Leaning backwards through the stocks the toy felt utterly helpless as her Master circled around her giving the other people in the room a clear view of her taut spread eagled body. The spreader bar that forced her shaking limbs apart dug its cold hard ends into the inner part of her knees and she could feel her legs stretched out to their limit. Her wrists and neck locked in the solid grip of the heavy wooden stocks, her pale naked flesh displayed for her Masters audience.
The toy could only see to the extent of her eye movement and peripheral vision as her head was secured so tightly. All she could really see was the high vaulted ceiling of her Masters dungeon, the chains that hung from its surface, and the swing that hung limp and empty to her left. She could hear her Masters movement, and the background noises of playing going on elsewhere in the room. She strained to hear more clearly in an attempt to decipher what was going on in the hope that a fellow submissive was being used in much the same way as her. She could make out muffled breathing and almost grunting, along with the sound of a woman’s cruel soft laughter mocking an unseen subject. “That’s it, take it boy,” she heard, “push yourself back on my cock,” said the low authoritative female voice.
Suddenly her world exploded into a white hot pain that shot across her full ample breasts. She let out a yelp of surprise and pain, and then it came again, the long black crop of her Master slashing down impacting on her already reddening breasts. Her attention was truly back in reality now as the blows rained down a dozen times more.
A strong hand gripped the back of her hair as a low growl rasped at her ear “I said, what is your name girl?”
“Toy112 Master,” she heard her own meek voice answer.
She hadn’t heard her Master speak, and she now wished she had not been so interested in what was going on elsewhere in the room. “What is your purpose?” came the deep growl again.
She swallowed hard and took in a deep breath as the crop descended again “to serve Master.”
Her breasts were on fire now, they throbbed with singing pain, and the voice came again this time in a snarl “serve who girl?”
“You Master, Master. To serve you,” she blurted urgently.
One last stinging blow landed across her aching red breasts before the voice said in a calm flat tone “good girl. You are working out to be a useful toy for me to amuse myself with.”
Her Master disappeared from view, and she heard more movement, and the faith click of metal before she felt warm leather rest on the inside of her thighs. Masters hands squeezed tightly, and she wriggled as he slide them further up towards her naked shamen pussy. She flinched as his fingers dug into the soft sensitive flesh of her inner thighs and his leather gloves seemed to heat up as he mauled her.
She felt one of the hands move away from her thigh and begin to lightly spank her pussy. The sensing was heavEnough as Master kept a constant rhythm and increased the strength of his strikes until they stung as the leather of his gloves bit at her labia then eased back down to the light patterning he had started with. He kept this going for several long wonderful minutes before suddenly he stopped.
Cold prickles rolled up the inside of her right thigh, lightly at first but then harder and more biting. This was repeated on her left tigh, then moving ever closer towards her pussy. There was a brief moment of nothing as Master obviously retrieved something, then the pin wheel rolled lightly over her puffy labia, and brushed tantalisingly over her clip hood. Master expertly traced the folds of her most private place all the time slightly increasing the pressure so as to direct her mistakes and wriggles. The toy let out a sight as she feel Masters free hand spread open her lips, his agile fingers pulling the elastic skin teach as he spread them so wide unmasking her engaged clip and moist hole.She gasped loudly as she felt the sharp needle like points of the pin wheel roll torturously up the inner folds of her slit towards her completely exposed, and by now very engaged and throbbing clip. She didn’t know whether to scream or cum, the sensing was so exhaustive.
Master singled out her clip for attention next, and deftly manoeuvred the instrument circuit around it and edging ever closer to his goal. She could Feel the dull ache in her gut and she knew that she would cum very hard very soon. Just as he decreased the pressure on her pulsating cunt the orgasm threatened to overcome her, and she became through stifled whimpers “please Master, please may i cum?”
Master removed the tool and as she relaxed her body a little the intense desire faded slightly. He stabbed the glistening spiked roller into her clip whilst at the same time commanding “now girl.” Her throbbing aching pussy gushed warm sweet juices all over the insides of her thighs, down over her firm buttocks and drenched Masters left hand. She quivered and shook as her intense climax ebbed away, she tingled with a mixture of pleasure, pain, excitement, and fear. She never wanted to leave this place.
