper opened his driver’s side door and got in.

I could feel him close to me. Apparently there was no separation between the back part of the van and the front seats. “I’m going to take your gag off now, so we can chat a bit. Would you prefer that I rip it off quickly or peel it off slowly?”

“Mmmph mm rrrphhh…”

He laughed. I hated that laugh. “Oh, that’s right, you can’t speak until I actually take the gag off,” he said as if he had actually forgotten that. “I’ll just have to guess.”

I felt him take hold of the corner of the tape covering my mouth. I braced myself. However he removed the tape, it would hurt either way. He ripped it away in one quick motion. I screamed from the pain.

“Oops, sorry.” I heard him turn around and start the engine. “Now,” he said as I felt the car begin to move. “What’s your name?”

I thought a moment. Should I tell him my name? Well, why not? If he intended to hold me for ransom, he would need to know my name. My throat was still dry, but I managed to get it out.

“Well, –name-, it’s a pleasure to meet you.”

I almost grew in frustration.

“Your ropes aren’t too tight, are they?”

I could think of lots of smart-mouthed replies to this question, but as good a mood as my captor appeared to be in now, I didn’t think that would be a good idea. “They’re a little uncomfortable.”

“Oh. Sorry about that. I’ll tie you in a more comfortable position when we get home.”

It was weird. He seemed so disgruntled when I first met him. I thought about what he said. This guy was a person just like me; therefore I could talk to him rationally. I shifted my position so I wasn’t laying on top of my arms. “So… you’re going to hold me for ransom then?”

“That’s right. However, I am a bit of a bond fan too, so you’ll be tied the whole time. I’m no rapist, but I might feel compelled to… play with you a bit. After all, it’s not every day a guy gets to kidnap a girl, eh? If you’re going to do something like that, you may as well have fun with it.”

I groaned. I failed to see the logic behind his reasoning.

“Now, –name-, you’re in no position to protest. You’ll be able to complain and scream and struggle all you like, but none of it will do youAny good. If you can learn to relax, you might even end up enjoying this.”

“No way,” I said, my voice quivering. I still hadn’t quite given up hope on my bonds. My struggle earlier had been panicked thrashing, but now I was almost calmly working at them, trying to get some slack in the ropes.

He chuckled. “We’ll see.”

Who did this guy think he was?

“Do you like music? How about I turn on the radio?”

I didn’t know what to say. After a moment, I stammered. “O… okay.” I really wished that I didn’t have to be blindfolded.

I heard the radio turn on… louder than I usually like it. I recognized the station as the station that was always playing in my family’s car, a classic rock station. He began humming long to the song that was playing, which happened to be one of my favorite Van Halen songs. The song always made me feel kind of good inside… but probably whenever I heard it after this, it would remind me of this night. I rolled my eyes at the thought.

We drove on for some time before I actually began to wonder exactly where we were headed. There was little chance I would ever get the opportunity to find out, though.

Suddenly, I heard his voice from the driver’s seat. “Hey, I’ve got an idea.”

I was almost too afraid to ask. “W… what?”

I felt the car pulling over to the side of the road. The driver’s side door opened and closed, then I heard the back doors opening and him climbing into the back. “I’ll bet you’re bored back here.”

I tried to see what he was getting at and failed.

I heard him digging around in his backpack. “Ah, here it is.”

“What!” I asked, more of an exclamation than a question. I desperately wished that I could see. Maybe he was after one of the “toys” I had bought earlier Today. The ball gag? The S&M mask? Or could it be the…

I felt the button on my jeans being tugged open, then my zipper being pulled down. I gasped and tried to pull away. My horror increased as I feltmy jeans and underwear being pulled down to my knees. Cold air hit my crotch. I shivered. “W… what are you doing?” I cried out.

I heard a loud buzzing and moaned. It was the remote controlled vibrator I had bought. I wished then that I hadn’t bothered to get batteries for it right away. “No…” I said.

”Come on now, don’t be stubborn.” He took hold of my upper left leg and with the other hand started rubbing my clip, sending tingling, almost electric charges through me.

I yelped and struggled as much as my bonds would allow. “Stop! Stoppit!”

He tsked. “Now, you have a choice here, –name-. Either I shove that thing up your pussy while it’s still dry, or I get the juices flowing so it goes in easier.”

I surprised. He was right about that. Besides, I really didn’t have much of a choice. As long as I was tied up, he was free to touch me however he wanted. I lay there and tolerated his rubbing and prodding. There I was, victim of a robbery-turned-kidnapping,tied up and molested in the back of a cold van. I just couldn’t believe it. But, he stopped at long last. That wasn’t the end of it, though. I felt the already vibrating vibrator being slowly shoved into my pussy.

I groaned. I have another vibrator at home, and simply inserting it into my pussy never does all that much. I realized then that that was probably because I was doing it to myself. When my captor inserted it in, the effect was far more intense.

“There you are. That should keep you entertained until we get home,” he said, pulling my pants back up. He gave my left breast a squeeze before heading back up front. I was already bucking in my ropes when he got back into the driver’s seat and started the car again.