Master came around to the side of her head and wronged her head back by roughly gripping her hair and pulling down sharply. The sudden move started her and she looked up at Master with huge fearful eyes. He let go of her hair and pulled open her jaw holding it tight in an iron grip. He showed her his hand soaked in her cum, and with a smile curling his lips he said “clean it,” before pushing his fingers into her open orifice. She sucked and licked urgently, and swallowed down the slippery liquid. She was incredibly aroused and was shocked at herself, she had never tasted her own before, the sweet musky flavour was strange to her but not unpleasant. Master forced his fingers deeper into her mouth so they filled her completely, she licked, sucked and swallowed.
The toy heard theFemale voice again, “get down there boy, between her legs, knee boy,” she heard it order. She felt what she could only assume was the male subs arm or leg brush against the back of her calm as he positioned himself according to his Mistresses instructions. “That’s it you worthless whelp, stay there just like that.” The Female voice said.
Suddenly the toy felt long finger nails drag across Her stomach and up towards her breasts. The talon like and perfectly manicured tips made her shiver as they dug in. The Mistress came into view as she reached the stocks at the toys head end. The toy could only see her from the wait up because of her restricted movement, but she was beautiful. Standing with a sleek black and red riding crop held across her body she had an authority and confidence that oozed from every part of her.
She had an elegant aquiline face with high cheese bones and wide scarlet painted lips that compiled her large expressive icy blue eyes. Her golden blonde hair tumbled down over her bare smooth pale skinned shoulders towards her black corseted bosom, and her perfectly manicured finger nails flashed glossy red as she swiped the crop down to connect with her submissive somewhere between the toys legs. The toy heard the crack as the leather tip struck flesh, “lick her arse boy,” ordered the perfect Mistress. A short moment later toy twitched as she felt the eager boy lap at her Puckered hole. She felt quite invaded as the sub pushed into her with his limber tongue and proceeded to push deeper and deeper. She could feel her face flush and her juices flowing despite trying to resist succumbing to the attention. Then it dawned on her…..Where was Master?
“Would you be so kind as to blindfold the toy please Madam,” toy hear her Masters voice from somewhere behind her.
“Of course Master. We can’t have her seeing what’s coming next can we.” The toy could hear perverse humour in the perfect Mistress’s words, and she could feel new apprehension building swiftly within her. The perfect Mistress approached the toy with a long broad length of smooth black leather. She was folding it over itself ensuring that there would be no possibility for even the slightest chink of light to bleed beneath it once it was in place.
The toy was left for what felt like an age as she heard her Master and the Mistress moving around her preparing whatever was in store for her next. The boy was still licking eagerly at her arse, his tongue really going to town deep inside her, and she wondered if he actually enjoyed his task. Suddenly she felt a shock of heat splatter over her left breast. She gasped and wriggled as the hot wax cooled tightening and solidifying on her firm young skin. Before she had time to recover from that shock another hot splattering hit her right breast and caused her to make a yelp as it landed. An amused chuckle came from Master as he said “what a delightful response, don’t you think Mistress? Her tight littlebody wriggling and squirming like that.”
“Mmm, wonderful Master. I think this specimen should be at pride of place for the next dinner party. She has such an innocents about her, and her body is divine,” came the perfect Mistresses reply. The toy was trembling with excitement, fear and anticipation as she tried desperately to stop from cumming as the perfect Mistress’s boy tongued her arse hole expertly. She had noted the way that the perfect Mistress’s last words seemed to drip with wicked glee at the mention of a dinner party. She had no idea what the Mistress was talking about but couldn’t help wondering if she had pleased Master enough that He would wish to show her off. The thought made the toys heart skip a beat and she was filled with a rush of pride and elation that Master might value her so highly.
Master’s voice was right in the toys ear as she heard him say “don’t make a sound my little play thing. You don’t want to disappoint Me and Mistress now do you?” Not wanting to risk giving a verbal answer the toy shook her head urgently, hoping to appear since and eager. Suddenly what felt like hot liquid was dribbled onto her breasts and down over her smooth stomach. The shock of it took her breath away, and her body tensed and strained against the stocks and spreader bar as she barely managed to stop from making a sound.
Master and Mistress were pouring the liquid wax all over her heaving breasts, the nipples stiff and crinkled despite the numbing sensing they now had. Once they were content with the covering of her breasts they slowly moved down over her stomach with interlacing dribbles of wax. The sensing was strange but after the initial shock of the heat that lasted for a second or two the toy found that the feeling of the cooling cracking wax on her bare flesh was not at all the sequencing pain she would have imagined would be caused by this act.
The toy then noticed with some alarm that Master and Mistress were continuing towards her pussy mound. She wriggled involuntarily as the wax got nearer and nearer. She heard both Master and Mistress’s amusement at her prediction as finally the first splashes of hot wax fall on her swollen outer labia. It tingled, and she felt it drying almost instantly which made her lips feel as if they were tightening, again she was surprised that it wasn’t a more painful sensing. “Open her up.” She Heard the perfect Mistress snap at her submissive. “Quickly you pathetic whelp. We haven’t got all day,” came the Mistress’s following up. The toy could hear the boy scrambling to his feet between her legs, then felt bare skin against the inside of her thighs, and then realized that the boy was standing in the gap inside her legs between her legs between her pussy and the spreader bar.
A moment later she felt his hands gently pulling open her pussy lips to reveal her inner sanctum. The toy feel incredibly vulnerable and really was frightened by now, she felt herself beginning to sob softly. But this did not last for long as what felt like molten lava splashed directly onto her exposed clip and inner folds. This time she could not stop herself from letting out a brief scream. The heat only lasted for a couple of seconds but it was so intense that she really did think it was something other than wax. But her worries were soon dissipated as she felt the now familiar sensing of wax cooling and drying on her delicate skin.
The next thing she knew the boy between her legs was ordered to remove the spreader bar, and to clean her pussy. She could feel the wax dry and cracked all over her and it made her skin feel tight, but she had to admit to herself that she liked its clinging feeling. The boy used a wet clothes to clean toys pussy and then dried it with a towel before saying “is this to your satisfaction Mistress?” It was the first time toy had heard her fellow sub talk, and she noticed that his voice seemed slightly muffled as if covered by something. She couldn’t help but wonder who he was.
The perfect Mistress’s reply came quickly “put the harness on, remove her blindfold, and wait for Me facing the wall.”
“Yes Mistress,” replied the boy. Toy heard him move away and then a few moments later heard buckles being fastened.
Toy wondered what Master and Mistress were doing. They were over the other side of the large room and she could hear them talking in hushed voices, but she was unable to see them as her vision was still covered by the blindfold. What felt like three or four minutes past before she heard the boy approach her again. She felt his hands untying the leather around her head and lifting it away from her face, and she had to blink several times to readjust her eyes to the light in the room, after a few blinks and a minute or so of squiting through her lashes she was able to see properly again.
Out of the corner of her eye she caught the movement of Master and Mistress making their way over to her, and the boy that sheAs They came into full view the toy could see that Master was stripped to the wait revealing a firm athletic torso with clearly defined muscles and a smooth broad chest. Toys eyes were fixed on Him, and she felt fresh juices trickling from her exposed pussy.
She then flicked her eyes over to the perfect Mistress and her skin turned to goose bumps. She had changed into a black satin under bus corset that showedcased her small pert breasts. The nipples were a rich pink, and they stood as erect and crinkled as the toys own did. Toy continued down her body to see that the perfect Mistress wore a black satin suspender belt to which were attached beautiful black silk stockings that protruded only a few inches above the tops of a pair of soft black leather boots that came up over Her knees, and ended in vicious looking five or six inch steel bladed heels. It wasn’t until toy let her eyes rove back up the Mistress that she realized that she wasn’t wearing any panties, and the smoothly shaven lips of her pussy were clearly visible beneath a small neighbor triangle of soft blonde public hair.
The toy swallowed at the sight of the vision before her and just at that moment felt a long trickle of her pussy juice run down over her arse.