Sure, I had done things like this to myself before… but to become sexually aroused in front of someone else was extremely embarrassing. I didn’t want to give the impression that I might be enjoying myself.

“How’s it going back there?” he called back, followed by that annoying chuckle.

I was becoming increasingly aroused by the combination of the vibrator and the ropes. All I could get out were a few moans and grunts.

“Enjoying yourself? Good!” he called back cheerfully.

I let out a long, frustrated scream. His taunts were only making it worse. I could feel an orgasm building deep inside. Trying to hold it in only made the tingling sensing more intense. I didn’t realize how much I had been grunting and crying out until the orgasm released. It hit me like a brick wall—I let out a high-pitched shriek. Another scream came, and another, as I thrashed uncontrollably. I was afraid I might hurt myself, but I couldn’t stop it. Slowly, it wound down until I was left panting and moaning.

“Slow down, hon. Save some for later.”

I could feel a wetness in my underwear. I had come into them. And still the vibrator continued to vibrate away. “Turn it off! Please, turn it off!” I pleaded.

To my surprise and reief, the vibrating stopped. Even so, I could still f eel it pushing inside me. “There you are,” I heard him say from up front. “I wouldn’t want you to wear yourself out. Don’t worry. We’re almost home.”

”No, let me go!” That only earned me a chuckle from up front. Well, I wasn’t seriously hoping that he would let me go. I thought back to all those bondage stories I had read in the past. If this was just words on paper, I would be getting turned on, but still safe and sound –and free—in my house. I sawhed. There really was nothing to do but wait until we arrived at our destination… wherever that might be.

“Do you mind if I ask you a personal question?” I heard my captor’s voice says.

My eyes narrowed, forming little wrinkles in the duct tape over my eyes. The guy tied me up, pulled down my pants and molested me with my own vibrator, and then asks me if I mind if he asks me a personal question? “Sure, why not?” I grew.

“Are you a virgin?”

I groaned. Ohno, he asked if I was a virgin. That can’t be good. “Yes, I am, why?” My mouth was becoming sore from the orgasmic screaming I had been doing. I had screamed like I had never screamed before; so it was no wonder it hurt so much.

There was a pause. “Just wondering.”

”I want to go home,” I muttered, realizing immediately afterward that it sounded really pouty.

“What? You’re not having a good time? Whatever could be wrong?”

He was mocking me again. “No I am not!” Why did I bother? How do you argue with a kidnapper, especially such a cocky one?

“And why not, my precious?”

I almost moaned again. Now he was onto calling me precise… “I’m cold, I’m wet, I have a sore throat, I’m uncomfortable bound and blindfolded, and above all, I’m very scared!” Tears were filling my eyes, soaking the tape.

“Well, you’ll be home eventually, assuming your parents are able to pay the ransom. Until then,” he said, “I can give you something for that sore throat.”

I wriggled around. The fluids in my underwear were beginning to irritate my crotch. Not only that, but they were beginning to smell bad, too. “Well, how far is where we’re going?” My tears were soaking my blindfold enough to where I figured I might be able to rub it off. I started rubbing on the floor of the van, hoping to make a corner of the tape catch on something.

”Can’t wait to get to the fun eh? There’s the spirit. Don’t worry, it won’t be too long.”

I could have screamed at him, but instead I worked at my blindfold. At last, a corner of tape caught on the floor. With a little careful coating, the tape came off easily, albeit painfully. At last, I was able to look around. Of course, it was dark, so I couldn’t see much. The back of the van was well equipped. You could almost live back here. There was a big cooler in a corner, and the spot where I was laying was fixed up like a bed—how appropriate.

I looked up toward the front of the van. Even in the dim light, I could see that it was a mess up there. There were crumped up fast food bags and soft drink cups. I could barely see that the glove compartment was hanging open from the bulge of maps and papers inside. “Don’t you ever clean this place?” I asked. Immediately, I realized my mistake. Now he would know that I was no longer blindfolded.

He almost looked back, but then seemed to stop himself so I wouldn’t see his face. “My, you’re a slippery one, aren’t you?” He sounded slightly irritated.

After a few minutes, the van began to slow down. After a sluggish turn, the van stopped. All was silent for a moment, before my captor spoke.

“We’re here, hon.” He reached over and pulled his ski mask on. He got out of the van and came around to the back.

When he opened the door, I was hit by a rush of cold air. It actually felt kind of nice, since I was getting so sweety and hot lying there in my ropes. He climbed into the back of the van.

“Let’s get that gag back on, now,” he said. He pulled out his handy dancey roll of duct tape again and began laying strips over my mouth again. After he was done with that, he once again laid a strip over my eyes.

“Mmmphh, nnrrphh… mm…” You have no idea how frustrating it is trying to speak through a gag.

“That’s nice, sweets.”

“MMPHHH!!! RRPPHHMRRPHH!!” Had I not been blindfolded I would have glared at him angrily. I really was sick of his attitude and his calling me by affectionate names. But then, it was better than calling me bitch, whore, and things like that. At least it didn’t sound like he means me any real physical harm, despite the use of the gun earlier.


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