Master came up beside the toys head, and unlocked the clasps on the stocks before lifting the heavy wooden top half away from the trapped toys neck and wrists. He gripped the toys hair, and hauled her up so she stood upright and wobbly on aching trembling legs. He then took a pair of steel police handcuffs from his pocket and ordered the toy to put her hands in front of her. She did as she was told and the hand cuffs were locked into place. Gripping her hair once more he guided her over to a padded bench that resembled a school gymnasiums horse bench.
He led her right up to it until her upper thighs pressed against its cool leather padding, and then roughly pushed her over until she was bent forwards over the piece of furniture. Master then walked around in front of the bench and padlocked the hand cuff chain to a heavy duty steel ring that was set into the floor. He then came back around to her rear and pushed her legs apart until he was satisfied. A few short seconds later her ankles were cuffed and chained to the legs of the benchmark. The toy felt utterly at his mercy not for the first time during this meeting.
In the two months that she had been serving her Master, she had experienced a roller coaster of emotions ranging from shear excultance to down right fear. Not to mention the physical pleasures and torques she had experienced. But throughout every session she never wanted to leave his service.
The dried cracked wax on the toys breasts and stomach felt uncomfortable underneath the weight pressing down on it, she couldn’t help thinking that this had been Intentional and so tried to ignore it as she wondered what she would be used for next.
From somewhere behindher the toy heard the perfect Mistress address Her boy. “Is that it? you call that a cock. It’s not even worth my time,” she taunted.
“Yes Mistress. Sorry Mistress,” came the boys feeble answer.
There was a short pause before She said “fuck her mouth, not with that pathetic tooth pick, do it with the rubber one.”
“Yes Mistress. Thank you Mistress,” came his reply with more than a hint of disappointment. The toy didn’t know what to do, this boy had just been ordered to fuck her mouth but she had been told by Master that she was not allowed to do anything with any other man without his expressed permission. Even though it was to be with a fake cock she didn’t want to disobey Master.
The boy moved round in front of her and she found herself looking at two Identical cocks. The boy was wearing a strapon harness with an exact rubber replica of his cock sprouting from its housing. Beneath it its clone stood fully erect and straining up against the leather of the harness that was forcing it to be pushed down at an unnatural angle. The cock looked to be a decent size of around six to seven inches, and the toy found herself wondering why the perfect Mistress was ridiculing the boy for its size. She considered it to be a perfectly good specimen from what she could see only inches from her face.
As the toy had decided that she didn’t want to displease Master she turned her head away as the boy pushed the cocks forward . The boy pulled back and she looked up into his face in the hope that she would be able to make him understand that she needed permission. But she never saw his face. The boy entire head was covered in a tight black rubber mask that left his face completely featureless. The only detail on the mask was two air holes at the nostrils and two slots for the boy to see out of. The boy pushed forwards again, and again she turned her head away. Trying to overcome her nervouss the toy tried to find her voice. “M…M..Master. Please may I suckMistress’s boys cock?” She asked pathetically.
There was a pause as Master considered his reply, and the boy having now realized toys predict waited for the response. “You may,” said Master “but it is not Mistress’s boys cock. It is Mistress’s cock.”
The toy cursed herself inwardly as she realized her mistake and replied “Yes Master. Thank you. I am sorry Master, I will not forget again.”
Master’s voice, still somewhere behind toy said “you must apologise to Mistress, it is after all Mistress’s cock.”
The toy desperately tried to think of an apology that would satisfy Mistress as her fear rose. After what felt like forever she hit upon an idea. She took a deep breath and said in as loud a voice as she could manage “I am very sorry Mistress, I will not make that mistaken again. Please allow me to make up for my stupidity.” She closed her eyes, and waited for the perfect Mistress’s reply.
The toys body went rigid with fear as she heard the sound of the perfect Mistress’s metal heels striking the floor as She paced towards her. The sound stopped to her right and slightly behind her, the Mistress said nothing. Long moments of silence passed, then white hot singing pain shot across her buttocks once, twice, three times. The cane bit hard as it struck, and the pain was excruciating. The toy clenched her fists and arched her back as she tried not to scream out. Then the sound of the perfect Mistress’s heels received back to where they had come from and toy relaxed again. The perfect Mistress’s authoritative voice commanded her boy, “now, fuck her mouth.” With that the boy pushed his Mistress’s rubber and real cocks forward, and toy opened her mouth.
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